
tasting room for ff

Golden_Exprience · Urban
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

chapter 11

Panic filled Kuroka as soon as her senses started to return to her. It was a type of panic that she hadn't felt since she was a young child. A fear born from being powerless and helpless. This was what Kuroka felt when she awakened and realized she couldn't feel her demonic energy flowing through her body.

The Nekoshou rose from the couch she was situated on, her eyes filled with caution as she scanned the room. A sense of realization slowly crossed the girl's face as she recognized the place as the living room of the teenage boy she assaulted yesterday. The fear she was feeling quickly turned into anger as an angry scowl formed on her face.

"When I see that bastard I swear I'm going to mutilate his genitals." The young woman muttered to herself as she began to examine the rest of room. She had been rather agitated during her visit last night so she never got a chance to truly observe the room.

For a teenager living on himself, the place was surprisingly clean. Any damage that the girl may of done last night seemed to have been repaired as everything looked to be in working order. A small couch sat next to the one she had been laying on through the night. A mid-sized TV stood in direct view of both of the couches. A small coffee table sat within arm's length of the couches as well. The door that she was sure had splintered under her kick had been replaced with another one.

Kuroka made her way out of the living room and into the adjacent kitchen. The cooking area was rather small. It contained a compact oven that was alongside a microwave. The sink was directly next to the oven and a small amount of dirty dishes could be seen in it. All of the cabinets were closed but if one knew Naruto, they would be able to assume that they were filled with ramen. And their assumption would be 100% right.

"That lazy bastard is probably still asleep." Kuroka mumbled to herself as she made her way out of the kitchen. The Nekoshou quickly found the hallway leading to the master bedroom and began to follow it. As she walked down the hallway, the pictures hanging along it's walls caught her attention. Some of the images looked to be pictures of the blonde when he was younger along with some other kids. Some of those pictures showed the blonde alongside a pink haired girl, a dark haired boy and an older, silver-haired man. The other pictures showed the blonde standing beside a variety of other kids and adults.

The thing that really caught Kuroka's attention were the weird symbols that were either carved onto the wall's surface or were being held up by a picture frame. The symbols contained the complexity of the Clan seals that the devils used to identify their heritage. At random intervals, the seals would glow a light blue, making the house seem almost alive.

Kuroka's observation came to an end as she found herself in front of the door she assumed to be the master bedroom. The feline woman pressed her ear against the door, her ears straining to catch any indication that the blonde was awake. When her sensitive hearing picked up no sounds, she withdrew her head from the door and quietly opened the door. Kuroka ignored the interior of the room as she made her way over to the large covered up lump sitting in the middle of the bed. Her steps were quiet, almost soundless, as she approached her target. Her claws began to slide from out of her hands as she stood over the bed. Her scowl morphed into a twisted grin as she raised her hands into the air in preparation for her attack.

"Die, you bastard!" Kuroka yelled as she began to slash and swipe at the bedding. Her sharp nails cut right through the blankets and descended into the lump underneath. Cotton and fluff were thrown into the air as Kuroka continued to assault the bed for a full minute before finally pulling back, clearly out of breath. The girl observed her handywork, a smile on her face until she noticed the distinct lack of blood or screams coming from her "victim".

In a wild haste, the Nekoshou ripped the blankets off of her supposed victim. To the girl's horror, the lump underneath the ruined covers was not the blonde who had knocked her out. Instead it was a large pile of pillows that were arranged to resemble the shape of the boy. Laying on top of these pillows, strangely unharmed by Kuroka's assault, was a small note written in the blonde's handwriting.

"Hey! Glad you came to wake me up but by the time you're reading this, I'll most likely be gone for the day. I'll be back later in the day so just make yourself comfortable. P.S The collar around your neck restricts you from leaving the house so you should try to not break out during the day." Kuroka read out loud before glancing down at her neck, noting that there was indeed a collar on her. The girl reached up to tug at the collar and in return received a small shock for her actions.

"I'm going to kill him when I see him." Kuroka thought to herself as she approached the window of the room. The girl reached down to pull open the window and was awarded with a stronger shock, this one actually sending her to the ground.

"I HATE THAT BASTARD!" The girl yelled as she began to claw and strike wildly at everything around her. It looked like Naruto was going to have to be doing some more repairs when he got home.

"You have a wonderful day." Naruto said with a smile on his face as he handed a customer a small bag of sweets. The young woman offered him a sweet smile before taking the bag and walking out of the store.

"Another customer satisfied! This day can't get any better." Naruto exclaimed loudly, drawing the attention of the customers that were sitting in his shop. The weird looks being thrown at him forced a nervous laugh out of the blonde as he muttered a weak apology to his guest.

Naruto's laughter was quickly stolen from him when he felt a familiar presence enter his sensor range. The presence was walking towards his shop at a sedate place, its energy as dark as before. The blonde quickly made sure no customers were waiting for him to serve them before moving into the backroom.

Situated in the backroom of the shop was, surprisingly, another Naruto. This Naruto was sat in the middle of a large, glowing sealing array, his upper body exposed to the world. The blonde was settled in a meditative position, his breathing calm and controlled as he sucked in air methodically.

"Boss, I think you'll want to take this personally." Naruto's eyes snapped open at his clone's words. The glowing of the seal slowly faded away as the blonde rose to his feet.

"Yeah, I felt it as well. You can go ahead and dispel yourself. I'm pretty sure I can handle this myself." The clone offered its creator a nod before dispersing in a small cloud of smoke. With his clone gone, Naruto retrieved his shirt, placing the piece over himself then placing an apron overtop of it. The blonde then placed a large smile on his face before stepping back out into the shop's interior.

"Lucifer-san! It's so nice to see you again. Come to lose more of your money to me?" Naruto cheekily asked the red-headed man who was dressed in a black tuxedo. The carefree attitude the man usually had was gone as a nervous expression replaced it. The man was fidgety, constantly looking around the shop while tugging at his collar.

"A-ah … No, not today at least. I came to talk about something important." Sirzechs nervousness showed in his voice as it pitched up and down randomly.

"Sure! Not a problem for an old friend. Lay it on me." Naruto leaned his elbows onto the table while shooting the man an expectant look. Sirzech took a hard gulp as he scanned the room once more before returning his focus back to Naruto.

"Ah .. Can't we go somewhere a bit more private? Its, really, really important. I don't want anyone overhearing anything they shouldn't know." Naruto hummed thoughtfully for several seconds before gesturing to the customers sat at the bar beside him.

"Anything you can say in front of me, you can say in front of my customers. There's a little thing in this establishment that we share called trust." If possible, Sirzech appeared to become more nervous. The man was noticeably sweating at this point, constantly having to wipe at his forehead and face.

"It's really, really, REALLY important. Please let's go somewhere more private." Sirzech all but begged the boy. The desperation in his voice was apparent as the man looked as if he wanted to scream for help.

"I don't know…" Naruto trailed off while leaning his head on his chin. The devil looked to be close to tears at the boy's response.

"Stop teasing the man and just listen to what he has to. I don't feel like watching a grown man cry today." Kurama commented, earning an internal chuckle from the blonde. Naruto decided to stop torturing the man and begun to take off his apron.

"Follow me." That was the only Naruto's only command before he disappeared into the back of the shop. The devil's face morphed into one of happiness at the sudden change of heart. Sirzech quickly hopped over the counter, completing foregoing the employee's entrance before dashing into the back of the shop.

Anger. That's what Ophis had been feeling for the past few hours. That seemed to be all that the girl felt ever since she encountered the blonde. The boy frustrated more than anyone had ever done before. Even the Great Red hadn't struck a nerve this badly with her.

When the girl had finally finished her fight with the Great Red, she had been fully prepared to capture the boy. While her energy had been somewhat depleted by her skirmish with the dragon, she was more than eager to capture the annoying blonde.

That's why when the girl had turned and discovered that the blonde had escaped from her once again, the girl had become filled with rage. In hindsight, it should've been rather obvious that the boy wouldn't just sit still and wait for her to finish her petty squabble. That didn't stop her from feeling angry. A large section of the dimensional rift had been faced her wrath on that day due to her anger

Now though, Ophis was calm. Calm mixed with righteous anger but still calm. Her temper tantrum had managed to clear away most of her anger. She was now able to think with a clear mind. Her clear mind was one of the reasons that she was able to endure the pig-headed man standing behind her.

Heracles was a muscular man, clearly taking after his ancestor. He stood at an intimidating 6 foot 6 inches, towering over most people she encountered. His muscular frame was only covered by a simple loincloth that shielded his crotch area from the world.. A simple club was slung over the man's shoulder, seemingly being his weapon of choice.

"Why'd you summon me, girl? I have more important things to deal with so whatever it is, let's just make it quick." Heracles said to the god's back. The man's flippant attitude was a clear sign of disrespect to the God, something that Ophis took notice of.

Heracles quickly found himself unable to speak as a black snake constricted around his neck. The snake originated from under Ophis' dress, showing that the girl was in control of the creature. The snake had its fang aimed at the man's neck, ready to end it's prey's life.

"While you are in my presence, you will not speak as I have grown beyond tired of your insolence. The next words you utter out your mouth while I'm around will be your last. Do you understand?" Heracles raised his hands to tear the snakes from his neck. Sensing the man's intention, the snake plunged it's fangs into Heracles' neck, forcing a loud scream out of him. The snake slowly uncoiled itself from the man's neck before slithering back towards its creator.

"I have injected your body with some of my power. It should prove to be a substantial boost to your dismal reserves. If you do not bring me the blonde within a week, I will rot your body from the inside out. Now fetch me Naruto Uzumaki. He is located in the town of Kuoh. Return with the boy or return to your death." Ophis turned her back on the man as a bright light consumed his body. Without a say in the matter, the descendant of Hercules disappeared from the dimensional rift.

"You'll see me soon, Uzumaki. For now I must rest, I know now that you require my full strength and I will not allow you to escape me once more."

"You want me to bake you a cake?" When the leader of the underworld had stepped into his shop, Naruto had suspected a lot of things to happen. Although he was unaware of the men's title, he was still aware of the body the man had. He had already encountered the fallen angels and the angels so the blonde could safely assume that this man was a devil. Plus his relationship with the Rias girl and Koneko sort of gave it away.

That was why Naruto had been prepared to fight. He had at least expected the redhead to at least threaten him, even if it was only verbally. But when the man had broken down and begged him for a cake, Naruto had been caught off guard.

"Yes, a cake. A white chocolate cake to be exact." Sirzech said. Naruto stared at the man's face for several seconds, searching for any signs of deceit. The request was so ridiculous and out of nowhere that it was hard for the blonde to take the man seriously.

"May I ask why you need a white chocolate cake? And why did you come to me of all people. It doesn't make much sense to me." A guilty look crossed Sirzech face as he looked away from the teen. It was the first time Naruto had seen the man display an emotion other than happiness, nervousness or stupidity.

"Well the person who I would usually go to isn't exactly the happiest with me. And I've heard some good things about your desserts from Koneko." Naruto took notice of the change of subject, marking it down in his head for a later date.

"You do realize why I'm a bit skeptical about this? You were just trying to buy my shop only a week ago. How do I know that you won't claim I poisoned you or something while trying to ruin my business."

"Uzumaki-san, PLEASE. I need your help. You don't realize how important this is to m-" Sirzechs begging was put to a rest as a small ringing reached his and Naruto's ears. The shinobi gestured for the man to remain where he was before quickly rushing to the front of the shop.

To the boy's pleasant surprise, the person who greeted him at the counter was none other than his girlfriend. The girl's bookbag was slung over her shoulder as her hand rested on the small silver bell that was on his counter

"Neko-chan, I didn't expect to see you. Aren't you supposed to be in school?" The smile that had appeared on the boy's face when he recognized her brought a great joy to Koneko's heart. Knowing that her boyfriend felt that happy just from seeing her made the girl ecstatic.

"School was let out early. Apparently, Sona-san managed to convince the administration to give us a half day." Koneko stated. Naruto nodded at her words and looked as if he was about to speak but was interrupted by another voice.

"Koneko-chan, it's nice to see you." Naruto shot the red-headed devil an annoyed glance as the man exited the backroom of the shop, making his presence known to the Nekoshou. The low-class devil looked in between the two men, confusion clear in her eyes. Her eyes settled on Sirzech first, her confusion switching to slight irritation.

"What are you doing here for Gremory-san?" Sirzech face quickly took on a mask of panic as he began to wave his hands around frantically in front of his face.

"It's nothing bad, I swear! Rias did not send me here to hurt or threaten Naruto-san." The skepticism in Koneko's eyes made it clear to the man that she didn't believe a single word, causing him to sigh.

"I … Grayfia is pretty angry with me." Koneko's skepticism immediately disappeared as it was replaced with a look of understanding. While Grayfia was known as the loyal maid of the gremory house and the even more loyal wife of Sirzech, the woman had the man on a very tight leash. His schedule, his work and even some of his actions were regulated by the woman. Koneko knew this, Rias knew this and almost of the underworld knew this. Sirzech was indeed a strong man but even he knew that he didn't exactly wear the pants in the relationship.

That's why when Grayfia had returned from visiting Rias, her anger clear to the world, Sirzech knew he had messed up. The maid hadn't even addressed him, choosing to head straight to the catch to get started on her "maid duties". Sirzech knew just from her actions that the meeting had gone bad, his fear being confirmed when he received a call from Akeno who explained to him how the meeting had gone.

When the queen had told him that Riser had attacked Rias' peerage, the devil had wanted to teleport to the Phenex compound and burn it all to the ground. A couple hundred years ago, he was sure he would've went ahead and actually gone through with the idea. Years of training and responsibility, however, had taught him better.

That didn't mean the situation didn't upset Sirzech. He knew that even though Grayfia was only Rias' sister-in-law, the maid treated the girl as if she was her actual sister. Grayfia had looked after the little girl since her birth. To see the girl she raised be in pain must've struck hard at the woman's heart. It must've hurt the woman even more considering her husband was the one who signed off on the thing that was causing her the pain.

When Sirzech originally agreed to the marriage contract, Rias had been just a baby. He hadn't gotten to know the girl that he would grow to love more than almost anything else in the world. His focus wasn't on her betterment but on the betterment of the clan. It was a line of thinking that he regretted ever having. If he had known just how much his sister would mean to him, he would've never gone through with it. If he had known Riser's true nature, he would've said fuck the clan and ripped up the paper as soon as it touched his desk.

Unfortunately, he hadn't done that and now had to live with the guilt of knowing he potentially doomed his little sister to an eternity with Riser Phenex. In his guilt, he had managed to negotiate a Rating game between the two in an attempt to at least give the girl a fighting chance. But even he knew that that was nowhere near enough to appease for his mistakes.

"I understand. What do you plan on getting her?" A small smirk appeared on Sirzech face as he slid Naruto a sly glance.

"I planned on ordering a cake from your boyfriend over here but he was being very inconsiderate. You wouldn't mind helping me convince him, right Koneko-chan?" Mentally, Sirzech was doing a dance in his head as he finally found a way to get his cake. He knew that Koneko-chan would stick up for him and come to his rescue!

"Yes I do mind. Deal with your own problems, Sirzech-baka. Stop trying to drag Naruto-kun into it." Sirzech's dance came to a screeching halt at the girl's cold response. The man was frozen in shock as Koneko hopped over the counter and propped herself on a stool beside Naruto, pushing past the the Satan in the process.

"Koneko … Naruto…" The couple glanced at the red-headed man as he slowly began to turn towards them. To their surprise, tears could be seen in his eyes as his bottom lip quivered wildly.

"YOU GUYS ARE BOTH SO MEAN." The man yelled, catching the attention of everyone in the shop as the redhead collapsed to the ground. A river of tears began to exit the man's eyes as he continued to wail out loudly on the floor. Both Naruto and Koneko watched the devil convulse and cry on the floor with a mixture of disgust and even more disgust. This type of behavior was unfitting for a man. It was even more unfitting for the supposed strongest devil in the underworld.

"Naruto-kun.." Koneko called out to her boyfriend as she watched the man continue to cry.

"Yeah Ko-chan?" Naruto couldn't tear his eyes away from the man, even to respond. His actions had just been so sudden and unexpected that it caught the blonde completely off guard.

"Just bake him the cake. I think some of your customers are starting to get freaked out." Naruto finally managed to look away from the crying grown man in order to inspect the people in his shop. Just as Koneko said, they were all looking at the trio with creeped out expressions on their faces.

"Fine, I'll bake him a cake as long as he stops crying." Like a switch had been flipped, the tears coming out of Sirzech stopped as the man hopped to his feet. A large smile was on the man's face as he sprinted over to Naruto and wrapped the teen in a giant bear hug.

"You have no idea how happy you just made me!" Sirzech said as he swung Naruto back and forth in the air. The sage allowed the man for hold him for a couple of seconds before pushing him, forcing the redhead to drop him to the ground.

"As much as I enjoy this touching feeling, I need to be on the ground in order to make the cake. You can come back by the end of the day and it should be ready" Sirzech shot the boy an understanding nod before hopping his way back over the counter.

"Thank you once again, Naruto-kun. I owe you big time!" The man yelled, his loud voice carrying through the shop, once again catching the customer's attention, before he ran out the door. Naruto and Koneko watched the man sprint down the streets of Kuoh and eventually disappear around a corner.

"That is one very strange man."

"You have no idea just how right you are."

"Why is this so difficult?" Koneko asked herself as she nursed the abused crown of her head. The girl was sat in the middle of the clearing that she had started to call the "Hell Circle" due to her experiences in it. A half moon was high in the sky, providing the girl with a small amount of light during her training.

"It's difficult because you're making it difficult. How do you expect to use this power if you have so much fear of it?" Naruto was sat directly beside the girl. The blonde was dressed modestly in a t-shirt with the Uzumaki seal painted on it and a pair of shorts. His spiky hair waved softly from side to side as a slight wind blew through the clearing.

"Its not as simple as just not being afraid anymore. I was taught since I was a child that senjutsu was bad. You can't just expect me to just change that opinion over night." Koneko snapped at Naruto, earning her a raised eyebrow from the boy. The Nekoshou took a deep breath before muttering soft apology to the boy, the frustrations of the day clearly getting to her.

"You don't have to apologize Ko-chan, I understand your frustration. I went through the same thing when I was first learning. I don't expect you to get this overnight. This is a very hard and dangerous technique that my own master wasn't even able to complete. Don't expect to get this down immediately." Koneko lowered her head as she balled her fist up.

"I need to get it down soon though. I need this edge in order to make a difference in the Rating Game. I need this." Naruto could see the girl was beginning to shake slightly due to her anger. A small frown crossed the boy's face as he watched his girlfriend struggle in her anger. He knew the internal struggle the girl was going through and it hurt him to watch her. So he decided to do something about it

Koneko was snapped out of her pity party when she felt a strong pair of hands wrapped around her midsection. Before she could even acknowledge what was happening, the girl found herself in the air for a brief second before being placed into her boyfriend's lap.

All of the tension left the her body when she felt her boyfriend's hand land on her scalp. Without her even noticing, her Nekoshou ears revealed themselves to the world. The girl seemed to melt into the blonde's lap as he scratched at the girl's ears. A gentle purr began to emit from her throat as she succumbed to her boyfriend's ministrations.

After Naruto had discovered that Koneko had cat ears and a tail, the boy was immediately drawn to them. When they were together alone, he would spend hours just playing with them, driving the girl to euphoria with each session. Naruto had quickly discovered the effect his actions had on the devil and quickly started to abuse his powers. Whenever the Nekoshou found herself frustrated or agitated with the blonde, he would quickly begin to rub her head or tail. She hated to admit it but she couldn't stay mad at the boy longer after he finished.

"Stop...distracting...me." Koneko managed to force out while under the effects of her boyfriend's hands. Naruto ignored the girl as her tail slowly wiggled its way out from under her pants and into his lap. The boy's free hand immediately latched onto the appendage, causing the girl to freeze in his lap. A blissful sigh exitted her mouth as the blonde's hand ran up and down her tail.

"You need some distraction right now. You're worrying yourself too much." Naruto spoke while focusing his attention on the her tail and ears. The boy could see that the girl was getting consumed by her training and he knew where that could lead her. So he decided to end the problem before it began and distract the girl with some good ole ear scratching.

The sweet moment between the couple was ruined when a violent quake ripped through the ground unexpectedly. Naruto's hands left Koneko's body as his head snapped towards the treeline of the clearing.

"What is that?" Koneko said as she stood from her boyfriend's lap. Naruto was already up to his feet, his eyes searching continuously scanning reeline as the earth began to shake more frequently and violently.

"I just can't catch a break." Naruto muttered to himself, catching Koneko's attention as the earth shook once again. Everything went quiet for several seconds, sending the two teens on edge as they waited something to happen.

The two didn't have to wait for long as a loud yelling reached their ears. Naruto's head shot up towards the sky and his immediately eyes locked onto the human shape that was speeding through the air towards the duo. The shape seemed to be the source of the noise as it grew louder as the figure grew closer.

Within seconds, the man slammed into the clearing, cracking the ground beneath him as he landed in a crouch. The man released a dark chuckle as he rose to his full height of an impressive two meters with a wooden club in hand. The man's body looked to had been sculpted from rock as it was covered in a mountain of muscles. The man's brown locks reached down to his shoulder while his piercing green eyes contained a hungry look. His veins were pulsing a sickening green beneath his skin, tipping Naruto off that this man was indeed not normal.

"I presume you are Naruto Uzumaki?" The man asked while levelling his club at the boy. Naruto gave the man a short nod while Koneko looked in between the two. The club wielder released a booming laugh while shouldering his weapon.

"Good! I was beginning to think this would take long but now that I've found you, this should be quick." The man lifted his foot up in the air before sending it crashing down into the ground, cracking and splintering it even more. "Ophis wants you and I'm going to drag you back to her, no matter what it takes.

"Ophis? As in the mythical dragon god, Ophis?" Naruto released a nervous chuckle at his girlfriend's question, internally attempting to come up with a way to worm his way of this situation. Fortunately for the blonde, his explanation would be put on a slight hold as the muscular man took off charging towards him.

"I came to fight, not talk!" The man yelled as he charged at the blonde. Naruto was almost impressed at the speed the man possessed considering his massive form. He hadn't seen someone so large move that fast since A or B. Unfortunately for the descendant of Hercules, he was still nowhere near fast enough to match the blonde.

Naruto was caught off guard when he saw a white blur shoot past him as the man approached him. The blur, who Naruto quickly deduced to be Koneko, met the half-naked man halfway through his charge and planted a heavy haymaker into the man's stomach, stopping him in his tracks.

"You … you dare touch me?" The man muttered as he looked down at the Nekoshou. An angry scowl had replaced the man's confident look as his eyes locked onto his assaulter. Koneko stood in shock at the fact that her punch hadn't affected the man. She had put the entirety of her strength behind that one and he didn't even flinch.

"No one touches the great Heracles! Especially not a little girl like you." The man screamed. Before Koneko knew it, the man had raised his club from his shoulder and had it inches away from her skull. Koneko, realizing that she could not move away fast enough to avoid the hit, quickly prepared herself to take the hit.

Fortunately for the girl's health, Heracles was stopped midway through his swing when he felt a hard force slam into his cheek. The man was lifted from his feet as his club sent was sent flying out of his hand. His body was sent flying through the air, eventually crashing into one of the trees that made up the edge of the clearing.

"Are you okay?" Koneko lifted her head from the ground in order to look up at the voice. Naruto stood protectively over her body, his fist outstretched from his last attack. Her eyes immediately locked onto the orange pigmentation that surrounded the boy's eyes

"Your eyes.." Naruto looked confused for a brief second before slapping himself in the head once he realized what the girl was talking about.

"This happens whenever I am in sage mode. It's a byproduct of me working alongside toads during my training." Koneko nodded her head as she examined the boy's body. The calming feeling she had felt earlier was now back in full force as it literally spilt out from the blonde. Just being in his presence made the girl feel safe.

"So this is how sage mode is supposed to feel in action.." Koneko muttered as her eyes stayed locked onto the blonde. Naruto watched as Heracles pushed away the tree that had fallen onto him. If the man had been angry before, he was absolutely living now.

"You dare harm me? I'll tear you apart for defiling my greatness." The man shouted before running at the pair. Koneko tensed as she prepared to take off at the man again but was halted when Naruto's hand landed on her shoulder. The blonde looked down at the girl and offered her a small smile.

"Just sit back and watch, Ko-chan. I'm going to show you what you can really do when using natural chakra the right way ." The girl could do nothing but nod as the boy turned back to the charging man.

Just as Koneko had done, Naruto decided to meet the man halfway. The blonde was nothing but a blur to both the Nekoshou and the hero as he crossed the distance between the two within the blink of an eye, appearing in a crouch right in front of the man. Heracles had no time to react as Naruto spun and sent his foot crashing into the man's midsection, shattering his ribs on impact. Blood was sent rocketing out of the man's mouth as his broken ribs tore into his organs.

The man was offered no rest as Naruto grabbed onto his head, stopping the man from reaching the ground, before slamming it down into the earth. The boy lifted the the man's head several inches up before viciously slamming it back into the ground.

The blonde repeated this process for several seconds before grabbing onto Heracles with both of his hands and sending the man flying high into the air. The boy then went through a small chain of handsigns before inhaling a deep breath and unleashing a massive wind bullet at the airborne man. The bullet slammed into the Heracles, ripping into the man's body as he was sent flying out of sight.

"Don't you think that was a bit unnecessary?" Kurama asked as he watched through Naruto's eyes as Heracles' figure disappeared over the horizon.

"He tried to hurt Koneko. He deserved every last bit of it." Naruto said sharply. The boy gave off a satisfied sigh then turned around only to meet eyes with a rather agitated Koneko.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Naruto-kun."

AN: Hello all you wonderful ladies and gents. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Not really much to say about this one. The Hercules fight was pretty one-sided as I consider the gap being Naruto's strength, speed, technique, etc and Hercules' to be too big to even measure. I apologize for that.

Thats really all I have to say. Review or pm me with any questions, comments, concerns, etc. Hope you all have an amazing rest of the day. Peace.





Also there's a very short omake.


Naruto released an exhausted groan as he stepped into his house, closing the newly repaired door shut behind him. The boy had just spent the past several hours explaining to Koneko how a dragon god wanted to take control of his body and use it to fight a gigantic red dragon. The girl had been rather upset when she had discovered all of this. He had to spend a full hour trying to calm the girl, of course after receiving several hits to the head that were emphasized by Koneko yelling "Baka" with each hit.

"Today has been such a long day." The boy muttered out loud to himself as he flicked the lights on in his home. The boy began to walk to his kitchen to grab himself a bowl of ramen but froze midway through his journey as he stumbled upon a horrendous sight.

His cabinets had been completely ripped from the wall and his ramen had been torn from the cabinet. Hundreds of containers of ramen laid piled up in the corner of the room. Their content laid in the middle of the kitchen floor, the strong scent of piss coming from their noodly form.

"She… She didn't..No. This must be a bad dream. This can't be real." Naruto muttered to himself as he collapsed to his knees. Naruto's head almost twisted off when he heard a light giggle coming from his bedroom. The boy jumped to his feet and dashed to his room, intent on catching the person who had defiled his ramen.

"Nya! Nice of you to finally get home." Laying in HIS bed was Kuroka who looked to be eating the last edible cup of HIS ramen. The girl looked to be as happy as she could be as she slurped down a forkful of ramen.

"I'm going to kill you." Naruto said as he watched the girl throw away the now empty ramen container. The Nekoshou stuck her tongue out at the boy before running and locking herself in the bathroom.

"OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR AND PAY FOR YOUR SINS!" Naruto screamed as he banged against the wooden door. The girl's mad giggling could be heard from behind the protection of the door, clearly enjoying the blonde's anger.

"An eye for an eye, Naruto-kun. You put a collar on me and in return, I take away what you love and care about the most."

"A collar doesn't even come close to how much that ramen meant to me."

"Meh, don't feel too bad. It didn't taste that good anyway, Nya!"


And thus, a beautiful relationship was formed.