
TBATE- the kings brother, always and forever

What if King Grey, the indomitable existence had not actually been alone, and what if the one person he trusted from the very bottom of his heart came with him. King Grey had sealed his heart, but there was only one person who remained, his right hand man from the time to the orphanage, right up to their untimely deaths. Read if you would like to know what happens. *Disclaimer, I do not own any of TBATE(the beginning after the end) except my own character, prevalently Andrew Leywin. Another thing, I a have written this fanfic further on wattpad, meaning there are more chapters and more recent updates on wattpad. *Disclaimer no.2 I did not copy 'A force to be reckoned with' if you read the first chapter of the previously mentioned fanfic on wattpad, you will see and author note crediting me stating that his work was inspired from my own.

stoneclauss · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

A new life Part 2

My mother and father were the best people I had ever encountered. Reynolds' loveable idiocy and charisma brought all sorts of people and experiences to him. Alice's angelic nature demanded respect and gratitude. She was a role model in terms of generosity. Yet the woman with the tightest leash on a man I had ever seen. While me and Arthur were strapped to her on opposing sides, we came into the rural town she deemed as Ashbur. Although it seemed like more of a scouts outpost than a town, based on my own experiences.

She walked us along the main dirt road, like with tent like stalls, that sold common necessities to items that raised suspicion at this worlds nature, such as weapons, armour, and... shiny rocks? Even more curious was the freedom to which people carried weapons. One man of roughly 170cm displaying an axe bigger than himself! Stranger yet, everyone accepted this as a natural! Although my brother seemed just as confused as I...

Anyway, my mother seemed to talk to us often. More than likely to enhance our learning of the language. Although I found myself falling asleep sooner than I cared to admit. Damn infantile body....

Sitting side by side to my brother on my mothers lap, we focused on the prayer like chant my father was spouting, for close too a minute. Moving towards the edge of the human chair, I found myself almost falling off in anticipation. An eternity later, my multiple fist sized stones levitated and were flung at a nearby tree.

My jaw dropped at the anti-climactic result, while Art's arms were flung into the air. Upon closer inspection I could see the disappointment on his face too.

However, dear old dad took this as a "WOW" and responded with "Your daddy is awesome, huh?"

Although in this regard, he was not so impressive, however his fighting capability with his gauntlets was something else. Power and fluidity that left no room for openings. His high class skill would leave me in a difficult situation should I ever find myself without a weapon. But despite that, all I can see him as is my loveable idiot of a father.

I gathered that this world was rather simple, power ruled status and station, quite similar to my old world, minus the technology and with the added mystery of magic.

However a distinct difference would be that wars were obsolete in my old world, with disputes being settled in the form of duels between the strongest individuals. Otherwise known as the respective rulers of their country. While smaller disputes would be resolved by makeshift battles with small-scale armies.

However, enough reminiscing about my old world, the currency here was even more straight forward. With copper being the lowest form of currency, which then moves up into silver, to which becomes gold. Nothing in the town of Ashbur had cost more than a few silvers, so I had yet to see any gold come into play. It also seemed like the average family only required a few coppers per day to survive.

100 coppers= 1 silver

100 silvers = 1 gold

After living with with this family for the time that I have, I can comfortably say I am happy to never see that much money ever again. I'll protect my family with the skills I honed in the last life. And that is what I am working on. When I can finally walk I will ingrain the acrobatic skills I learned with my previous family. That will bring my body up to the necessary standard for learning everything else.

This comfortable regime of mine would soon change however.