
I am Flying

( My first attempt at a romance fic )

I am Flying


The Sun was setting sending and an orange hue everywhere

In the vast blue ocean a beautiful ship was making its way through the calm waves

On the bow of the ship a man was leaning on the rim

A man was dressed in a pure white coat

He had blonde hair as bright as the sun

The wind from the Sea blow on his hair blowing it back like a wave .

As the man was admiring the ocean Someone spoke to him softly from behind

" Alberu ? "

The man named Alberu turned around and looked behind

Behind him he saw a dainty man ,he had hair as crimson as blood .

He had thin white and shirt and black plants

He had naughty eyes like an incubus

He spoke In a mischiefevous voice

" I changed my mind ,

I love you Alberu "

Alberu was suprised for awhile and simply looked at Cale in a daze .

After awhile a soft smile appeared in his face and he reached out his hands

" Come here Cale "

Cale walked ahead and Alberu caught him . Cale fell into Alberu chest and into his arms .

Alberu softly whispered

" Close your eyes"

Cale closed his eyes and Alberu guided him to the bow

He whispered again

" Climb the Rim "

Cale did as he was told and climbed on the Rim with help of Alberu.

Alberu whispered to Cale again this time blowing into his neck making Cale blush

" Do you trust me Cale ? "

" Yes I do "

" Good let go of the Rim leave your arms free "

Cale let got of the Rim and let his arms free , he could feel Alberu tightly hugging his waistline from behind .

He spoke of again softly into Cale ear with a hint of mischief

" Open your Eyes Cale "

Cale opened his eyes ,his eyes shook from dazzlement.

The sky changed from minute to minute. From orange yellow to flamboyant pink, the clouds were painted with changing colours as the sun went down. The golden disc was already touching the surface of the ocean. It seemed as if in a hurry to disappear, slipping quickly behind the line of the horizon spreading its last rays.

In such a view Cale arms were suspended in the air , He felt the cool breeze brush by him and waved passing by .

His only support was Alberu holding him by his thin waist .

Cale opened his mouth spoke in a joyous excited tone

" I am flying ! "

Alberu smiled and bit Cale s , ear

" Do you like it ? "

Cale nodded and turned to looks at Alberu and said in a soft voice

" Its beautiful "

They looked into each other's eyes ,lost for a long time

Their faces slowly moved closer to each other inch by inch

Until their lips were only a centimetre apart .

The Sky turned a beautiful red hue