The first thing i heard, when i started understanding things is that," life is not a bed full of roses, specially for those who are unfortunate enough to be more beautiful than average." Lets see the life of not so average yang wushi in his not so average lifestyle. warning! the novel may give you eye cancer with its cheesiness and cruelness. i really don't know since i am writing this on whim. tags bl brother complex naive protagonist fantasy gore strong willed protagonist may contains erotica elements? spotlight! the story may be quite fluffy and may have some elements of tragedy, And i am by no means a professional writer, Am just writing for everybody to read what revolves in my mind. there will be grammer mistakes! so aid me whenever you can chapter release date will change according to response from people
So where should I begin telling you the story of not so average me? Any ideas? No...yes!
Well, forget it. It is my story. Hence I should have the right to tell my story from where ever I like.
Destiny is quite a weird fella. Isn't it? Well, I do not know about you guys. But I and the destiny have quite deep grudges.
if I could get my hands on the book of infinity. I would probably wipe off the existence of destiny.
Now you are probably thinking; why is he being so hateful? Well, let me ask you; if you were born into a very traditional family. In which your parents have already given birth to seven healthy boys....?
Well if you can call humongous pillars of muscle a boy. Oh, forget it about my brothers. I am the main characters not them. So what was I talking about... Oh, I remember!
When everybody was excitingly waiting for a beautiful baby girl. That is good for eyes, they instead got a fragile, beautiful boy.....(note the sarcasm)
I was weird from the beginning. When the angels had my soul. Which they were going to put inside a women womb.
I was thinking; where were these beautiful creatures taking me.
I beside my curiosity asked one of them,
"Excuse me... But who are you and where are you taking me?"
Hearing my faint voice, the creatures were shocked. Later I came to know the things which I called creatures were in fact angels. Given orders by the oh so hateful destiny.
After momentarily being shocked. They whispered among themselves;
What... Did somebody forsake their duty to let the soul drink the water of forgetfulness?
What should we? It is too late to bring back the soul to the spiritual kingdom, to let it drink the water of forgetfulness.
Let's just do what we have to do and put end to the mess.
So they without answering me put a spell to paralyze me and threw me into a womb of a mature but nevertheless, beautiful women.
I was paralyzed and shrouded in darkness for a long time. But sometimes the spell weakens and I could move.
But whenever I moved, I could hear a groan of women and some happy voices of males. And sometimes felt that someone was touching me from above a layer of protection.
Now imagine yourself being in this type of situation for 8 months.....sobs....sobs...
But there were sometimes, where some white puffball lights would come into the womb.
At first, I was scared of the lights. Since the advent of time people are afraid of unknown. A common example would be ghosts.
You ask me how I know this? Well, do you remember the puffballs I was talking about? When they went inside my body.
I would hear the whisper of the voices along with a soothing feeling. And at the end of the experience. I would have countless shelves of a book like information stored in an apartment inside my mind.
And quite a luxurious one, if I have to say.
Later sometime in the epicness of my boredom. I found that I could go inside the apartment of my mind.
After all, what would you expect of a healthy soul encased in a prison?
When I touched the books, to my surprise they transformed into humans and would talk constantly.
Since I, an unborn baby have almost too much free time I would chat with book-like things.
A fellow in his mid-twenties, with white silver hair reaching his knees. Having a height one cannot say is average in any way. Means he was quite long but was lean, with pale jade-like skin.
Pity the girls could not see him or else hordes of them would be following him. Like crazy honey bees, whose honey was stolen.
" hello there young fellow, Thank you for giving me life. I am a very old book called sovereign of knowledge. I have been in existence for thousands of centuries."
If I say I was surprised then that is too much of a lie to be believed. I was astonished. Here I a newborn soul and could not even be called a year old was facing or to be exactly talking to an ancient being was truly unbelievable
" Ancestor... You are giving to much respect. Which I do not deserve. I am a new-born, unnamed and knowledge less soul".
" hohoho... I am only thankful that you brought this old book to life. I after thousands of centuries was forgotten in the wreckage of time. Being forgotten is the worst thing, that could happen to an entity.
Right now talking to you is my bliss no matter what anyone says. As far as your name and knowledge are concerned, you are in the world of the book. Where knowledge is a second nature.
Give it a little time and your knowledge will be as vast as the sky. And for your name, each and every entity has a true name is inscribed in his soul.
If you allow me, I can tell you your name."
"Aaa.Aaa." I let out a sound like a disabled to show my approval.
Shuu...shu...shu... The air started gushing and was cut as if a claw was used to cut the wind.
Blinding light surrounded me. After a while, a character shone on my stomach.
" Quite a scene.hmn..." after whispering some words, the handsome man claimed to be a thousand+++ old, started pondering in a classical style.
" Ancestor..."
"Oh, you can call me Lee Weibu and about your name I could say it is made up of quite unique characters. Also, they are not clear. So sorry to say I can only come up with name Yang Wushi."
"but ancestor...."
"No buts... Also, call me Gege. I always wanted a little brother."
Weibu gege said with a blissful smile adorning his face.
So I without setting foot in the real world got a huge family. Consisting of beautiful sisters and brothers.