
tasting room for ff

Nothing special in here go away shu shu

Golden_Exprience · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
82 Chs

chapter 13

He just couldn't catch a break. Nope, not one break at all. A break was just too much to ask for at this point in his life. Being born and having your parents killed immediately afterwards? No break there. Having a demon sealed inside of you? Still no break. Being discriminated your whole entire life by your own village because of said demon? Nope. Fighting your whole entire life, slaying an ancient rabbit goddess only to be transported to another dimension? Still couldn't catch a break there. These events seemed to happen so frequently in his life that Naruto just stopped being so affected by them.

But pissing off three factions of supernatural creatures in the span of a month was not something the blonde expected he would ever do. It wasn't something he would even dream of happening in a thousand years. Not when he was in the elemental nations or on planet Earth. But somehow, most likely due to the blonde's close but bitter relationship with lady luck, that exact situation was actually in the process of happening.

"Naruto…" Sirzechs tone was a warning one as he stared at the boy who had his hand wrapped around Riser Phenex's throat. The Phenex heir was still struggling to breathe, clawing and scratching at Naruto's hand, unable to compromise the boy's grip.

"Well this a bit awkward…" Naruto said while staring at the small squadron of devils in front of him. The variety between them all was almost unimaginable. Some took the form of some of the most beautiful/handsome men and women Naruto had ever seen. Others had grotesque body parts and growth that truly fit their title as devils. And all of them looked to be seconds away from blasting his ass to hell.

"Let go of my son, human, or I'll be sure that the rest of your pathetic existence will be spent getting roasted by my own personal flames." Lord Phenex yelled as he stepped towards the blonde. Naruto eyes quickly swept over the man, immediately noticing the similarities between him and Riser. Tiny embers were shooting from the man's skin, showcasing just how angry the man was.

"This is your son? Then excuse me when I say this but you've done an absolutely terrible job at parenting." Naruto's comment seemed to pick at the man's nerve as the flames around him began to grow. The man was calmed; however, when Sirzechs rested his hand on the Phenex's shoulder.

"Stop this Naruto. Put the man down and let's handle this peacefully." While he looked calm on the outside, inwardly Sirzechs was begging for the blonde to just listen. He could sense the mounting tension between the two groups and while he was a Satan, he wasn't too entirely sure that he would be able to stop a group with several middle and high-class devils in it.

Thankfully for the Satan, Naruto answered his silent pleading by releasing Riser's throat. The Phenex collapsed to the ground, gasping for air as the constriction around his throat finally disappeared. The man began to climb to his feet while glaring harshly at the blonde who had assaulted him. He looked to be about to attack Naruto again but was stopped by the stern voice of his father.

"Riser! Enough. You've humiliated yourself and your family enough for today. Suck up your wounded pride and come back over here." Lord Phenex's words caused a very harsh scowl to appear on his son's face. The younger Phenex held his glare on Naruto for several more seconds before beginning to limp over to his father and the rest of the devils.

"Now Naruto, I'm going to ask you to peacefully throw down any weapons you may have on you and come with us." Sirzechs said in an even and calm voice. Naruto remained still, only eyeing the red headed devil and the group behind him.

"What happens if I don't?" Naruto's question sent a ripple of tension shooting through the crowd of devils. Some of them continued to power up their attacks while others started to summon weapons into their hand. Sirzechs began to sweat nervously as he sensed a fight about to break out between the two groups.

"We're not going to hurt you Naruto-kun. We just want to find out some answers. I promise that no harm will fall on you in my custody." Inwardly the devil was pleading for the boy to just shut up and follow his command.

"I believe that you aren't going to hurt me. Unfortunately, I don't believe that the rest of your group will do the same. They don't look as friendly as you do." Naruto could sense the tidal wave of negative emotions that were pouring out from the group of devils. The blonde wasn't stupid. He knew that in the hands of the devil, he wouldn't experience much pleasure.

"Enough of this banter, Sirzechs. Its obvious that the boy isn't going to willingly come with us. Such a shame. I would've loved to pick him apart and see what made him tick." Ajuka said as he stepped forward. Sirzechs watched with a sense of dread as more and more devils followed the scientist's lead. The situation was quickly slipping out of the man's hand.

"Seems like you're in a bit of a bind." Kurama's voice was welcoming for the blonde in this situation.

"I thought you were going to leave me to deal with this all by myself." Naruto said as he scanned the slowly advancing group of devil. The blonde's muscles were tensed as the situation continued to spiral out of control.

"I couldn't just let you have all of the fun. We're partners after all." Kurama's comment made Naruto smile as the tailed beast began to feed his chakra into his host's body. The small change went unnoticed by the approaching devils as they continued to close the distance between them and the blonde.

"We're aiming to stun not kill. There's no reason to put myself deeper on these people's shit list." Naruto's comment forced a groan out of Kurama but the tailed beast seemed to comply as he said no more.

"The boy is about to attack. Restrain him!" Lord Phenex yelled as Naruto reached to his side. A cry of outrage left Sirzechs lips but the devil's cry could not be heard over the battle cries of the charging devils.

Naruto's eyes narrowed as a numerous amount of attacks were thrown his way. The variety between the attacks were great, some of them ranging from simple fiendish looking orbs to streaking bullets that were brilliant shades of different colors.

"You may want to move out the way." Naruto chuckled at his partner's comment before disappearing from the devil's sight, leaving behind a small crater in the ground. The ranged attacks of the devils slammed into the blonde's previous position, completely missing the speedy blonde.

"Where did the boy go?" The question collectively began to travel through the crowd of devils as the blonde remained hidden from their sight. The group of battle hardened devils unconsciously settled into a defensive position. Their past training and experience from fighting against the fallen angels and angels had taught them to be prepared for a sneak attack.

The attack came in the form of a single kunai with a paper tag attached to it. The weapon flew threw the air and landed near the center of the devil's defensive formation. Not a single one of them had any time to react before a large cloud of dark smoke began to spew from out of the paper tag. The smoke quickly spread throughout the entirety of the clearing, obscuring of all its occupant's sight.

"I'm surprised that you haven't stepped in and stopped this already." Sirzechs attention was taken away from growing smokeball by his friend's voice. The devil turned his head to glance at Ajuka who was standing carelessly at his side with his laptop clutched in his hands. The green-haired man's eyes were trained on the scene that was evolving before them.

"Don't act so surprised. 'I would've loved to pick him apart'. That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard you say before. I know you were just giving the boy a bit of a push. Just like you, I'm curious as to what this human can do. I figured I would take this opportunity to truly test his threat level." Sirzechs returned his gaze back on the clearing as the smoke ball seemed to reach the height of it's growth. Ajuka hummed thoughtfully at his friend's comment before glancing down at his tablet.

"You are correct about my curiosity. I am curious how this boy managed to "break" into this rating game. After all, the technology that made this Ratings Game possible was my own. It was meant to keep out any outside intruders. A human that bested my invention does not exactly sit well with me." The devil commented as he swiped at the device in his hand. Within seconds, an overhead view of the smoke filled clearing appeared on the man's screen.

"Enough of this chatter though. Let's see what our blonde friend has in store for us." And with that, the duo began to fully focus on the scene in front of them.

"Someone clear this smoke." A random devil yelled through the thick blackness of the smoke. The man's request went unanswered for several seconds before a sudden strong wind swept through the clearing. The wind seemed to latch onto smoke and lifted it away from the group of devil.

"What the …" The devil's voice trailed off as he noticed the new additions to the field. Bordering the outline of the clearing was a large sealing array. Of course to the devils, the array was foreign and thus was immediately labeled dangerous to them.

Before the devils could escape the clearing, the sealing array lit up in a brilliant shade of blue. Everything within the clearing seemed to freeze for a moment before the ground began to crack. One by one, the devils were seemingly pushed down onto the ground, loud cries of confusion and pain ranging through the air as more and more fell. Soon each devil within the seal was laid flatagainst the ground. Confusion was still fresh on their face as they struggled against some invisible force in order to climb back on their feet.

"Gravity seals. You can't beat them." Naruto made his presence known as he stepped from out his hiding spot in the forest. The boy was aimlessly tossing a rock up into the air while staring down at the group of devils that were caught in his seal.

When the blonde's smoke tag had activated, he had went about creating several clones that were to help him with his seal. Within the confusion and darkness of the smoke, he quickly marked up the clearing with the symbols necessary for the gravity seal. With his clones help, the shinobi had managed to complete the task before the smoke had cleared.

"I'm guessing none of you have any experience working under a more intensive gravitational pull." The blonde said before lobbing the rock towards the sealing array. Once the rock crossed into the seal's boundary, it was sent careening to the ground at irregular speed.

"Release us immediately!" One of the devils managed to say under the strain of gravity. Naruto glanced down at the struggling man before a large grin popped on the blonde's face.

"And why should I do th-" The blonde had to interrupt himself when a large fireball filled his vision. Without batting an eye, the boy performed a sealless shunshin, causing him to disappear within a small puff of smoke.

He appeared amongst the trees that lined the small forest clearing. His eyes began to scan through the clearing, his curiosity raised by the fact that someone had managed to overcome the effects of his gravity seal so quickly.

To the blonde's shock, the person who had overcame his gravity seal wasn't some hulking beast of a devil or an oversized monster. No, it was actually the exact opposite.

The girl was obviously still struggling to stand, something that was evident by the shaking of her legs and the slight layer of sweat that was already covering her skin. The pink dress that covered her small frame looked to be about to rip off her body due to the effects of the gravity seal. The girl's hair was fashioned into two, large drill-shaped curls. Her face was contorted into a mask of concentration as she focused on staying on her feet.

"Well that was unexpected." Naruto thought to himself as he watched the girl continue to shake. The raw determination she was exhibiting just by standing up was pretty impressive. The fact that she had mustered up the concentration to fire off a spell while dealing with the gravity seal was even more impressive.

"Release us from this sorcery immediately or so help me, in the name of the Phenex clan, I will smite you!" The girl spat out with a surprising amount of venom in her voice. A small fireball began to form in the girl's voice as she held her glare on Naruto.

"You're really slacking if a little girl was able to put up with the seal. What would the old pervert say about that?" Kurama's jestful comment made Naruto scoff.

"Jiraiya wouldn't of said anything. He would be too busy ogling every female in sight. Besides, maybe this girl just happens to have more willpower than any of these devils." Naruto responded to his partner just as the girl's determination seemed to leave her. The attack in her hand sputtered into nothingness just as the girl collapsed down onto her knees.

"Apparently not enough to do anything useful though." Naruto hummed at his partner's comment. The humming was quickly put to a stop when the ground beneath the blonde began to shake erratically. The trees shook along with him, shedding a large amount of their leaves in the process, as the shaking grew stronger.

The source of the quakes became apparent to the blonde when a large shard of ice ruptured the ground below him. The single ice spike quickly turned into multiple as the area around the shinobi began to freeze over.

Luckily for the blonde, he managed to jump away just as the ice broke through the ground, narrowly avoiding getting skewered by the spikes. The blonde landed amongst the tree branches as the ice quickly spread over most of the clearing.

The ice quickly spread over to the "trapped" devils and the seal that surrounded them. The ice seemed to seep into the seal itself, causing it's blue light to grow a dark and chilling navy blue. Within a couple of seconds, the seal's glow completely died down, freeing it's occupants from the ground.

Sirzechs and Ajuka's glanced in between them and were surprised to see their fellow Satan standing there with her fist outstretched. The Satan girl released a small giggle before straightening upright.

"You guys look surprised to see me." The beautiful girl stated. Her vibrant, violet eyes seemed to sparkle with mischievous as she clutched onto a small wand. Her long black hair contrasted nicely with tight and rather revealing magical girl clothing.

"We are. Last time we saw you was before the rating game had actually started. I saw you grab your sister and dash off. I just sort of assumed you had left." Ajuka explained as the devils in the field began to climb to their feet. The Pink Satan released a small giggle at the man's word.

"I just needed to comfort Sona-chan. She was a little upset at having to watch her friend go through something like this." The girl explained as she turned her attention back onto the clearing. The devils, their pride hurt from being restrained so easily, were in a borderline frenzy as they searched for the blonde.

"Plus with my job as head of foreign affairs, a human managing to sneak his way into one of your rating games is pretty interesting to me. Especially since he's so cute. I wouldn't miss this for the world." The trio went back to silent observation as their kinsmen found their target.

"Just turn around and blast them all. I don't know why you're running. Just hurry up and end this." Naruto released an angry huff at his partner's comments as he hopped from tree to tree. Behind him, a multitude of devils could be seen flying through the air, hot on the blonde's heels.

"Try to show a bit more patience." The shinobi stated just as he started to feel a rising heat on his back. The teen turned around and was immediately greeted to the sight of a massive fireball. The blonde's eyes widened just as the fireball impacted against him, consuming his body entirely.

"Ha!" Ravel exclaimed as she watched the boy who defeated her brother be consumed in her flames. A victorious grin erected itself upon the girl's face as she watched the boy's burning body fall to the forest floor. The grin was quickly put to rest when she noticed that the boy that she had just "killed" was actually a log.

"Brace yourselves!" Ravel heard briefly before an immensely strong gust of wind slammed into the girl. All of her forward velocity was put to a rest as she was sent tumbling backwards through the air by the gust of wind.

Unlike her comrades, Ravel's affinity towards aerokinesis allowed her to recover slightly quicker than the other devils. Due to her early recovery, she was able to catch a brief glimpse of a yellow flash before several devils were sent tumbling from the sky, their body covered various wounds.

"Wha…" Was all Ravel could say as the yellow blur appeared once again in her vision. The flash dashed from devil to devil, leaving each devil plummeting from the sky with their body covered in a multitude of cuts and gashes. Before long, the blonde Phenex girl was the only one left standing.

"Sorry about this." Was the last thing Ravel heard before she lost consciousness. Behind her, Naruto watched the girl fall to the ground, she being the last of the devils that he had dealt with.

"You're no fun. You didn't even use any of my chakra. Just your father's stupid technique."

"Shut up and stop whining. I told you that there was no point in doing anything lethal." Naruto said in response to the tailed beast's childish comment as he descended to the ground. The teen's feet quickly met the ground as several people made their presence known to the blonde.

Rias honestly couldn't believe how her day had gone up to this point. Her morning had been spent with her being filled with a mixture of worry and anxiety about her rating game. Her uncertainty of her peerage's ability when compared to Riser's peerage and how much the match would affect her life only worsened the trepidation.

Her worst nightmares started to come true as soon as the rating game began. Her well-planned strategy immediately began to crumble beneath the sheer number and power of Riser's pieces. All of the training that her group had went through seemed to be for naught as each of her piece's began to be retired.

When Akeno had fallen, Rias had given up all hope. She had been fully prepared to forfeit the match then and there in order to spare the remainder of her peerage any harm. Except that when the girl had called out to Grayfia in order to resign from the match, she received no response. The girl had spent a full minute calling out to her sister-in-law and was only greeted with silence, a strange occurrence since Grayfia's position as overseer of the match gave her unlimited access to all of the dueling grounds.

It was only when the announcement that Riser's queen had been retired was played that Rias dared to do something as stupid as to leave her position in the clubroom in order to investigate what was happening. With her lacking in numbers and Riser's impatience, the Gremory girl had expected the man to have ended the match by now.

To the redhead's surprise, halfway through her investigation, she encountered one of pieces, her rook to be exact. The nekoshou was leaned up against a tree, a happy glaze settled over the girl's face. The devil's uniform was ripped in multiple areas, revealing a large portion of her skin. The girl didn't seem to care one bit though as she continued to stare off into space.

"Koneko…" Rias muttered out softly as she approached the girl. The rook didn't respond at all as her king continued to approach her. The heiress was within arm's reach of the girl as she reached out and lightly touched the nekoshou on her shoulder.

"Naru-kun.." Koneko muttered out, drawing a raised eyebrow from her queen. The redhead shaked the younger girl's shoulder only to be met with the same response. An annoyed look crossed the king's face before she drew her hand back and smacked her rook across the cheek. The stunned girl was brought out of her shock by the impact of the hit.

"Ah … Very unnecessary Rias-Sama." The young girl muttered as she rubbed her red cheek. Rias released a small huff as her rook climbed onto her feet, the haze now completely gone from her eyes.

"Well you weren't responding and I got worried. All you kept muttering was 'Naru-kun'. I don't think this is the time and place to be worrying about him". Rias had to stop herself from rolling her eyes as Koneko's eyes seemed to light up at the mention of her boyfriend's name. The younger girl's back straightened as she began to inspect the area around her.

"Naruto-kun … He was here earlier. He … took care of Riser's queen." A look of shock crossed Rias' face at Koneko's admission. That had been completely unexpected. The fact that boy had somehow managed to find his way into her rating game was shocking but he also retired her opponent's queen? That was unheard of.

"Are you sure you weren't just hallucinating? Did you hit your head? What happened?" Rias questioned the girl. Koneko's face scrunched up into a mask of concentration as she tried to remember the events from earlier. Luckily for the duo, they wouldn't have to rely on the nekoshou's memory.

"If you're looking for boss, he's probably in the middle of kicking some ass." Both girls turned their heads to look at the clone that had just spoken. The blonde carbon copy was perched up in the tree that Koneko was previously leaning against. The clone was absentmindedly tossing a kunai up into the air while looking up into the sky.

"Boss?" Rias questioned at the blonde. The clone released a light chuckle before snatching the kunai out of the air and jumping out of the tree, landing in front of the duo in a crouch before slowly rising to his full height.

"Unfortunately I'm just a clone. If you want the re-" The clone was interrupted when a loud roar shook the forest around the trio. All of three of them turned their head towards the sound and witnessed a blue dragon rising high into the sky. The dragon continued to climb high into the sky until it was over several hundred meters high. Once the dragon seemed to reach its apex, it froze in place before exploding seconds later into a brilliant mist of water and chakra.

"-al me, you should probably head towards that dragon. Chances are that he was probably the cause of that." The clone finished once the jutsu had finished. Rias and Koneko were slack jawed at the beautiful display of water manipulation that they had just witnessed. Koneko, while aware that her boyfriend had somehow managed to survive an encounter with the infinite dragon god, was shocked that Naruto had made such a thing. Rias, on the other hand, already had a hundred different scenarios playing out in her head about what she had just saw. She had noticed that figure that had been trapped within the teeth of the dragon and if her eyes weren't fooling her, it was Riser.

"Come on Koneko." Rias stated as she unveiled her devil wings and took off to the skies. Koneko looked slightly surprised at the action since her king rarely made use of her ability to fly. The rook didn't question the girl though as she summoned her own wings and followed after the heiress.

About a quarter of the way through the duo's journey, they beared witnessed to a pretty interesting site. The person that they were pursuing was in their sight, only a few hundred meters away. His golden blonde hair waved in the wind as he hopped from tree branch to tree branch. And directly behind him was a giant mob of flying devils that looked to be in the middle of trying to kill the boy.

"What in Satan's name is going on?" Rias asked herself as she watched the blonde nimbly dodge attack after attack. The boy didn't even have to look back as he ducked and weaved away from the attacks that were being thrown at him. The young devil was impressed that someone managed to have such agility along with that great amount of combat awareness.

That opinion was quickly wiped from the girl's mind when she watched the boy's body get consumed by a large fireball. A sigh escaped the girl's lips at the lost of a potential powerful ally as she watched the burning body fall to the ground. That disappointment quickly evolved into worry as she turned towards her rook, fearing for the girl's emotions after watching her boyfriend die so suddenly.

To Rias' surprise, Koneko didn't seem to be the least bit worried. Only a small spark of concern could be seen in the girl's eyes as she continued to watch the ongoing scene, her face emotionless as ever.

"Koneko … Are you okay?" Rias asked her younger peer. The nekoshou looked up at her king for a brief moment before turning her head back towards the crowd of devils.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. Naru-kun is okay." The girl simply stated before pointing in front of her. Rias' eyes followed the girl's hand and was met with yet another shocking sight.

The crowd of devils seemed to be frozen in shock as a yellow flash appeared in and out of their ranks. Every time the flash would appear, a dozen devils would suddenly fall to the ground with numerous injuries visible on their bodies.

This process continued on for a handful of seconds until only one devil was left standing … well flying. From what Rias could remember, this devil was named Ravel Phenex and she was the younger sister of Riser. From the brief interactions that she had had with the girl, Rias had figured her to be the more quiet and well-mannered types.

This didn't matter much as Naruto appeared behind the girl in a brief flash of gold. With a single chop to the neck, the girl's scarlet flame wings dispersed and she fell to the ground below.

"I … did not know he could do that." Koneko mumbled out, clearly shocked at the boy's display of power. Rias said nothing as she watched the blonde fall from the sky and land safely on his feet on the ground. Without any warning, the girl took off towards the blonde, leaving her rook to play catchup once again.

Blue eyes stayed locked with green as Naruto stared down Sirzechs. Standing by the devil's side was his two fellow Satans, each of them silently observing the blonde while their leader spoke with him.

"Lucifer eh? Very creative last name for a devil hiding as a human." Naruto stated bluntly with his hand in his pockets. Sirzechs released an embarrassed chuckle at the statement, unable to really refute the blonde's point.

"Yeah, I was never one for creativity. I can't say the same about you though. Those symbols you used to restrict my devils were out of this world. I couldn't comprehend a single bit of it." Sirzechs said. Serafall and Ajuka nodded their heads along to their comrade's statement.

"Flattery isn't going to get you out of this, Mr. Lucifer. I want to know why you, someone who claims to know and be close to Koneko, was simply watching as she was being beaten and attacked." Naruto's tone was sharp as he addressed the "elephant" in the room.

"Ah … Well… You see.." Sirzechs stumbled over his words as he tried to come up with a response to appease an obviously agitated boyfriend. Unfortunately for the Satan, he wouldn't get a chance to explain himself.

"I can offer an answer to that one." Rias stated as she finally approached the group. The girl was immediately put under the watch of four set of eyes as she walked into the clearing with a stoic Koneko by her side. The young girl's stoicism began to melt away once she set eyes on her boyfriend.

"You see, my brother, who is the RULER of the underworld, decided it would be a wonderful idea to sign away his little sister in a marriage contract a month after she was born. The problem is that the person he signed her away to was an obnoxious, self-centered, perverted asshole who was only planning to use the sister as a trophy and a toy to satisfy his sexual needs. Luckily for the sister- please indicate the heavy sarcasm here- the brother, being the RULER of the underworld, managed to find an exit route for his sister. All she had to do was use her friends to battle the asshole's group of super-powered females whose only goal was to cause as much physical damage to the sister's group, which happens to include a certain neko-girl. Now I'm sure you can put together the dots of who is who." Rias finished off. Now Sirzechs was facing the scrutiny of five pair of eyes which included an even more agitated boyfriend now.

"Well … when you put it like that… I sort of sound like an assho-" Sirzechs didn't get a chance to finish his statement as Naruto appeared in front of him and landed a sucker punch of the man's face, sending him tumbling backwards with a freshly broken nose.

"You just punched this world's equivalent to Yami. Congratulations." Kurama said sarcastically as the redhead found his balance. Naruto paid the comments no mind as he watched the Satan was clutching onto his nose while looking at Naruto.

"I'm not going to lie … I probably deserved that. BUT you have to understand, I didn't have a choice. The pure blooded bloodline was dy-" Sirzechs was interrupted once again when Naruto appeared in front of him. The blonde planted his right foot firmly in the ground before spinning 360 degrees off of that foot and landing a firm strike to the devil's cheek. The man was sent flying from his feet from a combination of the teen's natural strength and the momentum of the punch.

"Do you think we should help him?" Serafall asked as she watched her friend/leader fly several meters through the air only to land harshly against the ground.

"Maybe If I could track the boy's movement. Unfortunately he's moving too fast for me to follow so nope. Instead, I'll just record it for research." Ajuka said as he manipulated the cameras around the campus to focus on the small clearing.

"By research, you mean blackmail, right?"

"You know me too well."

Back with Sirzechs, the man was staring down Naruto with his nose bloodied from the boy's assault. The blonde stood in the devil's previous position, his usual cheerful visage now an icy and harsh one.

"Are you finished punching me in the face?" Sirzechs said loud enough for his counterpart to hear.

"Are you finished giving me bullshit excuses for your actions?" Naruto responded. A shadow of guilt crossed the man's face due to the blonde's comment.

"Look, back then, I didn't realize just what my actions meant back then. Rias was newly born, the issue of pure-bloods was a scary concept to the underworld and I was just trying to do my job as a leader. I didn't know it would cause her and her friends all of this pain."

"You have no reason to apologize to me. You need to apologize to her." Naruto said while pointing towards Rias. Sirzechs turned towards his younger sister and saw the girl looking away from him, causing the man to the sigh.

"Rias … I'm sorry." Sirzechs' voice was filled with sincerity as he addressed the younger girl. The heiress turned her gaze onto her brother, her eyes filled with a mixture of anger and sadness.

"I'm sorry doesn't cut it. You don't realize how much this has affected me. I've spent the last couple YEARS of my life trying to fight this. I don't even know if its resolved yet or not. How can you expect me to just suddenly forgive you with a simple, 'I'm sorry'?" Rias all but screamed with fresh tears in her eyes. At this point, the clearing was completely silent as the brother and sister shared their moments. Sirzechs' eyes traced Rias face and he saw the pain of a young girl that had her life from her. Her tears contained all of the pain and strife that she had been through trying to fight this engagement. The bags under her eyes, the redness of her eyes, the sagging of her shoulders. These weren't the signs of a girl who thought her brother was just being unfair. No. These were the signs of a young, emotionally drained girl who had been fighting against something that was far out of her control.

"I'm so sorry Rias. I wish I could go back and change it all. I really wish I could." The Satan muttered out as he dropped his head. The duo descended into silence once again as the occupants of the clearing stood within the tense atmosphere.

"If I may interrupt." Sirzechs raised his head as Ajuka spoke up. "Technically this is still a Ratings Game. And according to the rules, a victor can be declared once a king has forfeited or is no longer able to battle. And looking at Phenex-san, I would say that he is no longer able to battle." Rias' eyes widened at what the Satan was implying.

"Ajuka … I don't think think the Phenex cl-" Sirzechs was quickly silenced by the collective glare of all five other people in the clearing. The man immediately backed down and zipped his lips, clearly aware that it was now best for him to be quiet.

"I'm assume that if Lord and Lady Phenex were present and conscious, they would have no objections. But since they are not, we'll just assume that we are right in our assumptions." Ajuka could barely keep the smile off of his face as he swiped away at his tablet. Within a few seconds, a bright flash appeared in the sky as Riser's body disappeared from the dimension.

[Riser has been retired. This Ratings Game is over. Rias Gremory is the victor]

Rias looked absolutely shocked at the announcement. Her eyes travelled from Sirzechs to Ajuka to Koneko and finally to Naruto. The tears that had sprung up in her eyes earlier were back once again as she dashed towards the blonde. Before the boy could even react, the redhead's arms were wrapped around his stomach and her head buried in his chest as he cried into it.

"Well this is unexpected." Kurama said from the comfort of his seal as he watched his container awkwardly comfort the crying girl. The blonde looked stuck between giving the girl a hug or simply just patting her head as his girlfriend glared at him from the side.

"Kurama, please help." Naruto whispered out as he felt the girl's tears begin to bleed through his shirt. The blonde was met with the amused chuckles of his tenant, causing the boy to let out a whimper.

"Naru-kun." Naruto looked down and saw Koneko standing by his side. The girl's head was down and her claws were out.

"Ko-chan wait, it isn't eve-" The teen didn't get a chance to explain himself as Koneko unleashed her righteous jealous girlfriend fury on him. The blonde was forced to take off running in order to avoid the wild assault of the nekoshou, leaving an emotional but ecstatic Rias alone.


Yep. Definitely could never catch a break.