
the cleansing of sacred family

As Shen xiu saw the prices she became happy and hugged lu chen, the prices are :

[ Storm Fox God Scripture ]

[ Nine tails bloodline ]

[ law of Storm ]

[ summoning card - legendary rank *2 ]

[ cleansing pill ]

[ beauty pill ]

[ excellent growth sky fox spirit ]

[ soul sea mountain pill ]

[ external spirit bone - nine tails( growth bone ) ]

Lu chen is dumbfounded. External spirit bone, isn't that from douluo? How is it here? Can it work like this? But he didn't dwell too much and Shen xiu after seeing her prices is ecstatic. Previously her worry is how to convince others to join her faction and take over the sacred family.

Now with two legendary ranks in her hand it's very simple. Shen xiu is very happy, she received all her rewards and then looked at lu chen shyly. Her cheeks and ears turned red and she looked away.

Lu chen sent her back to deal with sacred family first and then asked her to return to him, she nodded and replaced her demon spirit with sky fox demon spirit and practiced with the storm fox God scripture until she achieved her long awaited breakthrough.

She used the two legendary rank summons and took them with her to make a change. Her eyes turned cold looking at the direction of sacred family, her brother murdered her father, her nephew Shen fei tried to force her once. She wanted to kill those two bastards.

As for why she is fond of Shen yue, it's because he is the only one who cared for her in the sacred family compound and checked on her repeatedly. Arriving directly at the elder hall, she spoke, " The sacred family will have a new patriach from now on, those who want to join me will get benefits and those who opposes will not only get disbanded from the elder council but will also lose their lives".

The elders laughed looking at her while Shen hong frowned and asked, " Sister, you seem not to be yourself. Go and take some rest if you don't want any other troubles", Shen xiu sneered and said, " Oh brother, do you think I don't know what you did? Killing your own father. Poisoning your own sister so she won't advance in cultivation further. Colluding with the dark guild, committing atrocities and engaging in inhumane acts of eliminating geniuses of glory city. You're nothing but a scum".

Saying that she summined both legendary rank experts and a pressure descended in sacred family compound. Shen hong felt the pressure and was shocked two legendary ranks. Before he can say and negotiate his head rolled off his body.

Shen xiu looked around the hall coldly and said, " Kill them all and also castrate and abolish Shen fei's cultivation. We also has some work to do later", the elders of sacred family are massacarred.

Shen xiu snorted coldly and looked at Shen fei who is screaming as he is castrated and his cultivation is abolished. She didn't even let an insect escape from sacred family and closed all doors so that she can take care of all problems and then go back to lu chen.

She explained everything to Shen yue and asked him to become the next patriach later and about the things she received. Shen yue is also ecstatic about this. He was bullied by Shen fei and his father didn't care much about him.

His aunt is the one who showed him affection since childhood, he nodded and heard he can be the next patriach. Meanwhile at the shop there is a large queue formed for the treasure chests. As the news about lu chen spread it naturally attracted all families.

Many families bought treasure chests and got a few useful things. As more and more treasure chests are opened more customers also crowded at the shop. Snow wind family assigned guards there to avoid incidents like the one yesterday.

Ye mo and Ye zhong also arrived with Ye ziyun and Ye ling. They thanked lu chen while he said it all depends on their luck. Ye mo and ye zhing opened treasure chest too. This time they received a few acrds that increased their cultivation by 20% and a few alchemy pills.