
TBATE- the kings brother, always and forever

What if King Grey, the indomitable existence had not actually been alone, and what if the one person he trusted from the very bottom of his heart came with him. King Grey had sealed his heart, but there was only one person who remained, his right hand man from the time to the orphanage, right up to their untimely deaths. Read if you would like to know what happens. *Disclaimer, I do not own any of TBATE(the beginning after the end) except my own character, prevalently Andrew Leywin. Another thing, I a have written this fanfic further on wattpad, meaning there are more chapters and more recent updates on wattpad. *Disclaimer no.2 I did not copy 'A force to be reckoned with' if you read the first chapter of the previously mentioned fanfic on wattpad, you will see and author note crediting me stating that his work was inspired from my own.

stoneclauss · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

To the grand mountains Part 2

A few days passed and I was still slightly sour about the loss, but that is besides the point. The name of our current location truly fit its visage.

The word Grand has multiple meanings, one to denote somethings large stature or shape, another to suggests somethings magnificence. Both such definitions fit the landscape in front of me.

Along the way, Helen decided to act her role as the leader and suppress her pride in exchange for mine and my brothers guidance. It would seem mine and my twin's teaching styles differed rather greatly. I was a good study and could learn things from vocal explanation, yet even still, physical experience was the greatest teacher of all.

Art meticulously ran through the steps of his footwork, highlighting the individual timing of each interval.

I, on the other hand, repeated what I had said earlier while physically demonstrating. I slowed my pace, but even still if I gave them a direct answer, people would never learn to work for themselves.

The first to succeed was Jasmine. She had a rather shy ambience about her as she pulled the two of us to the side to demonstrate her proficiency. I had to admit, I was somewhat impressed with her learning speed.

"Amazing! You learned it so quickly!" my brother exclaimed his approval, to which I nodded my agreement.

They were fairly basic techniques, the one I used being one I developed on my own, however, her curt response and slight smile that hinted at her pride deterred me from telling her that.

Upon arriving at the mountains base, all four had managed to learn the techniques. Although Adam was struggling with mine. No mercy for him, I shall let him suffer until he begs for my guidance- haha- cough.

The next milestone of the journey was through the mountain itself. Conveniently, a path was already carved through the mountain's side, large enough to allow for two carriages side by side, that lead directly to our desired teleportation point.

I noticed that ever since entering the mountains, the Twin Horns arranged themselves in a manner which centred around Helen. But the most unfortunate part of this formation was the constantly curious glare I received from Jasmine, as if begging Art and me to teach her more.

I couldn't help but question how old she really was. I was even tempted to strike up a conversation and hint at something so she would stop bothering me, however after some more thought that seemed like much more effort than just ignoring the stares. As such, I buried myself in a book, much to Art's displeasure that is; Especially considering he became the main victim of the stares after my obvious cold shoulder.

Your sacrifice shall not be forgotten.

On another note, the two of us turned four during the first stage of the journey. Somehow, our mother found the time to bake a cake and hide it from us. I was beginning to wonder if there was such thing as spatial magic due to her. But even so, I couldn't complain. On such day, Jasmine walked up to my brother and I, face a tint of peach, and simply stated.

"Present." I was rather touched at her actions. She barely knew us after all.

My brother received a short but well made knife. It was roughly the length of his forearms. I on the other hand, was gifted what seemed to be a pair of throwing knives. They were well made and could also be used in a melee fight if one was skilful. They would also make for excellent practice with spinning my dual daggers through my hands, as currently they were still a little big.

As I spent time reading during the rather uneventful trip, Arthur shared with me what he learned about the elements of magic and how they apply to augmenters. The elements being fire, water, earth and wind. Each element were expressed with certain qualities rather than an actual elemental burst for beginner augmenters, the complete opposite of conjurers.

These so called qualities resembled how one would utilize Ki in my past life, and had nothing to do with their so called element. Fire being an explosive type of mana. Earth being sturdy and rigid. Water being fluid and neutral. Wind being sharp and fast.

I always hated "earth" type Ki. Rigidness contrasted with who I am. In my opinion it served little purpose in the last life other than a slightly bolstered defence, as such I never bothered with it.

Too late to regret it now I suppose.

I would have to practice how Ki and Mana corresponded later, but being supervised due to the fact I am a four year old with a sense of recklessness made that slightly more difficult.

After pondering slightly, I was aroused from my stupor wish a disturbing exclamation.

"BANDITS! PREPARE TO ENGAGE!" roared Helen from the top of the carriage.

"Submit, O' wind and follow my will. I command and gather you around in protection. Wind Barrier". A gust of wind formed a dome shaped barrier around me, my brother, mother and Angela.

Angela held her eyes shut while tightly grasping her drawn wand, repelling the onslaught of arrows. While doing so, mother pulled me into a tight hug, seemingly shielding my brother and I from whatever was occurring with her own body. Luckily her efforts weren't required, however as the tarp of our carriage, It became more and more clear how dire the situation was.

We were surrounded.