
TASTY life with the Shepperd System

Rowan Pendragon Transmigrated in to an unknown novel with ambiguous technology. the world perished to mana and beasts. The only chance for a poor man like him to live well is to become beast tamer. However, look at this ... he became a master of a shepperd system. At this point, it is natural to pump your fist in to the air declaring you will save the world ! World can take care of it self just fine. He will only care for his dinner, his little sister and the next animal he is going to raise !

miu_hozuki · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Jealous Suitor

Edy leaned towards Rowan. 

"He was the guest after you at the radio show. Leigh Miller said she promised to wait for you when he proposed to her." Edy explained. 

He thought Leigh was joking when she gave the answer she did. 

While most people don't know about her pink mammoth pet beast, it's not a secret to the public. 

Wasn't she using him as a shield a bit too freely ? 

Rowan doesn't even have her address. 

Soon, a bell rang, and a door opened, letting students out. 

Jeffery was still glaring at Rowan, while Edy turned to the entrance, still snickering. 

However, one of the first people to get out is Leigh Miller. 

Or perhaps when she gets out, the entire crowd focuses on her. 

She walked towards where they were. 

When she noticed Rowan, her steps stopped all of a sudden. She looked very surprised to see him. 

She walked straight to him, ignoring Jeffery altogether. 

"Are you here to pick me up? " She asked Rowan, walking right up to him. 

Rowan was surprised. Where in the world does this girl get her confidence from? 

Sure, she's beautiful, yet, spicing up the program is one thing, following her schedule in private is entirely another. 

Joffrey started coughing violently on the side. 

Rowan looked at him, then started talking with Leigh.

"Well met, Leigh Miller. No, I am not here for you. However, since you are here anyway, would you mind giving me your phone number?" Rowan asked, just to spite jeffery. 

"Okay." Leigh nodded happily, and extended her hand for his phone. 

Rowan was about to hand over his phone to her, but he stopped at the last minute. 

He smiled deviously at her. 

This girl is such a cunning person. She wanted to give him any number, how is he supposed to know it is her number? 

"How about you give me a missed call on my number? Right now, if you can ? " Rowan said at the last minute. 

Leigh raised her eyebrows. 

'You caught that, huh!' her expression said. She really wanted to give the phone number of the security head of her father's team. 

She brought out her phone, and handed it to Rowan. 

Rowan stored his number, along with his picture in the phone. 

Even if she has forgotten his name, she should remember upon seeing the picture. 

He saved the number as' My Future Boyfriend '. 

Leigh smiled at his cheekiness, but she did not change the name. Rowan wasn't stupid enough to think she's doing this because she liked him. He is almost ninety-nine percent sure that she's doing this to spite Jeffery, just like himself. 

Jeffery coughed more. 

When Leigh did not pay any attention to him at all, but turned to the other side to scan the crowd. Only Jeffery did not get the meaning of the action. 

"Miss Leigh Miller! I am here to escort you home, with my lamborghini. Did you know it's the only car of this brand in the world to survive till this day? It is the epitome of luxury. Unlike some poor people who can't even afford a bicycle, but show up to show up to brush their presence, I can take Miss Leigh on any number of long drives you wish to have." Jeffery finished, glaring at Rowan. 

Edy snickered from the side once more, at the foolishness of Jeffery's pick up line. 

"Take his car, Miss Leigh. There's no need to waste your time on us." Rowan told her. 

"Yes, yes! Our siblings are not out yet." Edy added. 

"You have a sibling?" Leigh asked Rowan curiously, stopping at the last minute. 

"Yes, a sister." Rowan answered. 

Leigh looked like she wanted to stop and wait till his sister came out, but she gave one look to impatient Jeffery and left with him. 

Rowan was both impressed with her consideration of not letting Jeffery see his sister, and surprised at her willingness to still entertain Jeffery. 

The power in the base truly seemed to be shifting, if Leigh, who's father is the most powerful beast tamer, is willing to show such consideration to Jeffery. 

Mina and Edy's brother were out after fifteen minutes. 

It seems they were having breakfast. 

School did provide breakfast, but some of the older students with well to do families skipped the breakfast to meet their families. 

Mina had breakfast, so that she could save that much money for her brother. 

Rowan greeted her cheerfully. 

"Want a piggyback?" he asked his sister. 

The three days in school must have been stressful. 

"Can I? Really?" Mina asked in surprise. 

Her brother is normally a weak chicken with low stamina. 

Sure, he packs a punch, but he can't fight for long. 

However, Just in these two days, he seems to have changed too much and become very sturdy and dependable. 

"Yes. " Rowan answered. 

Mina thought for a moment, and looked around self consciously. 

"Very well. You can ride a piggy back from two streets after you get your popsicle." Rowan told her. 

His sister is twelve, but looks like eight. 

It could be genes, but Rowan had the worst premonition; it's probably the malnutrition. 

They bid goodbye to Edy and his brother, who seemed to be an upper class man of Mina. Edy bought popsicles for all of them. 

Even if it's just water and very little sugar, a taste thousand times worse than the popsicles Rowan had known, Mina slurped the popsicle as if it's the greatest delicacy in the world. 

Looking at her, Rowan vowed to himself to get ice power some day. 

He directed her to their new home, the bamboo house. 

Mina looked around in surprise and awe. 

The house is a grade down from where they were living with its earthen floor and bamboo roof, but it is their own. It's nice to have privacy and space, despite the rustic construction. There is no need to share a bathroom or kitchen with any one, and there is no need to encounter so and so when coming back to their home. 

She loved it. 

In the evening, the radio signal flickered. 

" In twenty minutes, there's supposed to be a meteor shower. Our city is included in the range of the meteor showers scope. Please make sure you have sufficiently prepared for an emergency." The DJ informed the public. 

Despite the base saying stock your supplies, everyone lacked basic supplies. Even if they want to stock up, does the shop have enough supplies to meet the demand ? 

At this point, Rowan had no idea that this Meteor shower would change his life as much as having a system did. 

He and Mina slept peacefully. 

Though this area is in the fringes of the city Rowan was fairly confident about his traps. 

Thus, the sleep was peaceful. 

All of a sudden, their house shook in the middle of the night. 

Mina was sleeping, but Rowan has become very sensitive to any sort of tremors after his night out. 

There was a meteor crater in his backyard. 

Surprisingly, the shard hit the mountain vertically, breaking down most of the rocks he planned to remove tomorrow into rubble. 

All the more better for me, Rowan thought as he looked at the rubble. 

He walked in the rubble, looking for the meteorite shard. 

Instead of a standard black steaming mess, what he found is a jade barrel. 

It was so shiny and otherworldly, for a moment he wondered if he was in some sort of game. 

However, it seems it is not so. 

He carefully slid a finger near the barrel. The meteorites are supposed to be extremely hot. 

However, there was no heat there. 

Thus, he happily extended his hand, opened the jade barrel. 

[ Sheperd system add on ] 

[ Found an outer space shopping point blueprint ] 

[ This could be integrated into the shepherd system or space of space skill user. ] 

[ Integrate into the system ? ] ( yes ) ( no ) 

Ofcourse, yes. 

The moment he did, he checked the items on the inventory. 

There are many such findings after the mana apocalypse. He never expected one of them could find himself. 

Rowan immediately opened the shop and checked. 

There are very few items. 

[ Clay Rock ] 

[ Purple carapace of Thornvine cockroach ] 

[ Pomfret fish ] 

[ Wild cod ] 

[ Ice block ] 

[ potting soil ] 

Rowan was excited. 

Fish are not seen this far inland for quite some time. 

Moreover, currently, it's bloody hot. 

He really needed that ice block, and those fish. 

He clicked on the ice first. 

Let's place it in the center of the room, even if he did not do much, the room will cool down. 

[ The items could only be bartered, not bought. ] 

[ place an equivalent item to exchange for the ice block. ] +

[ Suggested : Grass weed / fertilizer ] 

He had a whole lot of weeds grown from the weed slime. 

It is unavoidable as the oil tree leaves are digested but waste is left over. 

He had no place to dump the stuff too. 

So, for the first time, Rowan had exchanged the ice block for weed. 

It was quite cool. 

He placed the gigantic ice cube in the middle of their home, in front of the creaking table fan. Even the nights are sweltering in the summer. 

The air coming from the ice block is cool. 

He lied down happily covering himself with a quilt instead of the thin blanket, after doing the same for his sister. 

He left the water slime underneath the ice, so as the ice melts, the water will be absorbed by the water slime. 

The fish he left in his inventory box. It's not too late to retrieve it tomorrow.