

Boss_Lady_4now · Fantasy
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19 Chs


 Every step was so hard to take.she leaned on the door as cold sweat drop off her face. She fought really hard to escape the media. Being the president's wife is tidious not to mention having an affair outside. These are all misunderstandings but with these strong photos of her and her brother in law in bed,how can she defend herself. Even her husband believes in it. She went down in sorrow as a chill painful water washed her heart.

" Mama..." 

Anna raised her head and saw her daughter.

" Stop crying, I don't believe this.... I don't know why dad is saving his face rather than defending u... but don't worry I'm here and I trust you.....". 

 Hazal said and hugged her mum.she helped her got up and they went inside.

Anna took a cold shower and her phone rung .

" Hello .. husband.."

 " Shut up... ! How can you do this to me Anna. You are so shameless even after becoming the president's wife. Now the whole world wants me out of my position as the president ..... How can you be this shameless..!"

 " Husband.... listen, the photos may be real but nothing happened between us.... I can't have sex with anyone apart from you because I love you...!..."

 " How are you going to explain this to the people huh... " 

" I'm sorry hunny..." She cried. That time Hazal had served her her supper.

 " Sorry, u think that's enough... I curse myself for marrying you Anna..." 

 " Don't say that, u know that I have no one, my only sister is gone. You are the only I've got.... Andres.. please"

 The doorbell rang and Hazal answered the door. She came back with a brown envelope in her hands. She handed it to Anna and went to sit on her place and continued with her food.

 " Hope you received the parcel..." Andres said from the other side of the phone.

" What is it...." Anna muttered helplessly as she unwrapped the envelope. She saw a document and took it out. Her eyes almost popped out of its socket when she realized it was divorce papers.

" Hunny...w..why this..?."

 " Let's divorce..." He said and hunged up.

Anna burst into uncontrollable tears . Hazal stopped eating and rushed to her side.

 " Mum ... It's okay..."

" Ur dad wants to divorce me .... I can't leave without him..."

 Three days later, Anna tracked Andres' location and found him in one of his hotels. She knows her husband a lot, he's likes sex . She got a hot dress and drove to the hotel escaping the media. She wished to sleep with him and ask for forgiveness and explain it well to him that the scandal is fake.

When she got there , the receptionist tried to stop her which has never happened before. Anna got suspicious. 

" Ma'am please u can't see the boss..."

 " Who the hell are you to block me from seeing my husband.." she said coldly and left.

 She opened the door and got a shocker.

" Andres!... Sasha !..…" Anna got mad and left. She couldn't believe her husband was sleeping with the house help. 

 " Sasha.... Is that you..."

Andres was confused. Everything happened so fast. He was drunk and mistook Anna for Sasha.

Sasha was sent to bring food to Andres and she came to find him drunk and half naked.

She couldn't u old her feelings back and got herself naked. In their intimacy, Andres kept groaning and moaning his wife's name. Sasha wasn't angry at that though it hurt, all she wanted was to be with the boss.

" Sorry Sasha, I thought it was my wife...."

When Sasha realized that the boss wasn't angry , she acted along.

" Sir.. you have really hurt me. I screamed a lot, fighting u to let me go but u didn't.... I'm really hurt.." she faked tears. 

" I'm sorry Sasha, let this be between only us...

I will do something about it..." 

" Okay..." 

Andres didn't know whether to call Anna to explain or not.

" After all.. she fucked my brother..." He said and tossed it then it rang.

" Andres..., I'm ready for the divorce.... We will divorce next week like u said..."

" Thanks for your understanding Anna Zoe. Wilson.." he Said.