
TBATE - A Cliche Transmigration!

Transmigrated once before, Sin begins his newfound journey once again in the world of TBATE! Gifted wishes powerful enough to fight Gods. Or even conquer them.

CrippledFrank · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

- The Beginning


That was pretty cool if I do say so myself. Having a guard kneel with just a word and a glance… Ah~ I feel so accomplished. Though, the mess I'm going to have to clean up when the other three royals get here will be quite the load.

It was worth it in a sense. That little scene served as a warning as well as an audition for Virion. If I display my abnormal strength that I have at this young age, he'll be more interested and convinced to let me stay here.

Though, I won't train under him, but I will become his… 'Disciple.'

That is if he decides to ask. Getting closer to one of the Elven princesses is my goal now, but I might have to hold off with current plans for the future.

"Sin, Your highness is expecting you. Please make your way to the main room." Stepping out of the room the King and Queen had been so kind to give me, I was met by an elven woman dressed in a maid outfit.

She was old, but she still had her beauty.

Grayish white skin that looked almost unreal topped with long blonde hair that beamed me with health and life. Her eyes were red though, and that kind of threw off the whole dynamic.

Nodding with no smile, I decided I'd go about this little interrogation with a stance of strength. If the elven people have an issue with me, I can just conquer the kingdom and rule it from the shadows. It does play a huge part in the future as it is the last safe place during the war.

Running my hands alongside the walls, I secretly placed explosion seals, just one hand sign and the wall would collapse.

I did this a few more of the pristine crystal white walls before I was standing in front of a giant brown door lined with white, green and gold.

'Quite the let down…' I mused, pushing through and opening the door I was met with a long table that had about… 12 seats.

Alduin and Merial sat at the very end, opposing the door I just walked through. Wysteria sat to the right of her father while Tessia sat in her mothers lap.

"-And then everything went black, and when we woke up! Sin was there willing to help us! What- Oh!" Tessia seemed to be in the process of telling their parents just what happened. Good to know my mind control worked at the time…

Tessia's eyes lit up with a mixture of happiness and worry, probably because I'm about to be interrogated. Well, they can try.

Glancing just to the left of Alduin, I saw Virion standing behind him, his eyes were squinted as he inspected me subtly, and just as I expected- His eyes flashed with a hint of surprise and confusion, but that quickly turned into curiosity and interest.

The maid that escorted me here pulled out one of the seats that were nearest to my location, which just so happened to be on the very far end of the table. Separating me and the rest of the family by a great margin.

There were six guards in total, two next to the entrance of the room we resided, two more in the far end of the room near the King and Queen, and two more were hidden in the shadows casted off the chairs next to me.

'Shadow Magic? What the hell…' I thought, but my face of indifference never folded even under the confusion and curiosity I held for the evident changes that were made.

"We heard most of everything from Tessia and Wysteria already… There isn't much we'd like to ask you, Sin. So we'd appreciate it greatly if you just went along with us and speed up the process." Alduin spoke, letting off a still smile after his words.

I nodded slowly, leaning forward and placing my elbows on the table in front, my head resting in the palms of my hand.

"Sure, go ahead and ask what you wanna know." I'm so curious about that shadow magic I could care less about these mortals! I don't have mana so will I be able to find a way to utilize shadow magic regardless? Even if I do, would it be at the normal output for this world? Or would it be significantly weaker due to the fact there's no way for me to power it…

'All these damn questions and no answers…'

"-Hy were you even there and what'd you do with the men that took my daughters?"

"Huh? Oh, I killed them." Shit, I totally forgot about this dude. Focusing back on Alduin and Merial I saw that Alduin was frowning and Merial was kind of… Awkward. Tessia had no idea what was going on and Wysteria just looked at her father apologetically.

Standing up, I tapped the table with my finger and spoke.

"So? Is that all? I kind of have to use the restroom… Wouldn't want to stain my clothes or the wonderfully red carpet of yours." Smiling, I turned to leave but I was greeted with the tip of two spears and two ugly and scarred up faces belonging to old elves.


"And this is for what exactly?" Sin questioned, his back to Alduin's as he stared into the eyes of the two men in front of him. The guards were shook, looking back into the boy's eyes was as if they were looking into an abyss and at the bottom was a terrifying monster just waiting to swallow them whole.

Alduin and Merial stood up slowly, their chairs screeching against the stone floor as they did so. Tessia was just as confused but saw that her friend was now being threatened. Gripping onto her mothers dress, her eyes began to water.

Wysteria on the other hand stood up angrily.

"Father?! What's the meaning of this! He's answered your questions and he's done no wrong!" Her words fell deaf, the hand of her Grandfather landing on her shoulder, drawing her attention.

"Grandfather, you mus-"

"Shut your mouth and listen. Just because he saved you doesn't give him any special privileges." Wysteria's mouth whipped shut as she looked on in disbelief.

'Shit. Seems like I got too carried away earlier… I should've seen this coming' Sin thought, his eyes never leaving the guards.

"Sin, you are under arrest for defying the royal guards, as well as attempted murder. Your sentence will not be announced publicly and you will not see a judge. We witnessed it all. We thank you for saving our daughters, but we cannot let a danger like you roam free within this kingdom."

By now Alduin and Merial have stepped just behind the two guards holding Sin against the ends of their spears, Tessia had been left with her sister, who in turn grew more angry hearing her fathers words, but Wysteria knew she couldn't say anything.

Virion watched with great interest. He knew the boy most likely wouldn't take this lying down, in worst case scenario, he would have to step in and arrest the boy himself, or even kill him. Though… Glancing down at his eldest granddaughter made him push the last option aside.

Sin stood in silence, his eyes still locked with the shaking guards in front of him. Alduin and Merial watched the boy, their bodies tense, ready for anything.

The room went silent. The air felt thick, heavy even. Tessia began to sweat and even have trouble breathing, same with the other guards within the room, causing the two in the shadows to reemerge in order to step in if needed.

However, all tension dropped and the air began to flow normally as Sin let out a sigh.

"...Fine." He muttered under his breath.

"What was tha-"



"I guess I'll go with my original plan. Seems like taking you all for naive children was the wrong move." Sin spoke, his blade by his side, dripping with the blood of the two guards in front of him.

Taking a step over the two decapitated corpses in front of him, Sin stood face to face with the King of The Elves, his eyes were calm and dead.

There was no decision he wouldn't make.

Alduin's eyes shook with a fear unknown to him. It felt as if someone was gripping his throat and forcing the air out of his lungs, enabling him to be useless. Merial was no better.

"S-Sin!" Tessia shouted, her face drained as she looked at the scene in front of her with fear, disgust and worry. However, she couldn't hold her innards at bay; She turned around and barfed.

Sin turned towards Virion, his eyes locking with the old warrior's.

"Surely you saw this coming, right old man?"



I'm back!

Writing quality most likely dropped, and for that I apologize. My grandfather had died and I was going through a 3 year long break up… It was a kind of hectic ride for me the past month or so.


I had two plans for this Arc, and it seems I chose the best one!


Let me know what you think needs improving and how you all feel about this chapter!
