
TBATE | Descent of a God

Jude Bayer was a warrior who fought against the Overlords of Hell until his last breath. But his story did not end there. He was reborn as Jude Leywin, the twin brother of the legendary mage, Arthur Leywin. Now armed with his past memories and experiences, Jude Leywin has become an overpowered protagonist in this new life. Follow his journey as he navigates this world and strives to become the strongest being alive, while also dealing with the repercussions of his past life's actions.

WhiteDeath16 · Book&Literature
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59 Chs


|Third POV|

The clash of swords reverberated through the training ground, creating a symphony of steel meeting steel. The Asura known as Kordri, a master swordsman renowned among his kin, wore a wide grin upon his face. Yet, his expression held a trace of surprise as he found himself being pushed back by the relentless onslaught of the lesser standing before him.

Jude, his movements a blur of calculated precision, exhibited a fighting style that seemed to transcend mortal limitations. Each strike, parry, and counterattack flowed seamlessly as if choreographed by a higher power. The air crackled with the intensity of their clash, and onlookers watched in awe at the extraordinary sight unfolding before them.

Windsom, his casual demeanor momentarily replaced by a flicker of astonishment, spoke with a mix of admiration and disbelief. "His prowess is unparalleled. To see a lesser challenge Kordri, the master swordsman, with such skill is truly remarkable."

Wren, his eyes locked on the battle, marveled at Jude's fluid movements. The disparity in power between a lesser and an Asuran swordsman was vast, yet Jude had managed to bridge that gap. It was a testament to his innate talent and the rigorous training he had undergone.

Arthur, standing alongside Wren, was awe-struck by his brother's extraordinary display of swordsmanship. He watched as Jude fearlessly faced off against Kordri, surpassing all expectations and pushing the boundaries of what a lesser could achieve. In that moment, a profound sense of pride welled up within him, knowing that his brother had become a force to be reckoned with.

The clash continued, the clash of blades echoing through the training ground, as Kordri found himself being tested like never before. It was a battle that would leave a lasting impression, forever etching the name of Jude Leywin into the annals of Asuran history.

However, this battle was far from its climax.

In a sudden surge of power, Kordri unleashed an intense aura, radiating a vivid shade of red that consumed his entire being. The overwhelming force of his aura caught Jude off-guard, pushing him back as the concussive energy threatened to overwhelm him.

"Unleash your full power, Jude!" Kordri's voice boomed with a challenge, the words echoing through the training ground. He relinquished the constraints on mana usage, preparing for an all-out clash.

Jude's lips curled into a grin. He ignited his white mana core, allowing its radiant energy to surge through his veins. He knew that defeating Kordri in a direct confrontation was still beyond his current capabilities, especially without reaching the integration stage. However, that wouldn't stop him from pushing his limits.

The nine elements of mana under his control surged forth, a torrent of raw power swirling around him. The very fabric of the surroundings trembled as the maelstrom of mana grew in intensity. Jude's enhanced mana control, honed through his unlocking of Realmheart, allowed him to harness an unprecedented level of control even when the state itself wasn't activated.

With a masterful display of manipulation, the different elements of mana converged, weaving intricate patterns around Jude's body. Brilliant armour formed, an ethereal manifestation of his command over the elements. It shimmered with a mesmerising blend of hues, each representing an element harnessed with precision.

Wren's voice trembled with a mix of astonishment and disbelief. "Such control," he muttered, his words barely audible amidst the intensity of the battle. "What kind of monster is he? To possess mastery over the sword and wield mana with such finesse."

Arthur's fist tightened, his emotions a swirling tempest within him. Pride for his brother's achievements mingled with a sense of inadequacy, casting shadows upon his own accomplishments. Though he had dedicated himself to mastering the art of the sword under Kordri's guidance, he couldn't help but feel overshadowed by Jude's innate genius.

As Kordri advanced towards him, the weight of his King's Force bore down upon the spiritual realm like an impenetrable mountain. The air grew dense, suffocating under the gravity of their impending clash.

"It has been far too long since I've had to resort to this," Kordri declared, his voice laced with a hint of regret. His gaze lingered on Jude before shaking his head, disappointment etched on his face. "A shame it is against a lesser."

Jude felt a surge of mana welling up within him, a torrent of pure energy coursing through his veins. It built up, akin to a dormant volcano on the verge of unleashing its fiery fury.

"Time to bring this to an end," Kordri announced as he closed the remaining distance between them.

"Indeed," Jude responded, his own aura mirroring Kordri's with a vibrant shade of crimson. A potent mixture of resolve and power radiated from him, enveloping the battlefield in an awe-inspiring display.

Every fiber of Jude's being resonated with an indescribable force, his power reaching unparalleled heights. It seemed as though the very fabric of reality bent to his will, compressing and overwhelming everything in its path.

Kordri's four eyes widened in sheer disbelief, his expression mirroring the shock of those witnessing the battle.

A revelation struck Wren like lightning. "He... he's copied force-type mana!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe and astonishment. "How can a lesser possess such a talent?"

Meanwhile, Arthur, driven by a newfound determination, activated Realmheart. He yearned to comprehend the depth of Jude's abilities, seeking to unravel the mysteries that lay behind his brother's extraordinary powers. Though he had given up on attempting to replicate Asuran mana arts due to the fundamental differences in physiology, the realization that Jude could wield force-type mana ignited a flicker of hope within him. If his brother could achieve such feats, perhaps he too could tap into the same wellspring of power.


The outcome of the battle was as expected—I had fallen short in the face of Kordri's overwhelming mana prowess. The difference in our power levels was undeniable. Though my own abilities had grown to a point where even Cadell would be no match for me without the aid of Realmheart, Kordri stood on an entirely different plane.

Even with the power of Realmheart, I couldn't surpass him. If I were to defeat him, I needed to break through to the integration stage, reaching new heights of power. And even then, the question lingered: could I overcome the indomitable might of Kezess Indrath?

After my tutelage under Lady Myre and the acquisition of Realmheart's knowledge, she bid me farewell, explaining that the understanding of aether was a personal journey that could only be gained through one's own insight—it was not something that could be taught by another.

With newfound resolve, I sought Kordri to further refine my swordsmanship. However, I quickly realized that he was not the one capable of imparting new techniques or pushing my skills to greater heights. He was undeniably skilled, a swordsman who could rival even the Sword Saints from my past life. Yet, I had already surpassed that level in my current life.

In the realm of pure swordsmanship, Kordri couldn't best me. That was the undeniable truth that unfolded before us.

Kezess had prohibited Wren from crafting a weapon for me, but it hardly mattered. I had a hidden ace up my sleeve—the Solstice Scimitar.

It was crucial to keep some secrets, after all.

Now, all that remained was to break through to the integration stage and unlock the full potential of the runes within me. With that accomplished, I would stand a fighting chance against the formidable Kezess Indrath.

Thus, my days in Epheotus were consumed by intensive training. I honed my skills in force-type mana under the watchful eye of Kordri, delving into the depths of earth magic alongside Wren, my weakest elemental affinity. Simultaneously, I pushed my mana core to its limits, striving to achieve the integration stage that would elevate me to unprecedented heights.

As time passed, the moment to return to Dicathen drew near and we departed from Epheotus