
Chapter 3: Path

Alright, my bad, that was a bad cliff hanger to end the premise, causing a lot of misunderstandings.

I still haven't written this chapter, I'm merely taking this chance to clear some misunderstandings. There will be spoilers for chapter 3, so, beware. Well, even if there are, it would still only be some certain paths or outcomes.

My idea is to use Ye Ziyun to contact the city lord, telling him that he saw on multiple occasions, members of his family, the sacred family, dealing with what he suspects to be Dark Guild Members.

That's right, he'll betray the dark guild. As for the cultivation technique, he'll really just show an improved version of the sacred family's technique, not his. That is mainly to show his worth and to set the stage for his debut as a once in a thousand year genius.

As for the soul realm. I'm kind of conflicted. Because I want to use the azure soul realm for a rapid development. But on second thought, White_Clown(a reader) is right. He doesn't really need that. Moreover, it would prevent unnecessary suspicions and allow for greater maneuvering.

As for which path to continue. I'm kind of conflicted on that, as I really believe that confrontation with Nie Li, arousing his vigilance too early, is not a good trade off for, what can he gain again? The commoners being dissatisfied with Nie Li is inconsequential on his path. The Sacred Family gaining a bit of reputation? The Sacred Family is doomed.

Actually, Nie Li's vigilance is inconsequential, too. It's just that there is this one scene in my mind that, if Nie Li is too vigilant, would not happen. Yes, this is actually the reason why I don't want to go that path. Are you angry? Hit me.