
- TBATE - Godspell

Reincarnated into a new world filled with magic and monsters, the king has a second chance to relive his life. In this story, Arthur never falls off the mountain, so he never meets Sylvia. Without a dragon's will and Sylvie by his side, the story changes in many ways.

Sh1nsoO · Fantasy
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48 Chs

-Chapter 34- Ally or Enemy?

I carry the box the teacher gave me to my next class, Runic Language. Since lunch is just ending the underclassmen are leaving back to their dorms or to explore the school, while the upperclassmen are arriving to start their classes.

Since I had classes for both the under and upper classes, I stayed in the school all day. I didn't mind since I was actually doing something I enjoyed.

I arrived at my next class, when I opened the door I saw the teacher standing at the door. He looks down at me and sees that I'm carrying a box. "Oh, did Gideon make you carry my package all the way here?"

He was a man in his thirties or forties, so around the age, I would be if I combined both of my lifespans. He has long black hair reaching his shoulders that makes him look like some kind of shut-in. "Yeah, he told me to deliver this box to you." He takes the box from me and carries it over to his desk. "What is in the box anyway, it is rather heavy."

Looking around the classroom I see there were only two desks beside the teacher's desk.

"Shouldn't you be getting to class?" He says.

"This is actually my current class," I responded.

"Oh, so you're one of the few people that signed up for this class," he sighs.

What he had said confused me, "What do you mean few?"

"This class is rather unpopular and people don't sign up for it because they either can just learn this in the Artificing Class or because they simply don't like me as a person. This year only two people signed up for this class. One of them apparently being you."

What could he have done for people to not like him? Was he just a bad teacher?

"Anyways class is starting, I suggest you sit down." He says. I go sit down as he begins to open the box I brought here. In the box, he pulls out a few stone tablets. They appear to have runic writing on them. Before I can look at them more there is a knock on the door.

I can't see who is at the door from the angle I'm sitting at but the teacher does, "Oh, you must be my other student. Here, go sit down in the other empty seat." The teacher tells them.

"Ok," I hear a familiar female voice respond. She walks into the classroom so that I can see her. It was the Student Council President. She looks at me and smirks, she walks over and sits down in the only other seat that happened to be next to me.

The bell rang signaling the start of class but the teacher continued to examine the stone tablets, he probably didn't even hear the bell ring he was that focused.

I hear the Student Council President chuckle softly next to me, "What?" I ask.

"I found you," she mutters just loud enough for me to hear. I immediately think back to the strange male voice I had heard back when I was in the void the teleportation gate put me in.

'No, they can't be connected. What am I thinking? But what even was that voice, to begin with?'

Before I can ask her what she meant the teacher had stopped his study on the stone tablets and decided to start class. "My name is unimportant to you all but you can call me Professor Katz. Since there are only two of you there won't be many graded assignments. The main point here is so you two will be able to read and write the Runic Language."

He continued teaching the lesson telling us how the language functions and works and what it's used for. Although the entire time I was trying to figure out who exactly the Student Council President was. Why was she looking for me? Did she have any connection to the strange voice I had heard?

Midway through the class, an owl flew into the room and landed in between me and her desks.

"Seems one of you had done something to catch the Director's attention, I guess class is dismissed till you get back to the Director's office. Now shoo filthy rule-breaking brats." Professor Katz said before he sighs.

"Where is the Director's office?" I ask.

"I can take you there," The council president says. She begins walking out of the room expecting me to follow her.

I follow her across the school till on the way I decide to ask her a question. "What did you mean when you said 'I found you'?"

"That doesn't matter, for now, Arthur Leywin." She calls me by my real name as she looks back at me with a smug face. "I know a lot of things, but not what I need to know. That's why I'm here."

"Who are you?" I ask.

"My name is Saya Ascle, I guess you could say I'm here for you. Don't view me as your enemy but don't mistake me for your ally just yet. I must decide if you are my enemy or ally first." she smiles at me and then looks back forward.

We soon arrive at a large door that leads to the Director's office, we enter the office and see the Director at her desk. "Ah, Arthur and Saya. Seems you finally arrived. Unfortunately, I only need to speak to Arthur so I apologize for you coming all this way Saya."

"It's fine, Arthur didn't know how to get here anyway so I brought him here myself." She leaves and closes the door behind her leaving me with the Director.

"Please sit down Arthur," the Director says.

I sat down in one of the chairs across from her desk, "Is this about the demonstration with Professor Geist?"

"Actually yes, after hearing the perspective from each of the students and Princess Kathyln storming in here with her complaints about the Professor. It seems you have made quite the impression on the girl. Don't go ruining this Kingdom in the future now Arthur." She goes on teasing me.

"What have you decided to do?" I ask.

"I've fired him, the reason I called you here was to offer you his position." She says.

"You're not serious right?"

"I am being serious, I want you to teach the Practical Mana Manipulation Class" She continues.

"Is that even allowed? I'm a first-year student. How could I become a professor, and what about my other classes?" I ask several questions still baffled on how this could be.

"I am the Director so of course it's allowed, and you do not need to worry about your other classes. You only need to teach for that one class slot. There is no need to get worked up about this, you have proven you are highly qualified for this position and even outclass many of your upperclassmen in conjuration already."

"But parents are bound to complain and when they do-" I am cut off when she swiftly answers my comeback.

"They may complain but I am the Director of this Academy, their opinion means nothing compared to mine when it comes to how I handle the future of this academy." She says removing all of my ways to escape this.

"In the end, the choice is yours, Arthur, what will you choose?"

After a few seconds of thinking I come to a final decision. "I'll take the job, but I'm not sure how good I would be at it."

"I believe you will do excellent." She says.


I leave the Director's office as the next class begins. I currently have a break from any classes so I just decided to wander around the school. 'Maybe I could go to the training areas, I've heard a lot about those from Feyrith.' I begin walking in the direction I believe I would find them.

Along the path, I pass by a rather big fountain where a large group of students spends their time around as the main meet-up spot.

It looks like a rather peaceful place if it weren't for the two idiots bickering and causing a ruckus.

I decide to watch their argument proceed as they then do something with a tag on their uniform, suddenly barriers are formed around each of the students as they then begin to fight it out.

'There was a dueling system incorporated into our outfits?' I look down and fiddle with my tag to see if I also had such a thing. My attention returned to the fight when one of the student's barriers broke, but the other student wasn't giving up. He then coated his fist in fire as he went to punch the knocked-down boy in the jaw.

Deciding this was too far I stepped in and conjured a wind barrier around the defeated boy protecting him from the fire fist. They both looked over to who had cast the spell and saw me.

The boy who was about to use the fire fist spell turns to me and begins to approach me. "What the hell did you do that for?"

It took him a second before he noticed the uniform I had on signified I was a DC officer. But it was already too late for him to talk his way out of it so he just began to run.

I let him escape hoping he learned his lesson not to do that kind of thing and just continued my walk.


I found myself wandering around the campus again, I was completely lost. I was now in an area that looked like I could get jumped and pulled into one of these alleyways in between the buildings and no one would notice.

Sure enough, I feel my right arm gets grabbed and I am pulled into an alleyway by a monstrous strength and spun around, and slammed with my back against the wall.

'I should stop making statements like that, even if they are in my own head.' I sigh.

I look at who my attacker is and I recognize them as Saya the Student Council President.