
TBBT: Rajesh’s Rebirth (The Big Bang Theory)

On a morning that was meant to be like any other but destined to be extraordinary, Rajesh Koothrappali awakens in a world that is both familiar and uncannily new to him. To the sound of an unfamiliar alarm and under the soft light of dawn, he finds himself disoriented, not just by the space surrounding him but also by the unusual sensation of an internal presence that does not belong to him. Rajesh, a talented but socially inhibited astrophysicist, is thrust into a surreal experience where the memories of David, a confident and charismatic American, begin to merge with his own, triggering an unexpected transformation. This introspective journey leads Rajesh to a crossroads between his old identity and the new persona emerging from this peculiar synthesis of souls. With the predominance of his original essence, Raj discovers confidence and charm he never knew he possessed, accompanied by newfound abilities and desires. As he struggles to adapt to this rebirth, he finds himself in front of the mirror, not just confronting the image of a changed man but also the reflection of his fading insecurities. Determined to redefine his life, Rajesh embarks on a quest not just for self-discovery but also for a complete overhaul of his existence. From updating his wardrobe to embody his newfound confidence to exploring relationships and opportunities that were once beyond his wildest dreams, Rajesh sets out to live a life that is a vibrant tapestry of experiences, emboldened by the memories and skills of David. “Rajesh’s Rebirth” is a story of metamorphosis, chronicling the extraordinary transformation of a man who, awakened by the fusion of two souls, endeavors to live beyond the confines of his previous self, embracing the vast array of possibilities that life has to offer. . . . A/N: THE MC DOES NOT KNOW THE PLOT First of all, Rajesh will have a turnaround in his personality, perhaps the first episodes will be more focused on group dynamics, but later I want to delve more into Rajesh’s personal life. I aim to present him in a different light; I’ve always liked taking characters who were labeled as “bad” and turning them into something more, so I plan to do the same here. Remember, this fanfic is purely a slice of life, no action or anything else you might be thinking of. It’s about comedy, following the parameters of the original series. I’ll try to create new dynamics among the characters, aiming to keep them as close as possible to their original personalities. I created this Fanfic because I never liked how Rajesh was portrayed in the series. He was a person who always struggled with everything. As a good author, I wanted to bring a different perspective. What if Rajesh was a Bad Boy?

Worldofimagination · TV
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18 Chs

Sheldon Fired

At Caltech University, a stage was being prepared for what Sheldon Cooper described as "the experiment that would change the course of quantum physics." The lab was cluttered with equipment, but not just any equipment; these were lasers and mirrors meticulously arranged in a configuration that Sheldon assured was the key to scientific revolution.

Leonard Hofstadter, Sheldon's assistant in this endeavor, looked at the maze of lasers with an expression that mixed apprehension and resignation. "Sheldon, you've reviewed the calculations, right? I don't want to end up explaining to the university council how we accidentally opened a portal to another dimension."

Sheldon, adjusting one of the mirrors with millimetric precision, replied without looking at Leonard. "The only dimension we will be exploring today, Leonard, is the one where my genius is finally recognized. Besides, I've done the calculations three times. The risk of dimensional anomalies is, at most, 0.04%."

In the corner of the lab, Howard Wolowitz and Rajesh Koothrappali watched the final preparations. Howard, who had chosen a belt with a luminous buckle for the occasion, murmured to Raj, "Do you think this will go on the resume? 'Involuntarily participated in the creation of the first laboratory black hole'?"

Raj, wearing safety glasses that made his eyes look disproportionately large, replied with an anxious smile. "If we survive, I'll put it on Tinder. Imagine the matches!"

With everything ready, Sheldon positioned himself in front of the keyboard that would control the experiment. "Gentlemen," he began, his voice full of pomp, "today, we will not only unveil the mysteries of the universe, but also prove that academic bureaucracy was wrong to doubt me."

He pressed the start button and, for a few magical moments, the lab was illuminated by a spectacle of light reminiscent of the best scenes of science fiction.

But then, without warning, the lasers began to reflect in unexpected ways, creating a chaotic light show that would make any disco DJ envious.

In the midst of the chaos, the server cooling system was accidentally triggered, sending a blast of cold air through the lab and causing everyone to bundle up.

"Ah, this definitely wasn't in the calculations," Sheldon admitted, as he desperately tried to regain control of the experiment.

Leonard, clinging to a notebook as if it were a life vest, shouted over the noise of the servers, "Sheldon, I think we did open a portal, yes, but to the Arctic!"

Howard and Raj, joining forces, struggled to realign the mirrors, in an attempt to end the light show before someone noticed. Unfortunately, it was too late.

The university's security alarm sounded, and the lights in the lab flickered frantically, announcing the imminent arrival of the academic council.

As the four friends faced the outcome of the experiment, a mixture of disaster and discovery, Sheldon couldn't help but comment, "Well, at least we can definitively state that lasers are effective in cutting the power supply to the entire university."

And so, with the lab in a state of frozen chaos and the alarms echoing down the corridor, they prepared to face the consequences of their experiment.

It was the beginning of a long explanation to the academic council - an explanation that would undoubtedly be remembered in the annals of Caltech history as the day when quantum physics met its match in the form of four ambitious nerds.




After the spectacular (and unintentional) light show that Sheldon Cooper and his team had set up in the university lab, the inevitable call to the department head's office happened. It was an austere environment, filled with dusty books on physics, imposing diplomas, and a silence that could only be broken by the news Sheldon was about to receive.

Dr. Eric Gablehauser, the head of the physics department, sat behind his imposing oak desk, a severe expression framing his face as he reviewed the damages caused by Sheldon's experiment. Leonard, Howard, and Raj were there, forming a wall of moral support behind Sheldon, who stood defensively, ready to defend his theory to the end.

"Dr. Cooper," began Gablehauser, his voice heavy filling the room, "do you have any idea of the severity of what happened? Your… experiment not only disrupted the power for the entire university but also jeopardized years of valuable research data."

Sheldon, standing like a knight ready to enter battle, replied with unwavering confidence. "Dr. Gablehauser, with all due respect, the risks of science are what propel humanity forward. If Isaac Newton had been afraid to drop apples…"

Gablehauser interrupted, raising his hand. "Dr. Cooper, spare me the history lessons. The fact is your irresponsibility almost cost the university more than you can compensate for. I'm talking about termination, Sheldon."

A sepulchral silence fell over the room. Leonard swallowed hard, Howard nervously adjusted his belt buckle, and Raj closed his eyes, anticipating the impact of the words.

Sheldon, however, seemed perplexed, as if the idea of being fired was more absurd than any quantum theory he had ever proposed. "Termination? No, no, you seem confused, Dr. Gablehauser. I'm not being terminated. In fact, it's the other way around. I've decided to terminate the university."

Gablehauser, taken aback by Sheldon's audacity, couldn't help but laugh incredulously. "You… what?"

"Yes," Sheldon continued, straightening up even more, if possible. "I resign from this establishment that, clearly, does not appreciate the boundaries I'm attempting to push. Good luck finding someone who can bring as much prestige to Caltech as I have."

Leonard, Howard, and Raj exchanged worried looks, silently questioning whether they should intervene or simply let Sheldon continue with his narrative.

Gablehauser, after a moment of reflection, sighed deeply. "Very well, Dr. Cooper. Your 'resignation' will be processed. I hope you find an institution that is up to your… unique talent."

As the group left the office, a mix of shock and admiration for what had just transpired, Sheldon seemed triumphant, as if he had just won a significant battle. Leonard, on the other hand, was already calculating how they were going to console Sheldon when the reality of the situation finally hit him.




Two days had passed since Sheldon Cooper had "terminated" Caltech University, an act of rebellion that would be remembered in the corridors of the physics department for generations… or at least until the next semester.

However, life at apartment 4A had become a rollercoaster of emotions and unrestrained scientific projects.

Sheldon, far from feeling defeated by his recent "termination," had transformed the apartment into his own personal laboratory, determined to prove that his genius required no endorsement from any academic institution. Unfinished projects, stacks of papers with indecipherable equations, and various "inventions" were scattered across all available surfaces.

Leonard, who had until then been a model of patience, was beginning to feel the strain of Sheldon's constant presence and frenetic activity. "Sheldon, have you considered… maybe… asking for your job back? You know, to have access to a real lab and, um, give me a bit of space?"

Sheldon, who was in the midst of attempting to create a new chemical element in the kitchen, stopped and looked at Leonard as if he had suggested abandoning physics to pursue a career in belly dancing. "Leonard, I am at the peak of my intellectual capacity. Why would I demean myself by apologizing to an institution that fails to recognize my potential? Moreover, I am considering starting my own university. The 'Cooper University of Advanced Sciences.' I'm sure I can secure funding on Kickstarter."

Leonard, realizing the seriousness (and perhaps the madness) in Sheldon's voice, sighed deeply. "Sheldon, starting a university? That's… it's a bit more complicated than assembling a Lego model of the International Space Station."

Howard and Raj, who had come over in hopes of escaping the madness, found themselves in the midst of a new form of chaos. Raj, trying to be optimistic, suggested, "Maybe the 'Cooper University' could offer courses on how to survive living with Sheldon as a roommate."

Howard, examining one of Sheldon's "inventions" that looked dangerously similar to a homemade bomb, just shook his head. "Or maybe a bomb defusal course. Seriously, Sheldon, what is this?"

As the day progressed and the idea of Cooper University became more real in Sheldon's mind, Leonard realized that something needed to be done. Convincing Sheldon to return to Caltech wouldn't be easy, but perhaps, with the help of his friends, he could find a way to show Sheldon that his place was in the scientific community, even if it meant swallowing a bit of pride.

That Saturday afternoon, Leonard and Sheldon's apartment was transformed into an impromptu set for Raj's latest plan: a video that would catapult Sheldon to internet stardom, showcasing his unique skills to the world. The idea was simple in theory.

Raj: "Trust me, this video will be different. We'll highlight not just Sheldon's genius, but also his… peculiar talents."

Leonard, sighing as he adjusted the camera, replied with a hint of sarcasm: "I just hope this doesn't end with us explaining to the building manager why there's a laser hole in the wall."

Howard: "I can already see the comments. 'Watch adult man get mad when the train isn't to scale.'"

Laughing, they decided to start with something safe – Sheldon speaking Klingon fluently. Dressed in his best Spock t-shirt, Sheldon was more than ready for his performance.

Sheldon: "Today, you will witness the purity of the Klingon language, delivered by a master of its phonetic subtleties."

The Klingon session went well, until Sheldon got too carried away and began "arguing" with an imaginary Klingon opponent, completely forgetting about the camera.

The next segment involved Sheldon demonstrating his ability to play the theremin, an instrument as ethereal as his patience was short. After a few minutes of "music" that more closely resembled the call of a lonely whale, Leonard intervened.

Leonard: "I think we've got enough for the musical segment, Sheldon. Shall we move on to the Rubik's cube now?"

True chaos began with Sheldon's attempt to solve three Rubik's cubes while reciting the first hundred decimal places of Pi. Everything was going surprisingly well, until Raj, wanting to add a touch of drama, decided to light a candle to "enhance the lighting."

Raj: "Trust me, this will give an amazing effect."

Howard: "Yeah, amazingly flammable."

And as Howard predicted, the scene became a bit "hotter" than expected. While Sheldon focused on the cubes and the math, Raj accidentally placed the candle too close to a stack of papers, starting a small fire that Leonard and Howard had to quickly extinguish by throwing a jar of water over it.

Sheldon, completely oblivious to the fire, continued his recitation of Pi, only to turn moments later and see the chaos. "I interrupted my concentration for this? This isn't even a noteworthy fire."

In the end, the video, a collage of moments ranging from the strangely fascinating to the comedic, was uploaded online by Raj with the title "Sheldon Cooper: A Genius Among Us." To their surprise, the segment showing the frantic attempt to put out the fire went viral, turning Sheldon into a meme.

Sheldon: "I am a respected academic, not an internet jokester."

Raj: "Actually, now you are both."

Following Sheldon's unexpected (and unintentional) success as the internet's newest meme, the atmosphere in apartment 4A had become a minefield of scientific experiments and friendly ribbing. Sheldon, buoyed by his sudden online fame (though for less noble reasons), decided it was time to prove his true genius. And like any great scientist facing a challenge, he doubled down on his efforts… leading to questionably explosive results.

Raj, seeing a golden opportunity for more teasing, began narrating Sheldon's actions as if they were in a nature documentary, but about wild scientists in their natural habitat. "And here we see the Sheldon in his natural environment, surrounded by artifacts of his own creation, about to perform the mating dance with science."

Howard, not wanting to be left out, joined in the fun. "Yes, but little does he know that in the jungle of science, it's the experiment that chooses the scientist, not the other way around."

Sheldon, attempting to maintain his dignity while preparing a volatile chemical mixture that promised to be the next big innovation, responded without looking back. "Laughter aside, when this experiment revolutionizes the world, who will be laughing last will be me."

Leonard, watching nervously from a safe distance, just murmured to himself, "I just hope we still have an apartment to laugh in."

Then, with Raj's camera recording (because, of course, if it wasn't on YouTube, did it really happen?), Sheldon added the final ingredient to his mixture. What followed was a spectacular explosion, not of sound or fury, but of… violet glitter.

As the violet dust settled, covering every inch of the apartment and its inhabitants, Sheldon remained immobile, a statue of contemplative glitter. Raj, Leonard, and Howard, now unrecognizable under the layer of glitter, burst into laughter.

Raj, with the camera still rolling, managed to say between laughs, "Sheldon Cooper, ladies and gentlemen: the man who wanted to paint the world with the color of science… literally."

Howard, wiping a handful of glitter from his face, added: "And to think I was worried I wouldn't have enough material to tease him for the next decade."

Sheldon, finally breaking his frozen pose, looked around the desolated apartment with a resigned sigh. "At least, it's my favorite color."




After the "Great Violet Incident," as it quickly became known among the group, apartment 4A had turned into a laboratory of crazy experiments, with Sheldon determined to reverse his recent tide of failures.

But, with each new experiment failing in increasingly spectacular (and hilarious) ways, Sheldon began to withdraw, mumbling about theorems and constants as he stared into the void, wrapped in a cloud of dismay and residual glitter.

Leonard, after a particularly disastrous attempt involving Sheldon trying to create a new form of clean energy from leftover Chinese food (resulting in only a peculiar smell that permeated the entire building), knew something had to be done. Sheldon was down, the apartment smelled like a bizarre mix of orange and pickles, and peace needed to be restored.

Convin ced that there was only one person in the world capable of pulling Sheldon out of this slump, Leonard made a decision. He went to the phone, dialed a number he knew by heart, and waited, praying she would answer.

Mary Cooper, on the other side of the line, answered with her unmistakable Texas accent. "Hello?"

Leonard: "Mrs. Cooper, it's Leonard. We need your help… It's Sheldon. He's turned the apartment into… Well, it's hard to explain. And now he's really down."

Mary: "Oh dear. What did he do this time? Try to turn the neighbor's cat into a quantum cat again?"

Leonard, laughing despite the situation, replied: "No, nothing with cats this time. But there's a lot of glitter involved. And a small fire. And maybe a new type of smell."

Agreeing to come to Pasadena, Mary Cooper promised she would arrive as quickly as she could. Leonard hung up, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation. Raj and Howard, who had overheard the conversation, looked at each other, a mischievous smile on their lips.

Raj: "The last time Mrs. Cooper came over, Sheldon cleaned the apartment three times… and then prayed."

Howard: "Yeah, and I bet this time he'll try to invent a time machine just to avoid her seeing the mess."

When Mary Cooper finally arrived, armed with a bag that seemed to contain the entire arsenal necessary to deal with crises of any magnitude, Sheldon could hardly believe it.

Mary, stepping into the apartment and surveying the colorful chaos, exclaimed: "Mercy, looks like a unicorn exploded in here!"

Sheldon, embarrassed and a bit fearful of what his mother might say or do, tried to explain his recent scientific failures. Mary, however, cut his explanations short with a tight hug and words that, though simple, were exactly what Sheldon needed to hear.

Mary: "Shelly, dear, sometimes even geniuses have bad days. But that doesn't mean you should give up. Remember what Daddy always said? 'If you shoot at what you see and hit what you don't see, it's still a hit.'"

[Some time later.]

In a clean apartment, but still marked by the traces of Sheldon's recent scientific obsession, Mary Cooper laid the groundwork for one of her maternal interventions, known for their effectiveness and, occasionally, their lack of subtlety.

Mary: "Shelly, dear, you know I've always supported your ambitions, no matter how… unique they are. But it's time to think about your future. And that future, I believe, is at Caltech."

Sheldon, looking suspiciously at his mother as he adjusted on the couch, clearly uncomfortable with the idea: "Mother, I am a renowned theoretical physicist. I can't just go back after declaring my resignation with such fanfare."

Mary: "Of course you can, Shelly. The Bible is full of redemption stories. And if Joseph can forgive his brothers and become the governor of Egypt, Caltech can forgive you for… well, turning the lab into a laser disco."

Sheldon: "Comparing my situation to Joseph's is an exaggeration. Besides, I don't think the university administration is interested in biblical analogies."

Mary, picking up a cookie and nibbling on it casually: "Maybe not. But they might be persuaded by a determined mother with a battalion of cookies and a arsenal of Texas stubbornness."

Sheldon: "Your willingness to go into battle on my behalf is touching, Mother. But it's not that simple."

Mary: "Nothing in life worth having is simple, Shelly. But remember, even rockets need a launch pad. Caltech was yours. It's time for you to reclaim your place there, not for them, but for you."

Sheldon contemplated the cookies, a metaphor for the dilemma he was in: the safety of the known versus the uncertainty of progress. Stubbornness and pragmatism battled within him like subatomic particles colliding.

Sheldon: "Suppose, hypothetically, I consider your advice. That doesn't change the fact that Dr. Gablehauser may not be receptive to a… reconciliation."

Mary: "Leave Dr. Gablehauser to me. I've faced scarier parent committees than a department head with a PhD."

Sheldon, still not fully convinced but unable to resist the combination of his mother's determination and the scent of the cookies, relented slightly.

Sheldon: "Very well, Mother. Proceed with your… diplomatic operation."

Mary smiled, triumphant. She knew she had a challenge ahead, but Mary Cooper never backed down from a fight, especially when it involved defending your "Shelly."




After preparing Sheldon for the possibility of his return to Caltech and armed with unwavering confidence, Mary Cooper headed to the university, ready to face Dr. Eric Gablehauser. She knew the task would not be easy, but Mary was no stranger to difficult challenges - especially when it came to fighting for her son.

Arriving at the department head's office, Mary was greeted by a secretary who looked at her in surprise, undoubtedly wondering what could bring Sheldon Cooper's mother there. With a warm smile and a firm resolve, Mary asked to see Dr. Gablehauser.

Dr. Gablehauser: "Mrs. Cooper, I must say I'm surprised to see you. To what do I owe the honor?"

Mary: "Dr. Gablehauser, I'm here to talk about my son, Sheldon. I know things didn't end well, but I'm here to discuss the possibility of him returning to Caltech."

Dr. Gablehauser, somewhat skeptical, leaned back in his chair, bracing himself for a conversation he knew would be anything but conventional.

Dr. Gablehauser: "Your faith in your son is admirable, Mrs. Cooper. But Sheldon didn't just burn bridges; he practically blew up the lab."

Mary: "Oh, I understand, Dr. Gablehauser. But you and I know Sheldon is a unique talent. And I brought something to help sweeten this conversation."

Mary, with a theatrical flourish, placed a bowl of her famous Texas chili on the table, along with a packet of cookies. Dr. Gablehauser looked at the bowl, visibly intrigued.

Mary: "I always say, Dr. Gablehauser, that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. And believe me, this chili has convinced harder hearts than yours."

With a charming smile and a conversation that mixed the simple wisdom of Texas with logical arguments about Sheldon's importance to the university, Mary began to dismantle Dr. Gablehauser's resistance. Between bites of chili, the department head began to see Sheldon in a different light.

Dr. Gablehauser: "Your confidence in Sheldon is… contagious, Mrs. Cooper. And I must admit, this chili is exceptional."

Mary: "Just like my Sheldon, Dr. Gablehauser. He just needs a chance to prove it."

By the end of the meeting, with a full stomach and a slightly lighter heart, Dr. Gablehauser agreed to reconsider Sheldon's position at the university, under some clear and strict conditions, of course.

Mary left Dr. Gablehauser's office with a victorious smile, knowing she had achieved a significant victory. She had not only secured a second chance for Sheldon but had also reminded everyone at Caltech of the power of a determined Texas mother.

After her successful meeting with Dr. Gablehauser, Mary Cooper returned to apartment 4A, where she found Sheldon surrounded by Leonard, Raj, Howard, and Penny. Everyone was eager, albeit a bit apprehensive, about what Mary had to say.

Mary: (entering with a victorious smile) "Well, I have good news. Dr. Gablehauser has agreed to consider rehiring Sheldon, under some conditions."

Sheldon: (startled) "Mother, you didn't promise that I'd clean the plasma reactors at the university again, did you?"

Mary: "Don't be silly, Shelly. Your return doesn't come with a broom. But you might need to prepare one or two presentations on 'How Not to Turn Your Lab into a Light Show.'"

The room erupted in laughter, even Sheldon managed a reluctant smile. Leonard patted Sheldon on the back, clearly relieved.

Leonard: "Look on the bright side, Sheldon. Maybe they'll let you use the laser for this year's Christmas show."

Howard: "Yeah, and we can call it 'Dr. Cooper's Christmas Spectacular.' I'll even design the tickets!"

Raj: "Just imagine, Sheldon. This is going to be great for your image. The scientist who came back to light up the world… literally."

Penny, trying to hold back laughter: "Just be careful not to get promoted to head of the university's lighting department."

Sheldon, still processing the idea of his rehiring and his friends' good humor, decided it was better to join in the jest.

Sheldon: "Very funny. But remember, when my research revolutionizes the world, you'll have the privilege of saying 'I knew Sheldon Cooper before he was famous for something besides being a meme.'"

Mary: "Well, I must head back to Texas. Sheldon, remember who you are and what you're capable of. And please, don't do anything that's going to make Dr. Gablehauser call me in the middle of the night again."

After warm hugs and promises of good behavior, Mary said her goodbyes, leaving the group still laughing at the possibilities of Sheldon's future.

Sheldon: (looking at the closed door after Mary's departure) "You know, I'm going to miss her ability to storm into a university and fix everything with chili and cookies."

Leonard:"We all are, Sheldon. We all are."

And so, with peace restored and the promise of new scientific adventures (and maybe one or two accidental light shows), life at apartment 4A returned to its peculiar balance.