

Mo, a legend in the gaming world, finds himself thrust into a world far different from pixels and keyboards. He wakes up in Tattoolandia, a realm of swords and sorcery where people wield magical tattoos instead of controllers. In this new world, gamers are not just respected, they're revered, their skills valued on par with lawyers, doctors, and even royalty. But Mo wants none of it. He longs for the familiar comfort of his own world, the world of eSports tournaments and endless online battles. Fueled by the suspicion that his arrival in Tattoolandia was no accident, he vows to return and uncover the truth. Navigating this fantastical landscape, Mo encounters other travelers from his world, each with their own unique tattoo powers. There's Anya, the stoic warrior with a Beast Tattoo that grants her superhuman strength, Kai, the cunning strategist with a Tool Tattoo that allows him to craft ingenious inventions, and Elara, the enigmatic sorceress with an Abstract Tattoo that unlocks secrets beyond imagination. As they band together, they must overcome challenges and adversaries, from treacherous terrain to rival guilds with their own agendas. Mo discovers a hidden talent within himself – a rare and powerful Weapon Tattoo that allows him to wield any weapon with unmatched skill. But his greatest weapon is his unparalleled gaming experience, his strategic mind and lightning-fast reflexes proving as valuable in this world of magic as they were in the world of pixels. Through their journey, Mo and his team uncover a sinister plot that threatens to destroy both Tattoolandia and his own world. They must use their unique talents and forge alliances with unlikely allies, including the enigmatic Tattoo Masters who hold the key to unlocking the secrets of their powers. Will Mo succeed in returning to his own world and unraveling the truth behind his arrival? Or will he find a new purpose in this fantastical land, using his gamer skills to become a legend of Tattoolandia? **Themes explored:** * **Isekai**: A familiar trope with a unique twist, exploring the challenges of adapting to a world of magic and wonder. * **Reincarnation**: Mo's past life as a gamer influences his approach to this new world, giving him a unique advantage. * **Gamers**: The novel celebrates the respect and recognition gamers receive in Tattoolandia, highlighting their skills and strategies. * **Fantasy**: A vibrant world filled with magic, diverse creatures, and thrilling adventures. * **Tattoo has powers**: The unique system of tattoos adds an exciting layer of complexity and power dynamics to the story. * **Team Building**: Mo must learn to trust and rely on his teammates, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. * **Power Levels**: The color-coded power levels provide a clear framework for understanding the characters' abilities and progression. **With its engaging characters, thrilling action, and exploration of intriguing themes, The Gamer of Tattoolandia promises a captivating adventure for fans of isekai, fantasy, and gaming genres.** Release rate: 1/day For more content, please support me here: paypal.me/arviiiiinnn

TattooedGod · Fantasy
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29 Chs

A Hungry Encounter

Mo's eyes scanned the status window, taking in the details of his strength, speed, intellect, and health. He noticed his TPoints, a mysterious energy source, and his currently empty list of items and techniques.

"So this is it for my status?" he mumbled, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

He directed his thoughts towards the "Tattoo" function, eager to delve deeper into this unique ability. A new window materialized, revealing the details of his innate tattoo, "Devil's Rage." Its brand level was currently unbranded, indicating its potential for growth.

The tattoo possessed three powerful effects: "Dark Aura," which frightened weaker creatures, "Devil's Grin," which temporarily boosted his physical attributes, and "Soul Eyes," a special ability that allowed him to see an opponent's weaknesses.

Mo felt a surge of excitement as he named his tattoo "Devil's Rage." A robotic voice, devoid of emotion, confirmed the change. Intrigued by the potential of his abilities, Mo uttered the name "Devil's Rage."

A chilling white mask with black eyes, red pupils, and a menacing grin materialized in his hand. As he donned the mask, an evil aura emanated from him, transforming his vision into shades of black and white.

Suddenly, a notification window appeared, congratulating him on his first use of the skill and providing instructions on how to level it up. Mo learned that he could gain TExp through various methods, including summoning the skill, defeating tattooed enemies, and utilizing its effects. However, a dire warning resonated with him: exhausting his TPoints would lead to unconsciousness.

"I see," Mo muttered, understanding the importance of managing his TPoints. He decided to start his exploration by summoning his tattoo skill without equipping it, gaining a small amount of TExp.

Driven by hunger pangs, Mo stepped out of the dilapidated house and into the village of Sea Breeze. The small, quiet village offered little intrigue, and his ragged attire drew disdainful glances from the villagers. He approached a guard post, hoping to find some answers.

"Uhmm... Excuse me?" Mo hesitantly addressed a sleeping guard, his voice barely a whisper. The guard, startled, jumped awake and grabbed his spear, his eyes scanning for any potential threat.

"You startled me, boy!" the guard, Randy, growled, lowering his spear slightly. "What do you need? Money? I don't have much, but take this." He tossed a few coins at Mo's feet.

Mo picked up the coin, unfamiliar with its purpose. He noticed the number "5" and the inscription "Tats" engraved on its surface.

"What is this?" he wondered aloud.

Randy, impatient and eager to return to sleep, dismissed Mo, urging him to leave. Mo, curious about the village name, persisted with his question.

"Mr. guard, what is the name of this village?"

Randy, finally roused from his slumber, grunted, "I have a name, boy. It's Randy. As for the village, it's called Sea Breeze." He then settled back down, ready to resume his slumber.

Mo, intrigued by the spear lying beside Randy, sensed a familiar aura emanating from it. "Is that a tattoo skill?" he murmured.

Randy, startled by Mo's question, sprang to his feet and raised his spear defensively. "How do you know?" he demanded, his voice laced with suspicion.

Mo, surprisingly calm, held up his own mask for Randy to see. "It has the same aura as mine."

Randy's initial astonishment quickly morphed into greed. "Boy, stay down! Let me introduce you to the village head!" he exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face.

This unexpected turn of events left Mo with a sense of apprehension. He knew that revealing his abilities could bring both opportunity and danger. As he faced the grinning guard, he wondered what fate awaited him in this new world.


Mo's heart raced as Randy pointed the spear at him. The guard's eyes held a dangerous glint, his intentions far from friendly.

"Mr. Randy, why are you pointing your spear at me? And why do you want me to go with you to the village head?" Mo questioned, his voice calm despite the tense situation.

"No more questions! Stay down, or you're dead!" Randy barked, his spear crackling with a menacing gray aura.

Mo recognized the aura instantly. "Gray brand!" he exclaimed, his eyes narrowing in determination. A surge of power coursed through him as he donned the Devil's Rage mask. A black flame-like aura erupted around him, contrasting starkly with the white mask and its horrifying grin.

Randy, surprised by the sudden change, lashed out first. "Corkscrew Spear!" he roared, lunging at Mo with surprising speed.

But Mo was ready. He activated his Devil's Grin, his speed and power doubling in an instant. His Soul Eyes pierced through Randy's defenses, revealing the guard's weak point – a red mark on his left knee.

With a blur of motion, Mo evaded the spear thrust and appeared behind Randy. A swift kick to the marked knee sent the guard staggering, followed by a powerful chop to his hand, disarming him.

Randy was pinned down, his knee throbbing with pain. "Brat! Release me! I'm the village guard! The village head won't let you off!" he threatened, his voice filled with desperation.

Mo, however, remained unfazed. He grabbed the fallen spear, its sharp edge glinting dangerously close to Randy's neck. "Speak! Why were you taking me to the village head?" he demanded, his voice cold and unwavering.

"None of your business!" Randy spat back, foolishly assuming the young boy wouldn't dare attack him.

But Mo was not a boy to be underestimated. He had spent years honing his skills in the virtual world, experiencing violence and mastering combat in ways this village guard could never imagine.

With a swift motion, Mo plunged the spear into Randy's neck, silencing him forever. The guard's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as his life drained away.

Mo deactivated his tattoo skill, the black aura receding as quickly as it had appeared. The experience shook him, a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked in this world.

Suddenly, a bright light enveloped his body, healing the bruises and scars he had sustained. 

A notification window appeared, informing him that he had leveled up his innate tattoo skill. He examined the updated information:

"**Tattoo View:**

Innate Tattoo Name: Devil's Rage

Innate Tattoo Level: 1 (Gray Brand 1st Mark)

Innate Tattoo Class: Tool (Special)

Innate Tattoo Category: Materialization

TExp: 3/500

TPoints: 5/5 

TSkill Points: 1

Innate Tattoo Effects: (When Equipped)

-Dark Aura(lvl:0):

Provides an aura of a slaughterer that scares other creatures on a 5 meter radius as long as its brand level is weaker than the host. Consumption (Passive)

-Devil's Grin(lvl:0): 

Upon activation, mutiplies Power, Speed and Health by 2 within 1 minute. Cast speed (Instant) Consumption (1TP) Cooldown (1 minute)

-Soul Eyes(Special)

This effect's level corresponds to the brand level of the owner. Using the mask's red pupils, the user looks into the opponent's soul and let's the user locate the weak point of the opponent. Cast speed (Instant) Consumption (2TP for 1 minute) Cooldown (1 minute)

**Additional Information:**

- +3 TExp gained from skill usage.

- +100 TExp gained from killing a Gray branded 1st Mark warrior."

Mo pondered the information. This encounter had been a harsh lesson, but it had also brought him closer to understanding this world and the power he wielded. He vowed to use his skills wisely, never forgetting the price of violence.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the village, Mo knew this was only the beginning. His journey was far from over.