
Her Then ...

First day back to work was crucial. I pictured this beautiful and exciting grand reentry but it definitely wasn't that. I mean my coworkers welcomed me warmly and they seemed like they missed me but things just felt shady and uncomfortable. I felt like I was starting all over again. Which sucks because I was the life of the work party before my maternity leave. Yes I am a brand new and proud Mommy. My son is my everything and I just wasn't ready to get back to this work thing. I had to do what I had to do so I took my ass back to work. Unfortunately, this work thing just wasn't enough. I was bored and I needed something more exciting. Now I still have a family to take care of so I wasn't dumb enough to completely quit my job but I did drop down to part time so I could dedicate my time and energy to my son and my new endeavors. Through my boredom on my day job I gained interested in "cocaína". Crazy guap!! I made a choice. An investment that changed my life forever.