
Apologies and Reunions

Leaving Arthur to explain things to Elijah I made my way back to my room.

Only to see Nathan closing the door.


"What took you so long? It's almost dinner time," He says.

"Yeah, I got caught up in something," I reply.

He sighs before replying, "Lets go or we will be late," He says.

On the way I realize that I don't really know much about him.

So I decide to ask.

"Hey, even though we're friends now, I still don't know much about you," I say.

"I could say the same about you," He replies.

"Well I'll begin then, I'm a 12 year old dual elemental water and earth mage, deviant in ice, and Shadow Wolf beast tamer," I say.

"I'm 13 and also a dual elemental wind and fire mage, deviant in lightning, House Ambers but don't let that get in the way of our friendship." He says extending his arm.

Returning the handshake I say, "Well we're polar opposites of each other, I say we'll get along magnificently."

He chuckles, "So do I, now I am curious about your bond, Zeke was it?"

I look around to see if anyone is nearby, when I don't find or sense anyone I speak, "Yeah, you can come out now Zeke,"

Instantly he comes out.

"He's different than any Shadow Wolf I've seen," Nathan comments.

"Yeah, I get that a lot, I don't know why he's so different." I reply.

He kneels down and starts petting Zeke, who starts to wag his tail uncontrollably.

What has the mighty shadow wolf come down to.


I chuckled in response.

As we entered the dining hall, a lot of heads turned towards me, some staring curiously, some glaring.

I paid it no mind as I got into line and acquired my food.

We make our way to an empty table and settle down.

"You're not going to sit with your brother ?" Nathan asks.

"Nope, I've been with him my whole life, I think I can stay away from him for a while," I say.

"Ah, fair enough." 

As we chatted away we failed to notice the group of boys standing beside Arthurs table, until one of them swiped Elijah's plate away.


Noticing where I was looking Nathan spoke, "You wanna help them out?" 

"Yeah," I say and begin to walk towards him, but before I could reach them, the guy threw a punch at Arthur.

Elijah came in between them in order to shield Arthur.

Is he an idiot?

He should know a punch of that caliber won't do anything to Arthur.

But before his fist could connect multiples vines stopped him in his tracks and proceeded to tie him up, vulnerable to any form of attack, or humiliation.

I see someone slip away from near the door.

Someone with Silver hair.


"I'll be back," I say to Nathan, who too had halted after seeing the vines.

Without waiting for a response I go outside.

I find her seated on one of the benches.

"Hey Tess,"


Well this is awkward.

Taking a deep breath in I speak, "I, uh, want to apologize for blowing up before," 

"I'm sorry for blaming you there, I should have known better than to accuse you of something like that," She said at the same time as me.

"You don't need to apologize, I acted way out of line there, I have not been very calm these last few days." I say.

Not after the fight against the elderwood guardian.

"You're not mad at me?" She asks.

"No, I'm not. I was pretty harsh back there, you should be the one mad at me. I did use lethal magic there so I was at fault somewhat," I answer her.

"It's alright, I understand. So, can we be friends again?"

"Well, judging by your and Arthurs relationship it's gonna be siblings soon," I add with a cheeky grin on my face.

Her face turns red at my insinuation.

I laugh in response.

"You jerk!" She advanced towards me, no doubt to pinch my arms in retaliation, but stopped in her tracks on seeing me holding my arms open.

Within seconds I am embraced by a silver blur.

"This is much more like what I imagined our reunion would be." I comment.

She chuckles in response muttering something among the lines of 'Dummy,'

Glancing inside I see Arthur making his way towards the door.

"Well looks like your knight in shining armor is coming here," I say.

Only to receive a pinch on my back.


Looking down I see her pouting at my teasing.

Patting her head I say, "I'm just messing with you Tess,"

"But I can tell that you like him, so I'll say this: Give him time. That's all I ask. As he is right now, he sees you as a friend he cherishes, not quite a romantic interest. The idiots so dense he'll take a long time to realizing that he is falling for you." I request her this before releasing the hug.

"I will," She says.

"Or you can blow up on him after making a confession, both works," I add in.

Her face flushed once more as I slip away.

Of course he isn't that dense, he clearly sees that she has feelings for him, but he's in a thick shell, one which needs to be broken in order for him to accept her feelings.

I have almost broken through my own shell, but he's still got a ways to go.

I only ever knew one person like that in my old life.

One with an even thicker shell than mine.

I hope you do manage to break through this, Grey.