
TDG: Antagonist's System (Fanfic) (DROPPED)

A TDG reader that doesn't Like Nie Li transmigrates as Shen Yue from the Sacred Family with a system that forces him to be Nie Li's enemy. This is a story from the antagonist's point of view. Shen Yue starts with nothing, but as long as he keeps rebuking, antagonizing and going against the original protagonist Nie Li, he earns system points. With system points, Shen Yue is slowly able to buy and learn Nie Li's cultivation techniques, pieces of knowledge, memories and abilities, gradually taking his place as the protagonist! The hero is now always virtuous, while the villain isn't necessarily evil. From the position of an antagonist and starting from a weaker position, Shen Yue aims to correct Nie Li's failures and be the world's savior, all while bashing Nie Li on the way to steal his knowledge. ... Yes, Shen Yue is a villainous toward Nie Li and aims to selfishly steal his hard-earned knowledge for his own benefits and ambitions, it's the premise of this story. ... If you can't tolerate an intelligent MC who is honest with himself and views the world for what it is, and you prefer a typical hypocritical self-righteous and loathsome xianxia protagonist, then don't read it. ... If you're looking for a psychopathic evil MC to satisfy your murder tendencies, then you're also in the wrong place. Even though Shen Yue is the Antagonist and acts as villain toward Nie Li, making his life miserable, he isn't necessarily evil, but he's simply more pragmatic, selfish, honest with himself and less hypocritical; he's a more of a selfish anti-hero that still helps others if it doesn't infringe on his own benefits. ... Because of its nature, this story is quite a bit of a comedy with a lot of Nie Li face-slapping. It also copies some ideas from the other TDG fanfics, but not too much.

Jaed21 · Book&Literature
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

The girl I like. Winged Lightning Dragon Technique.

A few years ago.

A slim ten year old girl took a few swift steps as she gracefully sped through a lush garden of the Winged Dragon family's courtyard. She pushed her foot against a stone paving and then leaped high into the air, with a flick of her wrist, shooting out an arrow of soul force.

The soul force arrow flew a few meters and accurately striked a flower growing on a cherry blossom tree that was in full bloom.

The girl landed on the ground with skill, as the flower petals from the shattered flower danced in the air around her. There was a gentle and beautiful smile on her youthful face.

"Ning Er, you're amazing!" A ten year old girl with purple hair clapped her hands, as she sat on a stone bench at the side. She smiled and said playfully, "I wonder what kind of person would Ning Er's future husband be?"

Xiao Ning Er smiled and crossed her hands behind her back, she said, "Mmm. My husband must be a great hero who'll protect Glory City."

Ye Ziyun chuckled.

Xiao Ning Er turned to Ye Ziyun and smiled. "But don't just talk about me." She crossed her arms as she walked closer toward her friend, looking at her. "Ziyun, I heard that Shen Yue from the Sacred family is very attentive to you."

"Uh? How do you know?" Ye Ziyun looked surprised and embarrassed for a moment, before she said, "Grandpa said that If I don't like him, he won't force me."

Xiao Ning Er laughed as she spread her arms. "It seems that Shen Yue is out of play. Then who is it that our Princess Ye would be willing to accept?"

Ye Ziyun pouted. "Ning Er, don't make fun of me!"

A playful smile formed on Xiao Ning Er's lips as she looked at her close friend who was like a sister to her. But it was not long later that Xiao Ning Er's father informed her of her arranged engagement to Shen Fei, and a smile didn't appear on her face for a long time.

Current time. Xiao Ning Er punched a tree in the same courtyard as her eyes flashed with tears.

'Ziyun, since young I have always been so envious of you. You're the daughter of the City Lord, there's no one that could force you to do anything. You just need to stretch out your hands and every beautiful thing in the world will be sent to you,' Xiao Ning Er brushed her tears off. 'Even Shen Yue. If you only said a word you could have him, but you were still always ignoring him.'

Xiao Ning Er's eyes filled with tears again. As for her, she had to fight desperately to keep up with Ye Ziyun, and in the end she still lost control of her own destiny, being forced into a marriage with a rapist, having no say in it.

She didn't have Ye Ziyun's inborn talent or background, having to fight for her own destiny. To Fight against marrying Shen Fei she even risked her life, if not for Shen Yue, she might have even died.

Recalling Shen Yue and Ye Ziyun walking and chatting together today caused an ache in Xiao Ning Er's heart.

As for her, Shen Yue, the only boy that got her attention, actually told her to stay away. Why was the world always so unfair to her?

Late afternoon. Winged Dragon Family mansion.

Shen Yue was brought into Xiao Ning Er's courtyard.

Walking into Xiao Ning Er's practice room, Shen Yue saw that Xiao Ning Er was sitting quietly in an armchair, holding her hands together in front of her lap.

Shen Yue noticed that her outfit was more exquisite compared to her usual one. White silk dress showed her seductive figure, from her chest the long dress stretched all the way to the knee. Slender legs shaped by diligent practice and full of elasticity could be seen. White delicate face, slender eyebrows, elegant and refined.

The usually cold-looking and indifferent Xiao Ning'er now looked like a cute girl waiting for her date.

Seeing Xiao Ning Er dress up for their meeting, Shen Yue couldn't help but feel both surprised and touched in his heart. He thought that Xiao Ning Er might have her guard up against him for the next few days.

"Thought you weren't coming?" Xiao Ning'er's said as Shen Yue walked in, her expression anxious.

"I promised to treat you, so of course I'm here." Shen Yue faintly smiled. "I just had a meeting with Ziyun, so I'm a bit later than last time."

Xiao Ning Er lowered her head, her eyes flashing with a hint of sadness. "Oh. Okay. Thank you…"

Xiao Ning Er looked extremely cute right now, but Shen Yue also saw that she seemed somewhat uneasy and uncomfortable. Seeing Xiao Ning Er acting like that, Shen Yue didn't know what to say for a moment.

Xiao Ning Er looked up at Shen Yue. "Shen Yue, two days ago you found me yourself just to treat me and you were so kind to me, but I was cold toward you and doubted your intentions. I'm very sorry."

The last two nights, after she had been massaged by Shen Yue, Xiao Ning Er's body became a lot better and she slept particularly sweet. She visited the library and was trying to find the origin of the Daoyin Technique, but to her surprise the Daoyin Technique was only briefly recorded in the library. It was known as a secret cheat technique that was handed down from the Snow Wind Empire Age!

Even the Holy Orchid Institute only had sparse information on the Daoyin Technique, so Xiao Ning Er assumed that only a Major family like the Sacred Family could know something about it, yet Shen Yue didn't hesitate to use it on her. If not for Shen Yue's help in particular, Xiao Ning Er thought that she wouldn't be able to get rid of her illness even if she found out about it.

In the heart of Xiao Ning Er, Shen Yue is a very mysterious boy, and he's also surprisingly kind to those that he lets close. She felt ashamed of her cold attitude that she had toward Shen Yue two days ago.

After Xiao Ning Er saw Shen Yue chatting with Ye Ziyun so closely together at school today and heard all the rumors about them, she wasn't able to stop thinking about him and everything that happened between them in her practice room.

Xiao Ning Er lowered her head toward Shen Yue in shame with an apologizing expression.

Shen Yue was a little taken aback by Xiao Ning Er's expression. That was her concern?

"Don't worry about it. I know that Shen Fei is a bastard, so I'm not surprised that you had your guard up against me as someone from the Sacred family," Shen Yue said, nodding in understanding. He felt touched by Xiao Ning Er's concern.

Xiao Ning Er was somewhat shocked, looking at Shen Yue. She was surprised that Shen Yue actually called his older brother a bastard.

Shen Yue lightly laughed at Xiao Ning Er's reaction. "What? You thought that everyone in the Sacred Family is vile and disgusting? Me and Shen Fei are half-brothers, but outside of our blood connection we are nothing but strangers. Ning Er, I feel sorry that a nice girl like you was forced into marriage with someone like Shen Fei."

Xiao Ning Er couldn't help but feel a little stunned and she opened her mouth in surprise. No matter what, even though Shen Yue helped her, she didn't expect him to straight-out dislike his brother to this extent. Naturally, she felt very happy hearing his words.

A short silence descended in the room, as the two looked at each other, both with complicated expressions.

Shen Yue lightly smiled and said, "Ning Er, you look really pretty today. Did something happen?"

Xiao Ning Er especially dressed up for the meeting and she looked really cute, so it wouldn't hurt complimenting her, as simple and subtle this compliment was.

Hearing Shen Yue's words, Xiao Ning Er's eyes flashed with joy and her cheeks lightly flushed, as she looked down in embarrassment. She muttered, "Nothing special happened…"

Shen Yue faintly smiled and said, "Let's get you treated."

"En." Xiao Ning Er nodded. She took off her shoe and presented Shen Yue with her bare foot that held the bruise.

Shen Yue squatted down and soon began massaging Xiao Ning Er's foot. Xiao Ning Er's delicate ankle was as beautiful as sparkling crystal, smooth and delicate. The bruise that was there had slightly lightened. He said, "It should be much better by now."

"Yes, it is," Xiao Ning Er nodded her head. Her heart was filled with gratitude for Shen Yue. After being massaged by him earlier she slept especially soundly, unlike before when it was pure torture.

Although Xiao Ning Er has been massaged by Shen Yue once before, when her feet were being held by him again her face couldn't help to show a little shyness.

For a while neither of them spoke a word, while Shen Yue focused on the treatment.

After the massaging of her leg finished, Xiao Ning Er's face reddened, as it was now time for the second bruise. Even though it was done before, massaging that awkward spot she was still very shy.

She lowered her head and silently unbuttoned the buttons one by one. Today she had a pink bra on her chest instead of a bandage, causing her to look more charming and cute than before. That slightly bulged area and that delicate white skin was faintly discernible.

Even though Xiao Ning Er was only a young teenage girl, she already looked very attractive. Shen Yue couldn't help but feel a little hot, especially due to how shy Xiao Ning Er was acting.

Xiao Ning Er was barely fourteen year old at this time, but so was Shen Yue. Even if Shen Yue was intellectually older and more mature, it wasn't like he needed to push for having sex with her before she grew up; they could still romance and date. Thus Shen Yue didn't feel apprehension from viewing Xiao Ning Er as a romantic interest, especially in this world where girls already have kids at the age of 14 and people are able to live for hundreds of years. At the very least, he would treat her better than Nie Li.

Putting that thought aside, Shen Yue shifted his gaze down and focused on massaging the second bruise.

Shen Yue used both his hands to gently knead on the bruise and the surrounding area. The bruise slowly spread and began to disperse, while from time to time he felt a seductive softness.

For the next few minutes the two of them didn't speak.

After the massaging of the bruise finally ended, Shen Yue quietly watched as Xiao Ning Er slowly put her clothes on.

Xiao Ning'er raised her head looking at Shen Yue. Seeing the kind expression on his face and feeling the warmth from her bruised area, she was filled with gratitude. If it wasn't for Shen Yue, she wouldn't know how long she would be struggling in the pain, suffering every single night. To her: it was Shen Yue that rescued her from the endless mire.

Xiao Ning Er rarely associated with boys and she couldn't help but get infatuated with Shen Yue. Shen Yue was the only boy that touched her heart, not to mention how handsome he was compared to other boys his age.

The fact that Shen Yue was from the Sacred Family made Xiao Ning Er anxious, but not repulsed anymore. She felt ashamed of her previous thoughts that Shen Yue was similar to his brother.

Xiao Ning Er knew that her family would suffer pressure from the Sacred Family once she escaped the arranged marriage with Shen Fei, so she thought that it might be an arrangement of fate for her to meet Shen Yue instead.

When Xiao Ning Er looked at Shen Yue right now, she couldn't help but also feel anxiety and thrill, as she wondered, despite everything, could Shen Yue like her? But Shen Yue already likes Ziyun and is even unofficially engaged to her…

Xiao Ning Er had a very weird taste in her mouth - the only boy that she liked actually liked someone else and was also someone from a family that was her own family's oppressor. And Shen Yue even asked her to stay away!

As for Ye Ziyun - once again, she could have anything that she wanted, even Shen Yue. Xiao Ning Er couldn't help but feel envious of her former childhood friend again.

Shen Yue suddenly took out a primary soul crystal and said, "Ning Er, I'll help you test your innate talent."

"Test my innate talent?" Xiao Ning Er asked in confusion.

"Your soul realm attribute and soul form. This way you'll be able to choose the most suitable cultivation technique for yourself," Shen Yue said.

"Soul realm attribute and form?" Doubt filled Xiao Ning Er's pupils.

"Do you remember what was said in class, that a Cyan soul realm is better than Red?" Shen Yue asked.

Xiao Ning'er nodded with wrinkled brows, it was common knowledge.

Shen Yue faintly smiled and said, "In fact it's not so simple. A soul grade helps with cultivation speed a lot, but it isn't a deciding factor. Other than a person's soul grade, soul realm can also be categorized by a soul attribute and soul form. It's lost knowledge, but that's how people categorized soul realms in ancient times and that's how it's done in the outside world. As long as a cultivation technique is suited for one's soul attribute and soul form, then even a Red soul realm can progress faster in cultivation than someone with a Cyan soul realm. With a fitting and powerful cultivation technique even a Red soul realm can reach Legend rank."

Seein Xiao Ning'er look at him with disbelief, Shen Yue continued, "For example, if a person's soul realm is Lightning Fire attributed, but he cultivates a Snow Wind Cultivation Technique, then it will be like swimming upstream. His cultivation speed will be awful, his strength low and he will inevitably encounter a roadblock in cultivation at Silver, Gold or Black Gold rank regardless of how good his soul realm grade is. But if he matched the cultivation technique with his soul attribute and cultivated a Lightning Fire cultivation technique, then his cultivation and strength would soar. The final aspect is the grade of a cultivation technique, as a high-grade technique has a tremendous effect on cultivation speed."

Xiao Ning'er was absorbed as she listened; surely Shen Yue would lie to her right now, right? Although it was a very elementary knowledge to Shen Yue, it was the first time she heard about it. Especially with Shen Yue's simple explanation, it was a reality-shifting piece of knowledge.

For Shen Yue, he had no qualms about going into detail and explaining things properly to Xiao Ning Er.

"The problem of course is that the majority of high-level cultivation techniques for various attributes were lost during the Age of Darkness or remain untranslated. Our Glory City only has the Snow Wind, Sacred Fire and Wind attribute cultivation techniques that are somewhat complete, allowing only a small percentage of people to become truly powerful Demon Spiritualists. With these few mediocre techniques that are available even if a person knows their soul realm attribute it wouldn't help much, because simple trial and error of these three types of techniques is enough to find the best one." Shen Yue paused for a moment, before saying, "However, I know all kinds of high-level cultivation techniques. Ning Er, inject your soul force into the crystal and let me see."

After a moment's lag, Xiao Ning Er nodded her head, "Okay."

She injected her soul force into the crystal. The crystal released a dazzling light. Inside the light, slowly forming into a Winged Dragon shape, flying.

Shen Yue looked at Xiao Ning'er, smiled happily and said, "Wind Lightning attribute, Winged Dragon soul form. Winged Dragon is a legendary soul form."

"So I should cultivate a Wind Lightning technique? But what is the Winged Dragon soul form?" Xiao Ning'er questioned.

Shen Yue said, nodding, "Yeah, you are most suitable for cultivating a Wind Lightning attribute cultivation technique. If you do that, your cultivation will soar. As for the Winged Dragon soul form, it's a legendary genius talent. With it, no matter which cultivation technique you practice, your cultivation speed will be significantly faster than that of other people, but if you used a suitable cultivation technique for your soul realm, then it would be even better."

[<The Winged Lightning Dragon Technique> acquired.] [-1 System Point]

While Xiao Ning Er seemed to be in deep thought, Shen Yue made a purchase in the system's store without hesitation, being left with 10 System Points.

Shen Yue said after a while, "Ning Er, there is one cultivation technique I know that's especially good for you. Listen."

Xiao Ning'er nodded and Shen Yue imparted the chant of the Winged Lightning Dragon technique to her.

Xiao Ning'er memorized the cultivation technique and upon chanting, the power she felt was really that of a Wind Lightning attribute cultivation method, and it was simply too strong and unparalleled!

All those cultivation techniques that she had seen before were all trash in front of this cultivation technique!

Looking into Xiao Ning'er's eyes, Shen Yue smiled. He said, "The cultivation technique that I gave you is called the Winged Lightning Dragon Technique. I give it to you so that your fate can be in your hands."

The Winged Lightning Dragon technique was not from the Temporal Demon Spirit Book, but according to the novel it was actually found by Nie Li in a lost ancient city by chance. It was the most suitable for people with Winged Dragon shaped soul form to practice, as well as those with Wind Lightning attribute.

This technique was a perfect match for Xiao Ning Er, as if Nie Li finding this technique was arranged by fate. However, this time around Shen Yue stole Nie Li's fate of getting close to Xiao Ning Er.

"In the next few days I will write down the rest of this technique for you. I'll see you later, Ning Er," Shen Yue said with a smile as he prepared to leave.

"Thank you, Shen Yue..." Xiao Ning'er raised her head looking at Shen Yue with gratitude. She didn't even know how to repay Shen Yue's kindness, first he freed her from the pain and suffering, then he actually gave her such a powerful cultivation technique. He helped her so much despite his family background. She pursed her lips, her complexion slightly heating up, as she said, "Shen Yue, I don't know how, but I'll definitely repay you!"

As the two looked at each other, Shen Yue gently smiled, looking into Xiao Ning Er's orange eyes. "You don't worry about repaying me. I helped you because I didn't want you to suffer and because I like you."

Hearing Shen Yue's words, Xiao Ning Er felt slightly hot in her heart. What did Shen Yue mean by liking her?

Shen Yue lightly laughed and said, "I'll be going now. Remember to keep pretending to not know me for now. I'll see you later, Ning Er."

"Bye, Shen Yue…" Xiao Ning Er said with a very complicated expression. She suddenly called out, "Shen Yue, the one you like is Ziyun, right?"

Shen Yue's heart jumped at the sudden question, as he stopped in his steps. Xiao Ning Er was both shy and daring. She actually asked him that all of sudden. It sort of screwed up his entire pick-up plan.

Turning back to Xiao Ning Er, Shen Yue swallowed a bit of saliva. He laughed lightly. Looking at Xiao Ning'er, he smiled and asked, "Why do you ask?"

"It's…" Xiao Ning'er began but her voice trailed off. She expected a response and not a question and she was taken aback. She didn't know how to respond, as she herself didn't want to admit as to why she asked this question. After a moment's lag she said, "It looked like you liked Ziyun, so I was wondering..."

Shen Yue laughed, looking at Xiao Ning Er intensely. "But why do you ask right now?"

Xiao Ning'er opened her mouth slightly, flabbergasted and embarrassed, her face frozen.

Shen Yue lightly laughed and after thinking for a moment he said, "Yes, I like Ziyun."

After hearing Shen Yue's words, Xiao Ning Er felt an ache in her heart.

Shen Yue was actually the first boy to move her heart, but the one that he likes as a girl isn't her, it was Ye Ziyun. In the end, he only saw her as a friend.

Seeing Xiao Ning Er looking quite sad, Shen Yue said, "Ning Er. I like Ziyun, but my feelings aren't very deep. I only think that she's a charming young girl."

"Huh?" Xiao Ning Er was taken aback, as she looked back at Shen Yue in surprise. From what she knew, Shen Yue was very interested in Ye Ziyun for a long time, always chasing after her.

"My family and my aunt want me to get engaged with Ye Ziyun, but there's actually another girl that I really like," Shen Yue said, smiling mysteriously at Xiao Ning Er.

Xiao Ning Er blinked her eyes. She slowly moved her hand to her clavicle. She softly asked, "Who is she?"

As the two gazed at each other, Shen Yue pondered in his heart for a long time, 'Should I tell her?'

After a while, Shen Yue let out an internal sigh. 'It's probably best that she chases after me for some time and falls deeply for me first, just like she did with Nie Li. This way she would accept other girls more easily, be less hurt and jealous… I'm sorry Ning Er.'

Shen Yue wasn't a relationship expert, but since he wanted a happy relationship with multiple girls with no jealousy, then it was probably best that he didn't confess his feelings to Xiao Ning Er so soon; doing so would only hurt her more later on. At least, delaying it a few days would be much better.

Shen Yue closed his eyes and let out a sigh. Opening them after a moment, he looked to the side, seemingly into the distance. "She's an amazing girl. She's strong-willed, hard working and unwavering. She doesn't seem like it at first, but she's also very gentle and sometimes shy. To me she's the most charming girl in this world. She has already taken a deep root in my heart."

His words came out as he described the girl next to him.

Xiao Ning Er's eyes flashed with an indescribable emotion, as she sniffed lightly. 'Is he talking about Huyan Lanruo? After all, they grew up together…'

Huyan Lanruo was one of the top beauties of the Institute and a famous genius Demon Spiritualist. To Xiao Ning Er she fit Shen Yue's description very well. Xiao Ning Er couldn't help but feel her heart ache again.

Xiao Ning Er then asked, "Then does she like you back?"

Shen Yue laughed lightly and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure."

After speaking, Shen Yue looked back at Xiao Ning'er and said nothing, his expression subconsciously turning melancholic, feeling sorry for Xiao Ning Er in his heart.

Perhaps he was greedy, but Shen Yue wanted Xiao Ning Er to fall in love with him as much as with Nie Li in the novel. Though he didn't plan to keep Xiao Ning Er in suspense for too long. He didn't want her to suffer like she did with Nie Li.

Seeing Shen Yue's expression, Xiao Ning'er looked puzzled for a moment before she chuckled. She decided to not push Shen Yue further.

Looking at Shen Yue, Xiao Ning Er gently smiled. 'It looks like his love might be unrequited, but whoever Shen Yue loves, if one day she gets to know him well, she might really fall for him...'

In the eyes of many, Shen Yue is only an arrogant young master and an average genius, but Xiao Ning Er felt in her heart that Shen Yue held many secrets and was very kind. Just judging by his mysterious knowledge and the powerful cultivation technique that he shared with her, Shen Yue will definitely become a Legend rank Demon Spiritualist like Lord Ye Mo in the future or become an even more powerful existence.

"I'll be going now, I'll see you in two days," Shen Yue said and turned to leave.

"Oh." Xiao Ning Er was awoken from her musings. She called out, "Shen Yue, you helped me so much. If you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask!"

Shen Yue nodded with a light smile, turned around and left first.

Watching Shen Yue leave so soon, Xiao Ning Er's eyes flashed with a hint of disappointment. Thinking about Shen Yue, her heart felt warm.

If she never met Shen Yue, how dark would her life be? Without him how could it be like this, full of hope?

After Shen Yue left, Xiao Ning Er closed her eyes and practiced with the Lightning Dragon Technique for a while. Upon practicing, the surge in her soul force was unimaginable.

When Xiao Ning Er stopped and opened her eyes, her eyes flashed with tears.

'Once I start practicing with the Winged Lightning Dragon Technique, my fate will be finally in my hands. No one will force me to marry Shen Fei anymore!' Xiao Ning Er thought to herself as she brushed her tears off.

After practicing with the Winged Lightning Dragon for a few hours, and recalling everything that happened between her and Shen Yue, Xiao Ning Er had already decided. It doesn't matter if Shen Yue likes her or not, she will always be by Shen Yue's side, until the day when Shen Yue takes note of her existence.