
A companion

"NO! Absolutely not! No way! Do either of you know how dangerous it is! You've just returned, after we thought you were dead, and now you want to go and get yourself killed out there? Absolutely no way!" My mom was in hysterics, tears glistening at the corners of her eyes.

Ellie was clutching her leg, "Mama, don't be mad. No mad."

Director Goodsky had left with the Helstea's soon after our announcement, sensing that we might need some time alone.

Dad however was still rational. He didn't seem to like the idea as well, but there was no reason for us to not be adventurers, other than our age that is.

"Honey, I'm not saying I agree with them becoming adventurers, but let's at least hear them out." Dad finally spoke.

"How can you even sat that after what happened that day, after what we had to go through." She said breaking down to a sobbing mess.

After an hour of waiting until Mom calmed down I could see this was getting us nowhere so I took her hand and spoke, trying to convince her, " Mother, I wasn't planning to leave now, at least not for a few months. We were looking forward to spending some time with you."

Arthur, sensing my intentions also spoke up, "Besides being in the Elf Kingdom for so long made us miss a lot about what I should know. We thought becoming an adventurer would help us gain practical experience," placing his hands on top of Mom's

" I understand where you two are coming from. I was also excited to gain some real life experience after awakening, although I was a bit older." Dad reminisced, " But your mother is right in worrying. No matter how prepared or strong you think you are it is dangerous and unpredictable."

Should we tell them about the wills? Maybe then they will allow us to go.

I was about to reveal all of it but Art beat me to it, ""Dad. Mom. What if I were to have some sort of guard or supervisor with me? Wouldthat make you feel a bit more at ease with this whole idea?"

Yeah that would do it too.

"That's actually a pretty good idea." Dad pondered.

Instantly my Mother was in front of him, grabbing his collar and swinging him back and forth, "How can you even consider it!? I will not let you send our sons away for another 3 years.!"

After settling down on the couch, dad had a defeated posture, as if he was dead inside, and mom had a smile so sinister all four of us were in cold sweat.

"I was actually planning on coming back every few months, O-or even more frequently between missions." Arthur stuttered out.

"Really?" she asked in a dangerous tone.

Arthur and Sylvie nodded vigorously.

She turned to me, "Y-yeah we'll try to come home as much as we can."

I could feel Zeke quivering in my shadow.

Beings said to be on par with gods were terrified of my mother. Go figure.

"Bruhders leaving awredy?" Ellie asked with a crestfallen expression, on the verge of breaking down.

Instantly I was on my feet, "Nonononono! We'll be staying right here and you'll get to be with us a lot from now okay?" I said as I started to panic.

"Yeah we will be spending a lot of time together Ellie." I could tell my brother was as panicked as me.

"I'm not agreeing yet, but answer this atleast....why do you want to be an adventurer now? Wouldn't it make more sense to go to school before becoming one?"

"Well, even if we did go to school now we'd be a fair bit younger than everybody there, and possibly might make no friends." I reasoned.

"Y-you don't have to go to school now, but what if you helped your father instead or-"

My Mother was cut off as Dad butted in, "They will be fine."

"Thanks Dad."

"Thank you." Arthur and me speak at the same time.

I'll finally get to use my skills in a real fight and gauze exactly how much stronger I've grown.


The next day being a Sunday left my father with his day off, and the Leywin family and the Helstea family dining together for breakfast, "So did you guys settle on what to do with them?" asked Vincent.

"We agreed to let them become adventurers under some conditions." Mother replied.

"Oh? What conditions?" Tabitha responded.

"First, they'll wait until after their birthday in three months. Secondly, they will have a guard on him at all times during missions. And lastly they'll have to visit at least once per two months. They are smart enough to manage the rest" Dad clarified.

"Do you have anyone in mind to be their guard? Heck is there even a guard capable of guarding them?"

This had everyone sweat drop.

"We were interrupted by Ellie using her forks to imitate Sylvie, "Papa! Look! I'm Swevy!"

I chuckled at her.

"That's it! I got it!" Dad said ramming his hands on the table.

"The Twin Horns will be coming back from an expedition in a dungeon soon. I receiveda letter from the Adventurer Guild Hall that says they should be back within twomonths! We can have one of them go with the boys!" My father exclaimed, his eyes filled with excitement.

"That's actually a great idea." Mom said surprised.

Dad turned towards her, "Honey, can you not be so surprised at me for having a good idea?"

She chuckled nervously as a response.

The twin horns huh?

Jasmine, Helen, Durden, Angela, and Adam.

As I recited their names every single one of their faces came into my mind.

I guess we'll meet again soon.