
TBATE | Descent of a God

Jude Bayer was a warrior who fought against the Overlords of Hell until his last breath. But his story did not end there. He was reborn as Jude Leywin, the twin brother of the legendary mage, Arthur Leywin. Now armed with his past memories and experiences, Jude Leywin has become an overpowered protagonist in this new life. Follow his journey as he navigates this world and strives to become the strongest being alive, while also dealing with the repercussions of his past life's actions.

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Integration Stage


My days were spent within Elder Rinia's cottage, my focus unwavering as I diligently strived to break through to the integration stage. As I prepared for my forthcoming journey into the Relictombs, where aether mastery would be my primary focus, I was determined to bolster my overall mana capacity to its utmost limit.

Within my sternum, the white core that resided pulsated with an abundance of energy. The transformation of my body, aligning it more with that of an Asura in terms of mana manipulation, had endowed me with strength akin to a grown Asuran adult. This adaptation, combined with the formidable power of Realmheart and the finesse of my swordsmanship, had enabled me to overcome Alceraz, a foe even mightier than most Asuras.

However, the concept of integration stage was an entirely different realm. It involved a profound alteration—shattering the constraints of a conventional core and utilizing one's own body as a vessel for mana. While Asuras were inherently limited in achieving such a state due to their cores growing in tandem with them, my metamorphosis into an Asuran-esque form did not make me a true Asura. Instead, I found myself existing as a unique fusion, a hybrid bridging the essence of humanity and Asuran heritage.

My pursuit was to transcend my human limitations by infusing every fiber of my being with the very essence of mana. Consequently, my core would not expand synchronously with my growth, preventing me from surpassing my current potential until I successfully shattered the barrier to reach the elusive integration stage.

It was a critical point to acknowledge that the notion of integration remained a speculative construct primarily within the realm of Asuran conjecture. As far as our collective knowledge extended, no individual had ever successfully breached this elevated state, or if they had, it remained veiled in the shadows of time.

It was plausible that the ancient mages of antiquity had, indeed, attained this summit, thereby enabling them to manifest awe-inspiring wonders like the ethereal city of Xyrus. Nevertheless, a comprehensive grasp of integration remained elusive, evading my complete understanding. My ruminations were ensnared within the labyrinthine enigma of this enigmatic concept.

The progression through core stages was a well-established facet of magical advancement, characterized by the refinement of the core to access augmented mana reservoirs. Yet, the pivotal distinction in potency between white-stage mages did not hinge solely upon the purity of their cores. It was profoundly influenced by their corporeal constitution and the finesse with which they harnessed mana. This contrast was vividly evident in the comparison between Varay and Bairon—the former's remarkable mastery of ice magic and its efficient application endowed her with superior might.

The Asuran paradigm, however, diverged fundamentally. Asuras' cores, analogous to those of beasts, diverged from the concept of purity, emphasising sheer magnitude instead. Yet, the question loomed: how could one possibly progress towards integration when the very essence of this stage seemed incongruous with the limits of a white core? Unlike the refinement process through successive core stages, the notion of purifying a white core to unlock further potential appeared insurmountable.

Deep contemplation furrowed my brow as I endeavoured to decipher a pathway. Various avenues had been explored: experimenting with diverse elemental mana, honing control over ambient mana, even endeavouring to assimilate and purify atmospheric mana. Yet, each pursuit proved a cul-de-sac, offering no tangible revelation. The act of absorbing mana, even from a potent source like Alceraz's core, bore no fruit. My white core remained impervious, its capacity seemingly at its zenith, impeding any infusion of additional mana.

"Perplexing," I murmured, my eyes parting to the world after three months of relentless contemplation. Yet, the precipice of integration stage continued to elude me, my progress arrested by an enigma that stubbornly refused unraveling. What facet of this elusive enigma remained veiled from my grasp, preventing me from ascending to the next echelon of power?

Integration stage's attainment hinged upon the body's adeptness at conducting mana. My current conduit was comprised of mana veins and channels, intricately woven into the tapestry of my being to facilitate the flow of mana and enhance its potency. However, this framework proved insufficient, as the focal point of this intricate lattice was my white core itself.

To surmount this formidable threshold, a profound metamorphosis was imperative—an evolution that transcended the conventional. My entire corporeal constitution required an overhaul, a transmutation that dispensed with the conventional conduits of mana. The blueprint of my transformation involved eliminating the very conduits that had served as my pathways to mana manipulation.

As one's mastery burgeoned, these mana veins and channels naturally underwent change, obviating the necessity for speciality. My endeavor necessitated a more radical undertaking, severing these conduits entirely, thereby enabling every elemental fiber of my existence not only to fortify the mana's might but also to guide its coursing flow.

This was the pivotal apex of integration—a metamorphosis that ventured beyond the established boundaries, propelling me toward an evolution where my very essence would dance harmoniously with mana, unshackled by the limitations of traditional conduits.

A profound inhalation filled my lungs, anticipation coursing through my veins like a fervent flame. At last, a glimmer of hope danced on the horizon, promising the realization of my aspiration.

With unwavering focus, I orchestrated a symphony of mana particles, guiding them along the intricate network of veins and channels that had long been my conduit. A deep exhalation marked the inception of my audacious endeavor, as these minuscule constituents obediently adhered to my will, melding these pathways into the very fabric of my corporeal being.

Agony unfurled, an omnipresent companion, as this intricate fusion unfolded within me. The physical realm seemed eclipsed by the turmoil wracking my form, each melding of mana with my internal architecture etching lines of torment across my senses. Yet, amid this storm of suffering, a new order was emerging—a metamorphosis that would grant me mastery beyond the known boundaries.

During this tumultuous process, my once-tethered white core gradually relinquished its dominion, yielding its governance over the mana flow. Its disengagement rippled through me, a cascade of change that recalibrated the currents of mana coursing within. Even as the void left by the white core's detachment threatened to disrupt the equilibrium, I drew upon Realmheart, invoking its ambient mana to bridge the chasm.

The path to integration stage was as arduous as it was transformative, each step a symphony of agony and triumph. The slow but inexorable march of progress sculpted an altered form, a vessel for mana that transcended convention. And finally, as the culmination of this taxing odyssey, my white core, once the nucleus of my power, dissolved into the embrace of my metamorphosis.

The surfeit of pristine mana, liberated by this dissolution, coursed through me, infusing every fiber with an ethereal vitality. In this pivotal moment, I stood at the precipice of integration stage—a plane of existence where my mastery of mana reached a zenith hitherto unattainable.

Integration stage.

"You've done it," Elder Rinia remarked, a mixture of surprise and approval gleaming in her eyes as they settled on me.

"Should I have failed in your eyes?" I retorted, rising from my transformative state with a sense of accomplishment.

Her head shook slowly, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Not failure, but I certainly didn't anticipate success in just four months. You truly are an exceptional anomaly, Jude Leywin."

"Four months," I echoed, disbelief mingling with my surprise as I absorbed her words.

"That's right, my dear," she affirmed, her voice carrying a note of admiration, "You spent an entire month immersed in that heightened state, breaking through the barriers to the next stage of your journey. A feat not to be underestimated."

"An entire month..." I repeated, grappling with the realization that my perception of time had been so dramatically altered.

A chuckle tumbled from her lips. "Your body remained resilient, but your physical needs have gone unanswered. I imagine you must be parched and famished."

My nod was almost eager, my senses now fully returning to the physical realm, accompanied by the gnawing pangs of hunger and thirst that had been momentarily eclipsed by my all-encompassing focus.


Comprehending the tapestry of future events was no mere stroll through a garden. It was a labyrinthine maze, a convergence of countless possibilities, each vying for the chance to materialize. Fate was a dance of probabilities, a symphony of outcomes, all interwoven by the choices made in the tapestry of time.

Consider it akin to casting a die. The roll itself was governed by Fate, determining its outcome. Yet, within the span of that seemingly simple act, a multitude of paths unfolded. The roll could usher forth several trajectories, branching based on the energy exerted, the angle of release, the surface upon which it landed.

The realm of the Children of Fate was far more complex, individuals whose presence held the power to spawn entire constellations of realities. Arthur Leywin, Agrona Vritra, Sylvie Indrath, Kezess Indrath – these figures were enmeshed in the strands of destiny, each step they took birthing myriad alternatives.

But amidst them all, the enigma that was Jude Leywin loomed most intriguing. A figure whose narrative defied even my foresight. It begged the question – was this due to my own limitations, a weakness that prevented me from perceiving his every move, or was he, himself, an agent of Fate's distortion?

I chuckled at the very notion. No matter how formidable, even Jude was not beyond the reach of Fate's threads. There were realms even he could not traverse, horizons shaped by the hands of destiny.

"He has achieved the integration stage far earlier than anticipated," I mused aloud, my thoughts tracing the myriad paths he had tread. In some chronicles, he had encountered Relictombs before the war, expanding his knowledge of aether. In others, Sylvia's will imbued him with the full prowess of Realmheart.

Yet, amidst this tangled tapestry, one irrefutable truth emerged – the Jude before me now was unmatched by any version that had come before.

"Yet, even this may fall short in the face of the monstrosity Agrona has conjured," I whispered, my voice laced with a tinge of doubt. "A being whose mastery of foresight eclipses even my own."

Still, a glimmer of optimism remained. Jude, for the moment, lay hidden from Agrona's gaze, a blind spot in the seer's vision. This granted him a respite, a shield against meticulous strategizing.

To challenge an entity seemingly blessed with omniscience, one must embrace a strategy of elusion, avoiding the line of sight until the opportune moment arises to strike, exploiting the chinks in the armor of their preparedness.

In this realm, Jude stood proficient. If we dare to measure, he is now a force to reckon with, the equivalent of ten of his former selves. Yet, the journey to ascension remains far from its zenith. For he harbors potential yet untapped, reserves that, when summoned, could propel him beyond the reach of both Agrona and the looming specter of Kezess.

The path ahead, however perilous, is illuminated by the glow of this promise, a beacon that promises a future where Jude transcends even the most formidable adversaries.