
The Fall of Xyrus

By the time we were done it was evening.

How did it get so late?

Ah well we were in a different dimension, maybe time works differently there.

I said I would return back home tomorrow morning.

So I have until then.

So, how does it feel to be in this form Zeke?

Honestly? It feels weird, and it's a bit hard to maintain balance without my tail. But I can manage.

I see. do me a favor and don't transform in front of my family just yet will ya?

Yeah, I will be staying in my Canine form, it's more comfortable anyways.

I nod in response, as he transforms back.

"What do we do now?" I mutter.

"How about going to somewhere secluded and practice with your beast will?" Zeke answered.

"Huh? Good idea. But where?" I shot back.

"Follow me."


We ended up in the beast glades.

"Are you serious?" I sigh as I dodged a gout of fire from a Hell Serpent

"What? It's better than hitting trees isn't it?" Zeke retorted as he ran by beside me.

"Yeah but much more dangerous."

"Hitting trees won't make you stronger."

I grumble in response.

"Alright fine, Canine Divinity!"

As I undergo the transformation the mana beasts following us begin to run away.

"Oh no you don't!"

I had a wide grin on my face.

Time to show them just who they were messing with.


By morning the area around me was filled with mana beast corpses and my nightmare fox cloak shredded to pieces.

Blood caked my skin and my clothes were dyed red.

"Crap, I need to clean all this blood away.

"Hey you did get a lot of mana by absorbing their mana cores." Zeke speaks

"I gave you half didn't I?"

"I am a growing wolf." He defended

"You're a glutton." I say, summoning a ball of water in my hand.

This is going to take a while.


It took me a few hours to finish cleaning and drying my clothes.

It was almost noon by the time I came back.

Knocking at the door I waited.

Only to do a double take when I saw Jasmine standing on the other side.

"Jasmine? What are you doing here?"

She had a small smile on her face as she replied, "It's been a while hasn't it?"

Behind her the rest of the twin horns stood.

"All of you are here? Am I to assume it's to embarrass a certain hard-headed idiot?"

"Well that is part of it." Adam snickers.

"Mind if I join in?" I reply with a grin.


A few hours later Arthur returns with Tessia beside him.

He had the same reaction as me upon seeing Jasmine.

"Jasmine?!" He exclaimed.

"You have grown," Durden spoke first.

"Look at Mr. Hotshot bringing home a lady." Adam began.

"Some one's become more of a man." Helen commented.

I raised two thumbs ,"I am proud of you brother," Before grinning deviously, "I hope you used protection, I don't want to be an uncle just yet."

The twin horns looked at me, absolutely stunned, and Tessia almost passed out standing.

Arthur just kept glaring at me with an apathetic expression.

"When did you become immune to my teasing." I whine.

"Being with you for this long has made me resistant to it." He deadpans.

"Darn it!"

Soon Mother and Father came down, with Ellie alongside them.

And we began catching up with the twin horns.

Only to stop when Tessia suddenly stood up and apologized, since she had to go back to Xyrus Academy.

"Are you really going back?" Arthur asked.

"Yeah, is it really necessary? The DC are handling the...issues by themselves."

She shook her head, "That's not it, I have missed too much school. And I probably have a load of work stacked up. Thank you for the hospitality, and I apologize for not being able to stay any longer."

She bowed and began to leave.

Arthur decided to guide her out.

I had no snide comments this time.

Because the feeling I had before going for the excursion suddenly came back with a vengeance.


Nathan Ambers POV :

This is bad.

This is very bad!

Where did these beasts come from?!

"GET DOWN!" Elijah bellows as he conjured an earthen wall between the students and mana beasts.

I curse under my breath.

This is not time to hold back.

I'll deal with the consequences later.

I take off the ring on my right hand, and revel at being able to access my entire mana pool.

The very earth lifts up in chunks and gravitate towards my arm, forming a gauntlet of solid rock, yet it was flexible enough that I had no problem moving.

Mana moves towards my fist as it glows a dull brown.

Nocking my arm back I chant, " [Earth splitting strike!]"

True to its name the force emanated from that one strike split the ground in two and dozens of mana beasts fall into it.

Kneeling down I press an arm against the chasm, " [Hell's Embrace}"

And the discolored beasts burn to ashes right in front of me as the chasm fills with orange flames.

"ATTENTION RENOWNED STUDENT'S OF XYRUS ACADEMY!" I flinch at the sudden and loud noise.

And his high pitched voice doesn't help.


"Yeah tell that to the dead students, oh wait you can't cause you killed them!" I growled out as I embed my entire rock covered fist inside the chest of a mineral bear, right through its metal plated bones.


I grit my teeth in anger.

This bastard!

Mana flares wildly around me as an explosion of blue flames, wind sickles and earthen spikes burn lacerate and impale any mana beast around me.

That combined with the blood red light emitted by the scarlet barrier around us, probably made me look menacing, because the beasts who were still alive began to flee.

"How is it looking on that side Elijah?" I glance towards him.

"It's the same, blood and corpses everywhere." He replied.

"Darn it! If only we could somehow ask for help." I clenched my fists in frustration.

"If only Arthur and Fayden were here we wouldn't be having so much trouble." He sighs.

"I for one am glad they aren't here. I'd rather not have them get involved in something like this."

He laughs, "Buddy they are strong enough to take on all these mana beasts by themselves."

"What? Really? I mean I know Fayden is strong but that strong?" I asked, perplexed.

"You haven't seen him go all out yet then." He answers.

"Go all-" My eyes widen as I notice a thorned growler pounce on him, "ELIJAH!"

Thankfully a blade flies in and decapitates the beast.

"Thanks," Elijah spoke gratefully to Curtis Glayder.

He nods, "No problem, but you both should go take cover until reinforcements arrive. It's too dangerous here."

"No offence but, I'm not gonna stand around doing nothing as those motherfuckers kill people I know." I retort.

"He's right, minus the profanity, there are too many for you to handle." Elijah agrees with me.

Suddenly a mana infused sound struck like lightning, and all three of us got down to our knees, clutching our ears in pain as the very earth trembled.


Fayden Leywin POV :

Throughout the party I did nothing but watch.

I watched Father, Vincent and most of the Twin Horns became completely intoxicated.

I watched as Angela Rose 'conversed' with Arthur as their cheeks were placed against each other.

I watched as Durden opened his eyes and took on a gruff commanding tone as he spouted out training drills to the most absurd things.

I watched how Jasmine revealed how worried she was about the both of us, and if we were adjusting to school very well.

Between this mother came up to me to ask if anything was wrong but I waved her back saying, "There is just a lot on my mind right now Mom. I'm fine."

She looked uneasy at leaving it there, but complied anyways.

Gradually they began retiring to their rooms.

Mother helped father get to their room, as Tabitha did the same to Vincent.

And now me and Arthur were alone in the dining room with Helen Shard.

I got up to leave when Helen spoke, "Is something wrong Fayden?"


"You have been acting strange ever since Princess Tessia left." She explained.

At this Arthur perked up as well.

"...I'm fine, it's just that-"

"The excuse you used with your mother wont work here." She cut me off.

I smile nervously, "It won't huh?"

"..." She keeps staring at me.

I sigh, "I have this feeling like something bad is going to happen. And the last time I had it was right before going to the excursion, and you know what happened there."

"It's just a feeling Fayden. No one is foolish enough to attack Xyrus academy while its professors are still there." She tries to reassure me.

"Yeah, I guess it is..." I leave the room.

"Is it though?" I whisper under my breath.


Nathan Ambers POV :

As the noise subsided the same voice who spoke earlier spoke again, "AHEM! TESTING...AH..AH..PERFECT!" This time It could be understood where the sound came from.

The bell tower.


The three of us glance at each other before Curtis nodded, "Get on, quick!"

Elijah settled himself over Curtis' bond, a world lion called Grawder.

Curtis looks at me, and urges me to hurry, but I interrupt, "Go, I'll be right behind you."

He nodded in acceptance and bounded off atop his bond.

Alright I haven't tried this in a while, let's hope it works.

Embers start emitting from my boots as the wind picks up.

And seconds later I propel upwards by the force of the wind amplified fire being constant expelled from my legs.

I can't use this for long, I have to hurry.

And so I flew to the tower, right above Curtis and Elijah.

"Whoa!" Elijah exclaimed.

"I'll explain later, for now focus on this." I answer him.

Along the way I couldn't help but be wary of my core.

I can't overuse my magic, I can't be having an attack in the middle of all this.

As we neared the tower, flashes of multiple spells could be seen.

"What is going on there?" Curtis wonders.

"From the looks of it, there is a barrier surrounding the tower, and some of the students and staff are firing spells in hopes of weakening it." I answer.

"Is it working?" He asked hopefully.

"What do you think? Of course not." I shot at him.

Reaching the tower I notice a stone platform which was not there before.

Blood pooled in the dozens of craters.

Dismembered limbs and dead students were a common sight.

More of the discolored mana beasts surrounded the platform, waiting for something.

As I touched the ground, I stop releasing mana.

Some of the professors look at me, intrigued by what I just did.

But the attackers weren't even phased by it, almost as if they considered it weak.

"Stay here while I look for the other DC members." Curtis ordered and moved away,

The students around the tower were either chatting, crying over the dead, glaring at the platform with bloodshot eyes, or tending to their injuries.

"WELL IT SEEMS LIKE EVERYONE HAS MADE IT TO THE GRAND FINALE OF TODAY'S SHOW. I THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING," The perpetrator appeared, almost as if he came out of the shadows.

I know only one person who could do this.

But this isn't Fayden, he has brown hair not red.

Besides he would never wear an absurd amount of jewelry like this man.

He had his arm behind his back, as if he was holding something behind it.

His appearance silenced everyone in the area.

The drip, drip, drip of a liquid leaking from whatever he held behind him didn't help ease the suspense.

Just then an earthen spear shot straight at the man, but was neutralized as soon as it came into contact with the barrier.

And as the people figured out that it was nigh impossible to break in, curses fill the night air.

"Pfft..." The man trembled in the effort of trying to suppress his laughter, but ultimately failed, "PUAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Maybe I could break in with my immense mana pool.

But before I could even begin to move, he threw something onto the floor, which stopped right in position for everyone to see.

My eyes widen as I stare at the decapitated head of a DC member whose name I don't remember.

Around me some students begin throwing up, Elijah included, while others just looked away."

Even I was extremely nauseous.

But I couldn't tear my eyes away from the sight of gore in front of me.

"NOOOOO! DORADREA!" Ah, that was her name.

Another of the DC members charged.

If I remember correctly, his name is Theodore.

Even as he pounded against the barrier, there was no change.


And the mans maniacal laughter continued to run chills down our spine.


The floor around him broke apart, yet he kept hammering on the barrier with his now bloodstained hands, "COME OUT HERE AND FIGHT ME YOU COWARD!"

That stopped his laughter, as he takes off his mask.

Revealing a sharp face with grey skin and a permanent scowl.

He tilted his head in confusion, "Coward? Me?"

He started walking towards Theodore as if he owned the place.

As if he was a god.

I scoffed at the thought.

"Yes, you! Stop hiding behind this barrier and fight me!" Theodore bellowed.

"Coward? Me? The mighty and reborn Draneeve...hiding?" He flashed right in front of Theodore and pulled him inside onto the stone platform before any of us could even blink.

Theodore fell on his back, before trying getting up with some trouble.

The man called Draneeve flashed to him and squatted down, "Why don't you fight me now?"

Yelling at the top of his lungs Theodore jumped, and performed a heel kick right at Draneeve's shoulder.

The platform broke and a dust cloud obscured our view.

The students begin cheering, thinking that he won.

Someone from inside screamed in agony and as the dust cleared, the cheerful faces of the people turned to one of sheer disbelief.

All of us knew he was a gravity deviant.

And judging by the devastation caused by it, he didn't hold back.

Imagine the surprise of everyone when the very same person on the ground with blood seeping from where his leg was.

The rest of his leg still atop Draneeves shoulder, who didn't even flinch.

"Come on! The Great Draneeve isn't hiding." He smirked cruelly as he kicked Theodore away.

He didn't stop at one, no he kept battering Theodore with hits, "I'm fighting you like you wanted, right? What's wrong?"

"...ucker." Theodore coughed out before vomiting blood.

"Hmm? What was that?" Draneeve kicked his side, resulting in a resounding crack going around the area.

Lifting his head Theodore spat blood right at Draneeves boot.

A vein popped on Draneeves head as he ran his hand through his hair, "Looks like you still have a little bit of fight left in you. Too bad you are almost dead with blood loss. Let me help you there."

A snap of his fingers.

That all it took for Theodore to combust into crimson flames as he creamed out in excruciating pain.

Another snap later the fire extinguished leaving only a charred carcass behind.

All this while my mana fluctuated violently, so violently that the ground around me cracked, charred and was blown away.

"Pfft! See! I helped him! He's not bleeding anymore right? PUAHAHAHAHA!" He cackled inhumanely.

Seeing that no one laughed alongside him, he shook his head "Oh poo~ You guys are no fun."


Is that what this is to you?

Is all of this a sick joke for you!

I take a deep breath in.

Calm down Nathan...Calm down...

"NOW! I must apologize for the delay. So without further ado, let's commence with our main event! Fellas, bring them out!" He waved his arms.

The mana beasts who were absolutely still up to this point, stirred and sat up straight.

A line of hooded figures came out of the bell tower, every one of them was dragging a student behind.

And one of them was the Student Council president, the same one Fayden considered as his own sister.