
"Taste of Love."

Chapter 37.

After reading the text multiple times, I texted Kaiden about it. I wouldn't sit there telling no-one about it when my baby and I were in potential danger.

As I was texting my brother about it, my doorbell rang, and Nero ran to the door. Begrudgingly, I stood up and opened the door when I was sure the door wouldn't hit Nero.

I was met with Liam giving me a lopsided grin and I moved back so he could enter, but as soon as Nero saw the unfamiliar face, he started barking.

"It's okay baby, he's a good guy. He wouldn't hurt us." I cooed at Nero and rubbed his small head.

Liam walked to the living room and sat down once he was sure that everything was fine with Nero.

"Hey," he gave me a small smile "I didn't know you had a dog."

"Why are you here?" I sat down next to him and turned my body so I was facing him.

"I've been thinking, and I want this baby. Kehlani I think we should raise our baby together bec-"

"Liam, you've st-"

"Kehlani let me finish please, I need to get this out," he slowly stood up and took a hold of my hands, and pulled me up from the sofa. I gave him a small but confused smile and I stared at him. "I've had a taste of love, and I never want to stop loving you."

My smile faltered slightly, and a tear dropped from my eyes. "No, we can't be together anymore. I can't put my baby in danger."

"W-What? What do you mean danger?"

I moved back away from him and took my hands out of his. I quickly fished my phone out of my pockets and showed Liam the text. "The threats have started again Liam. I can't risk my baby's life just because of love. I love my baby more than I'll ever love you."

"Kehlani, I promise you. I'll find whoever has been threatening you and I will make them pay." After this, Liam gave me a curt nod and left with no more words.

I sighed dejectedly and sat on my sofa and my dog came and curled himself up on my lap so I stroked him.

Liam loved me and I loved him but I meant what I had said. I loved my baby more than I'd ever love Liam and I was fine with that. But what did he mean when he said he'd make them pay? What if it just riled them up and then they definitely hurt my baby and me?

I would never forgive him if he put our baby in harm.