
TBATE: Blessed by Mana (Rewrite)

(The much-not-wanted rewrite is here!) After having successfully defeated the demon Zarged, responsible for the tragedy of the Elf tribe 500 years ago with the aid of the Magic Knights of the present era, Licht went on to help them one last time by lifting off the reincarnation spell cast on them by the demon. He then felt his own soul departing the artificial body prepared for him and begin to fade away. He would finally be able to reunite with both Tetia and Lumiere in the afterlife. Or that's what he thought but not every wish is fulfilled and not all stories come to and end. Sometimes even the end marks a new beginning. (I don't own TBATE or Black Clover, nor their characters. Both of these works belong to their respected writers. All I own is the fanfiction. Enjoy reading!)

Duke_Aaron · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

A Royal Beginning

Licht's POV

The long-drawn battle between the humans, allied with the reincarnated elves against the demon Zagred, had finally reached a concluding end when the anti-magic boy dealt the decisive blow, vanquishing the demon once and for all. 

The present era is now in safe hands and the five-hundred-year-old saga of mine and Lumiere's enmity with the devil has finally drawn to a definite close. 

All that remained for me was to release the souls of the reincarnated elves from their human vessels so that they could finally rest in peace. It was my own incompetence that led to the annihilation and suffering of my tribe. At the very least, I can put an end to their long-suffering.

William, the mage who was the human vessel of Patri opened up his grimoire to cast his spell. His spell, combined with the effects of both the Demon Dweller and the Demon Destroyer would be able to nullify the reincarnation spell. Both these swords were my creations and are currently in possession of the anti-magic boy, the one who was pivotal in defeating the demon.

He let me borrow them for one final time in order to remove the reincarnation spell. I had already made up my mind to hand them over to him completely. He had proved that he would put them to good use. Even my grimoire, which had been corrupted by my descent into despair, had chosen him as his new owner. 

William held out his hand, his grimoire floating up right in front of him. A seed took shape in his hand before he started channeling his mana into the seed. The seed starting to grow into a tree. I pressed my hand on his back, channeling my mana through him. The mana traveled through the many branches of the tree, soon becoming visible to nearly every citizen of the Clover Kingdom.

"Unison Magic: Demon Dweller Sword Spirit: Light Tree!" We chanted at the same time. 

The tree shone with a brilliant light before rays of light scattered, reaching out to the elves who had been reincarnated and currently possessed human bodies. With the aid of this spell, I was able to disclose the whole truth about the massacre of our tribe and how the humans weren't involved in it at all. I also revealed the fact that we elves are no longer a part of this world and would now need to leave it in the hands of humans.

Surprisingly no one protested against me. They did not even hold me as an incompetent leader who failed to protect them from their untimely demise. They agreed with me that it was indeed time to depart to the afterlife. Even if I had doubts about myself, my people never doubted me even once. 

I was truly overwhelmed.

I proceeded to stab the Demon Destroyer in the tree. The effects of the sword quickly took place as I sensed the souls of the elves starting to depart the mortal realm, leaving their vessels intact and unharmed. Now that they were aware of the whole truth, none of them harbored animosity towards the humans. 

The dream Lumiere and I once cherished, of elves and humans collaborating, had finally come to fruition, even if it was only for this fleeting moment. 

I bid farewell to Rhya, Vetto, and Fana, who would remain in the human world. Their second reincarnation occurred in artificial bodies which did not house any souls previously. Thus, they were unaffected by the spell and would continue living, dedicating their lives to the dream Lumiere and I once shared. Perhaps every event that transpires does so for a specific purpose.

I turned to face the human mage Yuno, thanking him wholeheartedly. It was all thanks to him that I was able to feel what fighting alongside my own child feels like. He had inherited Tetia's Wind attribute, something she would have been overjoyed about if she were here.

The magicless boy approached me, holding out my grimoire, expressing his wish to return it to me. I declined and instead handed him both my grimoire and my swords, as I had intended.

"They are of no use to a dead man like me,." I spoke, shaking my head. "Instead, I would like for you to have them. I have seen how you use your powers for everyone's sake and I hope you keep putting them to good use. I wish you luck in your endeavors ahead and hope you achieve your dream of becoming the Wizard King."

With my final farewells, my soul departed from the body I had been inhabiting, finally freeing the mage who had the unfortunate fate of becoming my vessel. I offered him my sincerest apologies before finally departing the living world. I had no lingering attachments, nor any regrets. At last, I would be able to rest in peace with my tribe, Tetia, and of course, my old friend Lumiere.



That was all that greeted me once I opened my eyes. Wherever I gazed, I was met with the same impenetrable darkness.

This isn't supposed to be the afterlife, is it? Is it really supposed to be filled with this much darkness?

In this empty space, I couldn't even feel my limbs, nor could I hear my own voice. It felt as if all the senses of my body, except the vision, had gone numb. No sound, no feeling of one's own arms and legs, nothing.

Just where is this--

Before I could further brainstorm myself regarding where I had ended up after releasing my soul from the artificial body, I saw a light at the far end of this boundless darkness. Does that mean my vision is returning? I could see the light growing brighter and brighter, and the distance between myself and the source of light seemed to be reducing.

'Is it someone's spell? Am I being attacked? I should prepare a defensive spell just in case...?'

Reality hit me real hard when I couldn't even sense the mana around me. What kind of space is where there is not even a speck of mana?

The light got even brighter, eventually making it difficult to keep my eyes open. Muffled voices of laughter and cheering began to reach my ears.

'I guess all five senses are going to come back at once.'

But why in the world would they need to return? This question plagued my mind as I kept my eyes shut as it was still difficult to keep them open. Rather than keeping them open, the action of opening my eyes itself felt arduous. I should be dead anyway so there is no reason for all my senses to return to me. Yet I keep hearing these voices like....

"Congratulations Your Majesty and Your Highness! It's a healthy baby boy!"

Majesty? Highness? Healthy. Baby. Boy?

"Ha! My lovely grandson!"

Grandson? I don't even remember my parents, let alone having a grandfather.

Are these really the words, a dead man should be hearing right off the bat? As my hearing properly returned to me, I could make out various voices, with none of them being familiar to me. 

It's high time to open my eyes, endure this bloody blinding light and see it for myself as to what is going on around me.

With great effort, I opened my eyes and was welcomed by a beautiful motherly face of a woman, who had the expressions of someone who had just given birth. She had long silver hair that fell in curls down her back and had round shimmering light blue eyes. I took note of her elegant clothing, giving off the fact that she is someone of high status or royalty.

Though the characteristic that stood out the most to me were her pointed ears. I could recognize those ears anywhere. How could I not? Those pointy ears are what differentiates us from humans on the basis of appearance.

She is an elf.

Just like myself, she is an elf.

Yet, I couldn't recall anyone like her from our tribe. Were there other tribes of elves residing in different kingdoms or countries? I don't remember anyone from our tribe with silver hair, nor can I recall anyone surviving that attack. She must belong to another tribe, living elsewhere, evidently more prosperous than ours, given her lavish attire.

"Licht." The woman suddenly spoke up in a tired yet content voice. "That will be his name."

Wait! Are you naming me with my own name? Hold on a second! Why are you naming me in the first place?

I was about to protest, but instead of literate words, what came out of my mouth were incoherent cries. Cries that newborn babies with underdeveloped vocal cords give out. I tried to raise my arm up to my throat to check on my vocal cords and somehow a menial task of moving my hands proved to be a herculean task. When I was met with the sight of tiny, chubby baby hands instead of a grown man's hands, was I finally able to put two and two together.

Somehow I had been reborn or for better words, reincarnated into a baby elf, with all my memories intact. I confirmed the elf part by slightly feeling my own ears with those little fingers of mine. Was I not fully able to cancel the reincarnation spell? The magic of the devils was still a mystery to us and no one amongst us had any knowledge regarding it. Contemplating about it now seemed very much pointless.

On a side note, my new family is some sort of royalty. That explains the congratulations to His Majesty and Her Highness, as said by the nurse lady standing in the farthest edge of the bed, letting my family gush over me.

"You had already picked a name for him?"

Snapping out of my thoughts, I glanced up at the source of the voice, meeting with the overly enthusiastic emerald eyes of a tall man clad in loosely decorated robe. He had sharp features and carried himself with dignity. Though right now, he seemed more relaxed and happy about becoming a father.

"Yes, don't you like it Alduin?" My mother expectantly gazed up at my father.

You know you are supposed to ask me as well Mother if I like my name or not. Then again, I won't be complaining since it is my very own name and I am glad that I will be living this....new life of mine with the same name. Though, even I wanted to complain, I am not in a position to do so at the moment. Not with these baby vocal cords!

As if to tell them that I did like my name, I let out a hearty cry or noise, whatever one would call it, resulting in all eyes in the room now focusing on me. For someone who could look into the eyes of a devil without even wavering, this seemed a little bit nerve-wracking. Maybe I shouldn't have done that.

"Looks like our son likes the name too, Merial." Alduin chuckled before taking me in his arms.

"Can I hold him too?"

Right next to my father popped up an old man with an idiotic, laid back face, masking his sharp facial features. I swear if it weren't for him currently fanboying over me right now, he can kill someone with his mere gaze alone. I could easily tell one simple fact, he's strong. The old elf had his long white hair tied on his back.

"I am not sure." My father seemed unsure about handing me to whom I figured is my grandfather. "Be careful with me father."

"Ah hush! I have handled you too when you were this little. This is nothing." My grandfather retorted before picking my tiny frame up from my father's arms. Just what is the reason for my father's distrust towards his very own father?

I don't remember my parents or the fact that I ever had any grandparents in my past life. I don't know how it is different for those who grew up with their families. It seems in this life I would be able to know how to feels to be raised by your own parents, to be pampered by your grandparents---!


After letting out a cry of utter despair did I finally understand why my father seemed unsure about handing me to my grandfather. Not an hour had passed after I was born and I had to experience being flung into the air by an adult who is laid back and idiotic, only to be caught right back by the same adult. I glared up at the old man who seemed to be having the fun of his life by tormenting me.

'Someone save me from this crazy old man!


Lumiere's POV

"Looks like they all departed,." I said in a low voice, glancing at the rising sun over the horizon. I felt the souls of Licht and every other elf that had reincarnated into this era, leaving the mortal world. I looked at my own body, slowly disintegrating. It had served its purpose and honestly, I never expected it to last this long in the fight against the damned devil. "My time has also come."

I looked at my side, seeing Secre, the one responsible for having kept me alive, by preserving my soul and body in the form of a stone statue for five hundred years, preparing for the rematch with the devil all alone. I couldn't thank her enough for all she had to endure. She had been all by herself for these many years and I couldn't help but feel sorrowful that I was going to leave her again. 

Though this time, she won't be alone.

Standing behind her were three individuals who fought with us against the devil. Two of them were my very own descendants, Mimosa Vermillion and Noelle Silva. It seemed that the Silvamillion Clover family had branched off into three families in all these years. The other individual was the anti-magic boy, Asta, the one crucial for our victory against the devil. 

That girl Mimosa thinks I am made of stone.....well she isn't entirely wrong.

They were all discussing about how Secre, now going by the name of Nero was initially a crow, who turned into a human. Secre explained that she never turned into a human but was always a human to began with.

"I wonder which one of you will end up becoming the wizard king?" I mused, drawing their attention.

"It's going to be me, sir!" Asta sprang up, his hand raised.

"You and the prince are nothing alike, Asta." Secre quickly retorted.


More cracks started appearing on my body and I sensed that my time here was ending. I, who was supposed to be dead long ago, have truly lived an extended life and now the purpose of that life was fulfilled. The present and the future, both are in the capable hands of this generation. I have no more regrets or lingering attachments left in this world. I am ready to embrace my inevitable death.

Though, there is one regret. One that I will always keep to myself. My feelings. My feelings for Secre. I cannot bring myself to tell her even now. If I do, she would be left behind with the burden, and that's the last thing I want. This is something I intend to carry with me to my grave.

"My prince..." Secre turned to face me, having sensed that my life is fading away. 

"Secre...though you go by Nero now,." I spoke up. "Will you watch over their futures and ideals play out for me as well?"

I could have requested anything else and she would no doubt have fulfilled it to the very end. If I were to tell her to join me in the afterlife she would have gladly done so. But that was not what I wished for. What I truly wished, was for her to live her life to the fullest and not be burdened or tied to me any longer. 

"My Prince! I have.." Her breath hitched as tears formed in her eyes. "If you are going then I will go with you as well!"

"I gave everything I had five hundred years ago and my life was supposed to end back then,." I replied. I did not wish for her to end her life just for my sake. "I wish to see what kind of future would turn out from now onwards. Both for the magic knights and the Clover Kingdom that you will defend."

My body began to crumble even more. The magic stones that were keeping me alive had also run out of magic. Secre grabbed hold of my hand, her eyes filled with tears.

"I am grateful to have served you for the last time." Were the final words that I heard before my body completely crumbled to dust.




"Welcome to Alacrya, First Wizard King."