
- TBATE - Godspell

Reincarnated into a new world filled with magic and monsters, the king has a second chance to relive his life. In this story, Arthur never falls off the mountain, so he never meets Sylvia. Without a dragon's will and Sylvie by his side, the story changes in many ways.

Sh1nsoO · Fantasy
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48 Chs

-Chapter 4- Introduction

Arthur Leywin P.O.V.

Back at the Helstea manor, we are throwing a small get-together or party for the Twin Horns before they leave Xyrus. Although to Vincent and his family this 'party' was nothing more than a meet-up, I can understand their view on this since back when I was a king a party was not just 11 people, we had ballrooms filled to the brim with some of the most respected and 'powerful' people in the country.

It had been a couple of weeks since the attempted kidnapping. I had used most of the beast cores I took from the kidnappers on Lilias mana core progression. Hopefully, this doesn't all go to waste, but from the looks of how it's going, I believe she will awaken before she turns six.

I am brought out of my thoughts when my father falls off his chair from a story Helen told about one of the Twin Horn's recent adventures. It was nice to hear these stories about their adventuring days, I couldn't imagine how it must be to go around slaying mana beasts and exploring dungeons. Maybe I could become an adventurer when I get a bit older?

I pondered the idea in my head imagining myself wielding a sword that would suit my taste and burning my monstrous foes to a crisp using fire magic. Come to think of it, how was I able to use fire magic back then? I was attempting to use a swordless style from my old world using a different use of ki, was elemental attributes similar to ki styles as well? I put that thought in the back of my mind to test later.

"Hey Vincent, any luck on finding Art a teacher?" Adam asks.

"Unfortunately nothing yet, it's hard to find someone with the skill to teach him that will not only be worthwhile but also would be willing to keep Arthur's awakening a secret even from the royal families," Vincent replies.

My father is the first to reply, "What about an adventurer, there are often people with no real connection to things like nobility."

"Maybe, I may have some trouble finding a way to contact and find skilled adventurers, you should know how hard it is to find high-ranking ones" Vincent is already thinking of solutions in his head.

Jasmine cuts into the conversation raising her hand slightly to get their attention, "If you guys don't mind I believe I know someone who can help."

Vincent and my father jump up out of their seats nearly at the same time, I can see why they are such good friends they are practically clones of one another. Vincent is first to ask, "Who? How strong are they?"

Jasmine answers their questions, "They are an adventurer who I came to know due to my family lineage. They are an AA-rank adventurer, Kaspian Bladeheart."

"Wait, THE Kaspian Bladeheart? Isn't he one of the strongest adventurers out there? How did you meet him?" Vincent asks, astonished.

"My family has close ties to many adventurers and the adventurers guild, I had met him back when I first became an adventurer before I joined the Twin Horns. He owes me a favor, plus I'm sure he would be interested in training an anomaly like Arthur."

I feel slightly hurt being called an anomaly but they aren't wrong. Ever since- no, even coming to this world was an unprecedented event, it made me question a lot of things but eventually, I just learned to accept it, and here I am. An augmenter at the age of 4 who can already wield 2 elements.

Besides that I was interested in learning about this Bladeheart fellow, if he is one of the strongest adventurers out there how strong could he be? Could he beat me back in my prime?

"How soon can we meet with him?"

"I can send a letter and he can probably arrive by the end of this week," Jasmine answered Vincent's question.

Helen joins the conversation, "it's too bad we won't see you grow as a mage Arthur"

"Don't worry soon enough I can become an adventurer and go dungeon exploring with you guys." I honestly can't wait to explore dungeons with the Twin Horns.

Adam cuts in the conversation, "yeah kid, but good luck trying to catch up to me, you're a thousand years too early to be one of our party members. (Yes I did a reference fight me)

Jasmine coldly responds to his bold statement, "As long as Arthur doesn't get scared of a badger in the middle of the night and wake up the rest of the party in a panic he will do better than you."

Everyone laughs at Jasmine's joke, Adam meanwhile is embarrassed and yells, "I thought we weren't gonna bring that up?!"

The get-together continues till late. I eventually go to bed only after the Twin horns leave for the night before leaving Xyrus tomorrow. I'm gonna miss them but now I need to focus on my training.


The following few days I spend purifying my mana core and helping Lilia form their mana core.

She is currently condensing the mana within her body without the beast core while I mindlessly train.

I may say this a lot but the progress with her mana core is amazing. She is making great development with the creation of the core and can be done within several months.

One problem I had expected to see from the beast core method to eventually have to stop. For actual mana cores they tend to absorb mana better from beast cores of mana beasts that use similar elements to their affinity, I half expected something along these lines to happen to Lilias's un-finished mana core when it got to a certain level but it still takes beast cores of all kinds.

Although it's anything but scientific you can almost tell what element the creature used based on the colors, green can mean wind or the plant element, brown or yellow can mean earth, red and orange fire, and so on. But no matter what color combinations and attributes Lilias' mana core still absorbs them.

This could maybe lead to a problem in the future, maybe her mana core being too similar to that of a beast and her body rejecting it or unwanted side effects. It may be best to stop using beast cores for her developing mana core, "Hey Lilia when you concentrate and focus on your core, do you feel anything wrong with it? Or anything that is bothering you?"

"No, I don't think so," she says confused. Of course, I'm an idiot, how would she know if there was something wrong with something she knows nothing about. She speaks up again, "Everything seems fine, the mana just seems to flow into the core on its own."

It moves in on its own? Well, that seems normal because over time the mana within someone slowly condenses on its own, that's why they form after 10 or so years. 'Hmmm, this may be a bad thing to do, but I'll try something' I move closer to Lilia and take out a beast core from my bag. "I'm going to test something to make sure nothing is going wrong with your core, do you mind?"

She shakes her head letting me progress with my theory. I place my hand on their back near where the mana core is being formed and instead of moving the beast cores mana, I start to channel my mana to see how their mana core reacts to my mana.

It begins to absorb most of the mana I send in only rejecting a small amount of it. I try this time with the beast cores mana, it begins to absorb all of the mana from the beast core integrating it into itself. The absorption rate doesn't seem like an automatic process, it reminds me similar to how my book says mana beasts can absorb mana naturally even while moving. Her core is beginning to resemble the characteristics of a beast core. 'This has the potential to be a serious problem in the future to put an end to this.' I stop the transference and get back up, "We are gonna stop using beast cores for your mana core, you have progressed to a stage where you can now condense your internal mana on your own so if you continue doing that your mana core will be made."

She seemed to understand about it, even though it may now take longer to awaken her core, less risk is involved. It's not like it will put her back on development, but now she will probably just awaken it after her sixth birthday.

I decided to head back inside and enter my room, I don't have many belongings currently. I brought my wooden training sword, some clothes, and books from Ashbur. Besides that I have the cloak I got from the kidnapper and the bag of coins and beast cores, I had gone through 6 of the beast cores with Lilias training leaving only 4 left, based on the amount of mana in them I'd assume they are all E-rank. The bag of coins was full of silver coins, not enough for a single gold coin but it is good to have.


Spending the rest of the week training and spending time with family, the weather was good today so my mother and Tabitha decided to drag me shopping with them and Lilia. Once again I get turned into a damn dress-up doll for my mom and Tabitha, my mother dressing me up in casual simple clothing we would normally see in Ashburn, meanwhile, Tabitha dressing me up as some kind of prince to be.

As my soul is slowly leaving my body from boredom and exhaustion I hear a carriage charging down the road and coming to a quick halt in front of us, Vincent peeking his head out of the carriage window yelling excitedly to get our attention, "Get on! He is at the manor!"

Upon seeing this sight Tabitha facepalms and sighs deeply, "Vince, you're in public." She mutters.

I run up to the carriage and look up to Vincent, "Who's at the manor?" I wonder who can be so important that Vincent is this excited.

"Kaspian Bladeheart!" He says his eyes practically sparkling. Upon hearing this I jump up and enter the carriage, my mother and Tabitha follow. The carriage begins speeding back towards the manor at concerning speeds.

The carriage speeds into the large manor driveway and stops, Vincent brings me inside to the living room, there stands a tall thin man, who has brown slick back hair and grayish-blue eyes with glasses and is wearing a rather nice suit. He was speaking to my father before seeing me walk in with Vincent, he turns to me and introduces himself, "Oh, you must be Arthur Leywin, I've heard quite a bit about you from Jasmine. It's good to finally meet you"

I do a half-bow and introduce myself respectfully, "Thank you for agreeing to meet with us-" although I am not looking at him I can feel his eyes inspect every part of me as if he is gauging my use. I choose to continue as if nothing had happened and finish my sentence, "I look forward to potentially having you as my magic instructor."

He looks surprised by my mature response but quickly returns to his cool demeanor. "I simply wish to pay back the favor to your friend Jasmine Flamesworth. Now before I become your magic instructor I wish to see your potential, would it be fine if we had a spar? Even if you don't even have the skills to swing a sword, having a mana core at this early of an age is certainly something you can't ignore."

"I am honored to spar with you, we should take this to the backyard, however." he agrees and we all head to the backyard.


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