

Boss_Lady_4now · Fantasy
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19 Chs


' I'm not a rapist.. I'm saviour.. '

Zu Lee used to say these when ever her trauma hits in.

She looked up into Alan's eyes as if searching for someone on his brown orbs. All of a sudden the lights went out. Alan got up and scoop her in his arms. He placed her nicely in bed and went to check the connection. Anna stared at his back and shook in fear.

' Zu Lee'

She thought and as her heart beat uncontrollably in her chest.


Alan spotted a shadow at a corner and squeezed in between his brows.

" Who is there.."

He said and got no response.

The shadow doubled and trippled. Alan moved back alert balling his hand into fist. His eyes shot dangerously at them and his blood run cold. 


" Jeff.."

He said with anger burning inside him.

" Great.. you know me already.. , then I think know why I'm here.."

Jeff said.

" Who are you after.. "

Jeff said not blinking a bit of his sight.

" My girlfriend.. she's been out of her house for more than a week.. and I learned she's here... "

He said flatly like he's not ready for fight.

" I think you lost your way.. I don't know your girlfriend.."

" Wow.. so the woman in your room is a dream or what ..? "

He said approaching him.

" Anna is sick.. "

" And this isn't a hospital.. Alan Cody.. "

Jeff said and signed his men to go and get Anna.

Alan attacked them. The sounds of blows and punches alerted Anna but she was still not out of her trauma.

She came out of the room to where the fight was. The lights came since Carlos was already working on it. Carlos joined the fight and Jeff ceased the opportunity to grab Anna by her waist.

" Anna ..!"

Alan screamed.

Anna kicked Jeff and broke free.

Jeff remove his pistol and shot Alan's shoulder.

" Ahh..."

Anna screamed when she heard the gunshot. She crawled to the flowerpot and hid behind holding her ears.

" I told you Anna is not well ... Don't create any trouble..!"

Alan said through gritted teeth holding his bleeding shoulder.

" You want to kill my friend because of her..?"

Carlos said sounding annoyed.

" I'm taking her away.. "

Jeff said and went to her side. Alan tried to stop him but Carlos held him.

Anna started shuddering at the sight of Jeff approaching. She hugged her knee to her chest and wept seriously with convulsive sobs. Jeff's mind was dragged into a mud of confusion.

" Anna ..."

He said softly with concern in his voice.

" Don't... please.. I know my brother sold me to you but please spare me... I've had enough.. I'm begging you to let me go... 😭I promise to pay you back your money.. "

Jeff was thrown into deep thoughts. Is she going crazy? He hasn't seen her like this before. He doesn't want to see her broke like this either. 

" Hey princess.. don't be scared .. of me.. c'mon let's go home.. I've come to save you from here.. "

Jeff said and stretched out his hand to pat her head.

Anna felt comfortable and embraced him.

" No Anna don't listen to him!.. leave his side!.. "

Alan shouted.

" Take me away from here.. "

Anna said to Jeff.

" Noo...Leave her..!!!"

With this loud scream Alan pushed Carlos away and run into Jeff. Jeff's men shot his other shoulder and leg.

" No Alan..!"

Carlos said and helped his body from hitting the ground.

" If you have gotten what you want leave and stopping hurting my friend..!"

Carlos yelled at him .

Jeff carried Anna in a bridal style and they left the house. Carlos sent him to his room and removed the bullets. The doctor arrived soon to check his wounds.

Carlos was damn angry.


Anna visited Frankelle's grave. She bent down and removed the laptop she has hidden there to check the video she copied from the original drive given to her by Jeff.

" It's good I stopped by and copied it before it got exchanged.."

She said to the grave and smiled.

She clicked the play button on the video.

***** THE VIDEO***

Frankelle sat down with Benita and they discussed about Anna.

" Anna has got 60 %of our parents properties. After selling all our late brother Cyril had.. I've decided to give all to Anna to compensate her soul for the pain he put her through. I'm also giving her 40% of my properties and 20 each to my kids.. I don't know when the unfortunate will happen.. Anna will have access to all I've mentioned if I die... I need you to keep it for her since you have her as your own... Anna is a big time spendthrift... Haha.. "

" You are a very good sister .. "

Benita praised.

" But if she something happens to separate her from her husband, half of the wealth will be her kids and Ina will have half of the other half to her share.. "

She continued and Benita continued to nod in understanding.

" But I trust Andres will never leave my sister.."

" Yes .. they love each other a lot.. "

Benita said , a wicked glint fighting in her orbs.

*** Video paused**

*** Next video***

Benita was on phone talking to her son.

" Son have you seen the audio I sent you..? The kids will get almost everything if the marriage collapses. And if the kids die.. we will be billionaires.. son the money is huge.

" Okay mum.. what's the plan now.."

The son asked on the other side of the phone.

" Let's kill Frankelle first..., She will be leaving for Santorini next month.. ,then the money becomes Anna's.. haha.. "

***Video paused***

** Next video***

Benita met with Jeff and they planned on using Anna's nude to blackmail her for sex.

" Do you think Andres will divorce her after the sex..? Their bond seems strong.. "

Jeff asked.

" Andres doesn't love her like before.. he's fucking Zolly in new York and I'm keeping it a secret. Andres doesn't love Anna so the mission is simple... Haha.. "

*** Video paused***

Andres told the engine checkers to do something to the plane.

He then payed them for a good work done. All attention were on the superstar, Goddess.. Frankelle so they didn't notice the wickedness happening.

**** Video paused***

***** Next****

Andres got a phone call that the work succeeded. The plane caught fire and exploded.

*** Video paused***

Anna couldn't watch again. It was depressing and killing her deeply.

Anna broke down into serious convulsive sobs. The next day was going to be the court hearing but she knows there are a lot of illegal connections going on.

She closed the laptop and placed it where she took it.

On her way home she got a call from Benita. She answered after hesitating for a while.

" Dear... Ex daughter in law.. haven't you missed your son..??"

She said .. her voice full of mockery.

" What's up with Ray..? "

A wave of panic hit her abdomen.

" I'm taking very good care of him at the boarding house... "

" What the hell do you want from my poor son..! "

" I want something from you.. let's strike a deal.. "

" A deal..? "

" Yes... Let Andres win the case and I will bring you back ur son.. "

" And you think I trust you..?.. Benita.. your son will rot in jail.. "

" And your son will join her sister.. haha... Anna it's just simple.. Ray is only 7.. do you want him to die like Ina..?.. "

" Let's meet and talk... "

Anna said and hanged up. 

She visited the neighbouring town to grab a bottle of whiskey.

She was in pain. Her mind couldn't squeeze out a way of escaping these heart breaking trauma.

She went there for a bottle and ended up finishing four bottles of whiskey.

Her phone buzzed and a message popped up on it.

" Meet me at Sincos hotel.. now" 

Anna smiled and hop off. 

She kept laughing and running down the road holding her bottle of whiskey and finally.....got to her destination.

She sat down before Benita and the business began.

It was agreed that she lets Andres win.. and she gets her son.

Anna made sure Benita has put plans in place so Ray will be back by tommorow... late , by midnight.

The deal was sealed with a hand shake.

Story continues

Finally the day for the court hearing was over. Anna run all the way to the Airport to meet her son. Andres has won. Though she felt hurt, her son's life matters.

It was getting darker as the clock ticked 8pm on the dot.

Anna kept wandering and stretching her neck but to no avail.

She bowed her head and sobbed silently. With how this deal was, everyone get 50%.. it's impossible she got fooled. Or was it because she was drunk.

" Hey...!!!!?"

A loud scream from a kid sounded. Anna raised her head and met with Ray's beautiful smiling face.

" Ray.."

Anna stood up happily wiping off the her tears.

Before she could move , a hand touched her shoulder and she stiffened. It was Alan .

Anna ignore him and went on to hug her son.


All of a sudden a loud sound of a gun sounded.

This stirred the atmosphere in the place making it chaotic. Anna turned and saw Alan holding the gun. Everyone was running and shouting. Someone grabbed Ray before Anna could reach him.

" Nooo...! Ray.."

She shrieked when someone hit her and she fell. She watched as the kidnapper disappear from sight .

Alan went to pick her up before the scaredy cats run over her.

Story continues...

 Anna shook Alan's hand off and run giving him a smirk.

" Anna ... It's dangerous out there..!! "

Alan warned but Anna was stubborn. She continued to run and hit a hard body.

It was Jeff.

" I've come here to save you.."

He said and planted a quick kiss on her forehead.

Both run and caught the kidnapper. Jeff got seriously injured trying to save the kid.

The intense atmosphere climaxed. Jeff lied in his pool of blood, as Anna held her helpless son.

Alan got there and pointed the gun at Jeff who was sweating profusely from the pain he was buried in.

Ray got more scared and quivered in his mum's embrace.

" Alan.. stop it.."

" Stay out of this Anna ... he dare kill my men.."

" Did you send the kidnapper..!? "

" He's not a kidnapper!."

Alan roared back still pointing the gun at Jeff.

" Shut up..! What do you think you are doing.. just get the hell out of here...!"

" No.. until I kill this goose..! "

" I won't allow that.. "

Anna said and went to stand blocking Jeff from the gun.

Ray coiled on the floor in fear.

" Mama..!! Mama.."

He cried 😭 covering his ears.. "

" Alan back off..!!!"

Anna roared angrily.

Alan placed his gun down but behind Anna , Jeff removed his pistol...

Alan acted fast and shot at him .

" Alan ..!!"

Andres arrived and Ray run to him.

" Ray..!!"

Alan left the moment he heard the police sirine nearing...

Anna turned and saw Andres leaving with Ray.