
Tasked to be a Demon Lord

A man in his thirties, worked as a spy for a secret government, set up to stop future or ongoing wars. His plane that contains valuable informations of an invasion of terrorists that were believed to dress up as soldiers from another country. On the way to his set destination, his plane got shot down by one of the fighter jets that was tasked with escorting him to his destination, safely. All of the flight crew including him, died in the plane crash. When he thought he was either going to heaven or hell, he was instead given a choice to RESTART or QUIT, by picking the obvious choice, he got reincarnated. Now in another world, he managed to pick a strong race, but was despised by many. He thought he could rest in this new world and have a simple job as an adventurer who accepts Rank F and E jobs that pay well, but this wouldn't last long, like any other nice things, it just wouldn't last long. DISCLAIMER: I don't own some of the things in my story, there are some of my own characters here and there, I also don't own the novel cover and I got that in Pinterest that was pinned by Kira( I think ) in their demon king folder, I tried finding the owner but it was proving to be difficult, so if you're the owner and have a problem with it, I'll take it down and find another sucker for their work, but if you don't have a problem with it, then thank you. p.s: He'll received the demon lord task in the near future so wait.

iverson_getigan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Chapter 5: Oh deer!?

A week have already passed since he started hunting the monsters needed for completing his task. In the span of a week, Ryo had killed six lvl 5 monters, four lvl 6 monsters, three lvl 7 monsters, three lvl 8 monsters, five lvl 9 monsters, and three lvl 10 monsters, and gaining 17,400 on Exp and Kill points making him unlocked the store function of the system and buying new clothes that are fit for excessive fighting, the clothes that he bought from the system is a basic adventurer outfit, the outfit consist of a white t-shirt, light-brown pants, black belt, a red coat, dark brown boots and a green cloak. This set of clothes added +5 on all the stats( by the way, the clothes don't extend the wearer's health, it just add +5 on the defence aspect of the vitality stat ), this set of clothes are worth 4,000 Kill points, he also bought a replacement for his used and worn out knife, a rare dagger worth about 11,000 kill points, after buying all of this Ryo was crying broke tears, what's left of his 19,400 kill points is just around 4,400 kill points, but he will gain back all of his lost kill points after completing this task. This is the stats of the dagger he bought.

[ Item: Breeze dagger( rare )

lvl: 5

Rank: D


+100 damage

+50 dexterity

+50 agility

Durability: 1,000/1,000


{ Breeze edge( passive ) lvl: 3

Cost: 1 Mana per second

Adds 30 damage on the dagger

Just flow mana into the dagger to activate this skill, once activated it will add +30 wind damage.}

{Breeze waves lvl: 3

Cost: 5 Mana each waves

30 damage each waves

when used, it will release multiple little waves of wind to cut the enemy. }


This dagger was forged with a breeze stone that was made by a broken piece of a wind crystal. The breeze dagger is just a downgraded version of the wind dagger that was forged with a pure wind crystal. ]

Ryo couldn't afford the wind dagger since it cost 40,000 Kill points, so he bought the downgraded version. Ryo also learned that the rankings of the items quality can give different stat points on the item even if they were the same lvl, for example, let us compare his lvl: 5 knife( common ) to his lvl: 5 breeze dagger( rare ), the first item can give the user +50 damage, while the second item can give +100 damage, they are the same lvl yet they give different stat points.

This are the ranks/tier/skills for each items quality and how much it can multiply the stats, common( F to E+ ) can add 10 stats points on each lvl of the item, rare( D to C+ ) can add 20 stat points on each lvl of the item, Epic( B to A+ ) can add 40 stat points on each lvl of the item, Legend( S to S+ ) can add 80 stat points on each lvl of the item, mythical( SS to SS+ ) can add 160 stat points on each lvl of the item, God( SSS ) can add 320 stat points on each lvl of the item, then there is this rank/tier that can only be obtain by having a system that has a store function, a rank/tier that can kill gods or enslaved them, omnipotent( EX ) can add 1,000 stat points on each lvl of the item, but this item is costly and he will not get this item anytime soon.

Ryo was currently fighting the last monster for his task, a deer. Wait, a deer? apparently there are normal-ish animals here, it seems that animals can be registered as a monster if it meets the right circumstances, he found this out on the third day of his hunting task, when he was hunting, a lvl 6 bird attacked him out of nowhere so he killed it for lunch, and after that it was registered in the task.

The fight broke out earlier when Ryo was just walking in the forest, taking in the fresh morning breeze, when he turned his back, suddenly Ryo was attacked from behind but luckily, thanks to his heightened senses he managed to sense the deer trying to attack him, he barely dodge the horns just lightly scraping his shoulder.

" What the fuck!. damn, it's to early for this shit. " Ryo looked at the deer angrily and used appraise.


Forest Deer

Sex: Male

lvl: 20

Exp: 2,000/2,000

Hp: 2,000/2,000

Mp: 200/200

Str: 200

Vit: 200

Agi: 180

Dex: 0

Int: 20


{ Horn Charge lvl: 9

Cost: 30 Mp

Damage: 90 ( +10 if the deer charge with speed )

The Deer will coat it's antlers to strengthen it, the deer will charge at you in a straight line so try your best to dodge it. }

{ Hoof stomp lvl: 9

Cost: 20 Mp

Damage: 90 ( 180 if both hoof were used )

The deer will raise one or both it's front hooves for a much more significant damage, this can be combo with the horn Charge if it only knocked you down. }


" Tsk, your a male deer huh?, maybe I just invaded your territory, but even so, you dared attacked me in the back, that's just a cowardly move for a man. " Ryo taunted the deer, angering it more.

The deer started pawing the ground while charging his attack, the horns started to glow a dim yellow light. Ryo pulled out his dagger that was strapped on his backside and took his defensive battle position, while he activated the the daggers passive skill.

The deer finished charging it's skill and lunch its self towards Ryo, Ryo grunted when the deer antlers collided with Ryo's dagger, but unlike the Raptor that he fought, this time he managed to hold his ground and shift the deer's head to his right side and the deer went pass him, the deer had to slow down losing some of its momentum to make a u-turn and charge at Ryo again, this same attack pattern continued three more time's.

Ryo was trying to see if he can cut the deer's antlers to make it defenseless, but it was proving to be difficult because the antlers where much more durable than he anticipated. The deer had enough with this, so it change it's tactics, the deer charge at Ryo once again and collided with the dagger, but this time instead of forcing its way through Ryo's defense, the deer swing it's head upward along with Ryo's arm, the deer lifted both it's front hooves and used it's second skill ' hoof stomp ', Ryo saw that the hooves where starting fall down on him and he was in no position to jump backwards or sidewards.

Ryo could only roll to the side but the problem is, when he rolled to the side to dodge the stomp, he was defenseless when the deer used horn charge at Ryo, it was just a short distance between him and the deer but he still got thrown on the ground.

Seeing this, the deer pounced on Ryo and pinning his right arm that was holding the dagger with it's hoof, now that the deer was on top of Ryo it was in the right position to use hoof stomp.

The deer raised it's free hoof, this was not as powerful as the two raise hoof stomp but one stomp will fractured his ribs and the second stomp will collapse it killing Ryo. Ryo was quick to react when he saw that there was enough room to crouch his legs, now that his feet are facing the underside of the deer, he kicked it off of him full force.

The deer was launch in the air before coming down on the hard ground with a large thud. Ryo kicked-up and stood in his fighting position, the deer steadily stood up and started to paw the ground charging up its horn charge.

" now that I finally feel how strong you are, I'll get serious. " Ryo flip his dagger and now his holding it up right, he position himself like he was about to pull out a sword, the deer charge at him, but Ryo suddenly disappeared in a blur of speed, the deer come in a sudden halt and started looking left and right trying to find Ryo.

Ryo appears to the side of the deer and in one quick motion he swing the dagger releasing ten breeze wave at the deer, seven breeze wave hit the deer wounding it and the other three missed.

The deer charge at Ryo again, and Ryo lunge at the deer and they meet in the middle exchanging blows after blows. Ryo had scratches and bruises while the deer had multiple cuts drawing blood.

Ryo and the deer are standing across from each other, they were preparing for the final clash this will decide who will live and who will die, the deer charge first at Ryo with all of its speed, and Ryo lunge at the deer and holding the dagger in a reverse grip pulling his arm back, they clashed and went past each other, Ryo stopped with his arm stretch forward, silent fell on the battle field till it was disrupted by the deers head falling to the ground then it's body.

[ You leveled up ]

[ Congratulations master, you have finished the task, you will be rewarded with 25,000 Exp, 25,000 Kp, 25 gold coins, and an Electric dagger. ]

[ You leveled up ]

. . . . . .


I hope you enjoyed this chapter if you did pls leave a star and save this to your library.

p.s. Blue_Robin if you are reading this pls comments the step on how to transfer my chapter story from Google docs to webnovel, I've tried the app but still looked out for some missed spelled word, but pls comment the step, I got delayed on posting this chapter because I've manually transfer it, I tell you that it was hard.
