
TBATE: An Unknown

An Unknown Being thrust and sealed in the core of Arthur Leywin, how will his presence affect the King's journey. Will they help him or will they be another enemy?

UsedCarpet · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Art Vs Virion

Arthur Leywin

As soon as I heard Caelus shout begin I dashed towards Virion readying my sword for a strike at his neck. Once I got close Virion side-stepped letting me go past him, he then tried to use his hand to chop me neck, which, with the force he used, could've knocked me out. To prevent this I repositioned my body and used the sword to block his mana-enhanced hand.

Seeing both of our attack failed we instinctively back away from each other, I don't even get a second to think as Virion dashes towards me. I slash my horizontally in the shape of a crescent, Virion Jumps behind me and aims a punch for my back, I was able to turn quick enough to block it with my new sword but I was still sent back a few feet.

I winced in pain as I got back into my fighting position, it took a lot of strength to block Virions punch, it seems he really is holding back a lot less. I'm so thankful for my reflexes.

I waited for Virion to dash towards me again buy it seemed he wasn't going to make the first move, this time. We stood in a stand off for a few second both thinking of our next move and then dashed towards each other and engaged in a flurry of attacks, parries and blocks. I was rather impressed by this new sword, it was holding up well against Virions attacks and made it easier to move even in this body which I'm not used to.

I broke our flurry of attacks by using my leg to sweep Virion's legs, he was able to jump up and dodge it but he had less control in the air so I used this opportunity to jump up and get a strike in.

I jumped up toward virion and aim my sword for his neck, my sword was dulled so I'm guessing if I just hit his neck with it, it would count as my win since if the sword wasn't dull he would die. But to my surprise Virion was quick enough to use one of his arms to block the strike of my sword, the result was Virion getting sent down into the floor creating a small crater.

"seems you're going all out, demon brat" Virion said as he stood up out of the crater.

"Of course I am, you're also holding back a lot less than normal." I responded deadpan

"Well why don't we kick things up a notch" Virion began dashing around the area his movements where reaching a speed where I wouldn't be able to react so increased the amount of mana which was augmenting my body, I also augmented my eyes so that I could still read his movements.

Because of my core increasing so much I had a lot more mana than before which meant I could augment my body further than before, maybe I should also try using my internal lightning magic? No. Only as a last resort. I still don't know if I have enough mana to make it work in a long fight.

Watching gramps' movements I waited for the best moment and then... attacked. I dashed towards him predicting were he would land next.

I ran forward aiming my sword in a position which would pierce his stomach but as he landed I miscalculated the size of my body giving him just enough time to dash to the side. Curse my small body.

"Seems I need to treat you like a real opponent"

I noticed something seem to change about virion he was using a lot more mana than before, before I could even think he was behind me, I wouldn't have been able to tell if I hadn't had the increased mana augmenting me. I saw his hand which had been straightened and going towards my neck at high speed.

Without even thinking I activated my lightning deviant in a short burst increasing my reaction time allowing me to dodge the attack and counter attack with an upward sword slice which virion was able to dodge. Now that there was space between us I deactivated my lightning deviant.

It didn't use much mana, but I still don't want to rely on it. I prepared myself to fight again.

"Stop!" I hear a loud voice from the other side of the room I turned to see it was Caelus.

"I have seen enough, thank you Virion"

"So our training is other" I asked mainly confused

"yes it seems so" Virion answered.

"Arthur, I like your use of the lightning deviant. You use internal lightning magic to increase your reaction time and nervous system's responses."

"oh yes, thank you for the compliment, I call the magic thunderclap impulse" I answered I was genuinely grateful he thought my magic was a good idea, he seemed like someone with lots of experience.

"why didn't you use it more, if you did I believe you would've had the upper hand in the fight?"

"I wasn't sure If I had enough mana to keep it active during the fight.."

"Nonsense, you have a solid orange core and my mana is always leaking out of the seal so you will probably be at high-end yellow in a few months."

Caelus PoV

Virion and Arthur both seem shocked by my claim.

"How can someone's mana be so potent." He really thinks I would just tell him.

"nice try but I'm not telling you"

"As for you Arthur, new training. Try and live everyday life with your lightning deviant activated. I ain't no expert but using lots mana should make you intake more of my mana to make up for it."

"you seriously want me to use my lightning deviant just for everyday life... isn't that too draining." Even virion seemed to agree with Arthur but I didn't care.

"you're right it's too easy, why don't you use Sylvia's beasts will in everyday life as well."

"I haven't unlocked second phase yet and first phase knocks me out cold"

"Ah.. What a shame... guess it will just have to be your lightning deviant."

"When are you leaving to go back to your home in Sapin" I was genuinely curious, when he got back home to his parents he would most likely want to become an adventurer and during that time he will probably learn how to use the Indrath Clan's Realmheart physique.

"I believe 3 days is when I will leave for Sapin."

"Very good, I believe Sylvia will want to meet your parents and get her spot as Grandmother confirmed.."

"would she really reveal herself just for that..?"

"I spent quite a while with her in the seal, she would..."

Arthur and Virion both seemed to deadpan. It was true though, I've spent about 3 years in the seal. All she ever talks about is how she has a prodigious grandson from another world whom she is very proud of...

It does make me curious, unlike Sylvia I didn't know Arthur was from another world. I wonder what he was like in that world.

Knowing he's from another world is useful though it means I can treat him a lot less like a child, I never did like children...

"Arthur, Along with using your lightning deviant constantly i also want you to practice your earth and wind magic, along with their deviants. If you ever need help you can ask me but dont expect visual help because I can't use elemental mana right now..."

Before Arthur could even respond I begun to talk again.

"But actually, I could bring your consciousness into your mana core while you sleep. If I do this you will be able to train and watch my demonstrations."

Arthur seemed to sigh probably because he knew, even when he sleeps I will be training him, but what he doesn't know... He will be the strongest on this continent.

"So you will train me while I am asleep..?"

"yes in more detail, while you sleep I will drag your consciousness into a part of your mana core where me and Sylvia reside, this place is where some of my sealed mana is so I can actually use elemental mana."

Arthur seemed a bit disinterested in using his sleep time to train.. but thats his problem not mine because his consciousness will be forcefully dragged to my seal. I can sugar coat it though, maybe..

"You can also use this time in the mana core to spend time with Sylvia I guess..."

"I guess so but something tells me training is going to be hell" he was right it would be hell, I would make sure of that.

"no you will be fine I will make sure to treat you with care." I tried lying to him but I couldn't help but release a small, demonic and sinister smile which luckily only Virion saw. I was surprised when he jumped back and nearly fell over. After me and Arthur finished laughing at him he walked away muttering something about a cactus..?

Arthur seemed a bit scared at the mention of a cactus, I wonder why?

"so I don't really know how to talk to you..." I guess I need to learn about him more I do kinda live in his core but honestly, I've been sealed for a few thousand years I don't really know how to talk to people...

"You a shut-in?"

"W-What..? I-I mean T-Technically? Ye I guess I am..." Arthur began laughing at my misery, i will make sure I hit him with a meteor for that.

"Well anyway..." I looked around to make sure no one was nearby..

"Can I ask how your past life was If you don't mind?"

"Huh! You know about it to!?"

"Well, yes, Sylvia told me."

Arthurs expression visibly darkened and he looked towards the floor, his past life must've been quite dark... I wonder if he experience the darkness like I did.

"you don't care that I'm some man in the body of a child?" he spoke in a low tone with his head still drooped down to the floor.

"No, not at all I don't care. Why would I. I may not have known you very long but your past doesn't matter, all that matters is the present and the future. You may have been King Grey at one point but now you're Arthur.

"So you do know how my past life was? Why bother asking" he seemed sort or angry but definitely relieved that I didn't hate him.

"No i just know your past name and title..."

"Oh, I see. Well, I'm sorry I got angry. If you like I will explain my past and my past world to you."

"very well I would love to hear it" I then realised something I had forgotten. Something very crucial.

"Oh no.."

"What is it..?" Arthur asked quietly.

"I forgot i can only be outside the mana core for a certain amount of time, you will have to tell me you're life story in the mana core. I guess Sylvia be there to." Arthur's expression went blank as if saying 'How could you forget something so important, you could've died'...

"Well anyway, Cya."


I was interrupting the scenery that Caelus had created and it was extremely peaceful and I feel I could've feel asleep, well not anymore... a giant vortex appeared in the mana core and disturbed my peace. After a few seconds I saw a humanoid figure in the centre...

"Uhm... Hello" I said sort of nervous since Caelus wasn't here.

"what do you mean uhm hello it's me... Caelus." Upon realising its Caelus a wave of relief flood over me but then a wave of anger.

"You scared the fuck out of me!"

"Huh how, you should've known I would've come back?"

"Well yeah but I didn't expect you to come back in a massive swirling vortex of death!"

"Well sorry.." he was being sarcastic when he said that I can tell. I was about to kill him until what he said next

"oh and Arthur will be coming here in a few hours, once he falls asleep.."