
TBATE- A force to be reckoned with

King Grey had closed his heart off to all but one, standing by his side his old friend, now right hand, was the only person he could trust. But fate had other plans it would seem. Around the same time King Grey breathed his last, so did his only friend. Reborn as Fayden Leywin, twin brother of Arthur Leywin, Markus begins a new life, his second chance, and he'll be damned if he lets anyone he cares about die. Art by @rvlrz01

Erebus512 · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs

The Ball part 1

The announcement made me realize just how strong I needed to get to stand even a sliver of chance against the Wykes house.

If Bairon Wykes is a Lance he must be at least light silver core, maybe even white.


But I have more crucial matters to attend.

My sister, Eleanors Birthday was tommorow.

I didn't have much time to prepare her gift.

I materialized the rings I brought, which I had kept stored in my shadow storage.

Opening the cases I froze.

Something seemed wrong.

Physically it was the same.

It had no mana before.

So why do I sense mana from it now.

And is that...nacht?!

Did keeping it in the shadow storage alter it?

Ah well, its not like it would be harmful to her.

I had tried it on Arthur and the constructs of Nacht which so easily dissolved the elderwood guardian didn't affect him at all.

Turns out its only harmful to people I deem as my enemies. Neat.

Anyways, I should probably finish it.

Activating my first phase I infuse nacht in it, willing it to perform the task I had in mind.

After a few hours of concentrating and pouring nacht in it, I was finally done.

How does such a small thing contain so much Nacht?

Both the rings had the same function, make their wearer hard to notice, allow them to conjure one item made of shadows, and protecting and healing them at all costs if something happens.

(Although not as strong as the phoenix wyrm necklaces, these will shield and protect the wearer but only be capable of healing certain wounds, so unless the wearer is decapitated or cut in half this will heal them.)

Exhausted I crumple down.

That took a lot out of me.

Good thing I have enough time to rest up.


Getting ready for Ellie's birthday party I head down.

On the way I meet Arthur, although Sylvie was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Sylvie?" I ask.

"Vincent warned me that there might be some guests attending the party as a pretense to watch me, so I left Sylvie in her room." He answered.

"You do realize that you'll need to offer her a huge amount of food to make it up don't you," I say.

He sighed in response, "I figured as much,"

Chuckling I continued on my way.

The two of us stood at the gate, burdened by the duty of welcoming all of Ellie's friends by our dear mother.

Keeping a gentlemanly smile on our faces we greeted the various guests.

Behind us Elijah was trying to flirt with the female guests, playing with a glass of wine on one hand.

Which unsurprisingly tilted a bit too much, splashing the red liquid all over his dress.

Stifling a laugh we quickly turn away.

Suddenly father yells, "They're coming, everyone get ready!"

Taking this as our cue we go back inside.

Mother and Ellie come down the stairs, with mother using her hands to cover Ellie's eyes, who was still confused as she thought we were going to have a family party.

As mother removes her hands multiple artificers release colorful lights.


Even Zeke participated from inside my shadow, albeit only audible to me.

My sisters initial look of surprise quickly morphs to one of pure joy, with her eyes widening, and cheeks reddening and her hands moving to her gaping mouth, almost instinctively.

Before long her friends run up to her, tackling her in a hug, almost carrying her away. She gave us a meaningful look before letting herself he taken away.

Waiters went around, handing  out platters and cups containing various foods and drinks. But before I could consume anything my father clinks his wine glass with his fork.

"Before the next portion of the Party begins, I would like to thank everyone here on behalf of my precious daughter for coming to celebrate her birthday!"

Hearing this Ellie's face turn red in embarrassment.

"I've been blessed with so much in this life, but there would be no greater joy than to have my daughter partake in the first dance!" He finished.


"Hey Arthur, please tell me you know how to dance," I say.

"I do," He replies.


"This is on you then brother," I respond as he begins walking towards Ellie.

"Eleanor," He called, "Will you honor me with your hand for a dance?"

"Brother?" She seems worried, "b-but..."

"Cue the music!" Father bellows.

And so they began their dance, with my sisters panicked expression eventually settling to one of excitement.

Arthur really can dance. Even without prior practice, for I know he hasn't danced once after reincarnating, he made it look like it was all rehearsed.

As the song came to an end my brother finished the dance with a burst of win magic, keeping Ellie afloat for a few seconds, before gently placing her down.

And the audience applauded their performance.

"Damn you can dance," I say, coming up behind him.

"I guess those ballroom lessons did have a use," Arthur muttered.

"What now?" I say.

"What a disgustingly beautiful performance," A somewhat familiar voice spoke.

Turning back we see Gideon, actually in a suit, with a glass of wine in one hand.

What's he doing here?

"Mind if we talk?" He says, pointing at Arthur.

Taking the hint I slip away.

So here I am, wandering around aimlessly around the manor.

I swerve around as I almost bump into someone, "Ah! My apologies, I wasn't seeing where I was going."

"Its alright, no apology needed," He replied, "Say you're the guy who helped Lilia awaken aren't you? Uh Jayden was it?"

"Fayden, and yeah I did help in her awakening, along with Arthur." I reply,

He opens his mouth to say something, before faltering as if realizing something, "Where are my manners, I'm Nathan Ambers. I've heard a lot about you and your brother from Lilia,"

(A/N : Here you go, there wont be any pics for the rest of his family though, use your imagination.)

I raise an eyebrow, "She talks about us? "

"Yeah she talks a lot about you two, did you really fall off the grand mountains?" He asks, his cheeks slightly red.

Oh? Looks like Lilia has a secret admirer.

"Yeah we did and we barely managed to survive. But I'm grateful for it, otherwise I would've never met Zeke," I reply.


"Yeah my bond, found him in the forests of Elshire as a cub. You'll have to wait until I begin at Xyrus to meet him, calling him out here will draw a lot of attention," I say.

"I guess you have a point there,"

"You like Lilia don't you?" I decide to ask.

"W-What makes you say that," He asks.

"So you do," I say.

"Hey I never said anything!"

"You didn't need to. From what I see, you seem like a good person so why don't you try to ask her out?" I ask.

"It's not that simple you know." He replies.

"Sure it isn't," I remark.

"What about you, do you have someone you like?" He asks.

I don't know why but my thoughts immediately go to Kathyln Glayder.

Shaking my head of these thoughts I open my mouth to reply but am cut off.

"You do huh. So who is it?" He asks.

"There's no one," I say, my voice making it clear that I don't want to discuss this any further.

I'll not get attached to anyone unless necessary, tragedy always followed me in my past life, what's to say it won't follow me this time.

I know Arthur is strong enough to handle himself so that doesn't worry me.

I am afraid by the chance of something happening to Mom, Dad or gods forbid Ellie.

That's why we plan to give them the gifts we chose, well make in my case, so that they stay safe even when we aren't around.

"Okay, okay. Sheesh, no need to get so worked up," He raises his arms.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Got too heated there," I say.

He opens his mouth but I cut him off with a raised finger, "Not an innuendo!"

He stares at me for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter.

Soon I join in.

Maybe I am overthinking.

One friend couldn't hurt could it?