
Tea Spirit

Follow Oasis, a Tea Spirit, as he travels the world discovering the wonders that lay hidden. Tea Spirit is a short fantasy story with BL relationships. Chapters will be uploaded every Thursday.

TeaBreak · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2-Following

Zhulong, the envious god with an insatiable appetite for beauty, silently trailed Oasis as the latter ventured into the mystical forest. Concealed by the shadows, Zhulong observed Oasis's every move with a growing fascination. The scars that marred Oasis's once radiant beauty seemed to captivate Zhulong, stirring a peculiar interest within the god's heart.

As Oasis moved through the ancient trees and lush foliage, Zhulong couldn't help but be intrigued by the lingering aura of tranquility that accompanied him. The god, accustomed to chaos and storms, found an unsettling calmness in Oasis's presence. A curiosity sparked within Zhulong's heart, a desire to understand the source of this serene energy that had once brought solace to the now-destroyed valley.

The god, unaccustomed to emotions other than envy, began to question the nature of Oasis's resilience. What drove this wounded spirit to continue its journey, carrying the weight of a shattered past? Zhulong, usually consumed by his own desires, found himself drawn to the mystery that surrounded Oasis, like a moth to a flickering flame.

Silently weaving through the trees, Zhulong observed Oasis as he paused near a babbling brook. The scars on Oasis's form seemed to tell a tale of sacrifice and loss, a story that resonated with the god in unexpected ways. In the midst of the forest's gentle whispers, Zhulong felt a seed of empathy taking root within him, a sensation foreign and intriguing.

As Oasis continued his journey, unaware of the god's silent pursuit, Zhulong wrestled with conflicting emotions. Envy still smoldered within him, but now, there was a spark of something else—an admiration for Oasis's enduring spirit and a growing yearning to understand the essence of the tranquility that clung to him like a gentle mist.

In the heart of the mystical forest, the dance between the wounded guardian and the envious god unfolded, their fates intertwined in ways neither could foresee.


As Oasis stood poised against the mindless creature, its haunting moans reverberating through the desolate landscape, a sudden intervention disrupted the impending clash.

Zhulong, shrouded in regal splendor and wielding awe-inspiring strength, materialized in human form, effortlessly fending off the abomination that threatened Oasis.

The creature, a grotesque amalgamation of life and death, seemed to respond to Oasis's gentle encouragement with vacant eyes and tortured groans.

Despite its horrific state, Oasis, with a heart filled with empathy, tried to offer solace to the tortured being. It was a futile effort, for the creature had lost its mind to the cruel whims of existence.

Just as Oasis expressed surprise and gratitude toward his unexpected savior, Zhulong, in his human guise, regarded Oasis with a cryptic gaze.

The god, with a demeanor that hinted at depths of ancient knowledge, offered no explanation but simply stated, "A spirit needs protection."

Oasis, puzzled yet grateful, inquired about the stranger's identity. Zhulong's response was enigmatic, "I am but a fleeting shadow." With those cryptic words, Zhulong vanished as swiftly as he had appeared, leaving Oasis standing in the eerie silence that followed.

Unseen by Oasis, Zhulong muttered to himself as he faded into the shadows, "A Necromancer's touch lingers here. I must stay close to the spirit."

The god, sensing a threat that transcended the immediate danger, recognized the signs of a dark presence manipulating the balance between life and death.

In the wake of this encounter, Oasis, though grateful for the intervention, couldn't shake the mystery surrounding his enigmatic savior. Unbeknownst to him, Zhulong lingered in the shadows, silently vowing to protect the wounded guardian from the unseen forces that sought to disturb the delicate harmony of life and death in the mystical forest.