
TBATE- the kings brother, always and forever

What if King Grey, the indomitable existence had not actually been alone, and what if the one person he trusted from the very bottom of his heart came with him. King Grey had sealed his heart, but there was only one person who remained, his right hand man from the time to the orphanage, right up to their untimely deaths. Read if you would like to know what happens. *Disclaimer, I do not own any of TBATE(the beginning after the end) except my own character, prevalently Andrew Leywin. Another thing, I a have written this fanfic further on wattpad, meaning there are more chapters and more recent updates on wattpad. *Disclaimer no.2 I did not copy 'A force to be reckoned with' if you read the first chapter of the previously mentioned fanfic on wattpad, you will see and author note crediting me stating that his work was inspired from my own.

stoneclauss · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Unexpected Outcome Part 2

"What about me?..." I asked tentatively.

'Did I not live up to his standards. Did I do something wrong?' Those thoughts wracked through my brain until suddenly, it turned from desperation into hostility.

'Is he trying to separate us?' It was a thought caused by my previous desperation, and it never should have come to existence.

I gripped the wooden sword he had given me tightly, as I awaited his answer.

"... You- You're different to your brother. You are also a conjurer, a kind of mage I have never seen before. I alone am not fit to teach you. As such, I would like to make a proposal. Like split custody as such. Haha." He laughed awkwardly, but I knew there was something he was hiding. There was another reason he didn't want to teach me.

"It's clear that you are weaker in your conjuring ability than your augmenting. I assume that is most likely because neither of your parents could teach you conjuration. So you would spend most of your time with a friend of mine." He continued.

At this point, I was tapping my foot in frustration. His omission of details, his tone, his body language. It all indicated a hidden reason, a reason I knew I wouldn't learn until he wanted to tell me.

I heaved a sigh of frustration. Then another one of acceptance.

"Alright fine, how often would I see you and Art." I asked in an exasperated tone.

"Three times a week." He replied almost instantly, with a relieved smile on his face.

'This b*stard doesn't want me seeing something.'

"Now that that is out of the way. IS THAT EVEN ALLOWED?. WE ARE HUMAN!" my brother roared his confusion, as we had completely forgotten him. And I myself forgot the dangers that might come with staying in this kingdom.

"Also, we need to make sure that our family is okay." he pronounced another thing I had forgotten in the heat of the moment. I got caught up in someone else's motion, that man is an oddity.

"Living here isn't a problem as long as it is under my name. As for your parents... is it an absolute necessity to meet them in person?" He asked, almost as if he had an immediate solution to our problem.

"I mean; I guess it isn't strictly a necessity for me to meet my parents in person. Although I miss them, the most important thing is finding out how they are doing and letting them know I'm fine, and if they are as well. What about you Andy?"

"As long as they know we are safe, and as long as I know they are safe, I'm content with not seeing them." I put it bluntly. While I knew I would miss their company, that was the most important part.

"Then come with me tomorrow morning; be outside the manor by six in the morning, sharp" He responded in a commanding tone.

As he was turning, my brother stopped him.

"Wait! I don't get why you want me as your disciple. Also, you sound awfully hurried. Isn't it possible for me to go back home and spend a bit of time with my parents before coming back here to train under you?"

"I have to admit, I'm curious as well." Maybe asking this will reveal why he doesn't want me around. Probably not, but even I can be optimistic once in a while.

"I want you as my disciples because I see your potential. An uncountable number of people have asked me to take them in as a disciple, from rich to poor, from young to old. But do you know how many I've taken so far? None! These new generation brats bore me. Just because some wealthy noble brat's parents thought their kid was special, they thought they were qualified to ask me to be their mentor!" I knew this man was odd. To be so sought after, and to deny it all due to boredom.

But he had yet to answer our question. All of these people must have thought they had potential, otherwise they wouldn't have even tried to ask.

"...You're different. I know you have exceptional talent in mana manipulation and only god knows how, but you brats possess better technique than even I, but this isn't the reason why I decided on teaching the both of you. One of you is a new type of mage, the other, has a special type of ability. Or will have."

"Tell me Arthur. Do you trust your brother with your life?" He asked so seriously. I felt my heart flutter in anticipation. I knew they answer, or at least hoped I did. But I would like to hear it.

"Of course I do." He replied with so little hesitation, that I couldn't help but smile.

"Then tell me, how did you become a beast tamer?" Virion continued.

"Beast tamer? What are you talking about?" It seemed Art was just as confused as I was. Even through all the books I had scoured through, I had never heard that term.

Tess had already been sent to bed at this point, due to us losing sunlight by the second. In a few minutes, we would be covered in the sweet embrace of darkness.

"Let's go back inside and talk." Virion stated, leading us to the living room. The room was well lit from the fire place, with lavish sofas scattered about.

(Author Note: This will just be the talk about the type of elemental deviants, as well as the beast tamers explanation. As such, there is no real point in typing it in as I assume you know it already, considering you are reading this. If not, it can be found in the comic or at chapter 29 of the novel)

Finally, we had come to understand what a beast tamer was.

"Wait did you use your beast tamer powers to beat us that badly?" I stated in an accusatory manor

He let out a sly chuckle before responding.

"Yes brat, I was able to beat you that badly by utilizing my Shadow Panther's will. But I only used 50% of my speed."

This old bat can go twice as fast?

But, unfortunately this didn't solve my problem. It was far too convenient for me to get sick the moment Sylvia pierced my skull. Her message stated she left something with me. So what the hell is it?

I was abruptly snapped out of my stupor as I saw tears well up in my brothers eyes. Quickly, I moved to place a comforting hand on his shoulder, unfortunately, that's all I could do.

"You must have been through a lot, child. I'm not going to push you for an answer, but the reason why it is urgent for me to guide you is because you don't have much time."

"The hell do you mean?" I replied instantly, was my brother going to die from what Sylvia did?

"The power coming from his mana core is too strong for his underdeveloped body. Let me ask you this, brat. Have you been feeling a burning paim coming from your mana core?" He asked, and by the look and our faces he already received his answer.

"If you don't learn to control your knew mana core, it'll destroy your body."

The room was silent for a while. The threat of having your body destroyed was all too eminent. Logically, it was possible too, meaning it was a cold hard fact.

"I understand. It seems I have no other choice but to be under your guidance. However, I don't think I would be able to focused on training without making sure that my family is alright and that they know that we're safe too. You mentioned something about that earlier?"

This question. No this entire situation prompted my meeting to one of my closest allies. Virion's "old friend" as he put it.