

What I expected after falling unconscious was to have some incoherent dream, but this, this was closer to a vision.

I saw conflict, a war on such a scale that it could level an entire continent. I saw beings so powerful that it wouldn't be wrong to call them gods.

On each side a prominent figure stood out, not by the armor they wore or the weapons they wielded, they stood out by the sheer amount of killing amount each was releasing. Even as a audience in a vision I could feel it.

I don't know how long I can handle it before I fall.

My vision darkened as my breath hitched, how I even did that when I'm dreaming was beyond me.

The last thing I see is the one of the Leaders transform into a canine beast with what seemed like wings, before I passed out, in a dream.

Passing out in a dream, that's a first.

I slowly open my eyes to a location I didn't recognize.

But before I could observe it properly I was assaulted by an acute, yet tolerable pain.

"You're awake!" I heard a voice say.

I got up with a groan, "How are the others?"

"Jasmine was hit a lot harder by Lucas' spell, unlike Note who had fortified his body with mana." He replied.

"Wait a minute! Hold up! What's this about being hit by Lucas' spell?" I ask

And so he explains what happened in the dire tombs, how they lost most of their members.

"That little backstabbing-Argh!" I grunt out in pain, as my entire body racks with pain. Even my teeth. How the hell does teeth ache this much?

"Hey are you alright?" He asks.

"Y-yeah, take a crystal from Arthurs glove and use it on me," I instruct him.

As he breaks the crystal, a soothing green light envelops my body easing the pain even more.

Sparing a glance at Arthur I notice he's in a pretty bad shape.

Elijah proceeded to pluck another gem, no doubt planning to use it on Arthur when I stopped him, handing him a gem from my own bracelet, "Wait, use this. It will enhance its effects."

Taking both of them he was about to crush them when Arthur cried out in pain, turning his head and puking blood.

"Hey, hey, hey! Calm down, its going to be alright," I try to reassure him.

"G-Glove" grabbing my arm he stutters out.

"Yeah I know, Elijah here was about to smash the crystal before you got up." I say.

Giving me a nod he relaxes a bit.

I signal Elijah to go ahead, and when he did crush them a blinding green light ensues.

I guess mother was right, it does increase the effects of any spell by 5 times.

I feel him relax completely as the gem did its work, before he abruptly got up, "Where's Jasmine?"

Turning towards my right I see Jasmine on the other end of the room, resting with her head over an equally asleep Zeke.

"Use another gem on her," I say as I hand him the last gem from my bracelet.

"She'll be fine within an hour or so."

Turning towards Arthur he said, "I didn't think the legendary masked swordsman would be someone my age."

In midst of all this I never noticed Arthur was without his mask, or more likely didn't deem it as important.

"My mask!" Arthur starts panicking.

Elijah scratched his cheek, somewhat embarrassed, "Sorry....It seems like it fell off during your fight and I couldn't find it,"

Suddenly I hear a voice.

Dad! Are you okay?

It took me a moment to realize it was Zeke who just spoke in my mind

Yeah, I'm fine Zeke. Sorry for worrying you once again.

I reply somewhat sheepishly.

So how long was I sleeping?

A bit more than a day.

I see

I focus back on the others just in time to hear Arthur say, "Thank you.....for saving us. When you could've easily escaped by yourself. Really...Thank you."

"Well If I had left you three there to die, it would make me the same level as that bastard, Lucas"

Just hearing his name infuriated me to no end. If not for my state I would've gone into Integrate phase and hunted him down.

As it stands, even now I was barely holding in the urge to murder him. I want to rip him to fucking pieces.

I smile cruelly, imagining the satisfaction I would have by shattering each and every bone in his body and making him eat his own liver.

I wonder, could I feed him to Zeke?

...what am I thinking.

These aren't my thoughts.

Why is my anger overwhelming me?

Is is because of using Phase 2?


I need to calm down.

"I'm more curious why you stayed when the Elderwood Guardian showed up. I saw Jasmine trying to get you to leave." Elijah asks.

To which Arthur replied, "A King never betrays his people."

"Also I promised someone very important to me that I'd cherish the people around me." He continued.

"Aren't you a good Samaritan." I say.

Elijah turns to me, "Why did you come back? You could've stayed safe out there. Wait how did you get here so quick?"

"Well I couldn't just let him die. What kind of a brother would I be if I abandoned him in face of danger? As for how I got here...I'll explain later." I say, not wanting to reveal my secrets to someone I barely know.

"Wait you two are brothers?" He ask astonished.

"We do look alike don't we?" I reply.

"Err...I can't see your face." He says.

"Huh?" I raise my hand up to my face and feel my mask still there.

"So it didn't fall off? Ah well the cats out of the bag anyways." I say as I detach my mask.

His eyes widen before he speaks, "Wow, you do look a lot alike,"

"By the way, I've been meaning to ask you, what's the deal with him?" He points towards Zeke who tilts his head, confused.

"Oh him, he's my bond. Zeke, Elijah. Elijah, Zeke" I introduce the two.

Zeke gives a grunt of approval and curls back to a ball.

How much will you sleep?

Traveling long distances is very exhausting.

I see

"How long have we been out for anyways?" Arthur asks.

"A bit more than a day." I answer him.

Both of them look at me questionably, "How did you know?" Elijah asked.

I said nothing but point towards Zeke.


"It seems like we're gonna be stuck here for a bit longer, while Jasmine recovers. We might as well get to know each other." Arthur said as he props himself up, leaning against the wall.

He proceeded to extend his arm, "I am Arthur Leywin, but you can call me Art."