

After losing Silve, Arthur realizes something: This war had to be won with a strong will, not with ridiculous emotions, so she had to return to Gray. I wanted to write the beginning after the end from a new perspective. So it's up to you to read or not. sorry english is not my mother tongue the plot will be the same as turtleMe but the scenes and battles will be from my point of view

Fena_TKT · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Before The War

Arthur Leywin

My eyes were wandering over the worn and worn surfaces of the shelves one by one, trying to find the right one among tons of books. Each shelf was arranged with its own specific contents. While some were worn out from over-reading and bore the marks of time, others had untouched, immaculate soles.

 Among them, there was a book that caught my eye and was different from the others. Her stance was so striking that it felt like my mind was signaling me to take it without hesitation. That book shined unusually among the others, as if it was calling me with its knowledge and stories.

When I picked up the book, it weighed less than I expected and, unlike others, its texture was higher quality. It felt like it was made of a material I didn't recognize.

Then I turned the front of the book and wanted to know its name. I noticed there was a book called 'Soul'. The person or persons who wrote this book left a small note on the back of the book. The article read: "However, little souls are crushed under the gods, they do not know how to get away from them and stop and start again." This saying had a deep meaning and was thought-provoking with the wisdom it contained. I thought this sentence was a reflection of the philosophical and spiritual information in the book.

However, when I consider that a book written with such a mindset was written with a note to humiliate minors, it is more likely that either the author was knowledgeable or, more precisely, this book was written by an asura

I couldn't restrain my curiosity and started reading by opening the first page of the book. When I looked at the articles in it, I realized that it was a book that focused more on metaphysics, apart from some of the terms I use in my world. As the pages progressed, I found traces of a search for a deeper meaning.

When I reached the last page of the book, the sentences in the title about reincarnation caught my attention. The sentences were as follows: "It is impossible to ensure the maturation of the soul in one life; therefore, anchors that can trigger the reincarnation process are necessary ta-"

I squinted my eyes slightly to focus a little more, but the rest of the sentence seemed to be an incomprehensible mess. The words were either jumbled up or appeared to have been deliberately scrambled by someone to prevent them from being read. It was as if they were trying to keep this article a secret out of sight. This made it almost impossible to read the rest of the sentence.

My lips were slightly pressed together to keep from laughing out of frustration. Whenever I wanted to reach a conclusion, there were always mountain ranges that I could not reach. It was as if the threads of fate were testing me to go through a difficult path. These words implied that I was in an exam and that I needed to make more effort to achieve the real result.

I sighed deeply and prepared to close the book and put it on the shelf, but the regis voice interrupted the moment.

"Don't be so fast, Sherlock," she said, and I asked why, raising one eyebrow curiously.

This book was written by a vritra, look at the bottom of the page she said immediately

My golden eyes with enormous curiosity immediately moved to the bottom corner of the page and I saw these words: My name is Indra Vritra, with the honor of whoever reads this book.

So what do you think? Did an asura write this? This question from Regis, which he himself was unsure of, pulled me out of my thoughts.

Ah, although we can't be too sure, it is definitely written by a vritra, but there is also the fact that she knows something about reincarnation that brought me and Nico here.

So if we stay with these words, I said, we may have to find this person to get an answer from him. yes yes Unless he was killed by that mad scientist, Regis stated in my mind.

I don't know about you, Arthur, but these things are starting to get complicated. Mommy Silva's labyrinthine journey and the old prophet constantly leaving us unanswered. Ahh, my brain is about to explode.

And you know what's the worst thing? I still haven't seen any new goddesses. Can you believe in a magnificent weapon like me? Except for that woman with big hips, of course, even though she complimented you, you didn't do anything. Isn't it profesör Abby?

My eyebrows knit together in anger while listening to Regis' protests, but I cut off the connection between us, knowing that nothing would change even if I talked to her.

Then I took a loud breath and turned to Caera. One of his hands held the curves of his chin. His head was slightly bent to read the book I had just given him. Even though his ruby eyes showed signs of fatigue, he continued reading to memorize everything in his mind.

I called her name to get her to look at me, I said caera and continued my words when I saw her head lift slightly towards me

I asked, "Can you tell me again what the words old Edwin said to you while I was unconscious?"

She placed her body on the table with a tired mind and body against my words and then slowly moved her mouth to speak.

You brought me here in the early morning to find something fun and even though we searched for hours, you asked me the same words. What are the words of old Edwin? Caera, examine this book carefully. Caera, that was enough. He raised his arms in the air and threw out his last explosion with his sharp words.

her words became louder and louder, causing the other students working here to look at us

Caera also made a shy expression and apologized to all of them.

Ahh, I agree with my drama queen, this is getting boring, Arthur, this is not us, I say let's go back to our roots, to the monuments

Regis, I know, but don't forget, tomorrow we will fight Cadelle in Victoria in front of an asura and other scythes, we have to go with a fresh body if we want to be ready for it.

After giving my answer to Regis, I turned back to Caera and she was looking at me with a sullen and questioning expression.

He was looking at me so cute that I raised both my eyebrows mockingly, I said come on, don't look at me with that expression, then I pulled a chair and sat in front of him. I thought he said you can always trust me, but is this just a word, nobleman Caera?

He seemed offended by my words, which caused him to immediately frown and cross his arms over his chest. "For your information, I stand behind my word, you can trust me," he said.

"But if this is about going to the monuments with you and discovering the mysterious things hidden by the old wizards, I could show that trust under better circumstances, unlike the mysterious words of an old wizard," she remarked.

Yes, if you come to those words, I asked you if you could explain it to me again, ignoring Caera's words.

His eyebrows twitched nervously in harmony with his eyes. Are you listening to me?

When I didn't answer, we looked at each other for a while and she finally realized I was serious.

After a deep sigh, Caera glanced at me to answer.

"That old man said that you... had been isolated from this life and were in a completely different world. He said that you had experienced every possibility, like glass stretched to its limits, and that eventually it would explode and our fate would be determined in your hands.

With Caera's words, the atmosphere was once again filled with silence. The only difference was the whispers of the students around us working or the rustling sound of pencils coming into contact with the paper.

As for my thoughts: These words had a deep impact on me. These statements not only took me away from the reality I was experiencing, but also made me feel that a great responsibility was placed on my shoulders.

Isn't it just like the words Silva said to us that day? Regis entered my thoughts once again.

"Yes," I said, and he moved effortlessly to the area where my core was located. Silva's words began to resonate more clearly in my mind. "This power within me is a hope against the fate of the world," she said. At the same time, he continued, "The weight of the whole world is on your shoulders." These words created a storm of complex emotions within me; It was perceived as both a hopeful potential and a heavy responsibility.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize how hard I was squeezing the area where my core was located. If I didn't have an asura body, I would know despite this little pain.

"grey are you okay?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed with concern, his ruby eyes flickering slightly between questioning and not asking.

I... I'm fine, Caera, I'm sorry if I worried you, it was just a few unwanted memories, you know, I just waved my hand in the air insignificantly.

''ahh ok then well he coughed slightly and looked at me with a more serious expression so did this old man's words remind you of anything?

Unknown, such people usually do not interfere much. They believe that life is in natural balance and do not want to be the cause of change. They are like parts in a clock; They think that if you remove someone, disrupt the harmony, or change direction, it will never work the same way again. That's why they generally avoid disturbing the natural balance, because they know that every intervention may produce new and uncertain results.

After my words, Caera raised her eyebrows an inch, then her lips curved to speak, here's a note for you, Gray, you're just like those old men, she said and laughed.

My face broke a little as I looked at him with a dull look. Regis started laughing inside me and said, "He understands you, my friend."

"If I keep thinking further, I may have to accept that you are one of those old wizards, your words of wisdom," she remarked.

Yes yes, whatever Lady Caera thinks of me, I casually ignored her question by telling her

"But this information still doesn't mean anything to me," called Caera.

For example, I asked out of curiosity.

"How do they see things we can't?" She asked as Caera's face tilted slightly towards me, her eyes locked on my golden orbs as if they couldn't escape me. His voice was filled with curiosity and deep thoughts.

I hesitated whether to answer her, but something told me I could trust her at least a little, especially considering I had her working with me since the wee hours of the morning.

I tapped the side of my hand on Caera's head to give me some room, which caused her to move back a little further in her chair and her eyes widened to look at me.

When I saw her so confused, I smiled a little.

"Wait a minute, did you smile?" he asked, pointing one finger at me.

"No, I think you're dreaming," I said, putting my face back into my cold state.

He narrowed his eyes at me a little, I know what I see, you can't fool me, Grey, he said, grinning mischievously at me and continuing, "You can't dodge the question."

I said don't worry, I was about to answer.

She looked at me in surprise and nodded for me to start.

I don't know if I should say some people or special beings, but they may have innate privileged abilities, and these abilities can even be acquired later, which shows that they have different perspectives and knowledge than us.

Like the ether abilities you gained later?

"Partly, but it's more about visions, like... seeing the future," I said in a whisper.

This quote made me think of old Rinia.

"Oh my god, have you ever met someone like this?" Caera asked and I didn't know what to say because I never expected him to ask such a thing, but it was my fault for giving myself away too much.

While keeping my hands on the knuckles of the chair, I tensed slightly, then I stood up, turned my back to the caera, turned my head back slyly, and answered, "Who knows?"

''N- Wait, you still haven't answered my question.

Yes, that's all our story for today, Caera, and we are going to Victoria tomorrow, so we need to get ready, we don't want to go with a tired body, right? I winked at her and left the academy library and headed towards my room to collect today's words.

Then I opened the door with the key and locked it behind me. Without waiting, Regis jumped from my body to the ground and stretched, then shook his purple mane slightly.

"Finally, some freedom," he said before looking at me, his slightly vertical eyes shining in white narrowed slightly to accuse me. "Do you know how much torture it was for me to stay inside you for so many hours?" He raised his paw at me, growling.

heh I'm sorry about that Regis I said I'll give you a little more than your share in the next monuments to make him happy

In return, he smiled at me with his pointy teeth and started wagging his long wavy tail. "This is what I'm talking about," he said.

So, leaving aside the share, what do you plan to do? he asked, bowing his head slightly.

After fighting with the scythe, as you said, apart from the scythes there, Asura is an extra problem, now we cannot predict how strong she is, yes, there is this too, of course I watched Regis' body draw circles around me.

"Yes, you're correct. I'm unsure of my current limits, but if I were to hazard a guess, I'd say I could defeat the Scythe," I asserted. Striding toward the window, I noticed several children outside, diligently studying from the notes I had provided. Among them stood Seth, with a frail physique, prompting a response from the Regis.

"That boy reminds me a little of you," he said.


I thought, squinting my eyebrows in distress.

"Yes, he was born with a weak body and continues to fight. Whereas you were born with a low Ki level and tried to climb to the top and eventually became the king," he said. These words talked about different lives and how they continue and shape each of us.

"You're right," I said. "We are all fighting a war within ourselves. He is just at the beginning and it will be interesting to see if he can chart his own journey."

"But for now, our journey will culminate in Cadell's death tomorrow," I said. "We can finally avenge Silva," I added, a cold grin appearing on my face. With this action, at least a burden would be lifted from me on the path to destiny.



"The freezing air of the countless snowflakes falling on the mountains was hitting us with the aim of the wind." At that moment, while the snow was dancing in the air under the influence of the icy wind, I felt the freezing cold penetrate us.

"With each breath, our misty breath spread into the atmosphere and intersected like ice in a coordinated manner." As the cold air made us shiver, I quickly rubbed my hands together and wrapped my scarf tighter around my neck to feel a little warmth.

"It seemed like a desperate move in weather like this, but at least it made me feel a little more clearly the feeling of the warm blood still running through me." When I looked around, I noticed that some of my friends were acting like me.

"While some of them were breathing out loudly, others were trying to wrap their bodies tighter in thick clothes. Especially watching my friend Circle struggling with her scarf gave me a feeling of happiness and I involuntarily laughed."

Circle noticed my movement and squinted at me. "Hey! If you have time to laugh, you have time to help me, right?" said. After this sentence, a sly smile appeared on his face. His sincere and mischievous attitude made me smile and showed that he wanted to enjoy having fun together even in the cold weather.

Smiling, I approached Circle and noticed other people in the back looking at the view as she adjusted her scarf around her neck. We were all going to watch the Victoria show early in the morning and show off our talents

Some apparently weren't keen on the idea. Getting up early and getting ready in cold weather was not attractive to anyone, I thought. However, I knew we had to be excited for the show and I sincerely wanted to share that.

A sneaky person approaching from behind did not think like me and blocked my view with his tiny hands before I could turn around. "Guess who I am?" he said in a mischievous tone.

A genuine smile appeared on my face and my lips slowly curved in response. "Hmm, I don't know, these hands are as small as a squirrel's," I said. My comment caused him to laugh slightly. "So can this be with yeast?" I asked, deciding to break the ice between us. At that moment, an atmosphere of humor was created because we both wanted to have a sincere dialogue.

After Mayla took her hands off me, we made eye contact with each other for a while. I thought this moment would be a beautiful treasure for me when I look back on my past.

While I was lost in my thoughts, Mayla looked at me with a pout on one cheek and asked, "Was it that obvious that it was me?" She was a little upset that her plan fell through. Before giggling slightly, I said, "Of course, I knew that squirrel was yours from the beginning."

Before Mayla could open her mouth to answer again, Professor Abby slowly said that it was time and we should all get in line. Thereupon, we all started to line up one by one in front of Tempus Warp. The queue was so long that I thought to myself, "this is crazy."

Suddenly everyone started looking to our right, so I turned my head curiously and saw Professor Grey. He caught everyone's attention by clapping his hands. He then began to extract some materials from his dimensional ring. The first was a cloak with blue and black patterns; Its edges were decorated with golden yellow stripes. The other was an off-white mask. Its outer details were decorated with blue stripes and completed with small horns curling from the edges. From what I understand, these items were specially prepared for us to respectfully represent Vritra. The meaning and aesthetics of each item were in harmony with Vritra's symbolism and were a tribute to her memory.

While the assistants continued to distribute the necessary items to us, Professor Gray continued speaking. He emphasized that there would be a sovereign as the representative of Victoria and that we should not look at him, otherwise we would be punished. These words made me feel more doubt about myself and the gods who saved us. The worst part was that I started to feel the feeling of fear suppressed inside me even more.

"What if I make a mistake or disgrace our school?" Thoughts like these occupied my brain. The professor's words and these new responsibilities worried me, and many negative scenarios were running through my mind.

As I was about to continue, I stopped and turned my face away when several hot fingers suddenly came into contact with my hand. Mayla was looking at me with a warm expression, as if she felt my thoughts.

When I saw him like this, a feeling of smile started to take me away from these negative emotions. I felt as if an angel had come and cleansed me from all my sins.

In return I shook her hand and smiled while looking at her and said thank you Mayla.

She winked at me and said it was nothing.

Mayla and I turned our heads in surprise when a grayish-golden haired person passing in front of us interrupted this warm moment.

Professor Gray took a few steps forward and said in a calm voice, "You're late."

We all looked forward to see who he was talking to and we saw a midnight blue lithe woman walking towards us. It was the assistant professor, Lady Caera.

He stopped right in front of Professor Grey, then opened his mouth to speak. "Do you think so, Professor?" he said. "I think you are very punctual for someone who leaves someone behind alone." He said the last sentence with sarcasm.

This sarcasm they felt towards each other was quite strange to me. Generally, Professor Gray was a very cold and distant person. I didn't think he cared about us even when he was teaching us. However, the fact that Professor and Associate Professor Caera constantly spent time together suggested that there was more than just a collegial relationship between them. The time they spent together showed that their bond was deepening. This was surprising to me and made me think more about their relationship.

But before I could make a decision, the warm texture of the tempus warp surrounding us pulled me from my thoughts, circular lights coming from the prism surrounding us so we could all pass.

A woman's voice calling out, "We all stand together," made me look in that direction. Professor Abby had already grabbed Professor Grey's arm without giving Associate Professor Caera a chance. They were exchanging a few whispered jokes, at which only he laughed.

Leaving them aside, my heart was increasing my motivation with an inner fire full of determination. My eyes were fixed on my victorious goal with determination and I felt that I must succeed in this struggle at all costs.

'Cause I knew this was the beginning of my journey!

As the tempus warp worked and teleported us to Victoria, a cheering crowd welcomed us along with the arena, and at the same time, the smell of the sea breeze adorning my nose helped me calm down.

When I looked ahead, there were people lined up on the platform. One particularly portly man wearing a long coat walked among them, shook hands with Professor Grey, and asked some questions. When we got the check mark, the man told us to follow.

The large man started to introduce us to the places by pointing around with one hand. As he moved gently, he finally said, "This part of the coliseum is reserved for you." "Here, there are places with delicious snacks and mysterious gifts," he said, pointing to the western part with his other hand. This strange gesture of moving his fingers in the air made a few students laugh and helped him gain their trust.

The professor gave the man a sign of approval and then told the assistants to take care of the students, but some of them were not very keen on this idea and there were a few objections piling up behind them.

Assistant Briar and Aphene did their best to calm the students down. However, their efforts were fruitless and a cold chill pervaded the atmosphere. Everyone gave goosebumps with Professor Grey's piercing, bright eyes peeking out from behind his mask. With this effect, no one stood in line without saying a word.

Even Professor Abby had to stop clinging to his arm and take a step back. Standing in the front row were Associate Professor Caera and Professor Gray. Now they were ahead, and the others were following them slowly.

As we climbed the stone marble steps, our field of vision was expanding with every step we took. The surroundings were in chaos, with structures resembling the tower of a castle that looked like long tents, and the sounds of shop owners trying to sell various items. When we reached the top step, the sea breeze made the smell of the food spread even more clearly. Even though I had breakfast, I couldn't suppress my stomach growling.

Valen, who was walking next to me, grinned at me a little when she heard this, and I scratched my cheek a little shyly.

When I heard someone's surprised voice next to me, I quickly turned my head and my eyes widened in shock. When I looked carefully, I noticed that the expansive view of the Colosseum cast a huge shadow on us. The structure was so large that even the craftsmen's sturdy shops and tents looked ordinary in front of this structure.

While the stunning view of the Colosseum was still etched in my mind, Associate Professor Briar pointed out that we should separate the groups. We quickly obeyed and split into two groups, but it was difficult to focus as we passed each area. Every shopkeeper was distracting us by trying to sell or show us something.

We were surrounded by many acrobats and merchants wandering around us. While some were performing mysterious tricks, others were displaying their mysterious crystals. The most disgusting thing was a spider with long hairy legs that passed over us. It had 8 legs and many ruby eyes. We almost tripped and fell.

However, this didn't stop us from falling into the crazy fun going around. My eyes kept wandering between the useful gadgets sold in the shops and the food stalls. I made a promise to myself that I would visit them after the show.

As Enola passed by me, she whined and said, "We have so much money to spend, but we don't have time to stand here and have fun," he said sarcastically.

When Portrel heard Enola's question, a look of disgust appeared on his face. He scrunched up his nose and the slight burn mark right next to his eyebrow gave him a warrior look. This questioning look reflected his deep thoughts and determination.

Professor Gray gently tightened the blue cloak that fitted his slim body, then turned to us and said: "I understand your disappointment, but don't dive in too soon." He continued: "There is no gain without labor." "First win the war, then get what you want," he said.

So Professor Gray continued to walk in front of us. I could feel the impenetrable confidence coming from him with every step he took. The journey he led was fascinating, not just a physical journey but also an inner discovery.

As I walked through the dark tunnel, I was distracted from my thoughts. Before our eyes, there were wooden doors in brown tones at vertical intervals. As we progressed further, there were different tunnel paths on both sides.

The intermittent cheering sounds rising from the base became more distinct as we progressed. The enthusiastic screams caused the Colosseum to shake, and the pieces of light falling on the stairs of our steps were reflected on the ground to show that we had reached the end of the tunnel.

Pressure from below led to a sudden pause. The air entering my lungs suddenly contracted and expanded as if in a cycle. Even when my legs were shaking, I didn't give up. I slowly raised my head and looked around. Almost all of the students were bowing, and the associate professors were bowing slightly to the person standing in front of them.

I slowly lifted my head up to look at the person in front of me. The figure in front of me was an armored figure wearing a white cloak. His broad shoulders and elf-like pointy ears drew attention to the details that became more evident with each perspective I took. However, his most striking features were his red eyes and the slightly arching horns that curled on his head. Apparently, it was a vritra.

There was an uncertain ambiance in a dark and silent tunnel. While there was a calmness around the group, he was standing in front of us with his hands clasped behind his waist and his eyes closed, but what I couldn't understand was that even though he kept his eyes closed, he felt like he had the power to dominate the surroundings.

The silence created uneasiness. At that moment, it was a matter of curiosity what was hiding behind the figure's eyes and why they were here. Nobody could predict what would happen.

But what broke this silence was the vritra-looking man who stood before them and spoke with a sudden change of demeanor: "Professor Gray and Associate Professor Caera Scythe Seris invite you both to his presence," the pressure said. When it starts to fall apart around us

However, it would be an understatement to say that the people around us were shocked. I did not know how to get out of this situation because I did not bend down after a long time. The figure in front of me was so oppressive that I did not know what to do.

"So it would be rude to keep Scythe seris waiting, right? Cylrit," said Professor Gray next to me.

Then she turned around and pointed to Associate Professor Briar and Aphenta and said, "You are in charge while I am away."

They both looked at each other as if searching for an answer, but they still nodded so as not to spoil the atmosphere.

Everyone made way for the vritra-looking maid to pass first, then Associate Professor Caera and Professor Gray stepped forward. I watched their figures move away from their shoulders as they descended the stairs.

I saw Enola and Mayla's eyes flickering next to me.

Of course, it would be natural for us to be afraid. The appearance of a demigod without any notice would shock us all. Fortunately, the associate professors were doing their best to calm everyone down. After a while, they decided to exit the tunnel. I was still focused on where Professor Gray was going.

I heard Mayla calling me from behind saying "Aren't you coming?"

Then I announced my arrival with a nod and began to take the first step through the tunnel towards my adventure that awaited me.

Frankly, this episode was a preparation episode so it wasn't very exciting, but in the next episode, I will increase the dialogues and give more importance to the battle scene, so I want you to be patient.

and I wish you all a good reading :)