
Taste of Freedom

Humans have been the apex species on Earth for thousands of years , they were not the strongest or fastest neither were they the biggest but what they did have over the other species was intelligence and with that they formed tribes , clans who then went on to build cities and countries. That was all well and good until humans realized that although no other species dared to challenge them their biggest challenge was one that was born from the very first tribe created , slowly planting its roots within our system growing bigger and stronger along with us , and that challenge is called society. The bigger we build our cities the more countries we gave birth to so did the rules or so called laws grew to suppress us , at one point they grew so much that they gave us the illusion of freedom and freewill.

Imperious · Fantasy
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16 Chs

- Receiving a Gift

Lucina wondered is a blessing really a blessing if it relied on someone else to give it

"So are you saying you would grant me a blessing" asked Lucian

"Yes" the entity answered back

"I initially planned to give you a random gift that would be decided upon the start of your next task"

"But i chose otherwise and brought you here so that you can pick by yourself considering your strong desire for freedom i thought it best that the soul that desired freedom so much should have the choice of what gift it should receive" said the entity

It was truly curious what this little human would pick as his blessing , would he ask to be revived and be given all the worlds riches or perhaps be reborn and start anew with all the words knowledge at his fingertips

These were just one of many things a human such as himself could ask , it wondered what would the child pick , he could not remember the last time he had enjoyed himself like this perhaps it should start searching for more unique souls like this one so that it could entertain itself some more

"So.....you're saying i could ask for anything ?" Lucian asked the entity with doubt in his voice

"Do you perhaps have something on your mind?" the entity asked

"I do , but first i would like to confirm something if possible"

"And what would that be" curiously asked the entity

"Are there other worlds out there with humans or other beings living in them?"

Lucian was truly curious do other lifeform exist outside of earth and if they did are they humans or something else ?

"Yes there are worlds far older than your galaxy let alone your planet"

"And dose magic exist in any of those worlds ?" Lucian asked now with slight anticipation

He wasn't much of a reader but he did play a lot of video games and watched a ton of movies the concept of magic really fascinated him especially because he was pretty laid back so having the chance of being able to complete chores or certain actions without moving was really appealing to him

The entity listened to Lucians question and smiled , it was able to guess what the child would wish for his blessing

"Yes" the entity answered plainly

"Then i know what my choice is" said Lucian excitingly

"Since i have no body at the moment is it possible to ask for you to create one for me ?"

I really don't want to be born as a baby and live like one for years , the sheer image of him as a baby with his twenty year old conscious frightened him and frankly also disgusted him

huh!? wait a minute Lucian thought. If i were to ask for a body would that be considered my blessing ? he decided to ask before he wasted a once in a life time opportunity for a body alone but before he could even ask the entity answered his question as if knowing what Lucian was thinking

"Do not worry if asking for a body was considered a blessing it would have been best to just let you be and reincarnate with a random gift"

Lucian sighted in relief , now he could truly relax and ask what he wanted

"Then can you make me a body that's 6 foot 5 (195cm) given the opportunity i wouldn't mind being taller" he stopped for a second to think and decided to make sure to remind the entity of something he personally felt to be really important

"But....make sure the tool is proportioned to the size if you know what i mean" Lucian said a little embarrassed

He quickly continued as he didn't want to linger anymore than he should on that statement

"I would like to have the same facial features if you don't mind i would be more comfortable and feel like will be able to adjust in my new body a lot faster that way , and i never really cared about looks that much"

"As for my gift , people say knowledge is power right? so the ability to have hyperthymesia as well as eidetic and photographic memory and a brain that's capable to store and use all this information would be amazing" Lucian stated his request he knew it wasn't anything grant like unlimited power or an indestructible body but he didn't care

To him nothing felt more satisfying than when he finally understood something after studying for hours or when he learned a new language after months. But that rarely happened in his life considering how much he hated studying , so this time since he was give the opportunity he would take it in the hopes that he would feel that satisfaction on a daily basis

The entity listened to Lucians request and it surprised him because what he was asking could not even be considered a gift , there were hundreds of people who possessed the very same gift on Earth that he was wishing for so he asked

"Child what you are asking is very insignificant is this truly the only thig you want?"

Lucian was shocked , what do you mean insignificant with this i could probably learn anything i wanted in a year or two max , but he held his tongue if this was insignificant then did that mean he could ask for more he thought

"Alright then" said Lucian boldly "Then grant me basic knowledge of everything and let me practice with my new body so that i can learn how to fight and use magic , for as long as i wont before you send me to this new world"

"Make my body attuned to magic and posses grate physical potential so that it can continue to grow without limit as long as i put in the work" Lucian blurred out one thing after another seeing if these would actually be granted

The entity listened to Lucians requests and laughed it cant remember the last time it was this entertained , this child thinks that what his asking for is anything significant . If he was bolder or even greedier he could of asked for a lot more , control over an entire system or posses power over time and space or even become a godlike being in the world he was being send to and enjoy life to its fullest , but it would respect the child's wishes

"Very well your requests will be granted , may you live freely as you desired little one"

Just as the entity finished it's sentence Lucian felt like he was being sucked in a vacuum

"Wha..." Lucian was shocked , you're just going to agree to everything and send me on my way at least let me thank you he though as he was being sucked into the unknown

As the entity watched Lucian being send to the space he desired for himself to learn , it smiled as it decided to give him something a little extra as a gift and said

"Once you are satisfied extinguish the flame and you will start your new life"

. . . . .

In the middle of a colosseum a fair skinned young man was on the ground unconscious , he had golden brown short hair , sharp eyebrows and a smooth and well defined face that looked to be of a teenager. His body looked to be well build with proportioned amount of muscle size and little to no fat. He had wide and well build shoulders with longer than average limbs a body any inspiring athlete would hope to posses

"uggh" the young man opened his eyes while holding his head

"Where am I ?" he asked but as soon as he asked himself that question he heard a voice

"Once you are satisfied extinguish the flame and you will start your new life" the voice echoed throughout the colosseum

"extinguish the flame ? new life ?" what did that mean

He looked around and found that he was in some sort of arena and in the middle of it there was a blue flame floating in the air acting as this arenas light source

As soon as he looked at the flame his head started hurting as huge amounts of information was entering his mind

"It ....hurts.." he felt like his head was pulsating and that any moment now was going to explode , he collapsed on the ground clutching his head curling like an armadillo trying to endure the pain

After who knows how much time had past the pain stopped and the boy relaxed

"huff...huff ..huff"

"If i had know it would hurt so much for this information i might have asked for something else" he stated

The boy finally knew who he was , Lucian looked at his new body with wonder and delight

"This is amazing i have a slight suspicion that this body could brake any physical record back on earth if put to the test" as he tested his body with a few jumps and a few short burst sprints

Lucian finally adjusted to the body and remembered that he had one more important thing to check, he pulled his pants slightly and looked down

"Yep , that'll do it" Lucian said satisfied

So this is the place the entity gave me to try out my body and process all the information i received , guess an arena is pretty fitting but how can i learn to fight if there is no one to fight Lucian wondered

As soon as he thought of that a figure appeared under the flame and that figure looked just like Lucian


"So ill be fighting my self , wonderful cant wait to punch my own face haha" Lucian stated

Four chapters in and i have already hit a wall called vocabulary haha it's really difficult finding different words to describe things but i will try my best

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