
TBATE- the kings brother, always and forever

What if King Grey, the indomitable existence had not actually been alone, and what if the one person he trusted from the very bottom of his heart came with him. King Grey had sealed his heart, but there was only one person who remained, his right hand man from the time to the orphanage, right up to their untimely deaths. Read if you would like to know what happens. *Disclaimer, I do not own any of TBATE(the beginning after the end) except my own character, prevalently Andrew Leywin. Another thing, I a have written this fanfic further on wattpad, meaning there are more chapters and more recent updates on wattpad. *Disclaimer no.2 I did not copy 'A force to be reckoned with' if you read the first chapter of the previously mentioned fanfic on wattpad, you will see and author note crediting me stating that his work was inspired from my own.

stoneclauss · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Our life now Part 2

*Andrew Leywin POV*

'Damn this feels great. Everything looks and feels so much clearer' I thought to myself, quite.

'The leaves on those tree's look so green, I can almost see their veins from here... wait tree's?' I thought to myself, before realising both me and Art were surrounded by what was once our house.

Oh sh*t .

My stupor was soon disturbed when my mother screamed "MY BOY'S ARE YOU BOTH ALRIGHT?!", as she sprinted towards us. She adorned a worried look, until she viewed us as the epicentre of the destruction.

Upon seeing us, she whispered "Oh my..", which I only just managed to catch, a smile tugging at my lips.

A contrasting sense of guilt and pride battled in me. Guilt at the destruction, but pride that I had gained their approval. It was an odd feeling that formed in my stomach. Then, I looked over at Art to see him staring back at me, with a somewhat enlightened look on his face.

Maybe he had realised why I was delayed, not that it mattered, I would have told him sooner or later anyway. In response to his expression, I let out a rare grin, before immediately returning my face to its neutral state.

"Congrats boys, you've awakened" My father said with a proud smile.

This brought back a few memories, as something similar happened back on Earth. The proud smiles of my mother and the other's in the Cirque brought waves of nostalgia and sadness intertwined with each other. Those memories were rather bittersweet.

As one who had acted on a king's behalf, I held steadfast before my parents

"I'm so sorry"

"I'm sorry Mum, Dad. Are we in trouble?"

Huh... Oh I see, we said it at the same. We had done a lot of damage. By that I mean left the house as nothing more than rubble and its foundation. Speaking of, we should probably evacuate from our individual craters before the destruction decided to fall in on us.

"Haha... You aren't in trouble boy's. We were just worried. I'm glad the both of you are okay" my mother responded through teary eyes, and in between sniffles.

Father on the other hand, had a rather childlike excitability about him.

"MY BOYS ARE INCREDIBLE. To awaken around the age of three... It's unheard of. And I thought I was fast. HAHA" Our lovable idiot of a father exclaimed. Yet before he could continue.

"What the hell happened over there!" One of the neighbours screamed, forcing a sheepish grin to appear on both Art and fathers face.

It was rather amusing I must admit, but my face remained neutral. Depending on the situation, it was both a useful, and restricting habit.

"Haha, we should probably get this cleaned up." Father said, maintaining his sheepish grin while rubbing the back of his head.


A couple of weeks later, and the family had decided to keep our awakenings a secret. I don't particularly blame them. It would be a rather ludicrous claim in the first place. Luckily for us, our father's charisma came to use, and he managed to contact some old friends to help with rebuilding the house. Conjurers repairing the foundation and augmenters manning the physical side of the work, the house was rebuilt sooner than I ever thought. The beauty of magic had impressed me once again.

During those weeks we spent at a nearby inn, I had been experimenting with the conjuring side of magic. Mostly just making this and that shape out of neutral mana in the air. I found some difficulty in shaping it the further it got from my body.

During reconstruction, the 29th of may, our birthday rolled around. To which we were awaken, by out parents who held what looked like a loaf of black bread.

It was cake. Sorry mum, dad.

Both Art and I opened individual boxes, my box being shorter but a little wider. As I opened it, I saw a carefully crafted wooden pair of daggers. How did they know?

I was proficient with a sword in the last life. I had to use it to imitate the king. But my true strength laid in my ambidexterity. And therefore, twin dagger's had been my weapon of choice.

But they, they could just tell huh? That made me happier than I care to admit, knowing they could just tell what would suit me after observing me.

But it was surprising that they had decided now to celebrate our birthday. It never happened the two years before.

When I asked about it, I could see Art out of the corner of my eye - listening in to find the answer.

When I learned that it was due to the low likely hood of a child living up to the ages of 3, one thought ran through my head.

How vulgar.

Judging by the look on my brothers face, I could guess he was thinking something similar.

Another thing I realised after seeing so many children working along with their parents was that there was no required education system, and that it was up to the parents to pass down the necessary skills, like reading and writing.

Which we were soon experiencing for ourselves. After our birthday, our so called "playtime" in the study was turned into "teaching" the two of us to read and write. When we learned of this, I called an emergency meeting, per se.

We decided on playing the roles of prodigious sons, that included in the mana manipulation training my father had started. He taught us the basics, and then got us onto body exercises. It seemed in those terms I was a little further ahead than Art as I had already been practicing to prepare myself to re-learn the acrobatics of my last life.

Although the lessons were considered the basics, if I wasn't an adult in mind already, I severely doubted that his instructions wouldn't go over my head.

The basics went something like this, you can judge your mana's strength based on the colour of your core, which went as such: black, red, orange, yellow, silver, white. As your mana filters out its impurities, it becomes lighter. From red to yellow stage, the cores are separated into 3 stages, dark, solid and light stage.

Due to mother's connection's, she managed to scrounge some books on the basics of mana, but after some humiliating convincing from me and Art, we managed to get advanced books too.

So our day's went as followed. Literature lesson's with mother. Then basic augmentation (and conjuring for me after my dad found me making a ball of mana), then physical training, which mainly consisted of running and basic strength training.

When this didn't happen, I either spent time alone in my room, or in our new and improved library. That was until.

"Honey, I think the boy's need proper tutors"