
TBATE- A force to be reckoned with

King Grey had closed his heart off to all but one, standing by his side his old friend, now right hand, was the only person he could trust. But fate had other plans it would seem. Around the same time King Grey breathed his last, so did his only friend. Reborn as Fayden Leywin, twin brother of Arthur Leywin, Markus begins a new life, his second chance, and he'll be damned if he lets anyone he cares about die. Art by @rvlrz01

Erebus512 · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs

Xyrus Academy

On the day we were supposed to depart for Xyrus I was able to get up early, unlike my brother who had to be forced awake by Elijah who got multiple scratches on his face, courtesy of Sylvie.

As we got into the dining room our father speaks, "Hurry up and eat you two!"

We sat down, with Ellie between me and Arthur and Elijah beside Arthur.

"It's not fair, I want to go to Xyrus too!" She whines.

"Then you shouldn't have slacked off on your training," I quip.

Meanwhile Elijah approached mother, "Aunt Alice, do you mind healing my face?" He requests.

"What did Sylvie do this time?" She asks but heals him anyways.

"I still can't believe that my boys will be attending the famed Xyrus Academy! Looks like we raised them well Alice!" Father spoke.

"What do you mean 'we'? I was the one who raised them," Mother replied with a smug grin.

"I guess the only time I raise my children is when they get into trouble then?" He slumped down in defeat.

"As long as you know,"

I couldn't help but smile at their interaction.


"We'll come back as much as we can alright?" I say as I'm pulled into the threeway, now group, hug.

"Behave and look after Mom and Dad okay?" Arthur says as he pats Ellie's head.

While I hugged her instead, "Stay safe will ya?"

"Keep the pendants and the rings on always" Arthur instructs.

"No last words for your father?" Dad pouted.

"Yeah don't burn the house down while you train," Arthur retorts.

"What he said," I speak as I get on the carriage.


"We're here," Arthur announced as we stepped into Xyrus Academy.

"Way to state the obvious," I reply.

"Students," The announcer spoke, "Please form a single file line in front of the white central building up ahead! Attendance of the entrance ceremony is mandatory!"

And so, we did exactly that.

"Student : Elijah Knight." The receptionist spoke, "Battle mage, affinity for Earth magic,"

After Elijah went Arthur.

"Student : Arthur Leywin. Scholar mage candidate, affinity for..." She faltered.

"Earth and Wind magic!" She exclaimed.

Huh, are dual affinity mages really that rare?

"Yeah, that's me, is there a problem," Arthur spoke.

"She's surprised that you're a dual elemental mage," Elijah explain.

I wonder how people will react on learning that we're actually quadra elemental not just dual.

"Please go on ahead," She instructs after regaining her composure.

"Student : Fayden Leywin. Scholar mage candidate, affinity for... Water and Earth!" Only to lose it again.

"Two dual elemental mages?" I hear her mutter.

Giving her a Shrug I walk away.

"Damn that's a lot of people," I say.

"Yeah, we need to hurry if we want a seat." Arthur replied.

While looking for a seat I find someone waving at me.

Focusing on the person I see a person with black hair and orange eyes.


"Come on!" I say to the two, "I found a seat!"

Making our way through the crowd we finally made it to Nathan.

"Hey, welcome to Xyrus Academy," He said as he extended his arm to greet me.

Clasping it back I reply, "Yeah, good to see you too,"

"Ah, this is my brother Arthur," I gesture towards him, " and this is Elijah,"

"Arthur, Elijah. This is Nathan, a...friend I made in the ball."

"A pleasure to meet you," Arthur said.

"Likewise," He replied.

Before we could speak any longer we notice wind gathering near the podium, which coalesced to form the Director.

Seeing that the ceremony is about to begin we sat down, with me sitting between Nathan and Arthur while Elijah sat beside Arthur.

Glancing at us Director Goodsky threw a wink making me shiver.

Raising her hand she snapped her fingers.

That's all it took to silence the entire crowd, as no sound would come out from their mouths.

That's some control.

"Excuse me for my rudeness, but I do hate speaking up." She began.

"It's not very good for my throat, especially at my old age." She continued.

"I would like to welcome you all- The future leaders, scholars and powerhouses of Dicathen, to this humble academy. I am Director Cynthia Goodsky." She said.

"While I considered presenting a long and rather boring speech, I realized that this is a very special year..."

She raises her arms as she says, "I am proud to say that, since the founding of this institution, we've never had as many elves and dwarves in attendance as today," She finishes as a round of applause follows.

"As such, who better to welcome you all than the very students that will help lead and give voices to every one of you. Please give a warm welcome to the members of the Xyrus Academy Student Council."

And one by one members of the council start walking out.

And when Lilia comes out Elijah starts cheering for her, "Look theres Lilia! We should cheer for her! Woooo!! Go Lilia!!"

Behind Lilia waked a tall student with long bangs and a very serious face that basically screamed arrogance.

Just by looking at him I can say that I won't like the guy much.

Finally a face I hadn't seen in what 3 years now, appears.

As she turned to the crowd each and every boy had hearts in their eyes, other than Nathan who was gazing intently at Lilia.

She's only thirteen you know!

Glancing beside me I see that even my own brother was staring at her, his mouth hung open.

Oho, looks like I have some more blackmai-I mean teasing material.

No matter how much he denies it, he's falling for Tess.

And I'm gonna tease them so bad.


Update made to abilities list.

Spatium ability Stygian Rift, changed to Void Step.

Void Step : Transverse through shadows, or create your own portals, anywhere there is a shadow you can reach, irrelevant of distance. The longer you stay within the shadows as you travel, the more risk to be attacked by the natives of that dimension. Access to 'shadow form' which basically makes you incorporeal. Since you're incorporeal you can't affect things either. Also can be used in multiple ways, like creating clones for long distance communication, yet the clone can only talk and listen, nothing else.

Also side note for novel readers, Nathan is not another Elijah, I repeat, Nathan is not another Elijah.