
TBATE | Descent of a God

Jude Bayer was a warrior who fought against the Overlords of Hell until his last breath. But his story did not end there. He was reborn as Jude Leywin, the twin brother of the legendary mage, Arthur Leywin. Now armed with his past memories and experiences, Jude Leywin has become an overpowered protagonist in this new life. Follow his journey as he navigates this world and strives to become the strongest being alive, while also dealing with the repercussions of his past life's actions.

WhiteDeath16 · Book&Literature
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59 Chs



As Commander Virion hastily whisked Jude away upon his return, my mood soured. Though I understood the urgency of the situation and the pressing matters at hand, it didn't quell the emotions swirling within me. Since the preparations for war had begun, I had matured significantly, shouldering the weight of my responsibilities as a princess. I no longer complained about the rigorous training or the countless hours spent studying to enhance my abilities on the battlefield.

Yet, when it came to Jude, a different side of me emerged—a side that yearned for simplicity and the comfort of his presence. It made me feel like a girl again, wanting nothing more than to rest in his arms, to let the chaos of war fade away and just be with him. But I knew such thoughts were indulgent and impractical. I kept these feelings hidden, never acting upon them, aware that our duty to the kingdom must come first. Nevertheless, Jude had a way of evoking these sentiments within me, time and time again. My love for him ran deep, overpowering and unwavering.

In the midst of my contemplation, a familiar voice whispered in my ear, causing a jolt of anticipation to shoot through me. I spun around, and there he stood—Jude, with his apologetic smile.

"Sorry I had to go for a bit," he said, his eyes filled with regret.

I started to assure him that it was fine, but before I could finish my sentence, Jude reached out and took my hand, pulling me into a heartfelt embrace. My head instinctively found its place against his chest, and a rush of warmth flooded my cheeks as his arms enveloped me.

"I missed you so much, Kathyln," he confessed, his voice filled with sincerity. "You can't even imagine it. I thought of you every single day I was in Epheotus."

In that moment, time seemed to stand still. The chaos of war, the weight of our responsibilities—none of it mattered. It was just the two of us, connected by an unbreakable bond. And for that fleeting embrace, I allowed myself to bask in the love we shared, finding solace in the strength of our connection.

"I missed you too, Jude," I confessed, my voice filled with longing, as I wrapped my arms around his waist. The warmth of his embrace enveloped me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of completeness in his presence.

"You've grown so much, Kathyln," he remarked, a mischievous smirk dancing on his lips. "Not only physically, but in terms of your mana as well."

His compliment sent a delightful blush creeping up my cheeks, and I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. With an impulsive leap, I closed the gap between us, our lips meeting in a passionate kiss. It was a sweet and tender moment, filled with the unspoken words of love and longing that had built up during our time apart.

As we broke the kiss, I whispered into his ear, "You've grown too, Jude."

A playful smile graced his face as he gently lifted me up, effortlessly carrying me in his arms. In an instant, the world around us seemed to twist and warp, and before I knew it, we were transported to the comfort and privacy of my room in the Castle.

Curiosity about the nature of Jude's ability to teleport swirled within me, but in that moment, I chose to set aside my questions. All that mattered was the overwhelming joy of being reunited with him.

"Now, my princess, you can have your way with me," Jude teased, his voice laced with affection, before he leaned in to kiss me once more.


"We're running late, Kathyln," I reminded her gently as I helped her don her armor for the ceremonial event.

"Whose fault is that?" she pouted, a playful glint in her eyes. "I couldn't even have my maids assist me because of your antics last night."

I chuckled at her remark. "Let's just say you enjoyed every moment of it."

With our armor finally in place, we stood side by side, adorned in ornate white armor that emphasized our regal presence rather than practicality. It was a clever tactic devised by Virion, intended to create an imposing image for Dicathen's forces during our speech at Etistin. While the Alacaryan ships remained distant, the up-close view of our formidable armor would instill confidence and awe in the crowd.

Earlier that morning, the castle's residents and workers had been escorted through the gates to find their seats in the awaiting crowd. Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to see my family, but they had left a heartfelt message with a handmaid, expressing their anticipation of seeing me on the balcony.

Together, Kathyln and I made our way down the corridor, heading towards the teleportation room.

The sound of my metal greaves reverberated through the narrow passageway, catching the attention of the two guards stationed there. As I approached the iron doors, both the augmenter and conjurer guard greeted me with a respectful bow, swiftly unlocking the imposing entrance to the circular room.

"Everyone is already inside," the augmenter informed us, sliding open the metal doors to reveal the central figures of this war.

It was an awe-inspiring sight. Bairon Wykes, Varay Aurae, and Aya Grephin, three of the esteemed Lances, stood before us, adorned in intricately decorated white armor, just as resplendent as ours.

Arthur stood resplendent in the same ornate armor, with Sylvie by his side engaging in conversation with the dwarven representative. Virion, positioned closest to the teleportation gate, had shed his black mourning robe, replacing it with an opulent olive tunic that cascaded down to his knees, complemented by silken white trousers. The tunic was adorned with golden trimmings that matched the regal golden sash cinched around his waist. A bronze circlet adorned his brow, while his flowing white hair framed his face.

Standing beside the commander, the embodiment of authority in this war, were his son, Alduin Eralith, and his wife, Merial, parents of Tess. Alduin wore a silver tunic, mirroring his father's opulent attire, while Merial donned an elegant silver dress designed to harmonize with her husband's ensemble.

"Look who finally decided to grace us with their presence," Virion remarked, offering a nod of approval as his gaze swept over my armor.

"Commander Virion," I greeted respectfully, turning to acknowledge Tess's parents. "King Alduin and Queen Merial, it has been some time."

Alduin smiled, rubbing his chin thoughtfully as he observed me with a discerning eye, while Merial responded with a subtle nod of acknowledgment.

Next, I turned my attention to Blaine and Priscilla Glayder, the former King and Queen of Sapin.

"King Blaine and Queen Priscilla, it has been even longer," I acknowledged with a polite smile, bowing as best I could given my armor's constraints.

Blaine had aged since our last encounter, silver streaks now visible amidst his fiery maroon hair. He exuded an imposing aura, donning a black tunic beneath gunmetal pauldrons that covered his shoulders and collar. Priscilla, on the other hand, opted for a flowing black dress adorned with delicate engravings of silver flowers. Her black hair was elegantly arranged, accentuating her graceful neck that seemed almost ethereal against her dark attire.

Though the two royal couples appeared strikingly different, each emanated a commanding presence that would captivate the awaiting crowd.

"You all seem to get along quite well," Priscilla teased, a twinkle in her eyes as Kathyln leaned affectionately against my arm.

"You have grown even stronger," Blaine commented, his voice filled with both admiration and seriousness.

I nodded, acknowledging his observation.

"As one of the finest mages in Dicathen and the future husband of my daughter, it is to be expected," he said, his tone resolute.

"I will strive to be a worthy husband for Kathyln," I responded, meeting her father's gaze, while Kathyln clung tightly to my left arm.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Jude," an elderly dwarf emerged from the group, positioning himself between Blaine and me. He extended a weathered hand towards me.

Despite his relatively small stature, he stood with impeccable posture, his shoulders squared and back straight, giving an impression of greater height. A scar etched its way down the left side of his face, cutting through his closed left eye and tracing down to his jaw. However, the remaining eye exuded a warmth that softened his rugged appearance.

I accepted his outstretched hand, feeling the coarse texture of his palm against mine. "I apologize for my ignorance, but I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting before."

"I am Rahdeas, and no, we haven't," he chuckled. "But I've heard a great deal about you through the letters Elijah sent back."

Recognition dawned upon me. "Ah, then you must be Elijah's guardian."

"That's correct. I took him in when he was just an infant," he replied, his smile carrying a hint of solemnity that struck a chord within me.

"I deeply regret not being able to reach him in time to offer my help," I expressed, lowering my gaze in a mixture of sorrow and guilt.

Rahdeas shook his head gently. "It's not your fault. That child always had a way of finding trouble."

Grasping his hand with both of mine now, I met his gaze with unwavering determination. "If he is still alive, I promise you, I will bring him back. You have my word."

"Thank you," he whispered, releasing my hands, which suddenly felt delicate and vulnerable.

"Rahdeas is the new delegate for the dwarves. We will proceed ahead," Virion interjected, breaking the momentary silence. "The gatekeeper will receive my transmission and signal you to proceed when the time is right."

As the six of them passed through the gate, a hush fell over the teleportation room.

"Don't burden yourself with unnecessary guilt, Jude," Kathyln whispered, her voice filled with reassurance. "Even if you had arrived on time, saving him would have been impossible."

Varay, standing beside us, turned her attention to Arthur. "Your training has clearly been fruitful. You've reached the white stage already."

The faces of the other two Lances contorted in shock as they confirmed what Varay said by sensing Arthur's core.

Varay, shifting her gaze from Arthur to me, began scrutinising my core with intensity. Her eyes widened in astonishment as she realized she couldn't sense my core level. Although I hadn't yet reached the integration stage, my core had reached the pinnacle of the white stage, surpassing Varay's expectations. My mastery of mana control also far exceeded hers, a fact that was now becoming apparent.

Varay exuded a reserved and dignified aura. I couldn't help but notice that she had trimmed her long, white hair, allowing it to rest just below her neck. Her side-swept bangs revealed a small scar just above her right brow, an imperfection that might go unnoticed without careful observation.

With piercing dark brown eyes and a perpetually furrowed brow, Varay continued to study me intently.

"Gatekeeper! How much longer must we wait?" Bairon interjected impatiently, tapping his armored foot on the floor.

The elderly gatekeeper flinched at the sound of Bairon's voice. "G-General Bairon, Commander Virion has not—Ah! I've just received a message from him. You may proceed!"

Eager to escape the confines of the room, Bairon took the lead and approached the teleportation gate.

I gestured for Aya and Varay to pass through ahead of Kathyln and me. A mischievous wink from the curvaceous elf met my gaze, while Varay maintained her stoic expression, her eyes still fixed on us.

Unfazed by Aya's actions, Kathyln separated from me, ready to step forward when the time came.

"Jude, Kathyln, go ahead," Arthur spoke with a warm smile. "I'll be the last to enter."

As I stepped through the teleportation gate, the world around me blurred, and the sudden shift in noise level caught me off guard. The air filled with thunderous cheers, causing the structure we had arrived in to tremble.

Kathyln and I found ourselves in a spacious rectangular room that opened up to a grand balcony. From here, we could see Commander Virion, along with the other kings and queens, standing proudly and waving to the massive crowd below. And among them, I spotted Tess and Curtis, their smiles radiant as they joined in the greeting.

Arthur and Sylvie soon joined us, stepping out from behind.

"Generals, please prepare yourselves to follow Commander Virion's signal," a slender handmaid instructed, meticulously adjusting Aya's hair that had been tousled by the chilly ocean breeze.

"Generals?" I questioned the handmaid, a touch of confusion in my voice.

"Jude, Arthur, Lady Sylvie, I'm glad to see you've finally arrived," a familiar voice called out from behind.

Turning to look, I found Aldir seated before a tea set, holding a cup in his hand, his third eye fixed on me.

"Seems like you prefer to remain in the shadows," I greeted the asura, while Sylvie nodded respectfully.

"It is my role," he replied, raising his cup in a solitary toast.

"Well, can you enlighten us on our current task? Because I am not a lance, which means I am not a general," Arthur inquired.

"Patience. All will be revealed in a matter of seconds," Aldir replied, pouring himself another cup of tea with a serene demeanor.

'Could it be that they are planning to make us Lances?' I speculated. "'t would make sense, considering Kathyln, Arthur, and I have all reached that level by now. Having more Lances would undoubtedly boost morale.'

Kathyln was a bit lacking but it's just a matter of weeks before she reaches the white stage, so it wasn't impossible.