

"Destroy everything, That is the only mission bestowed upon you." Remembering only this phrase, having memories of a teenager who got recruited in the army at the age of 16 and died in a horrible way. Being unnatural human... no he isn't exactly human either. He has the soul of a dragon, but the flesh of a human. How will he uncover a mystery about his existence? And how will he continue to live on after learning the terrifying truth? ________________________________________________________________ SungDripsWoo/Author: This is my attempt to make another FF. unlike Shadow Monarch FF this one is different, here MC isn't relative of Arthur. YES, he does have powers of Antares from Solo Leveling, but there are elements of Dragonsborns you know Skyrim thing right? Besides love interest is already set, Claire best girl here! Notice: I do not own "The Beginning after the End" nor "Solo Leveling", all belongs to their respective authors. Fanart used in the cover is also not mine.

UselessAcc · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

The Businessman doing a Business

"Son, do you think this is a great idea?"

Just like a few weeks ago, the father-son duo was casually walking down the streets of Xyrus city. Though this time Varlam wasn't as energetic as before, of course, as he was using a prosthesis to walk.

"Don't worry, this is the most revolutionary idea in history." Valnyk confidently reassured his father.

"But… you should choose a better person to work with, don't you think so?" Varlam pressured his son and new head of Aurae House, to change his plans with artificer Gideon.

Mr. Gideon was known as a crazy researcher, he could spend days and nights in his research to later receive a doctor in-house for checkups. His workplace was smelly and messy, and as a person, Gideon wasn't too enjoyable to talk with either.

However, Valnyk found something interesting in him. It was the results he produced, indeed Gideon wasn't too concentrated on magical research, and definitely, that's what Valnyk wants from him. If the Royal Family knew about the importance of non-magical technology, no doubt they would pay anything to receive him as a researcher in court.

And being the only one who currently truly knows the weights of his deeds, Valnyk will give him a chance. In addition, he will give him resources that are hard to find.

"He is the best option, believe me." Varlam just sighed and nodded at his son's words. He knew his son was a very intelligent person, even more than the grown-ass advisors in court.

Continuing their way towards their destination, they passed by many lanes. Gideon was indeed not living the best life if he had a house in such a place. (he isn't a famous renowned artificer yet.)

"This place stinks." Varlam looked disgusted, the scent in this lane was worse than those corpses burning in the dungeon.

"Finally, this is the place." Valnyk looked up at the door, seeing the nameplate of the person he knocked on it.

"Who's there!" a shout came from the other side of the door. Undoubtedly, the person Valnyk was going to negotiate with was not so mannered and well versed.

Not answering Valnyk waited and waited for moments, before the door slammed open and a man with the hunched short stature burst out like a madman. He looked confused at all, he was only seeing a little kid in front of him, however, he then saw a man next to him.

"What do you want?" he abruptly questioned the newcomers.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Gideon, I have stated your name correctly right?" Valnyk greeted the person formally, just to make a good first impression.

"Yeah, nice to meet you. Who are you?" Without chit-chat, Gideon straightforwardly asked, Valnyk could only smile. This person is indeed the best candidate, mind games won't work on him.

"Valnyk Aurae and the person next to me is my father Varlam Aurae, we came here for negotiations with you." Valnyk briefly introduced himself and his father, also adding an intriguing part.

"So you came here for a deal? I'm all ears." Gideon put his hands in his pockets and leaned forward like a gangster. Valnyk was cringed by his actions, if it was an act of intimidation, it failed.

"Work for me and you shall receive resources and great payment. For your great mind, I'm not against even demanding something from the Royal Family."

"... You? Aren't you like… 9 or 10 years old?" the confused man asked, scratching the back of his head, but seeing Varlam nodding his head with a serious look, he understood the boy wasn't joking.

"Wait, I remember hearing the name Varlam not so long ago… you were that military officer guy, right? Damn, your prosthesis is really screwed." Gideon squatted and knocked on Varlam's artificial leg, as if inspecting it.

Valnyk glanced at his father with a smug smirk, as if telling 'told ya about it'.

"*Cough* Mr. Gideon, I think we have negotiations to finish first." voiced Valnyk, swiftly Gideon was standing straight.

"Yeah, I'm kinda short on resources and finances. What do I have to do?" Gideon spoke with no hesitation, ready to accept the deal.

"Just work for the House of Aurae, do your research, but in a different place than this. However, a percentage of rights on your research shall be owned by Aurae House. How's this?" Valnyk held out his hand to shake, which was immediately accepted by Gideon, who tightly clasped it and shook it like a beast.

"You have a deal." Gideon firmly stated and released Valnyk's handshake.

"Then let's sign the contract, to finally finish with all the formalities." From his dimensional ring, Valnyk took out parchment and a pen.

He then handed it to Gideon, who read out everything written on parchment, for insurance, and when he was done he took out his own pen, to sign on the paper.

"Here." Gideon split the layer of parchment in half and gave the second to Valnyk. Two copies of documents for both parties as it should be.

"I know how to appreciate good work, Mr. Gideon. So for all your hard work till now, you deserve at least little reward." A small bag of coins materialized from a storage ring in Valnyk's hand.

"This from me." He then placed the bag in Gideon's hand and with his father left the site.

Gideon was taken aback, he didn't anticipate this action from the kid. He was happy, at least someone appreciates his deeds and even gifted him small amounts of money, in addition to that, he was given a chance for becoming someone greater.

"The kid made me tear up, ah…" Gideon with his coat, removed tears rolling down from his eyes.

Already outside of the narrow lane, Valnyk and Varlam made their way towards their carriage. Varlam felt proud and concerned about Valnyk, he was definitely a master of striking deals, yet he wasn't sure it was right. He didn't have much faith in Gideon.

"*Sigh*" Varlam heavily sighed upon getting in the carriage.

"Still can't comprehend the reason behind my actions?" Valnyk noticed his father's expression and questioned. Varlam just nodded.

"People stopped progressing and are stuck on the same stage of development for years now. No new inventions which could make our lives easier. This is why I hired him…" explained Valnyk, his father still couldn't understand the reason for why they should be one to do this.

"Father, do you know any non-magical weapon that could possibly help non-magicians in the battle against strong magicians?" Varlam thought about his son's words, yet couldn't find any answers.

"Exactly, there are none. But if there were?"

"It would be super productive and could be used by everyone. Minimizing needs for magicians in the military. But isn't this impossible?" answered Varlam.

"Metallic projectile which is small and fast, so that even eyesight can't catch it. Wouldn't that be a deadly weapon even against you, pops?"

"Hoh, the projectile, so small and fast, that even my eyes can't catch it? Impossible." Varlam rebuked, the idea of having heavy metal flying like this was ridiculous in his opinion.

"Have you tested or even tried to create such weapons? If not, then who are you to talk?" rather harshly addressing his father, Valnyk spoke, silencing his father.

"There is lightning created by natural means, do people know how it is made? Why is water's size increasing after freezing? Simple questions, yet humanity doesn't have answers for…" he continued talking calmly.

"People hail magicians as saviors, but many of them are just worthless scum of adventurers and bandits. People need protection from magic too, we will be doing so and by creating this institution we will be ones to have hands on our inventions first. However, this is just the beginning." Valnyk finished his grand speech, fascinating his father to the core.

Valnyk was just a businessman doing business, not just out of pity, but only for his own benefits. He is establishing the facility, to monopolize this field and influence the country even more. Besides, he too wished for a modern way easier life, than the current.

"Meh, are you truly my son?" Varlam only joked, but his words were taken seriously by Valnyk.

"I'm sure, your blood is flowing in my veins." he replied back.

"How are you so sure?" his father raised an eyebrow and folded hands in front of his chest.

"My Beast Will gives me many abilities." Valnyk answered straightforwardly.

"What Beast Will you even have? You had horns and lizard eyes, like some Wyvern, but I'm rather sure they don't have such strong fire-affinities." Varlam looked suspiciously over his son.

"You are right, I don't have Beast Will of Wyvern. I received it from the Dragon." Hearing his son's reply, Varlam closed his eyes, sighed, and then opened them wide like a pan.

"Where did you even meet the dragon?!" he exclaimed and closed the distance between himself and Valnyk.

"He popped into my mind." Valnyk responded nonchalantly, he was technically telling him the truth. (Thing is... he is basically the dragon now…)

"Tell me I'm hearing things…" Varlam clutched his head, covering his ears.

"No." his son just leaned close to his ears and whispered. Varlam slumped down in defeat.

"What should I expect from you from now on?"


"That's what I'm worried about!" Varlam cried out, fearing for his son to endanger himself.

While they continued babbling about things, Varlam's communication scroll started glowing. Indicating that somebody was calling him.

"Oh, so it's the time!" Valnyk's eyes illuminated like bright stars, he was waiting for the moment when they would receive a call from his father's acquaintance.

"Mr. Aurae, I called you to inform you about His Majesty detaching the unit to forcefully take you to him." Right after Varlam opened the scroll, someone's voice echoed in the carriage.

"Hah, straight like that." the young boy chuckled, he thought that King was an idiot and simply too arrogant. But now he realized, the king of this kingdom was a dumbass, generational talent.

A straightforward command to forcefully kidnap a former military officer, who was once thought of as the strongest mage on the continent. The foolish desire of the king, just because his pride was affected.

"Let's go back to the manor, we shouldn't make our king wait." Valnyk laughed, while his father stared at him strangely.

His son was too confident, something that shouldn't be seen in a kid of his age. There was something off and Varlam could feel it, as if his son changed after the dungeon incident. He thought it was natural after experiencing trauma, but Valnyk didn't have any mental issues aside from sudden confidence. His intellect for an 8-year-old is also something bizarre, but Valnyk had been such since the very beginning… from the beginning.

'Beginning huh?' Varlam noted this in his mind.