
TDG: Son of the Lord of the Ten Worlds

A modern man reborn in the World of Cultivation. The journey of Li Ming, one of the many orphans in the City of Glory, and his path to understand the reason for his transmigration to this fantasy world and, of course, reach the pinnacle of cultivation along the way. As he discovers that he has a Baground so frightening that even immortal emperors and old immortals tremble. --------- https://discord.gg/pnBQTzJr paypal.me/david911234

Demon_King22 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter - 11

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Li Ming had smiled very big since they had left the demon spirit stall behind.

Ning'er couldn't understand why he was so happy. He'd actually leapt with excitement when she checked out the demonic spirits being sold in the barn, and had literally rushed over to get them for him.

It was just a demonic spirit duo of the Green Serpent and the Red Eagle. What was there to be so excited about? She really couldn't figure it out...

The eagles continually flew in large flocks above Glory City and their only offensive ability was to heat their feathers until they caught fire with small embers of fire. And the green snake was even worse dozens of them could be found in almost any small river or pond within the city, and their only offensive weapon was the fact that they had a mildly paralyzing bite, which didn't mean much considering all cultivators had some resistance the poison.

"Why are you so happy?" Ning'er asked, unable to refrain from asking.

"Because both of these demonic spirits have extraordinary growth rates" Li Ming promptly replied, holding both spirit spheres round and smiling a little "I haven't expected to find something like this in a while and especially not in a random market"

"Growth rates?" Ning'er tipped her head and asked. She had never heard of it before. The common practice of a demonic spiritualist was to integrate a demonic spirit, the best they could get, and use it until they got a better and stronger one to merge with.

Li Ming blinked and looked at her as if she were an idiot, but he could not blame her for that, even though he only knew because of his cultivation technique.

His Totem Cultivation Technique found ways to accelerate the growth and potential of a Beast mark by not only using high-growth demonic beasts, but also those with rare and very powerful affinities.

Ning's cheeks reddened with embarrassment, though she didn't understand why...

Li Ming smirked as he said, "I forgot how wasteful everyone is with their demonic spirits without really understanding them."

Ning'er had a feeling she should be insulted about her ancestor's parts, but honestly, she just giggled at the casual insult.

"You see, demonic spirits like us humans have talents," Li Ming began to explain, and and Ning'er listened with interest, "These talents, ranging from poor, to good, to excellent, then extraordinary, and finally God, are a a bit like the strength colors of our soul. They determine the talent of a demonic spirit to become stronger"

"Demon Spirits can get stronger!?" Ning'er gasped in shock. This has changed, so much! There were many who gave up demonic spirits which suited them better because the spirits were weaker than the others they got. If they could get stronger, there wouldn't be a call to waste such expensive spirits.

"Yes!" Li Ming answers: "It's pretty simple really. Demonic spirits will grow slightly like their demonic spiritualist, and if you focus on them, you can actually cultivate their power as well.

Li Ming approached Ning'er after saying this and showed her the two demon spirits she had bought for him: "These two can be remarkably weak," he confided, "But with their incredible growth rates, it will be a simple matter increase their powers"

'Li ming really is something else, isn't he? He has a talent I could never hope to match with the pace I'm going at now. He's so smart and wise. He knows so much and is really strong too!' Ning'er thought.

"With my special cultivation technique, I can have much more than just a demonic spirit," Li Ming continued, holding the spirits, his soul force red with black lightning shimmering through it exploding around his arm, just as he closed his fingers around the demonic spirits and in front of Ning'er's shocked eyes.

Li Ming opened he hand a moment later, to reveal that both demon spirits had become completely absorbed in his soul realm!

"Ha!" Ning'er screamed in shock as the aura exploded around him, the crimson soul force pushing it back a few feet. Looking at Li Ming's face and she couldn't help but stare in awe when his looked at her, both of his eyes emitted a blinding light that hid he blood red pupils.

The amount of soul power that Li Ming obtained from his two newly subdued and integrated demon spirits was minuscule. Even so, though, it seemed that his power had been honed in leaps and bounds as he could hear his Aspect Totem roar in satisfaction. His senses sharpened. His soul grew heavier, and it seemed that the world around him opened up and glowed with a new life to which his had been blind before.

His new spirits were completely consumed without heirs. The red eagle and the green serpent fought as they were slowly devoured, after all the difference between their power and the power of his Aspect Totem was like the difference between heaven and earth.

"The skills I got from my Beast Mark are getting more and more powerful." Li Ming reflected as he left the realm of the soul behind and returned to the physical world.

"My skill with the dark flame (Silver Tiger) is much more powerful now that it has devoured the red eagle" due to his much superior soul strength. It also seemed that some abilities of his Aspect Totem had gained a certain affinity for poison and corrosion, thanks to the green snake...

Most interestingly, no doubt, he was tempted to stay where he was, under the blazing sun that shone on him and he mate, basking in the strength he felt coursing through his veins, and studying his cultivation technique deeper.

But he put that thought aside immediately, while he was undoubtedly very strong he was still just a tiny drop of water compared to the ocean he was fighting for. He didn't allow himself to feel content with this meager level of power.

"Ready to go?" Li Ming asked his beautiful companion who simply nodded, he began to walk even more confidently than before.


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