

"Destroy everything, That is the only mission bestowed upon you." Remembering only this phrase, having memories of a teenager who got recruited in the army at the age of 16 and died in a horrible way. Being unnatural human... no he isn't exactly human either. He has the soul of a dragon, but the flesh of a human. How will he uncover a mystery about his existence? And how will he continue to live on after learning the terrifying truth? ________________________________________________________________ SungDripsWoo/Author: This is my attempt to make another FF. unlike Shadow Monarch FF this one is different, here MC isn't relative of Arthur. YES, he does have powers of Antares from Solo Leveling, but there are elements of Dragonsborns you know Skyrim thing right? Besides love interest is already set, Claire best girl here! Notice: I do not own "The Beginning after the End" nor "Solo Leveling", all belongs to their respective authors. Fanart used in the cover is also not mine.

UselessAcc · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Best Girl's Debut

"Aurae, Valnyk Aurae."

The soldiers stared at the person in front of him. To think that a kid was the one who single-handedly inflicted the terror in the higher ranking echelon of the military, but the person next to him was also someone who they have seen in the castle before.

Varay was in the castle for some time and the people inhabiting the palace were aware of her existence. The Royal Guards weren't the exception, they knew Varay as the talented mage, who was selected for some candidacy.

They couldn't even see the mana-core stage in either of them. The uneasy feeling chased them down, especially knowing what the youngest of the duo was capable of.

"Excuse me, can we proceed?" The white-haired boy leaned forward a little with his hands still in his pocket and in the process lowering his head and raising an eyebrow.

The purple eyes of the boy, which was quite a bizarre sight for the Royal Guard, made the situation more intense for them. The intimidation the guard felt from the purple eyes was higher than in front of the king.

"I-I apologize, sir, you may proceed," the guard nervously responded and by stepping aside, gave the duo authorization to enter.

Varay and Valnyk nodded and made steps forward. Entering through the large entrance, they were met with the marvelous sight of the luxurious environment and the noble people gathered in the hall.

When the duo stepped into the hall, many noticed their presence and averted their eyes towards them. Both of them stood there, ignoring the sights, and simply observed what was going on.

"Ha-ha, this might feel awkward." Valnyk chuckled, seeing the curious stares of people.

"You are only gaining their attention by just standing," his sister commented.

"Oh, the young children of Aurae House are attending this marvelous party organized by the King. It must be an honor for you to attend," the voice rang out in their ears from behind. Some middle-aged man walked up to their backs, trying to place his hand on Valnyk's hair for some reason.

"And who you might be?" Valnyk, before the man could react, slapped his hand away and asked.

"How aggressive of you, but it's to be expected from Aurae. Even if you produce ice-mages, your blood is still hot, the genes could be lying sometimes huh." Val looked back and saw a man with blond hair and green eyes.

"Blood lies, like right now. The Elven and human blood, but it feels like I'm standing in front of an animal. Oh, that's not just my feeling, it's a fact. People are saying the Head of Wykes is spreading his seed like an animal does." Valnyk looked at the man, with a mocking smile.

Even Varay couldn't hold it anymore and giggles escaped her mouth. The man on the other hand was bewildered, his anger was noticeable on his face, which was getting redder by seconds.

"How dare you…"

"Oh, the leader of a noble house got angered by the words of a commoner." Valnyk finally recognized the man in front of him, Varlam's description of this person hit the spot.

"Tch, we will meet again," the Wykes moved forward angrily, his stomps were a funny sight to see.

"Oh, believe me, we will." Valnyk muttered, fortunately for him it was unheard by Varay.

He subsequently looked around, trying to search at least for one familiar face. Kaspian was the person on his acquaintance list, who was present at this party. The black-long haired male approached them.

"We met again, Val," the man greeted me.

"Kaspian, haven't seen you for a while," the boy greeted him back and offered a handshake, which in response was accepted by Kaspian.

"And you must be Varay, we haven't met before, so I will introduce myself appropriately. I'm Kaspian Bladeheart, an old friend of your father. It's a pleasure to meet the oldest daughter of Varlam and Vanessa." Unlike the first meeting with Val, his old friend wasn't here, so Kaspian formally introduced himself to Varay.

"Bah, leave these formalities already. Aren't you friends with pops?" the white-haired boy grumbled.

"Anyway, Val. I'm here today with my closest, it will be proper for me to introduce you to them."

"Lead the way."


"I'm back, everyone." announced Kaspian, before joining a group of people.

"And with the friends at that, I see," someone from the group mentioned seeing the two white-haired boy and girl approaching them.

"Oh, well. You might already know them, however, I will introduce them to you. The white-haired boy here is Valnyk Aurae, and the girl is Varay Aurae." Kaspian introduced both.

"Wait, Vanessa's children?" the red-haired woman in the group spoke up.

"Yes, she is our mother," instead of Kaspian, this time it was Valnyk who answered.

"Oh, I remember little Var when she was just a toddler. She was so cute back then…" said the woman, but seeing the expressionless face of Varay, she held back. Her gaze was quite intense.

"It seems that our families were quite close." Valnyk commented.

"Ah yeah, Mr. Varlam guided Kaspian in his military service years, so we are in debt to him," the red-haired woman awkwardly commented, glancing at embarrassed Kaspian.

"Wow, this is Mr. Varlam's son?" Another red-haired girl came into Valnyk's view. The girl was not more than 10-years-old, her appearance greatly resembled the woman he talked to.

"Varlam is Claire's idol." Kaspian said with a chuckle, trying to change the topic about him.

"Oh, nice to meet you Claire. It makes me happy that my father has some admirers , but come on, aim for someone higher." Valnyk chuckled and pulled his hand forward, Claire smiled and took a handshake.

"I'll think about it," she replied.

"You got tough hands, have you trained with Kaspian?" Valnyk questioned feeling some calluses on her palm.

"Ah, yes..." Claire shyly moved her hand behind her back, as if not wanting to show it to Valnyk.

"I can see all the hard work you put in, just by shaking your hand. That's admirable, keep it up and you will surpass my father in no time." Claire, hearing Val stared at him, surprised by his words. A small tint of red emerged on her face.

"Everyone, may I have your attention?" the voice reverberated in everyone's ears, it came from the direction of the stage built in this hall. People instinctively looked towards it.

"Greetings and thanks to everyone, who accepted our invitations and came today on my son's birthday," stated the King of Sapin, Blaine Glayder.

"Since we invited you here today, it will be only correct of us to welcome our guests with the best service possible. Please, enjoy the meal and have fun. You too Prince Curtis, it is your day." Blaine didn't make any grand speeches, just a casual welcoming of guests.

"Happy Birthday." With this toast, Blaine drank the sparkling wine from the glass he had in hands.

Afterwards Blaine just left the scene. He walked away from the stage, leaving the crowd and finally people with the food-stands came out.

'How unnatural of a father.' Valnyk, even though he didn't have experience of being a father. He still thought that this isn't how the father would act, even if he has the duty of the King.

"Excuse me, Mr. Aurae. His Majesty is requesting the audience in privacy," a person said, approaching Valnyk.

"It can be helped, lead the way," he turned to the person and stated.

The person nodded and turned towards a certain hallway. Following the unknown person and stepping through the decorated environment, Valnyk dismissed his previous thought of this event being completely set up.

"Hm, eight people are guarding the door? Is the King scared?" commented the white-haired boy upon witnessing soldiers guarding a certain door.

The person ignored the comment and just stopped in front of the door. The guards stepped aside, freeing the path for Valnyk.

"Don't be afraid kid, the King is not going to bite. Be a good boy and you shall get out in one piece," one of the guards snickered.

The act of taunting Valnyk failed miserably, as he just simply opened the door and shut it right after stepping into the room.

"Afraid my ass, we couldn't even see his core stage and you already start insulting him, sometimes be serious," the other guard flickered his forehead, scolding him.

Meanwhile, in the room where Valnyk entered. The tense atmosphere had risen, only the King and the young head of the Aurae House were present there, yet the ominous feeling assaulted the guards outside. It was simply too quiet.

Blaine Glayder was sitting on a comfortable chair, resting his hands on armrests. Valnyk could only describe it as a kingly-sitting manner. Blaine was simply trying to intimidate him.

Valnyk calmly and confidently approached the chair prepared opposite of Blaine. He sat down, crossed his legs, and rested his head on his hand, while leaning forward with an expressionless face.

The intense staring content soon was stopped by Val.

"Are you going to speak or not?" His words carried nonchalance, which startled Blaire. The kid had no hints of emotions in front of the King.

"We had quite a few conflicts for just a few months, I think it is time to stop our games." Blaine spoke.

"If you want us to become nobles and again comply with the pact… I don't want to. Seriously, I thought you invited me to apologize, but now I'm disappointed." Valnyk stood up, ready to leave the room.

"You aren't wrong, I had such thoughts. But we can make conditions of the pact more appealing for you," the curiosity took its part and Val stopped in his tracks.

"I'm listening," Val said as he sat down once again.

"We can discuss the details now, I'm ready to listen to your conditions first."

"Alright, let's add something in the pact. I want some authority over the member of my house, who will become the Lance. Secondly, I like your crown and I want it," the purple-eyed pointed his finger at Blaine's crown.

'This kid is… toying with me?' thought the king, as a tick mark appeared on his forehead.

"Choose something different."

"Haha, then no taxes for the House of Aurae." The previous wish was just a joke, which played its role. The prideful king won't give away the crown, so a little psychological trick from Val will increase his chances of getting what he desires.

"Make the choice King Blaine, I'm rather sure you want those Lances very very much. Who knows, I might consider becoming the Lance myself… no, no, I surely don't want to get limited by the Artifact." Val playfully told Blaine. At first, the hope irked in Blaine, but soon it perished.

"Anyway, I'm not here to argue, but to make a deal. Either way, you agree or I'll just go home once again disappointed in our dear King." With this, Val stood up, left the room right after, but…

But five seconds later he opened the door again.

"By the way, I'll send an envoy tomorrow with documentation," he finished and went back to the party.


"Eh, why is everyone dancing?" wondered Valnyk, looking at the massive crowd of people dancing on the podium.

He wasn't an expert in ballroom dance, but he did take a few lessons. Yet the main problem was the partner…

"Can't find a partner?" Someone behind his back asked.

"Oh, Claire. It seems that you are alone too, just like my sister." Val looked back and was greeted by Claire's innocent smile.

"Yes, actually I saved a place for a certain someone and rejected a few," she giggled.

"Umm, for me?" He pointed at himself confused. Claire nodded in and offered her hand inviting for the dance.

"It will be my pleasure." Val took her hand gently and pulled her towards the dance podium.

"I might get kicked out today," on the way commented Val.

"Eh, why?"

"I'm dancing with the most beautiful girl at the party, who is putting every female in shame. Isn't this violation of rules?"

"Oh, then 'we' both will get kicked out."