
Celestial Guidance

'Noctis,' I call out.

'You told me all those years ago to call out to you if I ever need Celestial Guidance.'

'I...I need your help. War is coming, and I need to be strong enough to protect my friends and family.'

'These beings called the Vritra have already killed one of the six lances, a white core mage. And he said there will be war.'

'So I beg of you, please train me and my brother. Because if we don't get stronger...we'll lose people we care about. And I don't think I can take it, not again.'


Opening my eyes I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

So, how did it go?

I think it worked, we just have to wait for a reply.

...so this Noctis is my biological father?

I mean probably, he is the one who entrusted you to me.

Even then, I still consider you as my father.

Heh, I see.

I knew better than to expect an answer right away.

So I got to work on my core.

"What in the-?" I am unable to hide my surprise.

My solid yellow core had cracks in it.

But that's not what surprised me.

It was the translucent black shell that covered it.

It's like seeing through a black glass.

It has turned way darker than last time.

What does it do?

I mean I have found nothing to indicate any effect on my core.

I guess I'll have to ask Noctis if-when he replies.

For now, let's break through solid yellow.

I summon Solaris in my hand, since it does increase the rate of absorbing mana.

I begin absorbing ambient mana, and my core took it all, almost hungrily.

And the mana in my core swirled like a whirlpool.

Soon the outer cracked shell crumbled to reveal the light yellow ball.

Four more stages till white.

And after that, the stage beyond white.


I and Arthur had decided to stay home for a day before returning.

Father left at dawn for work. So we could spend our day with Mother and Ellie.

Tabitha tagged along, and for what?


My mortal enemy.

I didn't even bother counting the number of stores we entered.

Fortunately with the two of us being there, we both got small breaks from being mannequins.

Finally when we entered a store selling scarves, Arthur spoke up, "Aunt Helstea, are there any stores selling anything to help me train faster?"

"Hmm? You mean elixirs?" She looked at him confused.

He nods.

"There a small elixir and medicine shop around the corner if you want to go take a look while we shop for some scarves." She replied.

And Arthur instantly bolted, "Thank you, I'll meet you in front of the store."

"Hey-" I begin advancing towards the door, only to be stopped by my mother grabbing my collar.

"Absolutely not, young man."


As such I had to play the role of mannequin for the rest of the time.

Sylvie escaped Ellies clutches a few minutes later.

But alas I couldn't run away like that.

You could Void Step away you know

Zeke pointed out.

You're right, I could.

But as I try to activate my acquire phase, mother clasps my shoulder and speaks up, "Don't you dare use your beast will to run away Fayden."

Sensing the dangerous tone in her voice I gulp.

"Of course not, what do you take me for?"

She deadpanned at me.

"...Yeah don't answer that."

Near fifteen later, when we were seated at a table, Arthur arrives with Sylvie sitting on his head.

Walking up to him I shock him with a small dose of lightning magic.

"Ow! What was that for?" He rubs his arm.

"For leaving me alone with them." I retort.

Judging from how Sylvie hit his face with her paw, she agreed.

He chuckles nervously, "Sorry?"

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Mother asked.

"I think?" He scratches his head.

"Oh really? That store is considered famous for its variety of elixirs. Most of the students in Xyrus go there to shop for training supplies." Tabitha commented as she got up.

"What? That shabby old place?" He exclaimed in surprise.

"Shabby? What do you mean shabby?" Mother and Ellie got up, handing their bags to the two of us.

We proceeded to walk towards the alleyway with Tabitha at the front.

As she turned the corner, she pointed ahead, "I wouldn't say it's shabby"

"Really? If that's not shabby I don't know..." He pauses abruptly as he stares slack jaw at the three story building with a golden sign that read 'XYRUS ELIXIRS'.

"You look spooked, what happened?" I ask.

"Do streets in Xyrus...er...move on their own?" He ignored my question.

"Moving streets?" She looks at him, confused.

"Ahaha...never mind." He replies.

"You didn't cause trouble in there did you?" Mother asked.

"Do you assume I cause trouble everytime I'm away, Mother?"

""Of course!""

Mother and Ellie spoke.

"Actually yeah, I do." Was my reply.

He clutches his chest in mock pain, and wears a hurt look on his face, resulting in the three of them laughing.

The rest of the shopping trip pass by rather uneventfully.

That is, until I notice a white blur in the distance.

This time I got a a better look at it.

(Like this, without the runes, with lighter blue eyes and more...feminine I guess?)

A white wolf?

Could this be Noctis' reply?

It looked straight at me, before turning away.

"Arthur, tell mom I went to see something." I inform

He looks at me confuses, but before he could ask, I was already out of there.

I run the fastest I can and chase the wolf.

I even try Void Stepping.

But no matter what I do, it always seemed just out of reach.

Come on! Just a but more!

Zeke comes out of my shadow to help me.

But as he does, the white wolf froze.

Only when I grabbed on to it, did it react.

Instead of thrashing around, or downright attacking me like I expected.

It burst in to millions of particles of light.

The motes of light coalesced a few feet ahead of me.

And the wolf stared down.

Looking particularly at my chest, where the mark of my bond with Zeke existed.

It spoke one word.


And surprisingly its voice was a female one.

"Who are you? Did Noctis send you?" I ask.

"Call me Sierra. Yes Noctis did send me here. He heard your call and has chosen to-" She froze, looking towards Xyrus Academy.

"Now is not the right time, you are needed by your brother. Meet me back here tomorrow."

"What? What do you-?!" She dispersed to balls of light before I could ask anything.

Remembering what she said I turn towards the Academy.

"I'm coming Arthur, just hold on."


Authors Note :

As I promised, original events begin from book 4, and here it is.

There's gonna be more in '2 days' in book, that is after the attack on the tri union building in Xyrus academy.

At the time Arthur goes to Elenoir.

Any guesses on who Sierra is?

Ah well it's fairly obvious ain't it?