
Two families meet

The next day our family arrived.

Right now we were in the infirmary waiting for Arthur to wake up.

I know I should have used [Tartarean Vitality] and spare him the pain but, he needs to learn not to harm himself so much.

He'll turn into a masochist at this rate.

They say it will take him a few more weeks to recover.

All this time Sylvie never once left his side, and I kept Zeke in the room to act as a beacon if something goes wrong.

"I think he's waking up." My fathers voice forced me out of my musings.

"How are you feeling honey?" Mother asks him.

"Much better, sorry for always worrying you guys so much," He replies hoarsely.

"You look like crap brother," Ellie said.

"Thank you for the kind and heartfelt words my foulmouthed thug of a sister,"

"Well she's not exactly wrong in saying that," I add in.


"Yeah that's my name,"

"I'm sorry for lashing out on you yesterday, I shouldn't have said that. And Sylvie mentioned how you did make a barrier but were too late," He apologized.

"Its alright, you weren't exactly stable yesterday, both physically and mentally. But next time, do remember you have a plethora of spells you could've used," I say.

"I will,"

"What happened between you two?" Mom asked.

"Nothing to be concerned about, not anymore." I reply.

"So, how did you manage to get yourself hurt this much? By getting into a fight?" Dad asked, as tactless as ever.

"You should look at the other guy" He said.

Father and Ellie laughed at this but Mother looked spooked by the notion.

"Relax Mom, he's being sarcastic. Speaking of which that's my shtick not yours." I say, the last part directed to Arthur.

"Indeed, no one else was seriously hurt other than your son Mrs. Leywin," I hear the voice of the Director.

Turning back I see her standing at the door with the Eraliths with her.

Mom and Day immediately got up and bowed, "It's an honor to meet you in person your majesties!"

I chuckle in amusement.

"The honor is mine," Alduin placed a hand on my fathers shoulder, "To finally meet the parents of the ones who have saved my daughter not once but twice now."

"Yes, our meeting has been far overdue." Merial said while handing a bouquet of flowers to Mother.

"This is my father, former king of Elenoir." Alduin gestured to Gramps.

"Pleasure to meet you."

"It's an honor,"

"And this is our daughter, Tessia." He pointed towards her.

"Hello my name is Tessia Eralith. I'm a friend of Arthur, and Fayden." She said, adding the last part almost as an afterthought.

O how you wound my fragile heart!

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," She curtsied.

My parents glanced at each other before turning to us.

I shake my head and not so subtly point at Arthur.

They glanced at each other again and smiled deviously.

So they wanna play matchmaker for Arthur huh, this will be fun.

Grasping Tessia's hand in her own my mother spoke, "We're so glad to finally meet you as well. Arthur has told us so much about you."

"Really?" Tessia asked, hopefully.

No he didn't, and neither did I.

"Of course and its such a comfort knowing that he has someone as responsible as you by his side," Mother continued. (A/N : Now that didn't age well, did it?)

I dunno mom, they both seem pretty irresponsible to me.

Speaking of which, Oi I'm pretty responsible.

Mother then proceeded to whisper something in her ear making her blush crimson.

...what is she saying to her.

She's still 13 you know.

Meanwhile Gramps came over to us.

"Sup Gramps! How've ya been!" I say.

Both Mom and Dad looked horrified by my informal greeting.

"I see your the same as ever brat," He says, chuckling at my familys expression.

"Course I am, why would I change this magnificent personality of mine?"

He openly laughs at this before turning towards Arthur, "How are you feeling brat?"

"A little worried at what they are scheming." He replied.

"Relax, at worst you become my grandson-in-law." Gramps said.

"Well that's gonna happen either way so why delay it?" I say, and immediately regret it as a certain someone starts pulling my cheek.


Looking towards Gramps I see that Tess has kept a tight hold on his beard.

"I-I'm sorry for all of this Art." She exclaims.

"I told them not to come but they wouldn't listen, even though its all my fault you ended up here in the first place." She says.

"Haha, its fine Tess. I like how lively it is." Arthur replies.

"Ahem! So you're the girl my brother risked his life to save," Ellie says.

Oh, trying to act tough are we?

"Your Ellie right? Art and Fays little sister? You're even prettier than I thought." Tess replies.

Blushing from the praise she says, "Thanks, you're not bad yourself."

"Ellie, she's the one that gave you that bow for your birthday." Arthur said.

"Really? Thanks I-I guess..." She said sheepishly.

"You're very welcome."

Ellie suddenly leaned forward whilst pointing at Tess and herself, "Brother! Who's prettier, me or her?!"

"You guys are both pretty ugly to me."

"Hahahaha! Good one!" I burst out laughing, causing the two to glare at me.

I flash them a challenging smirk that basically screamed 'Try me'.

They looked away.

Heh, I win.

Arthur chuckles at us before turning towards Virion, "Anyway Gramps, did you get a chance to get a look at Tess' mana core? How's everything looking?"

"Fortunately her body seems more compatible with the beast core than both of yours when you first integrated. By the way..." he leaned his face towards Arthur, "How the hell did you manage to pick up an Elderwood Guardians beast core?"

"By killing one, of course..." Arthur trailed off.

"Oi! What am I, chopped liver?!" I ask in mock rage.

This is outrageous! Its unfair!

Zeke added in my mind, and from our bond I could tell he wasn't really angry for that.

"I was getting to that!" Arthur exclaimed.

All the while Gramps kept looking at us suspiciously.

"Ahem! While I hate to disturb such an amiable setting, Tessia's assimilation must be monitered once more." Director Cynthia spoke, standing near the door.

"Besides," she began opening it, "There are quite a few other visitors stuck outside due to the maximum capacity of this room."

As the door opened Elijah fell face forward with Lilia stumbling in as well, while the Helsteas stood behind her along with Kathyln, Nathan and Professor Glory.

"Well damn you're famous."


Authors Note

I apologize for the late release, my exams have been a massive pain, and I had a project to submit as well.

I also got into a game a bit too much...

I'll try another update tommorow and on thursday.

After that its back to the normal schedule, that is And updat on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and possibly Sunday if I have time.

So until then.

May the force be with you.(And me)