
TBATE | A Debacle

What is Sylvia's will was more than just a transfer of knowledge? What if her will changed a part of Arthur? What if the space rift Sylvia formed didn't led to the forest of Elshire but rather somewhere else... somewhere new. Unseen and unknown, unheard of. Will Arthur ever get through? Will he be able to meet his family again? Will he remain the same after the close bonds formed in the new 'Continent?' ****************************************** Yeah I know, it sounds familiar, but I wanted to try writing it, a bit different from Rene. Anyways hope you enjoy it. ****************************************** All the credits go to TurtleMe, the author of "The Beginning after the End" or "TBATE" for short. I do-not own anything, and this is merely a fanfic, something I am making on a whim and due to some lingering regrets. That's all.

Reprobate69_1 · Others
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29 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Six: Love-Struck Caera

Her fanart in this comment is made by Mai. Join discord to see more.

(Caera Denoir Pov)

Rows upon rows of influential people from multiple Highbloods all sat in the chairs, waiting for the grand ceremony to start. Walking closer to my parents, I was guided by a guard to the frontmost row---towards the seats with the Denoir name etched on name plates that were placed on the table just in front of the seats. Looking around I saw no other highblood had their name specified on seats as all of them seated randomly.

The swarm of greedy, envious, spiteful, hating gazes fell on us. The palpable tension made me want to jump back but I restrained myself. It was Grey's big day. I didn't want to ruin it neither did I wanted to get grounded.

Taking a seat right beside my foster mother---Lenora, I looked towards the balcony that towered over us like an eagle flying over its prey. The sight of long, jewel-filled elk-like antlers caught my sight for a brief moment before disappearing followed by an amethyst flash of muffled lightning.

A subtle smile emerged on my face---unrestrained.

I felt my face warm up as I placed a hand on my heart. It was beating... clobbering. I had never felt like this before. My relationship with Grey had evolved over time. From being rivals, fighting for Seris' attention to being good and then best friends. Always looking out for each other, taking care of each other's needs. Always being there when one of us needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to rely on.

Somewhere, somehow... the feelings evolved into something entirely new. Something incomprehensible. Something... I couldn't quite put my finger on. The grip on my chest tightened as I felt my heart's assault grow faster.

It was a foreign feeling. Something I couldn't even put into words, but it was there.

"Caera... Caera! Stand up." Lenora's voice echoed in my ear as I looked up once more. My face brightened up as I saw Seris standing with both of her hands resting on the balustrade of the balcony.

"Greetings Highlords that had been hand-picked by the High Sovereign himself for the honor of participating in the historic 'Scythe Ordainment' ceremony. It is an occasion that would be written in the history books as the new scythe that is being appointed by defeating the mightiest scythe, Scythe Cadell."

Scythe Seris silenced for a while and looked down, her obsidian eyes carrying an other-worldly intelligence washed over the hordes of spectators. I straightened my back and raised my neck---a desperate attempt to get Seris to notice me. Her eyes landed on me, and I could feel her smile just for the slightest fraction of a second before she continued talking.

"The High Sovereign has decided that this time there would not be just one but two scythes for Central Dominion."

Slight, subtle murmurs spread across the vast open field as soon as those words left Seris' mouth.

Becoming a retainer was Grey's goal. But something happened and he fought Scythe Cadell---defeating him. The fact that I didn't listen from both Seris and Grey already spoke volumes.

There was a certain discord between them. Although, it was impossible for anyone else to notice, training with her from a young age helped me notice the minute amount of dejection in her tone.

"First of all, welcome the one who defeated Scythe Cadell to take his place..."

My heart palpitated even faster as I kept my eyes glued to Seris' lips.

"Scythe Grey Vritra."

Grey emerged from just behind her. Adorned in white robes and another long white piece of cloth with golden engravings stretched from both shoulders. He walked forward as Seris started to leave the place. However, she stopped and looked at Grey who was a head taller than her, his gaze as sharp as a blade as he looked at her before moving away.

His features were a living proof of displeasure. Standing just by where Seris was standing a while ago, he looked at all the people in audience. His lavender eyes started to glow suddenly behind the shining white curtain of his hair as the air blew it subtly.

A veil of pressure weighed over all of us. The air seemed to be knocked out of lungs as everyone struggled to sit in their seats... some even trying to retain their consciousness.

His eyes moved to the corner as they fixed with my own. His mouth went agape, and the veil od oppressive pressure vanished in a near instant. His scrunched features relaxed, replaced by a warm smile as he waved his hand to me. My parents looked at me as I averted my gaze and looked in my own lap---hiding my face behind the curtain of loose hair.

What was this? The question that I asked myself again and again. The feeling in my heart that felt funny and continued evolving to the point that the mere sight of his smile made my heart flutter like the wings of a young bird and his pained expressions always made my heart hurt more than any physical pain I had ever encountered.

And just now... his smile... it was like I could leave all of my worries behind and just get lost in this moment. Bask myself in the warmth permeating from his gentle smile. I could look at it forever and never get tired of it.

But why did I feel like this?

Could it be that....



...I'm in love?

(Tessia Eralith Pov)

Flamboyant, exuberant flowers bloomed in full glory as I walked down the vast, boundless lawn with lofty cherry-blossom trees along the concrete boundary with a flood of garish flowers in the midst of the vast open space. The air was mint-fresh, the mellow fruity aroma wafting naturally from the nearby trees and flowers, the smell of damp-soil after a slight drizzle and sweet chirps of a variety of birds—all had a soothing effect on the soul itself.

Walking bare foot, down both the lush green rug of soft, wet grass and memory lane, I reminisced over the past few years. The memory was an excruciating experience in itself, but it was still the only thing that made me strong. I couldn't bring myself to hate it all since it turned me into a version of myself that was unattainable unless I went through all of what had transpired until now.

I closed my eyes and reached for the power lying deep inside me. Like fumbling with a diamond shard---firm yet fragile, I called out for its power slowly. The rune on my core burned to life, a piercing, stabbing pain running all across my sternum. However, this pain was nothing.

The rune glistened even further, and I felt the glow on the shining silver-ish core increase. An acidic blob made of sickly green mana mixed in with the light green of my own wind mana. Opening my eyes slightly I pushed for the mana that repelled each other to combine together.

The origin of my beast was still unknown. Neither me not grandpa knew which beast's will do I have. It matched the descriptions of ElderWood Guardian, but its decaying nature said otherwise.

Pushing the subtle gust of wind, I directed it towards a plant. Like a veil of death, it stuck to it and in the mere blink of an eye all vitality drained from it, leaving behind a crisp, withered away plant with blackened leaves and branched that soon decayed away.

"It never stops surprising me. Even after all this time." A familiar voice spoke from behind making my heart beat.

Looking back, I saw a pair of green eyes with blonde hair combed to the right side.

"My princess." Bairon spoke with a subtle bow, his features as hard as a rock.

"You can leave us alone, Aya." I said, looking over Bairon's shoulder.

His features scrunched as he looked back, visibly confused.

Aya emerged from the shadows, a concerned look over her face.

"But princess..."

"I said, I will be fine, Aya. You can leave us alone."

Her eyes shifted from Bairon to me in a rapid succession but after seeing me look so determined she sighed and bowed before vanishing into thin air.

"You really came!" I spoke excitedly after confirming that Aya was actually gone.

"You really cared to remember and call me." Bairon replied with a subtle smile.

I gave him an awkward smile, scratching the back of my neck. After a brief moment of comforting silence, I spoke once again, "Bairon?"

"What do you want me to do?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "How do you know I have a favour to ask?"

Bairon scoffed as he pinched my cheek, "You've grown up around me. I know you well. Regardless, what is it that you want to talk about? Ten minutes are all that I can manage here."

Hearing how little time Bairon had, I started talking, "Do you remember the other boy that you rescued along with me?"

"I do." He replied as his features got stern.

"Do you know where he is now?"

"He was recalled back to his home. The Dwarven kingdom. But why do you ask?"

"When we were trapped, I saw a glimpse of him. His back..."

Bairon tilted his head, questioning as to what I actually meant.

"It had runes etched all over his spine. Same as THOSE people," As soon as the indication to horned demons came out of my mouth, I felt a burning claw press against my core. My eyes shut close as I fell to my knees.


"I am ok.... just hear me out." I said as I started talking again. Bairon's hand receded as he started listening to me. Ignoring the pain I started to tell him everything. From the horned demons his family had been working with to the existence of another continent. How all of them had runes on their bodies---similar to the bespectacled boy in the cave.

Bairon gripped his chin with his thumb and index finger. A visible rage brewed in his eyes, but his body remained calm.

"I will look into it. Thank you so much." He said, offering his hand as he helped me to stand up. Just as he was walking away he turned and looked back at me, "Just so you know, I am always available. Even though we were never related, for some reason I have always treated you as a sibling. And I intend to keep my end of the bargain. So, tell me if anything else bothers you."

A smile unknowingly crept up my face. My feet moved on their own and before I knew it, I was hugging his waist, my face buried inside him.

"We will see about that." I said, my voice muffled as I kept my face buried.

Placing his hand on my head, he ruffled my hair, "I have to go now."

"Sure," I said letting go of him as he flew and disappeared with a blinding flash of orange lightning.

Even after he was long gone, I kept my gaze at the sky.

A war would soon end this peaceful life. I wasn't particularly special in any sense. However, Elder Rinia said I would play an important role in this war. The notion itself was baffling in itself. Looking at the sky and whatever lied beyond it, I questioned myself---my own existence.

What is my role?