
- TBATE - Godspell

Reincarnated into a new world filled with magic and monsters, the king has a second chance to relive his life. In this story, Arthur never falls off the mountain, so he never meets Sylvia. Without a dragon's will and Sylvie by his side, the story changes in many ways.

Sh1nsoO · Fantasy
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48 Chs

-Chapter 16- Leaving Xyrus

Arthur Leywin P.O.V.

It was now some time after the royal family left Xyrus, today was the day that me and my parent's agreement was the last day before I can leave to go adventuring. Today I turned eight. I had asked my family and the Helsteas to make my birthday simple and a small party between us. I didn't want a large number of guests here.

That didn't stop them from having the entire manor decorated for the occasion. All around the manor you can see either balloons or streamers hung around. It was quite festive for a birthday.

The Twin Horns are also here so with them around everyone is excitedly talking and laughing with each other.

"Happy Birthday Arthur!" Everyone cried in unison.

"Thank you all for bearing with me for yet another year."

The servants and maids began to bring out the dinner the chefs had made. My mom had seen that they would make all of my favorite dishes, she had even helped out and made a few herself.

Sitting at the table Adam is telling embarrassing stories about the others. Jasmine intervenes saying "Hey Adam, are you forgetting that time in the middle of the night you went to relieve yourself when a horned mole snuck up under you. I recall you getting so scared you landed flat on your back, pissing on yourself like a fountain." She then casually takes a sip of her tea.

Adam was now mortified while everyone else was laughing.

"You-! I thought everyone was asleep when that happened!" Adam looked defeated as he tried to save the last of his pride.

Everyone was having a great time. Ellie eagerly tried to join in on the adult conversations talking about her time learning how to read and write.

After dinner, we all moved to the living room, they lit the fire and filled the area with a smoky fragrance.

"Happy birthday again, son. This present is from your mother and me," He says.

"And Ellie!" Ellie chimes in to add her name to the list.

My father handed me a cloth-wrapped package. Opening it, I saw a fingerless glove that was for my left hand. It was all-black dyed leather with no real design to it besides the three green gems attached to the back.

"The leather is from spiked aurochs your father hunted himself, and I imbued those three gemstones with healing magic. Each stone carries a single-use spell. It'll be a good idea to have some safety measures when you go out on missions. My mother said while smiling sadly. She was still very concerned that I would become an adventurer.

"Thanks, Mom, Dad, Ellie. I love it. This will be useful for me" I gave each of my family members a big hug. The healing spells would be extremely useful for a tight situation.

"Ahem! Next is us Vincent pulled out a small wooden box and dramatically got down on one knee. He opened the box to reveal two silver rings, one plain and the other with a small clear gem.

'Um... where is he going with this?'

"Honey! Stop teasing the boy!" Tabitha smacked Vincent's shoulder as he tried to hold back laughter.

"All right, all right! Arthur, this is more of a present to your family than for you, but I'm sure you will appreciate it as well." Vincent says as he pulls out the plain ring, "This ring will be worn by you Arthur, It keeps track of the natural mana flow in your body." He hands me the plain ring, before pulling out the silver ring with the gem. "And this ring, this ring is connected to the other ring sensing the mana flow, if the mana flow ever stops this gemmed ring will shine a bright red and emit a high-pitched sound."

"We thought hard on how we would know Lilia would be safe during her adventures so when she suggested this we knew we had to get it for you guys as well.: Tabitha states.

My mother teared up, clutching the ring. "Oh Tabitha, Lilia, thank you!" She hugged them both in a tight embrace. She also thanked Vincent giving a deep bow. He responds by waving his hands saying it was nothing much.

I smiled while looking at my mother. This ring can hopefully free my family from constantly worrying about me while I am gone. I just hope that it doesn't become harmful to where my mother is always watching the gem in desperation for me to be alright. While it may be a blessing it can also be a great curse.

Finally, Adam walks over carrying a small box wrapped in some cheap paper, as expected of Adam to go cheap with the wrapping. "Here brat, this is a gift from all us Twin Horns, you better like it or I'm gonna throw you."

"Thank you guys, you didn't have to get me anything."

"Nonsense, we see you as family Arthur." Helen states.

I open the poorly decorated box and pull out a scroll. It is coated with mana so I presume it would be an artifact of some kind.

"That is a transmission scroll, You can use it to send a written message instantaneously to someone of your choosing. The recipient can send one message back and once the message is delivered it burns to a crisp." He flamboyantly explains the gift. "It was expensive so you better like it brat-ouch!"

Helen begins tugging on his ear as a parent would do to a misbehaving child. "We hope you enjoy the gift from all of us. We chose it so you can talk to your family if you are ever in need."

Helen says.

"Thank you, I appreciate you guys getting me this gift."

I can tell my mom and dad's moods have improved considerably now that they knew I would likely be safe sending me off to who-knows-where. I hugged everyone and thank them for the gifts.

I would have been fine with just the stuff I asked Vincent for but with the glove, ring, and scroll at least my family can trust that I will be alright.

Not long later the Twin Horn members left back to their inn for the night. The Helstea family had all left to go back upstairs to go to sleep. My mom had left to carry Ellie to bed when she had dozed off from the long day. That left me and my dad, this would be the real last chance to talk before I left tomorrow.

My dad who was sitting next to me speaks to me, "Tomorrow is the big day, you will be leaving here and getting to explore the wonderful world. Are you excited?" The look on his face was that of happiness for me, but I can see the slight bags under his teary eyes showing his lack of sleep from the past few days. Had I worried them that much to leave?

"I'll be fine dad, I promise I'll come back home every chance I get. If anything happens you will be able to know."

"I know that son I am happy you will be able to be an adventurer like I did when I was a child, I want you to know I am proud of you and that I and your mother care about you a lot." He says wiping away the build-up of tears in his eyes.

I didn't say anything, no, rather I couldn't...

I kept getting flashbacks to my life living in the orphanage with Miss Wilbeck, the person that was closest to being any form of family in my past life.

My father acknowledging my silence simply says, "I know you were never the type of kid to do well in emotional situations, you don't need to say anything. I just want you to know that I and your mother love you and are very proud of you, not because you are a genius mage or anything like that. But because you are our son, you and Eleanor mean the world to us, You can't do anything to make us disappointed in you."

At that moment I wanted to tell him, I wanted to tell him I was reincarnated, that I have the memories of my past life. Would he understand? Would they still see me as their son?

At that moment, for the first time in this life. I started to cry, I couldn't stop myself from tearing up at the thought.

My father sees this and doesn't say anything, he just hugs me to comfort me. I extend my arms to hug him back.


It was now the next day, Vincent had the maid bring me my equipment to try on. They had simply knocked on my door and handed it to me. It was the hooded cloak and a mask on top like I had asked for. Starting with the cloak I try it on, It was a bit too big. But after a second It readjusted its length to fit me. That was convenient, next to the mask. Looking at it, it was just a plain white face mask except for the blue streak on the left side going across the left eye. It was shaped like a half note. I put it on and it sticks to my face without the use of a strap or band.

I begin to speak and I hear a baritone voice come out rather than my usual child-like voice. Looking at myself in the mirror I sort of cringed to see that I looked like some wannabe assassin. My height was a serious problem, it made me look like some kid playing dress-up. If it weren't for the voice alteration on the mask hiding my identity would be pointless since they would easily be able to tell I was not even the age of ten.

Taking off the mask I go out to the main room, Jasmine and Adam should be here soon to pick us up. While waiting around I see Lilia walk in wearing her adventurer's clothing.

She wore a white conjurer cloak which looked to be made of some mana beast fur used for thread, It certainly looked expensive. She also had a mask like mine but hers had what looked like a purple lightning bolt running down the right side. She wore a conjurer hat that matched the cloak. She also carried a new staff, all her items looked extremely expensive, basically screaming 'noble.'

"Are Jasmine and Adam here yet?" She asks. Her voice was different with her still wearing the mask. It was more mature and It reminded me of Queen Priscilla's voice.

"They should be here soon."

As if this was all scripted I hear a knock on the front door, I go answer it to see Jasmine and Adam there waiting.

Today is truly the day we become adventurers.


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