
TBATE: The Bladeheart

„Who am I?“ „Yes, who are you?“ asked the person now known as king Grey. „Well, I am a friend, an orphan, a corps commander, a hero, and a murderer.“ said the young looking man. But he continued. „That is who I am. That is the my identity.“ „… a hero?… I see… now that you introduced yourself, let our duel begin!“ and that is how the battle to the death ensued. ________________________________________________________________________________ Note: The art that I provide in the comments and the one on the cover are not mine(The title is [obviously] added in). If the author of the art wants to take it down i‘ll oblige just by the author informing me.

Haedris · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Acquisition of Indentity

I died.

The last thing I remember myself doing is stabbing king Grey's torso while impaled on his sword and saying something...

after that, I died.

Right now all I see is darkness and I can't hear or smell anything.

Where the hell am I?

It feels like I'm floating in space. No gravity. No air. Nothing.

Is this what happens after you die? If so, who did I pray to this entire time?

I was not a firm believer in god but still prayed every day in remembrance of... someone, or maybe someones? I don't remember anymore. But back to the point, it was still a let down to know that all of that time was wasted. Oh well, nothing I can do about that anymore.

While I was thinking, a voice appeared out of nowhere. It was wheezing, it seemed like it was out of breath. It said:

"I don't have much time, so I'll just give the gift now before I'll lose control over you so enjoy it, Eden. Good luck."

As the silence came, I suddenly fell into a shock as my whole being was connected to something. My soul was just connected to a body with other things, memories, ticks, and much, much more. All at the same time.

As I reeled back from the shock, I thought:

'...What the f*ck?' I was just connected to a body, I could feel it. But what was I supposed to make out of this? And so, I started to think.

What is this voice talking about? What gift? Is it this body? And who is Eden? Is it me? If so, why can't I remember my name? And What is this voice? A... god?

After that train of thought I started to panic. If that existence is truly a god then why is it here? Does it have any malicious intent? That can't be right? If that *thing* is a god and it was here to kill me then I wouldn't even be here anymore.

Then realization struck. If I continue to panic like this, none of my questions will be answered.

Let's calm ourselves down... Eden? First let's think about one question then go to another. First, who is Eden?... I think Eden is me. Let's think about it like this, who else is it talking about, when I'm most likely the only one here? Yeah, that seems logical.

Next is who is this voice and why it doesn't have time. Is the voice the one who put me in this darkness after my death? Likely, but I can't be sure. It being a god is a possibility as well, but then not having any time would be weird, at least for me. For me the word 'god' means something omnipotent and omniscient and a being like that, would just make more time for itself. But this is not about my perception of god, so let's say it's something akin to a god. Let's call it Mimir for now.

Last question I have is: What gift? What is it talking about? Is this darkness a gift? I tried to look around, but with everything being dark I didn't even know if I was really moving my head.


I don't think so. So what is it? Is it the body I now feel connected to? Could be.

While I was contemplating about the supposed gift. I saw a light.

A light at the end of the tunnel.

Is that light a path to heaven? If so, was that place purgatory? That would explain why I was in that soul-like state… I think. Wait, I hear voices. They're coming from the light! The light is getting closer! I started to panic once again. How could I not, when I know next to nothing about what is happening to me?

After a while that seemed like eternity I was enveloped by the light. The light was so bright that for a moment, I had to close my eyes because I thought the light would damage them.

"Many congratulations on the birth of your twins, Lady and Lord Bladeheart."


Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Birth! I am a baby!? How the hell did this happen!? I know I was connected to a body, but…

I tried to look around but I couldn't see properly. Right now I'm really sensitive to light so I'll just close my eyes and try to touch something.

"Aww, Killian, look at them trying to find their mother! How cute!" exclaimed... I think my mother? I'm not sure, like I said I can't see properly.

"I think that is just a reflex. Because they can't see anything, they'll try to latch onto the closest thing they find to make themselves feel safer." answered someone named Killian(my father probably).

"Oh come on, honey! Don't ruin this moment for me!" The woman complained playfully.

"..." Killian stayed silent. Why though? Suddenly I felt a gloved hand envelop mine.

"They're beautiful... Do you have a name for them, Azaria?"

"Yes! Yes, I do! But now that I think about it, how about I name one and you name the other?"

"...Alright, then from now on this child's name shall become Amir."

"And this little cutie will be Claire!"

...I don't know what to think of this. Is this the gift that Mimir was talking about? If so, should I be happy? From what I remember of my past life, I should definitely be happy. After all this is a new start for me, I right now am a completely blank slate, no achievements and no failures, but then why...

Why do I want to cry?



That day two baby cries were heard from the room,


4 month later...

(Eden POV)

My name is Amir. Amir Bladeheart.

That is who I am now. Because I don't remember much about my past life, it didn't take much time to accept it. I also learned that I have a twin and her name is Claire.

She still can't see, I don't know why but I have gained the ability to see much sooner than other children, at least that's what the doctor said to my parents. Their names are Azaria Bladeheart and Darius Bladeheart. My mother seems kind and much more light-hearted then my father who is as stoic as one can be.

But back to the whole 'new world, reincarnation' thing.

After a month of information gathering(because until then I couldn't properly see) I came to realize that this world is almost completely different from the old one. The only similarities are that in both of the worlds there is a monarchical system in all of the kingdoms in the world and that there is some sort of supernatural power.

On Earth we had a power called ki. Ki is simply a power to strengthen one's body or weapon utilizing something we call innate ki. Innate ki is present in every single organism on Earth and travels through something we call meridians.

And in this world there is mana. Mana is present everywhere. I don't mean that it is omnipresent. But not only is it in organisms but in the atmosphere as well. There are different types of mana as well. There is fire, water, air and earth mana.

Normally each mage(this is what they call users of mana) can manipulate only one type of mana, but there are exceptions that are multi-elementals. These people can manipulate either two or more types of mana. Those who control two are called dual-elementals, those who can control three are tri-elementals, and those who control four would be called quadra-elementals. But dual-elementals are already rare so let's not even talk about tri- and quadra-elemetals.

There are also deviant forms which are basically an evolved element. For fire element, the deviance is lightning(humans only) and if fire is coupled with earth it can become magma, but that is unfortunately available for dwarves only. For water deviances there is only ice(again for humans only). There is a sound element(humans and elves only), which is a deviance of wind. Earth element has 2 deviances. The 1st is metal(dwarves only) and 2nd element is gravity(Humans and dwarves only). And the last element that can be manipulated only by elves is the plant element... Did I forget to mention that there are different races other than humans(elves and dwarves)? Oh well, now you know.

Oh! Almost forgot to say. There are two types of ways to manipulate mana. First is to manipulate the mana outside of the body: 'Conjurer' and the other is to manipulate mana inside one's body and strengthen it: 'Augmenter'.

Almost all people fall under one of these categories and there are no cases of one being an 'augmenter' and 'conjurer' at the same time. But I will change that... soon...

maybe two years from now.

I wanted to start gathering mana particles inside my body to create a 'core'. A 'core' is an organ that allows a mage to manipulate mana. How do I do that? I don't have access to books to learn from because I can't properly move right now. So I had to learn with-

Observation and experimentation.

I observed the way people around me manipulated mana and that way I started to understand it.

I experimented on myself. First I just tried to bend mana to my will just by thinking about it(obviously it didn't work). After that I tried to feel the mana inside me, it took some time but eventually I started to feel it. Then, I started to play with the mana, it was surprisingly easy. It was almost the same feeling as manipulating ki. But then I started to seriously think:

'What if I just create two cores from the mana and become an augmenter AND a conjurer?'

'Can I... do that?' I think so. But is there a better option? Most definitely.

'What if I play with the mana that I have inside of me in mana veins and mana channels to strengthen them? That way I won't have the problem of cultivating two 'cores' and get the benefits of both!'

And so, I started doing just that.


I... I can crawl now... finally.

I can move... that means... I don't have to just stare at the ceiling, doing nothing.

After who knows how long after coming to this world('It's just 6 months dude.'-Author), I can crawl!

After so many boring years('6... nevermind'-Author) I can properly explore this maze of a mansion.

And so I did, I explored(unfortunately with the supervision of maids) every nook and cranny of the mansion, the main hall, dinner room, kitchen and even backyard and the guest room. But now I'm slowly marching towards the main attraction: the library.

But then mother appeared!

"Mimi! Come and say hi to your mommy!" my mother called me out with my nickname(which I hate by the way!). She was carrying my twin, Claire, in her arms. I was not expecting this encounter, so I was stunned for a second. But then I put on... 'baby mode'.

"Mama!" I enthusiastically said as I tried to crawl to her as fast as possible. I was glad to see her, but expressing enthusiasm was never my strong suit, unless it was music or ki so I had to act like a proper child, full of innocence and energy. Luckily I 'am' a child right now so I had the necessary energy to maintain this act long enough for the people around me.

As mother scooped me up into her arms, the maids excused themselves and started to go back to their usual duties.

"Did you do another one of your explorations today? Huh, children really are hyperactive, they were not kidding. Oh! I'm going to the library right now, do you want to go with me?" asked my mother.

"Umu!" I answered and nodded my head several times. And of course my mother, who was most likely not expecting an answer, looked rather stunned by my response.



…uhhh, this is a problem. She was just most likely talking to herself idiot! Why did you just go and reveal yourself like that! What should I do now? Should I divert her attention to something else, or maybe I could try to-

"Uwaaa! You're so cute! Just like little Claire here isn't that right!" She exclaimed as she smother us both with love.

Oh. She wasn't stunned because of my understanding of the language, but because of how I 'cutely' nodded my head... I'm sorry to say this about my mother, but... is she by any chance stupid?(spoiler: she wasn't)

While I was thinking about the possibility, we reached the door from the library. And when she opened the door, I was in awe. It was a fairly big, open room with 3 desks in the middle that were surrounded by thousands of books. The library even had stairs to reach the higher placed ones!

[[[𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞]]]

During my moment of admiration, my mother settled down with one of her books, when I read the title I was stunned once again(it happens quite often apparently):

'Mana manipulation for Conjurers.- Expert level'

Whoa! Is that what I think it is?! It is, isn't it! That's exactly the type of book that I need!

"Mama!" I tried to get moms attention.

"What is it, Mimi?" She asked.

Pah! I lightly smacked the book that she was holding and said:

"W-Wead! Mama! Wead mi!" Because of my inability to properly speak(and because I'm trying to act like the child that I am), I urged her to read it out loud to me.

"Of course Mimi! Gosh you're already growing up right before my eyes!" exclaimed my mother as she started to read the book out loud.

After this session of book reading with my mother and Claire(who has fallen asleep literally 2 minutes after we came in), we continued to come here to read every day for at least an hour.

Days like these continued for another year.


[Word count: 2362]

Author's thoughts:

OK! I think this introduction to the fanfic is pretty good. There are some parts that I don't like, but honestly I don't know how to write them differently, so I'll keep it like this(for now).

If you have any thoughts about the story, logic in the story, or anything else please post it here -->

I appreciate your feedback in advance!

Oh! And about the updating schedule... That...

That is a thing that I choose not to address.

See ya! -Haedris


I would appreciate if you post some of the ideas for the name of this chapter here -->



- Amir named the thing that he met in the darkness Mimir(Norse God of Knowledge), because it most likely knew more information about the situation he was in than Eden.

-All the information that Amir dropped on you about mana, races, and elements were things he heard from bedtime stories his mother read to him.