
TBATE: Anbu’s journey

All characters are from my other novel, Black Clover: A Shinobi’s second life. — A squad of Anbu find themselves in a strange land. How will they react to the new people? How will they react to Magic? Join Rhya and the rest of his highly trained assassin friends on their journey in this unknown land.

Marline · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs



Around a small campfire that was made on a rather large branch of a tree, four people could be seen.

Two of the men lay face up on the branch with their masks removed revealing their faces, while the other two sat near the camp fire, also having their masks removed.

For a long time the two didn't say anything to each other, simply just listening to the storm along with occasionally spreading out their senses to see if anyone was near.

And after a while of no enemy movement or any progress in the storm going away Fū spoke.

"What do you think is happening?"

Rhya glanced over towards him before his eyes made their way back to the small flickering fire.

"I honestly don't know. We should be dead, and yet here we are in our old Anbu cloaks with our equipment in some random forest with two unconscious teammates."

"Yeah I never thought we'd see them again so soon." Fū mumbled while looking at the unconscious body's of Tori and Torune.

"What's the last thing you remember before I woke you up?" Rhya suddenly asked.

Fū racked his brain for a while before he responded, "I remember sitting around a campfire in the Purelands, then everything went black."

Rhya nodded his head slowly and said, "it's the same with me."

They both glanced at Torune and Tori before Fū spoke, "I guess we will have to wait for them to wake up before we get any information."

"Inde-" Rhya cut himself off when he felt multiple presence's making their way throughout the forest near them.

He eyed Fū and silently signaled him to put the fire out while he moved and picked up Tori.

Following Rhya's example Fū put the fire out and then went and lifted Torune and they both flickered away towards another tree.

Minutes later 3 people appeared on the tree where they had just been.

The three all wore similar clothing, them being a white collared robe adorned with green accents and buttons along with the collar itself being a shade of olive green, a pair of black leather pants that had been tucked into a pair of leather boots, and a olive colored sash that wrapped around their right shoulder and tied around their waist.

As for weaponry and armor Rhya could see a pair of metal Greaves on the legs of each individual and a pair of metal arm-braces adorning their forearms.

Thought he couldn't tell what type of sword they had, he could easily see the hilt of a sword that been fastened to the sash around their waists.

Glancing over his shoulder towards Fū he put up three fingers signaling to him exactly how many people appeared.

Fū moved closer to Rhya before whispering, "what do you want to do?"

Rhya thought about it for a moment before asking, "Can you fight?"

Fū nodded his head and replied, "I'm good to fight I've already replenished all of my chakra."

Rhya nodded his head while he propped Tori up against the tree they had flickered to.

Making a '+' sign with his fingers he casted his first Jutsu in this new world, 'Shadow Clone Jutsu'

Two more Rhyas' appeared in a poof of smoke and waited for their orders.

"You two will watch over Torune and Tori while we handle this situation."

The clones nodded their heads and took up defensive positions around the two unconscious men.

While the clones did their own thing, Fū and Rhya withdrew their masks and tantos from their cloaks and prepared themselves.

(A/N: How the are dressed.


•White Anbu Cloak



•Root Jacket/Tanto holster located on the back

•Their respective clothes

•Ninja pouches with (to be explained ) items

Just felt like I needed to explain)

Nodding to each other they flickered towards the individual's with the intent to subdue them.

(Dasyra Erkas POV)

My team and I had been tasked with searching the forest of Elshire for any humans who wished to enslave our kind for the last five years, Since the incident with the Royal Princess our kinds trust towards the humans has dwindled.

Though there had been multiple occasions of a small band of slavers that made their through the forest, they had all been swiftly killed.

Today was no different, me and my team set out in the forest in hopes of cleaning up any scum of a being that others call humans and returning to our family's.

Halfway through the journey one of my subordinates,Thallan, sensed multiple people ahead of us.

Thinking it was a small group of slavers we rushed towards the location. Upon arrival though we didn't find any people, only a recently put out small camp fire.

I had Thallan spread out his Wind Magic to sense for the people that had been here not too long ago, but it was all for not as he shook his head after a few minutes of trying to find them.

'Damnit, we can't just let whoever was here get away!' I grounded my teeth at the thoughts of the humans capturing anymore elves because we failed to stop them.

"They must have been strong mages to sense us coming." Arryn chirped, Arryn was a short, young girl only at the of 17, she recently joined Dasrya's team in hopes of warding off all of the humans who had bad intentions towards her kind. Although she was still young she was very skilled in Sound Magic.

"Yeah, they must've sensed us as we appro- GUH" Thallan started but let out a gasp when the hilt of Fū's tanto met the back of his head.

Me and Arryn turned towards Thallan in shock and witnessed the sight of a cloaked and masked man with a short sword in his hand standing over the unconscious body of Thallan.

I swiftly withdrew my rapier from its sheath and sent a few Wind Magic enhanced slashes towards the man, which he blocked with precision accuracy.

"Arryn Use your sound Magic to subdue him!" I ordered but received no answer.


After Dasrya and Fū clashed a few more times, Dasrya enhanced her legs with Wind Magic and jumped away to a nearby tree, upon landing she looked for Arryn.

She looked around for a few seconds and Dasrya finally spotted her, She was unconscious and tied up with some sort of metal wire, with Thallan in a similar situation to her.

Dasrya couldn't dwell on the scene in front of her for long as she felt the air above her shift ever so slightly. She jumped back just in time to avoid a axe kick from another cloaked man.

"Who are you?!" She screamed at the two men standing in front of her.


Upon receiving no answer she gritted her teeth and pushed more mana out of her core and rushed it throughout her body.

feeling the slightly warm sensation of mana coursing throughout her body, Dasrya, lowered her body and put her rapier into a striking position.

"Damn humans should know your place!" She growled while launching herself towards the man wearing a bird-like mask.

Her rapier cut through the air relentlessly, and once she reached the masked man she thrusted her blade straight into his chest.


The 'person' whom her blade had just pierced, disappeared, leaving a small cloud of smoke.

Dasrya felt a hand grip around her wrist and squeeze with such force that she was forced to drop her rapier.

Out of the corner of her eyes she could see the bird masked man with his blade in one hand and her wrist in another. So she did the only thing that came to her mind, Thrash around.

She punched and kicked in hopes of getting the man to lose his grip, but it didn't work as his grip only tightened around her wrist.

Hopelessness over took her strained mind when the other masked man appeared behind her and was about to deliver a chop to the back of her neck.

'Please no!' She cried out in her mind.

Then everything went black.