
Tasked to be a Demon Lord

A man in his thirties, worked as a spy for a secret government, set up to stop future or ongoing wars. His plane that contains valuable informations of an invasion of terrorists that were believed to dress up as soldiers from another country. On the way to his set destination, his plane got shot down by one of the fighter jets that was tasked with escorting him to his destination, safely. All of the flight crew including him, died in the plane crash. When he thought he was either going to heaven or hell, he was instead given a choice to RESTART or QUIT, by picking the obvious choice, he got reincarnated. Now in another world, he managed to pick a strong race, but was despised by many. He thought he could rest in this new world and have a simple job as an adventurer who accepts Rank F and E jobs that pay well, but this wouldn't last long, like any other nice things, it just wouldn't last long. DISCLAIMER: I don't own some of the things in my story, there are some of my own characters here and there, I also don't own the novel cover and I got that in Pinterest that was pinned by Kira( I think ) in their demon king folder, I tried finding the owner but it was proving to be difficult, so if you're the owner and have a problem with it, I'll take it down and find another sucker for their work, but if you don't have a problem with it, then thank you. p.s: He'll received the demon lord task in the near future so wait.

iverson_getigan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Chapter 3: First battle


The that was in front of Ryo was a freaking extinct dinosaur, the raptor growled at Ryo again.

"how and why is a raptor that was supposed to be extinct!?" Ryo then inhale largely and then exhale." oh yeah, I'm in another world. Ofcourse there's go-" Ryo was cut off again by the raptor trying to bite him, Ryo dodge again but this time his left arm was scratched by the sharp teeth of the raptor. Ryo was getting agitated by this overgrown lizard because of its speed.

"tsk, dang this lizard can sure run fast." Ryo was eyeing the raptor down.

[master, do you want to see the raptor's stats]

"you can do that?" ask Ryo while still dodging the raptor.

[yes master, you just need to chant 'Appraise', then you'll be able to see the its stats]

' Appraise, just like the game I used to play. Okay then let us see this overgrown lizard's stats.' Ryo then used all of his strength and jump backwards to have a safe distance with the raptor, getting into a safe position, Ryo raised his head then chanted.

" Appraise! "


Juvenile Raptor

Species: Monstrous lizards

Sex: Male

lvl: 10

Exp: 450/1000

Hp: 600/600

mp: 150/150

Str: 80

Vit: 60

Agi: 70

Dex: 20

Int: 15


" wait!, this raptor is just a juvenile! and yet I'm having a difficult time! " Ryo's pride and ego was struck by this realization, he pulled out his knife and used ' Appraise ' on it.


Item: Knife (common)

lvl: 5

Rank: F+

Damage: +50

Durability: 500/500


'hoh, this knife can add 50 damage to my current damage output. But this is not enough, I'm just to slow compared to him, I need to add my sp now.' Ryo then stood up and then slightly bent his knees, he put up both his arms in a defense position while the knife is held in a reverse grip.

" system, how many sp do I have again " Ryo asked while not letting the raptor out of his sight.

[ You have around 30 sp, master, which stat do you want to add the sp ]

' hmmm, if remembered correctly all my stats besides the Intelligence are 30, even if I add all of my stat in agility I won't be as fast as him, but it's worth a try. I'll just need to outsmart him, even if it does have 15 points in intelligence in doesn't mean it's smarter than me.

" okay, add all the stat points in agility. Let's just hope that my damage and additional damage of the knife is enough to kill it." Ryo was getting nervous by the seconds, he just needed to outsmart the raptor and relay on his experience.

[ Okay master, adding all stat points in agility . . . . the adding stat points is completed master. ]

Ryo only nodded and breathed in and out to calm his beating heart. the raptor charge at Ryo once again, instead of trying to bite Ryo again, it tried to claw him again to try and get the knife off of Ryo's hand.

Ryo saw the claw coming and slash it with the knife, the force of impact shookt the bones inside Ryo's arm, he thought that force of impact was about to break his arm but luckily he seems to absorb the impact inough to not break his arm, even if Ryo did clash with the raptor's claw, he was still thrown back because the raptor was still stronger than Ryo. His back hit the rock to stop him from going any further, Ryo clicked his tongue making a "tsk" sound.

' darn it!, this lizard is still much stronger that me, I need to find a way to kill it with out close combat, come on think Ryo, think! ' Something then click inside Ryo's head, he just remembered that his currently at a rocky river side, that's why the raptor didn't use it's full speed because the ground had to many weirdly shaped rocks it might trip. the raptor charge at Ryo again, Ryo was trying his best to dodge the relentless attacks of the raptor but there still some scratches on him.

' if I can just somehow agitate it to attack me riclessly, but this can only work once, if I can't kill it at the first attempt it might change it's tactics. ' Just when the Raptor bite down, Ryo rolled to the side then side step another attempt of the raptor trying to bit him.

Ryo hopped a couple more meters away, now he was standing in front a giant rock, Ryo lift his free left arm then put it near his mouth and shouted at the top of his lungs.

" oi!, you overgrown lizard, are you even trying or are you just slow, come-on man I'm just giving you free hits because, your just too slow. " to add the cherry on top he smiled mockingly at the raptor.

[ master, what are you doing. ]

" I'm just trying to make the raptor make a wrong move. " Ryo whispered to try not to give away his plan.

[ But master, thats a raptor, can it even understand you? ]

Just as that, the raptor was now seeing red, it bared it's sharp teeth at Ryo then roared at him before charging full speed at Ryo.

" Well, there's your answer. " The raptor was closing in fast, just a couple more meters, the raptor was opening it's mouth to tear apart Ryo limb from limbs.

' okay, just a bit more. Now! ' Ryo leapt on the air and did a backflip before landing on the giant rock behind him.

The Raptor didn't seem to saw Ryo was gone so he knocked its head on the rock full force and got knocked off of its feet and now laying down on the ground.

Ryo saw this opportunity and hopped off of the rock to stab the raptor on the head, but the stubbornness of the raptor didn't want to close it's eyes so he saw Ryo descending from the rock and a knife is about to stab its head.

Ryo didn't take into account about the raptor's agile tail, so he got swiped by it mid drop, he landed on the ground hard and lost the knife.

The now enraged raptor launch it self towards Ryo. With out any time to dodge, Ryo could only do was raised his left arm to try shield the bite, just when the Raptor was about to bite, he made sure to Lodge his arm on the upper jaw of the raptor and not the bottom jaw, because if he did put his arm on the bottom jaw the force of the upper jaw coming down is enough to cut his arms clean off.

When the Raptor now fully bite Ryo's arm, his arm was not cut off of his body, luckily. But the razor sharp teeth still cut his skin, and he could feel from the bite that it fractured his bone in his arm, but thanks to the adrenaline that he didn't feel that much pain. Ryo was slowly backing up search frantically for the knife, when he felt the handle of the knife he immediately grabbing it tightly in a reverse grip.

' Damn you!! ' Ryo raised the knife and unconsciously adding Mana at the tip and sharp edges of the knife, with all his might he stabbed the eye of the raptor, it let got of his arm and started screeching in pain, Ryo then kicked the Raptor off of him, the raptor hit the rock behind it and blood splattered everywhere including Ryo's shirt.

Ryo hastenly stood up and hold the knife right side up, with out wasting any time he started slashing and stabbing the raptor with the still Mana infused knife in quick precision. The Raptor's body was now motionless on the ground bloody stabs and slashes, it's eyes no longer held light.


[ Congratulations on completing the task of slaying your first monster. you have received 1,000 Exp, 1 rare health potion, lvl 10 common space ring, 1,000 kill points, and 1 gold ]

Ryo was exhausted after that battle he just wanted to rest now, Ryo dropped the knife and knelt on the ground while clutching his left arm, the adrenaline that he was feeling before had finally worn off now the agonizing pain shot through all his body.

[ You have leveled up ]

[ You have leveled up ]

[ You have leveled up ]

[ You have leveled up ]

. . . .

The string of notification about Ryo leveling up was still continuing, but each leveled up notification somehow lessened the pain that he was feeling, but fatigue and exhaustion still knock him out cold.


I hopped that you enjoyed reading this chapter if you did please leave a star and thank you, I'll see you on the next chapter.
