
Good old days

The days pass by rather quickly, with nothing out of the ordinary happening.

I did skip Arthurs next class and spend my time in the training room though.

I continued hanging out with Nathan, a lot of which were spars.

Albeit on a much milder level.

Or so I thought.

I tried going easy on him, so that I am able to stop myself if he experiences one of those attacks during the spar.

I very quickly changed my mind after I saw him going all out against me.

Yeah, holding back is only gonna hurt me, and I'm not a masochist like a certain someone I know.

I think he's gonna be fine as long as he has an ally to back him up in case something goes wrong.

But enough about that, now I'm trying to sneak my way into the next DC Meeting.

I move silently through the corridors, keeping my senses open for any noise.

Even though I could sense their mana cores, some of the senior students might have enough control to hide it.

And when I get near the DC meeting room, I sense three mana signatures.

Thats when I hear the voices of Feyrith and Doradrea, who seemed to be arguing about something.

Glancing down the corridoor I find the two, along with Kathyln, walking towards the door.

And so I follow them, without them knowing of course.

"Ah! There they are!" I hear Claires voice as the three enter the room.

"We are still missing Fayden though."

And that's my cue.

"Not anymore you aren't." I enter.

Claire nods, "Now that everyone is here, I'd like you all to come sit down so we can start the meeting."

We settle down, with me sitting beside Feyrith who sat beside Arthur and Theodore.

On the other side Kai, Doradrea, Curtis and Kathyln sat in a line.

Claire sat at the end of the table, "As you  all know, Arthur,Curtis, Fayden and I will be off campus for a trip in a few weeks. So we will need to reorganize our patrol routes and partners for the few days we will be absent. Anyone care to volunteer for more patrol hours?"

Immediately Kai raises his arm, "I'll take on a few more hours, I don't have friends to hang with anyways."

"Thanks Kai," Claire said.

That's certainly suspicious, considering what Arthur saw.

"I too have no friends, so I will volunteer." Feyrith...boasts?

"Weird flex." I mutter.

"Not sure why you sound proud if that, but thanks."

He's a weird one that's for sure.

I notice wires move towards Doradrea, and force her hand up.

"What the-?"

"Oh? I didn't expect you to volunteer Doradrea." Claire spoke.

"I didn't!" She looks confused.

Kai has a cheshure grin on his face, "I haven't had the pleasure of pairing up with Doradrea for Patrols yet, so how about it?"

Were the wires his doing?

If so, how is it that they have no elemental affinity?

"Then it looks like we're all covered. Let's end the meeting then." Claire announces.

And so I slip outside, and when I see, or sense, no one around.

I void step to my room, before getting ready for my next class.


(A/N : Just as a side note, I'll not be having Elijah's incident in the training room in my fic. Never did like that move by turtleme in the comic. He basically told them about Elijah being a reincarnator.)


And so, the following weeks pass by rather peacefully, classes became more boring, hell even when exams came I wasn't worried.

I introduced Nathan and Elijah, had a few more talks with Kathyln, and I enjoyed life in general.

If only I knew what was about to come.

These enjoyable times would soon come to an end, bringing pain and suffering in its stead.

I guess even in another life, tragedy always follows me.

Fate really is a bitch ain't it?


The day before our vacations began, I decide to go to the training room one last time.

On the way there I bump into Virion.

"Gramps? What are you doing here? You are supposed to be in a meeting aren't you?" I ask

"Bah! I needed a breather from their squabbling, so I escaped to visit Tessia." He replies.

"Yeah, I guess it could get annoying there. Anyways, I was heading there myself so, let's go." I point towards the training room.

Entering the room I find myself facing a peculiar sight.

Arthur was laying down with Tessia sitting on him in a rather compromising position.

"I know I've been pushing you two together, but I don't think I'm ready to be an uncle just yet." I announce my presence.

Tessia seems to not have noticed their position as she froze, before turning crimson, before jumping away.

"Your granddaughter is all grown up now gramps, don't be surprised if you see your great grandchild soon." I tease some more.

Tessia covers her face, but Arthur is unphased.

"Hahahahaha! I won't be surprised, in fact I'm expecting one soon."

This time Arthur does blush.

Tessia meanwhile grabs Virion's beard and kicks my shin, hard.

"Ow! That hurt!"

"Th-That hurts little one! Ouch!"

"Then stop making things so weird."

"No can do, sorry." I move away before she could hit me again.

"I was a bit worried about the dungeon excursion tommorow, so I originally planned to have Cynthia keep an eye on her in case her core acts up, but she's out." Gramps spoke after freeing himself from Tessias vice grip.

"Anyways, I was hoping one of you two could be around her until your trip." He finishes.

"Yeaaaaaah about that..." I begin.

"We promised to spend tonight with our family." Arthur finishes.

"Perfect! You can take her along then." Gramps exclaims.


I see what you did there gramps.

"No way! I'm not falling for that. I can imagine how Mom and Dad will react if I brought her with me. I'm not bringing her with me." Arthur crossed his arms.

"Since when were you under the impression that you had any choice in it?" I ask.


"I can't believe I brought you along with me." Arthur spoke as we knock on the door.

"Believe it." I said. (A/N : Dattebayo!)

"Very helpful Fayden." Arthur rolls his eyes.

The door opens as Mother spoke, "It's about time you three got here."

I raise an eyebrow, "You knew?"

In response she opens the door wider, revealing a mountain of gifts.

"We had a suspicion." Father said.

"Well, are you two only going to stand outside? Come in, dinner is almost done." Mother said.

"Come on, I want to show you how good I've gotten at the bow." Ellie pulls Tessia away, "Helen has been training me every time the twin horns visit."

Standing on the doorway looking at my family, I smile, before speaking, "It's a good life we lead brother."

"May it never change." He replies.

"And may it never change us."


Authors Note :

The ending there seemed forced didn't it?

But hey, I couldn't resist quoting Ezio and Federico in a perfect scene such as this.

We're in the final few happy chapters.

It all goes downhill soon.

Widows Crypt incoming this week.

Things begin to change from there.

Until then.

See ya.