
Eleanor Leywin

I was standing on the side of the lake catching fish with boo it's been 2 months since Arthur has disappeared everyone thinks that he had died fighting the 2 scythes but I know for a fact that he is live somewhere out there some where I know that he has managed to survive even boo agrees with me I had a fight with tessia I did blame her for Arthur disappearing if she hadn't gone out side that day Arthur would have not had to fight those scythes as I was in my thoughts there was a bright light in front of my eyes then all of sudden there was darkness as I slowly open my eyes I saw mom and elder virion and tessia and lance bairon standing next to each other as soon as I saw them me and boo run to them just as I about to react them I saw the people that I haven't seen them since the war started there standing was helstea family they were almost as confused as i was then i started looking around i saw the rest of the lances the glayder siblings the twin horns and professor gideon and emily and Claire as very one was looking confused at each other I heard a voice in my head it said that(hello everyone today we are going to the life of someone special )Who are you and who's life are we Go to view asked elder virion(first of all it doesn't matter who am l and for the second question you know him well after all he was your very first student)at this elder virion and tessia had a sad look on there faces l don't know who was he taking about so l asked tessia who was the closest to me,hey tessia she looked at me with her sad face she said in a low tone,he is taking about Arthur at which i had a small pain in my guts feyrith who was near elder virion he said, it's been along time since I saw Arthur,at which the twin horns and glayder siblings got a bit of excitement on there faces everyone who didn't know about arthur disappearing had a small smile on there faces but on the other hand people who know about disappearing had a sad smile including myself then again l heard the voice again (yes you are correct you all are going to view the life of Arthur leywin and we are going to see his last moments)at which very one had a look of horror in there faces there was a completel silence this silence was broken by jasmine she said,what are you saying are you saying that he died are joking with as he can't die that easily,at which elder virion replied saying,he is telling the truth Arthur had went disappeared after he had went to find tessia but when they came back arthur wasn't with them

After what tessia had told it seems that Arthur had successfully found her and was on his way to bring her and some more people back he was encounter by two scythes he and Sylvie fought against them but lost he managed to let tessia and the people escape but he and Sylvie could not escape after that they disappeared we thought because they were died because they bodies were not found,after he had finished explaining everyone had a sad look on there faces and some had tears I there eyes then again the voice spoke(enough of explaining let's start there are some rules first no asking questions and and no interrupting during the react as of take your seats )as he said that all of a sudden there were seats in the middle and one of them have my name on it my seats was between mom and tessia and boo who was keeping a high guard around me was sitting on the back side of my chair as soon as everyone sat down there was a projection infort of my eyes the the voicesad again(lets begin)