

"If this is your idea of a prank, you two, then you went too far," Tabitha seemed angered by our proposal.

"I assure I would never joke about something like that, neither would I ever play with anyone's feelings like that." I said with equal amounts of hostility.

During all this I never once noticed the amount of bloodlust I was releasing. But the sight of my and the Helstea family shaking in their boots shook me out of my trance.

Releasing my bloodlust I bowed down, "I'm sorry, it seems I'm not in the best mental state at the moment."

"A-Anyways lets go to the living room." Vincent said, even now enthusiastic about Lilia's awakening procedure.

Moving towards Arthur I spoke quite enough that only he would hear me, "Start without me, I need to cool off a little."


Damn it, I lost my cool!

Overusing Noctis' will made me short tempered for a while.

I'll have to be careful in the future.

If only I could build some sort of immunity to the thing.

Time to get to work I guess.

What was the breathing technique again?

Oh yeah.





Inhale again...

This continues for a good 2 hours before I'm calm enough to control myself.

I arrive just in time to see Ellie, Lilia and Arthur getting up from the ground.

I move towards the Helstea's and bow down, "I'd like to apologize for my outburst earlier I was not in the right state of mind, although that doesn't excuse it."

"It's alright, I shouldn't have said that. You are more mature than any kid of your age and wouldn't be so insensitive."

"Thank you," I say and move towards the trio.

"Has Arthur explain the basics?" I ask

Ellie nods enthusiastically, while Lilia was still a bit hesitant.

Guess I really did go overboard before if she's still scared of me. Although Ellie seems unaffected that's mostly because she is too young so sense such things.

"Can you two still go for another round?"

"Yes," I received a verbal response this time.

"Alright lets get it done." I sat down while motioning them to do the same.

They sit down beside me facing away.

I place both hands on their backs and infused some of my mana into their bodies eliciting two yelps.

"I see them." Lilia spoke up for the first time since my arrival.


"Try gathering them now."

After an hour I stopped the flow of mana, after their dormant mana is triggered.

Heaving a sigh of relief I got up standing beside Arthur.

"How is it? D-Do you think Lilia will be able to become a mage?" Both the Helstea parents were a mess. They had anxious looks on their faces while Vincent was nervously chewing on a fingernail, hell even my mother was a bit uneasy.

Arthur looks at me and I gesture him to go ahead, "Don't worry, both of them will awaken as mages within two years. We had initially planned to do this everyday for the next few months that we will be home. By then they will have formed their core-"

Before he could finish speaking we were engulfed in a hug by a crying Tabitha, "Thank you, oh thank you, my baby will become a mage. I'm sorry for doubting you."

Meanwhile Vincent was crying rivers gazing at the meditating Lilia.

After a few more hours later our mana dispersed from their bodies, as such they had to stop meditating.

Soon after Dad came back home and was overjoyed by the fact that the Helstea's will finally have a mage.

Of course that wasn't the only thing he was excited for, "Awww, my baby girl is going to be as strong as her older brothers. Promise me you wont surpass me. Or I'll be very sad."

I shook my head at his antics while Mother laughed at them and Ellie was giggling, trying to push Dad's face away, "Papa! Your beard tickles! Stop~"

We had quite an extravagant dinner party that night.

Damn Vincent and Tabitha didn't hold back at all.

The next few days included honing my elemental affinities, condensing my core and of course trying to master my beast will.

I can do basic earth manipulation now, and phase 1 no longer make me cranky unless used in excess.

(A/N: For clarification the side effect of becoming angry quickly is still there but only when he is using his will. After deactivating it his mind will be back to normal. The exception to this is overuse, if he overexerts himself using the beast will then even after deactivation he will be short tempered temporarily)

I also found out something especially peculiar about the swords Gramps had entrusted me with.

Turns out I cant augment it. I can still dull it for practice sessions yes, but if I infuse too much mana it starts to shake uncontrollably. I think I even heard a crack once.

After that I stopped infusing mana in it. It was sturdy enough anyways.

Besides this Arthur and I spent a few hours everyday watching over Ellie and Lilia, although it was mostly Arthur.

I say this because most of the time I am in my acquire phase, trying to remove it's side effect.

One day Arthur asked mom about her abilities as an emitter, he asked how she had trained, since the scarcity of emitters would make finding a mentor extremely difficult. She simply replied saying that a woman needs to have a few secrets of her own.

How the hell is being a woman connected to being an emitter?

Whatever, I won't pry. She would've told us if we needed to know about it.

This had me thinking, is being a deviant hereditary?

If so could I possibly awaken as a deviant?

Questions for another time I guess.

Two weeks before our birthday, loud obnoxious knocks on our door disturbed us.

And when the door opened to reveal the faces of an all to familiar group.

I couldn't help but smile.