
tasting room for ff

Golden_Exprience · Urban
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

chapter 9

All throughout his life, Naruto had grown used to dealing with getting himself into some pretty bad situations. All of his pranks back in his childhood had left him in a good amount of trouble with the hokage and the village. He had almost gotten killed multiple times over the length of his ninja career. And he had just gotten finished fighting a dragon god. So Naruto could safely say he had been in some pretty crappy situations.

But the situation he found himself in now topped all the other situations. Somehow, most likely due to his ungodly amount of crap luck, he had managed to tear a dimensional hole into heaven of all places. Even worse, he didn't appear in the lower levels of heaven. No, he appeared in the SIXTH level of heaven which was apparently where Michael and Gabriel, the Archangels of Heaven, slept. And it just so happened, once again most likely due to his crappy luck, Michael was present on this level and had been alerted by his arrival.

"I'm only going to repeat it one more time before I banish you from this plane of existence. Who are you, how did you get here and why are you here?" Michael stated as he levelled his sword at Naruto's back. The angel's usually handsome face twisted into a harsh visage as he stared at the teen in front of him. His twelve white wings reached out behind him. The man's halo was glowing a bright yellow as if to signify the man's agitation.

"What the hell did you get us into now, Kurama?" Naruto mentally screamed at his partner as the point of Michael's blade poked against the back of his clothing. On the outside, the blonde had managed to keep a somewhat calm look on his face but on the inside, he was mentally cursing every entity in existence, including his partner.

"I told you what risks we were taking when we originally came up with this idea. Don't get all pissy with me just because Lady Luck doesn't like you.." The tailed beast almost sounded like he was chuckling at the boy's misfortune, adding more fuel to Naruto's agitation. The blonde could sense that the angel's patience was quickly running thin and he had to say something quick or else he wouldn't be making it back to earth.

"I got here on accident, I swear! I was just walking ar-" Naruto released a loud yelp as he had to quickly duck under Michael's sword.

"Do not lie to me, you heathen. I will not accept such sin from anyone in this sacred place." Michael said as his halo began to glow brighter. The angel looked as if he was about to smite the boy with his angelic powers, causing Naruto to panic even more.

"Okay, okay! I'm just a simple candy shop own-" Naruto was forced to dodge around a large ball of light that was shot from Michael's palm. The ball of light was quickly followed by a massive spear of light that almost pierced Naruto's torso.

'"Fine! I was fighting a dragon god and I ended up here after the fight by accident! Stop trying to kill me. I thought angels were supposed to be nice." Naruto yelled out as the archangel looked to be preparing another attack. Michael paused in his charging of the attack, seemingly contemplating his fellow blonde's explanation. This point was further proven when the angel let the build up of light disperse from his hands.

"You finally speak the truth. I hope your experience here will teach you that lying will only lead to your downfall." Naruto almost did a double take at the angel's now gentle tone. It was so different from the angry voice the man had used not even a second ago that it was hard for Naruto to believe it had come from the same person.

"I'm sorry for lying. I've had some bad experiences when it comes to being too truthful with people." Naruto mumbled out as he stared at the strongest angel in Heaven. The man offered a brief nod before clapping his hands together. Suddenly with a bright burst of light, a book appeared in front of the angel. The book was an extravagant piece of work. Every inch of its cover was bound in gold. Strange markings and symbols, too complex for even Naruto, a seal master, to understand, were carved into the book. A bright light shone from the confines of the book, forcing Naruto to look away from it. Michael seemed to be able to look at the book with no problem at all as casually flipped through the tome.

"How intriguing … Your name is not present in the book of life. Not even amongst the blotted. Naruto Uzumaki, according to this created by God himself, you don't even exist." Michael's narrowed eyes met Naruto's as the angel let the book dissolve in the air. Naruto released a nervous chuckle as his hand slowly slid to the back of his head.

"Ah … I also have a good explanation for that." Naruto's nervousness was apparent as the angel in front of him glared a hole into his skull. The angel looked to be charging up another one of his attacks as the blonde continued to look more and more suspicious.

Luckily for the blonde, his explanation would have to be saved for later as the sound of footsteps reached both Naruto and Michael's ears. Both of the males turned their head towards the footsteps, Michael intrigued at who had managed to get into the sixth level of heaven while Naruto was just thankful for a distraction to the tense situations.

"Dulio-kun, how nice of you to finally show back up in heaven … five weeks after I requested your return." The reincarnated angel had a lollipop in his mouth as he casually strode towards the duo. Unlike the last time Naruto saw him, 10 pure white wings were coming from Dulio's back.

"Sorry Michael-san. I was walking through Rome when I discovered this quaint little candy shop. Turns out the couple that ran the place had the secret to creating the ultimate lollipop. After trying one of their lollipops, I knew I had to have the recipe. So I stayed and went through the training necessary to create the delicious treat. That is why I'm so late." The man rattled off as if he was casually talking about the weather. Naruto's head turned towards Michael and he could see the archangel hanging his head into his hands while sighing.

"I thought you didn't like lies in here." Naruto said to his fellow blonde. Michael released a long sigh before raising his head to answer the teen.

"I do hate lies. But he's not lying. No matter how ridiculous it sounds, he's actually speaking the truth." Michael muttered while staring at his subordinate. The former exorcist seemed to not be affected by the angel's glare as he continued to lick at his lollipop.

"Oh, I also met and talked with Naruto for a bit. He's the source of that disturbance I told you about a few days ago." Dulio stated as he finished his lollipop. Without missing a beat, the man reached into his coat's pocket and pulled out another lollipop which he proceeded to immediately start licking.

"So that would explain why his name isn't in the book." Michael said to himself as his eyes went back over to the shinobi. "It's best to say that you aren't from around here, right Uzumaki-san?" Naruto merely nodded his head at the angel's questioning tone.

"The real question is what are your plans since you are here. I'm afraid to say that if they have even a shred of malicious intent, I will have to end you."

"I don't think there's any need for that, Michael-san. I've talked with him for a bit and I think he's a pretty nice guy. Plus he makes some pretty good desserts." Michael's head turned to Dulio, an eyebrow raised in question.

"I thought you said you just talked with Naruto."

"That talk also included a large amount of candy and desserts. Don't worry, I made sure to bill the church this time." Another sigh came from Michael's lips at the angel's response. Why couldn't he had resurrected someone that was just slightly more serious about his job? Why did he have to bring back the one exorcist that had a candy fetish?

"As much as I trust your judgement … most of the time, I still have to question this boy. He claims to have fought Ophis before his arrival here. If this is true and he managed to survive without any visible injuries, he could be a threat. I cannot, in good conscious, just sit back and allow him to walk away from this." Without any warning, a pair of handcuffs made out of light formed themselves around Naruto's wrist. A choker, also made of light, materialized around the boy's neck.

"These are merely safety precautions. If you're as benign as you state, I won't have to activate the choker to decapitate you. Now, follow me." And with that, the ruler of Heaven turned on his heel and began to walk into a random direction. Naruto glanced towards Dulio who offered him a simple shrug before sighing and following the archangel.

"What the hell did I get myself into this time." The blonde thought to himself. He would be finding out very, very soon.

If looks could kill, Riser Phenex would've succumbed to death by the combination of Rias, Issei, Kiba, Akeno and Koneko's glare the second he stepped into the clubroom. Large amounts of hate could be felt coming from the peerage as the young man stood in front of his own peerage. The cocky smile planted on his lips did not help to reduce the intensity of the glares.

"Rias Gremory. Or should I say Rias Phenex. You should start growing accustomed to hearing that." The man's voice seemed to physically harm Rias' peerage as they cringed as he soon as he spoke. Rias stood strong, however, as she continued to stare the man in the eyes as an act of defiance.

"I will not grow accustom to any such thing. I will never lower myself down to the level of marrying you, Riser." The way the girl spat out the man's voice made it obvious how she felt about him. The amount of disgust and anger behind his name was a clear sign that marrying him was not something the girl wanted.

Riser didn't seem to pick up on that disgust as he let out a flippant laugh while walking towards the girl. Behind her, Issei had to be physically restrained by Kiba as the Phenex clan heir stopped just in front of the Gremory girl and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Your delusions are rather cute at this moment. Though, I hope you do realize that the reason I even accepted the option of a rating game is just so I can crush those delusions personally. I will break you and make you mines, Rias. In the end, you won't even have the will to fight back. Then the fun can truly begin." Koneko had to join in holding back Issei as Riser spoke out loud. Rias violently shrugged the man's hand off of her shoulder while taking a step away from him.

"I'm going to have so much fun proving you wrong. You'll regret ever even coming here in 14 days." Rias mustered up every ounce of courage and confidence she had as she said that to the man's face. Riser stared into her eyes for a few brief moments before letting out a small chuckle.

"Crushing you and your peerage is going to be just that much more satisfying with this false confidence you have." Riser said while glancing over Rias' shoulder and looking at her peerage. His attention was immediately captured by the struggling Issei that was being held back by both Kiba and Koneko as the boy continued to loudly curse Riser. The blonde Phenex rolled his eyes before raising his hand towards the boy. Without any warning, a small fireball emerged in the man's hand. With a simple flick of his wrist, the ball of fire was sent rocketing towards the trio. Koneko, Kiba and Issei had no time to dodge as the ball expanded and slammed into them, throwing them several feet backwards in a small explosion.

Before Riser could enjoy his small victory, the air in the room grew incredibly tense as a large amount of demonic power was released. The man stiffened when he felt prick press against the back of his neck. The man's breathing became audible in the silent room as he tried his best to retain his composure.

"Grayfia-San, why the sudden hostility?" Riser managed to get out while sounding calm. The woman standing behind him could be best described as a bombshell maid. She was beautiful woman with long silver hair and matching eyes. Her figure was somewhat hidden by the maid outfit she had on but one could still see that she was well endowed even with the uniform on. Her silver eyes were narrowed in anger as she held a blade to the back of Riser's neck.

"Why did you attack a member of an opposing peerage for no reason? I have full right to end your life right now for threatening the life of a Gremory vassel." Grayfia emphasized her point by driving the tip of her blade into Riser's neck, causing the Phenex to bleed slightly.

"I was provoked. The boy was obviously attempting to attack me. I was merely just retaliating to his actions." Grayfia eyes narrowed even further before slowly removing the blade from the back of Riser's neck. The Phenex visibly relaxed as the maid of the Gremory household stepped away from him.

"Please refrain from engaging in any type of violence or combat. The next time that something like this happens, I will not hesitate to respond with full force." Grayfia spoke with the same monotone voice she had become known for. Riser offered the woman a small nod while looking over at Rias' peerage once again. Koneko, Issei and Kiba seemed to be completely fine, only suffering small bruises and a thin layer of ash on their skin. The man offered the trio a small smirk before turning back towards his own peerage.

"We're leaving now. This room stinks of burnt trash." With that, the Phenex seal appeared underneath Riser and his peerage feet before they all disappeared in a bright flash of demonic energy, leaving Rias in her clubroom with her peerage and Grayfia.

As soon as Rias was sure that Riser was gone from the clubroom, the young girl collapsed to her knees, drawing the attention of everyone else in the room. Her peerage and Grayfia immediately rushed to the girl's side as she remained in her kneeling position. The small group surrounded the redhead girl as she began to shake violently.

"I can't spend the rest of my life married to that man. I can't. I can't. I would rather kill myself than to be married to him. I can't do it." Tears streamed down the girl's cheek as she mumbled to herself. Grayfia looked away with a small amount guilt evident on her face while Rias' peerage attempted to comfort the girl. Akeno kneeled down to the girl's level and wrapped her in a hug. The hug seemed to break whatever emotional dams were left in the girl as the tears started to flow more freely and her rambling turned into loud cries.

From the side, Koneko watched her king cry pain filled tears. Her usual mask of stoicism had been completely wiped away in the presence of her pained king. Her heart hurt for the girl who had rescued her in her youth. She wanted to help. She had to help her king.

"But how.." The girl thought to herself as she looked down into her hands. Koneko knew that she could handle the majority of Riser's peerage but the man himself? The girl doubted that she could do any lasting damage to him due to his regenerative powers. That's if she managed to even get to him. His queen was no laughing matter either. She was known for her devastating attacks and viciousness that could retire a piece in a single move. She wouldn't even be able to get close to the queen before being blown to hell.

"I need to get strong." Koneko muttered to herself while looking up from her hands. A look of determination had crossed the girl's face as she looked at her king. She had to become strong for her king. By any means necessary.

"So … you claim to have fought Ophis … the infinite dragon god who is considered one of the strongest beings in existence … out of curiosity?" Michael's voice was filled with an incredible amount of disbelief as he looked at the teen sitting in front of him. Naruto nodded his head to the best of his ability with the choker wrapped around his neck.

The two blondes had found themselves sitting in a simple room that Naruto had quickly deduced was used for interrogation. A long wooden table separated the two beings as a single light lit the spartan-esque interior of the room.

"Well when you put it like that, it makes me sound bad. She was going around and destroying stuff. I just confronted her to make sure she didn't cause any more harm that she had already done." Naruto answered the man with a slight undertone of embarrassment in his voice.

"Wasn't she doing all off this damage while searching for you?" Michael said accusingly, his eyebrow raised in question.

"He's got you there." Kurama chimed in, interrupting his long run of silence. Mentally, Naruto flipped the beast off before responding to the tailed beast.

"Well … yes but that doesn't mean I did anything wrong. She was just interested in me because I am powerful. I didn't side with her or anything like that." Naruto attempted to plead his case to the strict angel. Michael seemed to be having none of that however as he continued to hold his scrutinizing gaze on Naruto.

"Is that so? Then pledge your allegiance to the church and heaven. If your intentions are good, that shouldn't be a problem at all. You know that our mission goal is for the spread of peace and christianity throughout the world." Michael gave his ultimatum to his fellow blonde, causing the younger male to sigh.


"Already gathering chakra. Just get the choker and handcuffs off of us and we'll be good to go." Even though the kitsune could be a pain in the ass at times, Naruto was grateful that he had his partner with him. It would make escaping situations like this so much harder.

"I … I can't actually do that." Naruto admitted. While he did respect the church for its origns and intentions, he knew that allying himself to them was not an option. First of all, he would be blind to see that even with the church's good intentions, not everyone apart of it shared the same motives. The fact that fallen angels even existed proved that the church wasn't infallible. Second and most importantly in his mind, Koneko was a devil. Joining the church would pit the two against each other, something that Naruto definitely did not want.

"I see. Then I'm afraid to say that I cannot allow you to leave. You have seen the inside of the sixth level, something that most regular angels never get to see. I cannot allow you to return to earth with this knowledge." Michael stood as he said this. With a snap of the man's fingers, the choker around Naruto's neck tightened and the handcuffs around his wrist began to glow bright.

"Do not worry. Your accommodations will not be inhumane. Us angels tend to treat our prisoners with the respect they deserve. Unless you're a devil … then just being in my presence would prove to be somewhat agitating to you." Michael stated. Naruto glanced down at the handcuffs that confined his wrist, a small frown on the his face as his eyes swept over the restrainment tool.

"I'm afraid to say that I can't stay here any longer. Don't take this personally." Before Michael could question the boy's weird comment, a literal wave of power swept over the angel. Naruto's chakra cloak exploded around the boy's body, shattering the choker and handcuffs that were restraining him. The archangel staggered backwards as waves of chakra coming from Naruto hit him.

"I hope this doesn't damage my chances of going to heaven when I die." Naruto said cheekily before shooting the stunned angel a two-finger salute and flashing out of the room. Several seconds later, several multi-winged angels came charging into the room. They were shocked to find their leader sat on the ground with a bewildered look plastered on his face.

"Michael-Sama, what happened in here? Where's the prisoner?" One of the angels asked as the others secured the room. Michael seemed to finally snap out of his shocked state at the man's question. His head snapped upwards as his lips settled into a thin line of concentration.

"Contact Gabriel immediately and tell her to return immediately. Call the rest of the archangels to the meeting room. We have an emergency."

If Ophis could describe one word for today, that word would be terrible. This day had been absolutely terrible for the dragon god. From start to end, she had to deal with the nuisance known as humanity as she attempted to hunt her target down. It took all of the self-restraint that she had managed to muster since her creation at the beginning of time to not transform and wipe Kuoh off the face of the world. In hindsight, she sort of regret not doing that in the first place.

To make things even worse, her target had managed to slip away from her grasp. The god had underestimated the boy's ability and assumed he would not have enough power to break through the fabric of space between the two dimensions. Unfortunately for her, he had managed to do so and escape to god knows where.

Finally, to top off the terrible day, her battle with Naruto had brought the attention of the very being she had wished to banish from her home. The Great Red, a dragon of tremendous size and strength that had made its home in the dimensional gap, had found its way over to Ophis.

"Eh girl! Girl! Don't ignore me. What happened? I sensed some fighting! EH!" The dragon's rough and guttural voice did not mix well with his childish way of speaking. It also didn't mix well with the frustration Ophis was feeling at the moment. The dragon god expressed this frustration by firing a large orb of energy at the apocalyptic dragon. The red dragon took the attack head on, only letting out a small grunt when the orb impacted against his scales and pushed him back a few feet.

"You were fighting someone, weren't ya? Who was it? Did they beat ya? Is that why you're mad? Haha, you got beat u-" The dragon was silenced when another orb, this one several times larger, slammed into his snout. The dragon was pushed back this time by the force of attack as he began to cough violently. Ophis watched in satisfaction as the intruder to her home suffered because of her.

"Be silent! I don't have the energy nor patience to deal with your childishness right now." Ophis finally spoke to the dragon before turning and floating away from the beast.

Ophis' departure was interrupted when she felt a very familiar disturbance in the dimensional gap. The dragon god twisted her torso towards the Great Red as the air around the two powerful beings began to vibrate. The space between the two began to stretch and distort as the vibrations grew more violent.

Without any warning, a dimensional tear appeared right before Ophis and the Great Red. The two dragons watched in shock as a yellow blur exited the distortion, the portal closing behind the blur. The yellow blur slammed into the ground, sliding several dozen meters before eventually coming to a stop.

"Really need to work on that exit strategy." Naruto managed to groan out as he picked himself up from out the ground. The blonde stood up to his full height while dusting off the dust and debris that had collected on his chakra cloak. The blonde rolled his neck from side to side, a loud crack emitting from his body as his joints popped back into place.

"Now where did we end … up …. now…" Naruto began to trail off as he noticed the two beings who were staring at him. A massive dragon, a full 100 meters long, was staring at him with curiosity in it's eyes. Ophis floated right beside the dragon, a mixture of surprise and glee evident on her face.

" Uzumaki … I didn't expect you back so soon." Ophis projected her voice out to the blonde. The Great Red continued to stare at Naruto for several second before turning it's head towards its fellow dragon.

"Is this the guy who beat you up? He doesn't look tough at all. You got beat up by a wimp, didn't ya?" Ophis paid the dragon beside her no attention as she kept her gaze fixated on Naruto. The blonde looked extremely on edge as he stood in the presence of two of the most powerful beings in the universe.

"Kurama … "

"Seems that there is no way to physically rip from dimension to dimension. It most likely requires some sort of special device or technique to do so. Unfortunately, we have no knowledge of any such technique so we end up here, in between the dimensions, each time we travel." Kurama reasoned off the top of his head. Naruto offered the tailed beast a small nod as his eyes stayed locked onto the two dragons in front of him. He already knew that Ophis was willing to attack him with lethal force. He could only assume that from the dragon's color and length that the one beside her was the Great Red she had spoken about earlier.

"Hey human! You strong? You don't look so strong to me. Wanna fight?" Naruto was taken back by the dragon's tone. He had expected the beast to be menacing, intimidating, terrifying or at least somewhat scary. From it's appearance, the beast fit all of that but the way it talked made it seem … annoying at best.

"Shut your mouth, you imbecile. You have no idea what strength this human possesses. Merely step aside and allow me to deal with him." Ophis said as wisps of energy began to gather around her body. A malicious smirk sprouted on the girl's face as she began to descend towards Naruto's still form.

Unfortunately for the dragon god, her approach was interrupted when the Great Red's tail smacked into her, sending her hurtling towards the ground. The girl slammed full force into the ground, embedding deep into the thick stone-like material.

"You don't tell me what to do! I'm the Great Red! I want to fight this human to see how tough he really is. I'm not going to let you get in my way." The dragon bellowed as it began to breathe fire towards Ophis' downed form. The white flames reached the dragon god, sweeping over and covering her form. The dragon kept up the stream of flames for several seconds before closing its jaw, cutting off the flames. The dragon then turned its head towards Naruto with a menacing glint in it's eye.

"Now for you human! Be prepared to face the might of the Great Re-" It was Great Red's turn to be interrupted as a massive black orb slammed into the side of its body, pushing it backwards for several meters. After shoving the beast back, the sphere exploded, causing Red the release a loud cry as Ophis' body burnt through his scales.

"This is not up for debate. I refuse to let you ruin yet another thing for me." Anger was present in the girl's voice as she rose from her mini-crater. An incomplete version of the god's dragon form surrounded the girl as she shot a heated glare at the intruder of her home. The dragon had shrugged off the god's latest attack and was now staring at her angrily.

"I don't take orders from you! I don't take orders from anyone!" The Great Red yelled before charging towards Ophis. The God confronted the beast head on, an angry snarl emitting from her lips as more and more of her dragon form manifested around her.

The two beasts collided in a brilliant display of power, red scales clashing with the ethereal energy coming from Ophis. Claws quickly came out as the two dragons attempted to tear each other's throat out.

"I think it's time we made our exit, Kurama." Naruto whispered to himself and his partner as the two dragon's continued to clash with each other. Silently, his partner agreed with him as Naruto's chakra cloak began to glow with power.

With one last look at the two clashing beast, Naruto disappeared from sight, exiting from the dimensional gap once again and unknowingly pissing off the dragon god …. once again.

It was past midnight when Koneko found herself outside of her boyfriend's home. She had spent the majority of the day with Rias. To say that the girl was depressed about the situation was a vast understatement. Once Akeno had hugged her, the tears had flowed freely down the girl's cheeks. In good conscious, she couldn't leave her friend while she was feeling so down. Koneko would still be there right now if Rias hadn't fallen asleep. Even then, it took Akeno's constant reassurance that she could take care of the girl before any of Rias' peerage members had left the girl's side.

After that, she had spent some time exploring the outskirts of Kuoh in an attempt to clear her cluttered minds. Wishing to grow stronger was a simple task but actually achieving it was a hard task. The young girl's mind had quickly become filled with doubt, fear and sadness at her own incompetence.

Eventually, without her realizing it, her thoughts led her to her boyfriend's home. She had been so caught up in the day's events that the blonde haired boy hadn't even crossed her mind until she realized she was in front of his house. Guilt had immediately hit her as she felt that she had ignored the boy.

And that is how Koneko found herself standing at Naruto's doorstep. The girl was hesitant to knock, unsure if Naruto was even awake at this hour. Even if he was awake, why would he want to talk to her after being basically ignored by her all day.?

Koneko's hesitation was quickly put to rest when she heard a loud crash emit from inside Naruto's home. The crash was followed by a loud set of curses from a voice that sounded strangely similar to her boyfriend's. With her curiosity now taking precedence over her fear, Koneko knocked twice on the wooden door to Naruto's home.

Another string of curses soon followed the girl's knocking as the sound of more crashing reached the devil's ears. This pattern continued for almost a full minute before the door swung open, revealing a very disheveled Naruto Uzumaki. The boy shirt, if you could call it that at this point, was torn to shreds , barely hanging onto the boy's physique in it's current form. The boy's pants were better fit to be called shorts now as they were covered in scorch marks and tears. His hair was covered in a small amount of ash that offsetted rather nicely with his blonde hair, something that Koneko immediately took notice of.

"Ko-chan! You have no idea how glad I am to see you." The nekoshou didn't even have a chance to respond before she was pulled into the boy's house. She wasn't too shocked to see that it was covered in broken glass and furniture considering what condition the boy's clothing was in.

"Is everything ok?" Koneko asked as she and her boyfriend settled down onto his couch, which so happened to be one of the few clean places in the house. The rest of the house looked as if a tornado had just swept through it.

"Everything is fine … at least now it is. Is everything okay with you? You seem a bit down." Koneko bit her lip at the boy's question, unsure about how much she should reveal to the blonde. She wanted to help out her friend but she also didn't want to involve Naruto in anything that he shouldn't be involved with.

In the end, Koneko explained the full situation to Naruto. From Riser's proposal to the Phenex heir's action in the clubroom and finally the rating game. When Koneko had told him that Riser had attacked her along with Akeno and Issei, Naruto had wanted to tear his way into the underworld and kick the Phenex's ass. It was only due to Koneko's reassurance that she was unharmed that Naruto decided to refrain my directly harming the man … for now.

"That's why I am here. I need to get stronger. I can't let Rias-Sama suffer like this. I … I need you to teach me how to use senjutsu." Naruto examined the obviously shaken up girl. And internally, he was smiling with pride. Even with the knowledge of what senjutsu could do to a person in this, Koneko was willing to take the risk to help her friend.

"Before I give you my answer, I want to make sure you know the risks going into this. You've seen first hand what senjutsu could do to you. I'll be with you every step of the way with you through it all." Naruto warned the girl. The determined look on the her face didn't falter one bit during the statement. If anything, the look only seemed to grow stronger with each passing second.

"This is something I must do.I have to grow stronger for myself and Rias-Sama. No matter what that takes, I'll grow stronger." Koneko would have no idea how much she would be regretting those words in two weeks.